2291/A Gracious Host
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A Gracious Host | |
Date of Scene: | 02 September 2017 |
Location: | Genosha |
Synopsis: | Havok joins the Brotherhood, Molly meets Mystique-- Steps towards a brighter future. |
Cast of Characters: | Magneto, Havok, Molly Millions, Mystique
- Magneto has posed:
Thick, fluffy clouds are drawn out as the sea breeze takes them farther from the island, lending the shorelines a picturesque, partly shady afternoon defined by crisp, almost uncanny fresh air in the wake of last evening's thunderstorm; a common occurance at the tropical paradise.
On a fine seaside verandah attached to some of the... new construction.. throughout Genosha, the Imperator of said isle enjoys a small buffet of oceanic abundance. Expertly cooked fish and rice alongside fresh fruits and vegetables are laid out for Magneto and those he holds audience with; such meetings are commonplace these days, and occupy much of his time, and he's found delicious fare provides diplomacy bonuses and affinity boosts.
Much of the rest of said time, some murmur, is spent in enigmatic seclusion. Another current rumor around the island: the lightning storms and light shows have never been more intense.
Alex and Molly would find themselves ushered politely to the front of the line when Erik was informed they sought him. Together, no less; because the Master of Magnetism has a sense of humor. Magnus sits in the shade around an intimate, round table adorned with finery, fresh placesettings set for his new guests.
- Havok has posed:
Entering the room, Havok will look about curiously but with clear direction in his movements and intentions. His blue eyes are sharp and his face eager to express something. As if there's something (beyond plasma) building inside of him. An excitement perhaps. Today, Havok can be found wearing base blue costume with yellow affectations on his belt (with the X) and white brightly glowing concentric circles on his chest (indicating full charge). (IE:). His blonde hair is well kept and even brushed.
Havok will look to Magneto upon his entry. A slight smile will be seen upon the corners of his lips as he intones, "Magneto." in greeting. Then add, "Good to see you again." - regardless of past transgressions or encounters, Havok is clear that he is pleased to see Magneto.
- Molly Millions has posed:
Molly will give Genosha that the food is generally better than it's neighbor-island. Without qualms. Though coming over via boat was a novelty that amused her in the short term, at least. By the time she's managed to nose around the crowd of petitioners she's ditched her jacket and weapons. The latter at least a concession of respect as much as acknowledgment that on any given day Magneto could fry her with little more than a thought.
She had thought to simply leave him to his petitioners, but the aug isn't inclined to turn down the offer provided, even if the man in the costume also approaching makes her steps slower than they otherwise would be. The loft a brow silent inquiry as to whether or not there might have been a mistake.
- Magneto has posed:
The sea breeze is gentle, today, at that perfect temperature to be cool and warm at once, adding ample ambience to the gourmet offerings on display. "Havok. Molly. Welcome-- Please, have a seat; eat and drink your fill." Oh yes, did we mention the array of juices, wines, and liquors on the adjacent serving cart? Terrible omission.
"Mr. Summers is recently returned from an adjacent reality himself. I thought you two might have something in common." There's a small, unreadable smirk. Erik would be very good at Poker, or the Game of Faces; but for those who could discern the dry, perfectly delivered lie, that's certainly not the reason. Magneto pauses to refill his fine crystalline wineglass from a conveniently placed carafe.
- Havok has posed:
Havok has no qualms about the refreshments, but he's already eaten, so he moves forward and takes water from the serving station only to pass and take a seat where offered. "Good that you know, then that'll make my topic easier to discuss.", states Havok as he sits. He looks over to Molly, "Though I don't recall meeting her while I was there. While on the other hand..." Havok turns to look at Magneto. "You, rather, the other you, and I worked closely together - which is why I'm here."
- Molly Millions has posed:
"Havok?" it's... Boston. Sort of. East coast. Not quite, nor does the quietness of the drawl quite hide that faint note of amusement in the single word as the lean woman in black, circuitry tattoos and silver lenses left on display dips her head Magneto's way before collecting herself a chair,"It's good to see you again, Imperator." pause,"Which do you prefer... Havok, or Mr. Summers?" it really doesn't, to judge from the tilt of her head, make much of a difference to her, even if the costume can't help but draw her attention, especially with the bright glowing white.
She's also got no qualms about setting herself up a plate, Magneto can no doubt tell where she still finds the need to access information about this dish or that one, but there's no sign from the outside of her lenses that she's making sure nothing she collects is likely to kill her, apparently content to fall silent for now.
- Magneto has posed:
"I figured there was a chance." It's just as deadpan as the first fib, almost as difficult to discern, and clearly causing Magneto some measure of amusement. He holds up a fork-bearing hand and gestures briefly, interjecting with a sly smile, "You know how many theoretical realities there are, yes?" The question is waved off; it's rhetorical, don't answer that. What follows is a touch more sincere, and obviously so.
"Tell me more; and what it is that this myself might do for you." Erik's intent, analytical eyes fall on Havok, unconcerned with the rather noteworthy mutant's full-power state, save for the fascinating show of energy and efficiency that fills his mutated senses. Like Molly, he's content to leave her request to next-- and let the refugee observe and eat to her heart's content.
- Havok has posed:
There's a brief acknowledgement of Molly's question or statement of his name as he says, "Yes, of the X-Men." then seguing back to Magneto along the same thread. "I spent the last 6 years working with the other you. And from what I gather, his personality and goals were in line with your own. And with mine. I can no longer sit on my hands and do nothing with a 'reactive' state of mind. Not when this world is against us. Especially with what I saw of the outcomes over there being the potential future here. Xavier's Dream is fine. But it's too passive for me. I've come to realize that what you say about flatline humanity is on target and if we don't fight for our rights as a species, we will become even more oppressed than the Native Americans or the Jews of 1940 Nazi controlled Germany. I've come to the conclusion that I'd much rather be proactive than reactive and I want to see if you and I can work together here as I did with the other you."
- Molly Millions has posed:
Molly can't quite tell when it comes to Magneto, but there's something in her tone that has those silver lenses watching, even as she deftly bisects some poor crustacean. It's only the surface of the woman that's seemingly largely still and placid, not electing to chime in one way or another for the moment. There's a noise of acknowledgment for Havok's statement regarding the X-Men. There's something in the rest of what he says that makes her brow arch, for all that she's occupied by shrimp for the moment. Granted, part of that is simply that there's a limit to her attention span and ability to process information and she's a little sidetracked looking into things right now.
- Mystique has posed:
Most likely, she was uninvited and had found her way here, or been told that Magneto was recieving guests but in either case, the woman known best as Mystique is one of the extremely few besides Magneto himself who has full access to anywhere she wishes to go on the island. That includes private little meetings like this one.
On Genosha, Mystique has no need to hide in the form of another, and there's no mistaking her for who she is. Her dark blue skin, full yellow eyes without pupils, the stark contrasting red hair - Havok at least knows them well. About herself, the finery of her white outfit is cast, the top, the loincloth and belt of skulls, the white boots. She smiles, warmly, "Magnus, I heard you had guests," she greets the man whom she's worked so closely with. Knows, so intimately. And, vice versa. "Havok. It is always a pleasure." Mystique tilts her head to Molly, curiously. "And you've brought a guest." Mystique, if she's been told about Molly, gives no indication of that.
She also does not show if she's heard Havok's offer, or, request.
- Magneto has posed:
"The only question with regards to the threat posed to evolved humanity--" Magneto posits seamlessly, "Is whom from which direction will be trying to exterminate us /this/ week. If proving ourselves through public service were going to sway hatred or the State..." The smile that touches his face now is nostalgic, but mirthless. Tied darkly to no pleasant memory, "It would have worked in the War. Or the Cold War. Or..."
Really, Erik could go on. Instead, he turns his head at the approach of their new guest in the moments before she makes her presence known; and the Master of Magnetism's smile grows subtly. "Raven. Please, join us." Another place at the table neatly sets itself, arrayed precisely as if hand-lain by a well paid servant.
"Molly is my guest; as, it seems, is Havok." The agreeable tone carries itself to Alex's intentions, "I assure you, I have ample place for such efforts." His feelings regarding the business at hand are refreshingly simple.
- Havok has posed:
Seeing Mystique was not expected and when Havok takes in her yellow eyes, he's reminded of things that happened over the last few months and then so many years ago. His mind is conflicted (which may show on his face in microexpressions) as he tries to put it into context which side she's on. Then again, she was always morphing sides as much as she morphed bodies. He glances over her frame and then back to her eyes only to offer a nod, "Mystique." - which is said in a tone of greeting.
Then the words of Magneto come and Havok processes the references and considerations. He nods in an acceptance of the statement. He leaves it at that for a moment and lets other people speak while he himself thinks about the next steps.
- Molly Millions has posed:
"Hm." is Molly's contribution at last, belated response even, perhaps, for the earlier information. Her silver lenses turn Mystique's way for a long moment, then Magneto's way at the name offered with slight puzzlement that clears a little as Havok uses her other name. What's left of the shrimp is set down on her plate and fingers carefully cleaned given the false burgundy nails that tip them. There's consideration there for the space of a few long moments and a brief look towards Magneto,"In the interest of disclosure, I'm not a mutant." she elects to inform Havok and Mystique, at least. Not seeming to feel the need to offer further clarification beyond that, for now, for all that she offers to Mystique,"Clarice speaks highly of you.".
- Mystique has posed:
"Clarice is a remarkable young woman," Mystique says with a faint smile towards Molly. "I'm pleased you've found an associate, perhaps even a friend, in her. She can use them." The blue-skinned woman tips her head towards Molly, then. The disclosure does not seem to affect her one way, or another. Molly is Magento's guest, and Mystique is not here to question why.
She does, however, sit down with a casual, absolutely royal dignity and grace at the proffered chair from Magneto's invitation. She prompts Magneto, mildly, "The newcomers have settled in quite nicely. They're slowly acclimating and - realizing their self-worth again. Finding purpose."
Her eyes slip aside to Havok, and Molly. She suggests, "There was - some unpleasentness recently. Mutants with - differences, such as myself. It is a story, I imagine, Havok, you know well. It is one we will all continue to see." There is mild distaste in Mystique's tone, for that.
- Magneto has posed:
"Molly is Blink's friend." Magneto asserts calmly, perhaps a touch too casually for the expectations that come with such a role. It is, however, clearly his understanding thereof. "And I've come to appreciate her... outsider's perspective."
Molly's known from the first meeting that the Master of Magetism is as close to a worst possible nemesis as she could possibly have; but the cyborg has never struck Erik as shy or afraid to speak her mind. The wise leader values such things.
"Havok, of course, is perfectly suited to our honor guard on this august isle. And our abundance is only increasing as we add those the worst of humanity yoke worldwide to our number." The city's ascendance pleases Magneto to no end; but there's almost certainly something deeper there, as well.
- Havok has posed:
Standing after a moment of reflection, Havok says directly to Magneto. "Thank you. I'll get my things in order and return in a week." Before he departs, he looks to Mystique, nods and then to Molly with the same acknowledgement. He then turns on his heel and will walk toward the exit filled with a new direction and with intention in his step.
- Molly Millions has posed:
"She is. And I consider her as a daughter." Molly has no qualms about stating, tapping her nails briefly on the table before reaching to pour herself a drink,"Let's call it for what it is. Idiot humans enslaved mutants and, hopefully, got themselves killed when your team arrived." the cyborg offers bluntly for Mystique's words as she pours herself a generous glass of liquor, swirling it around rather than taking an immediate sip and going quiet again as Havok rises and takes his leave.
"But that does lead into one of the things I've been meaning to ask you about." that for Magneto,"Lately I haven't run into any... displaced mutants, but if I do, should I be sending them your way? And what are your feelings on aliens?"
- Mystique has posed:
"Genosha will always welcome displaced mutants," Mystique answers Molly, but she remains silent on the matter of aliens. She has her own opinions there, and it's not her that's being asked. She has too high a respect for Magneto to voice his opinions on the matter.
On the matter of her team, and the enslaved mutants? Well. Mystique just considers Molly, suggesting only, "Humans often feel the need to exert power over that which is greater than they are, or greater than their limited conceptions are, to assure themselves in their delusion they remain relevant."
- Magneto has posed:
Magneto sips his wine and toasts Alex a polite farewell, pausing a moment in consideration before he speaks. "Genosha is a safe haven for Homo Superior; for the evolution of mankind." That, the Imperator asserts as matter of course, "Our people will always be responsible for guiding and safeguarding this society." There is some precedent for such a land grab.
"That said-- I have a general rule." Magnus sips his wine, refreshes his breath, "Those who are opposed to our sovereign rights and protections are my adversaries; those who support them, my allies. Within such generalized parameters, I've found some alien beings... quite beneficial to our cause." Tacit case-by-case consideration, in other words.
A hand waves in frustration at Mystique's assertion, "Greater, deemed lesser; anything unusual. Anything which inspires fear or doubt in a superstitious and cowardly lot." It's a long list; a sad history in Magneto's estimation.
- Molly Millions has posed:
There's only the quirk of Molly's lips, the slightest expression of amusement,"It's not limited to humans. But, yeh." a sip of the liquor before she nods Magneto's way,"I'm not going to pretend that I understand some of the backwards way this place and century thing, Imperator. Not by a long shot. This isn't my island, and I'm not a mutant, so I'm not going to pretend like it's my call. But to those kinds of people it doesn't matter if the strange comes from this planet or not... what matters is that it's strange. And considering that I'm starting up a bar the next island over, chances are good that I'm liable to run into more strange than I have recently. So having a grasp on these things 'd be better than trying to work it out on the fly when it becomes relevant."
- Mystique has posed:
Mystique regards Molly, curiously, but she seems to be assessing the girl, casually. Memorizing features. Voice. Everything. One never knows when one might have to impersonate her. And, she's still not sure what to make of this other woman -- but then, this is typical behavior for Mystique, regardless. Carefully analyzing those she meets for the first time. "Well, to your success then," Mystique offers, lifting a glass towards Molly, and sipping herself.
She smiles vaugely towards Magneto, then towards Molly by extension. "Genosha shall only become greater, as the months and years pass. Each day, each week, we expand not only our citizens, but the grandeur. We are, in essence, proving that we can and will do the impossible as they saw it. Those that can appreciate what we do here are not our adversaries," she agrees.
- Magneto has posed:
The irony of being wary of Kryptonians for the collective threat posed may be somewhat lost on the Master of Magnetism-- but this IS Earth, and all. "I haven't kicked you out, yet." Magnus retorts drily with a chuckle that softens the harsh implications. He scarcely intends to deny the similarly-minded their chance. .. and in his book, flatscans are nearly as alien as aliens.
A gesture of his hand slices an orange and serves the citrus along with seared fish and crabmeat to Magneto's plate at the behest of his will, and the mutant leader pauses to taste and consider.
"If we are to build something better, we must be focused on the larger picture; united in common purpose when threats arise." When they invade Genosha. It's all but inevitable -some- crazed military or paramilitary or superhuman or extraterrestrial group will try it; he's not paranoid. It's a more concrete statement on potential allies, at least.
- Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's an odd one; just slightly enough odd to be noticeable. Those silver lenses aren't sunglasses, but are instead surgically inset into the orbit of her eye sockets, sealing her eyes off entirely. False fingernails, tapered and burgundy... an odd element of femininity given the rest of her appearance, but it's the fingertips themselves that nails are compensating for; too smooth by half, absent of the whorls and lines of ordinary skin, for all that whatever it is blends in without obvious demarcation between it and the more normal looking skin of the rest of her. Tattoo's that... possibly aren't. Black, at first glance, and circuitry, but close observation reveals readily enough that the slight shift in color they undergo has nothing at all to do with the lighting, faintly iridescent greens, purples and metallic greys. An accent that's East Coast... but not quite. Elements of Boston, New York, even as far south as Atlanta.
There's the raising of her glass in acknowledgment,"And to the success of Genosha." she agree's.
There's a flicker of a smile for Magneto's words,"No, you haven't. It's appreciated, too. And I haven't forgotten that I owe you for the repairs, either. Not that I've any particular illusions regarding my general usefulness around here, but I've never been good at accepting obsolescene." there's a shift in her posture and the tilt of her head as if listening to something at a distance before she adds distractedly,"...If you will forgive me, however. Apparently someone's attempting to enter my bar who shouldn't be."
- Mystique has posed:
"Enjoy your stay, then, as long as you and Alexander wish to remain, as our guests," Mystique allows to Molly, graciously. She smiles at the other woman. "And, should you see Clarice before I again, tell her I said hello." Then, the woman in blue finishs off her drink, casually as she turns to Magneto, watching the man she knows so well with an air of thoughtfulness. Having Havok join them is an interesting twist, afterall.