Insect Queen (OMara)
Violet O'Mara (Scenesys ID: 132) | |||
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Quote | |||
Violet: (discussing rent) "See? I made it. I made it in the big city. I'm no longer living with my parents. I'm paying all this /on my own/. With my work. Every month. Bang on the dot." She cants her head slightly and her eyes roll up in thought. "Well... ok, bang close enough to the dot. Ish." Insect Queen: (about a hero believed to have died during a scene) "Mmmm. Plasma-roasted human flesh." she comments, licking her lips. "She seemed powerful, maybe I will be able to absorbe some DNA samples as well. A proficuous business lunch." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Violet O'Mara | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Occupation: | Struggling Freelance Visual Artist | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | Online Diploma in Visual Arts | ||
Status: | Shelved | ||
Groups: | |||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | 24 | Actual Age: | 24 |
Date of Birth | 16 April 2002 | Actor: | |
Height: | 170 / 190 cm | Weight: | 57 / 72 kg |
Hair Color: | Black / Red | Eye Color: | Blue / Green |
Theme Song: | "Flight of the Bumblebee" |
Violet O'Mara is just your average girl. Dreams big, lost in the clouds, not remotely strong or fast, but one of the nicest people you'll find: caring, selfless, ready to help anyone at any moment.
The Insect Queen, on the other hand, is a selfish, haughty super powered woman without scruples.
They disgust each other. The problem is, they're the same person. Kind of.
After accidentally bonding with an alien artifact, Violet O'Mara is now able to transform into the Insect Queen for a limited amount of time! Not that she /likes/ to do so. But sometimes it's the only way to save innocent people. Insect Queen, on the other hand, knows she cannot stray too far out of line: when the effect of the artifact runs out, that hateful goody-two-shoes Violet will be back in control, and if she is /too/ unhappy with Insect Queen's actions, well, Violet /will/ decide never to shift again; the powered woman had better bite the bullet and save those pathetic mammals if she wants to be summoned again in the future.
Stuck in an unlikely stalemate alliance with herself, she teeters in a gray area between hero and villain, while each of her two personas wishes she could simply get rid of the other. Forever.
Current Player Approved: Not Applicable
Standing at a not-that-impressive five feet and seven inches, Violet has a girl-next-door kind of vibe to her. Elongated face with rounded features, large blue eyes, a small nose, an average-sized mouth. If she's wearing any make-up, it's the steathy kind that looks like it's not there. A bob of black hair that reaches to her shoulders, black-rimmed glasses. She dresses in a simple, practical manner: a light blue sweater with a white shirt underneath, a pair of jeans, and sneakers. She usually has a backpack slung over her shoulders.
Insect Queen:
Towering at six foot and two inches, this statuesque redhead sneers down at all she feels is her rightful spoils. A rectangular face with a strong jaw and long, red hair, and piercing green eyes, she is a living canon of humanoid perfection. Well, if you count having six arms as humanoid perfection. And feelers. Cannot forget the feelers. Oh, and the gossamer wings.
She is dressed in a form of chitinous armour that covers her chest, and is complemented by matching shouldre pads, armour gloves that reach up to just above her elbow, and chitinous high-heeled boots that wrap around her shapely legs and terminate at mid-thigh. The armour looks like it is composed by many, cleverly arranged plates that fit in such a way to remain rigid yet allow movement.
After getting an online degree in visual arts, she immediately got busy trying to find a job. It has not happened, yet, but she makes do with some freelancing and taking odd art-related jobs.
One night, while volunteering at an Egyptian art exhibition at the local museum, a gang of criminals broke in to steal artifacts, and held everyone at gunpoint. Someone tried to react, and things got violent pretty quickly. Violet was thrown into a glass case containing an Egyptian scarab amulet. The amulet bonded with the heavily wounded Violet, turning her into the Insect Queen, a tall, powerful insect-woman who easily overcame the non-superpowered criminals. She then wrapped them them up into cocoons, and took them away with her into the night, laughing maniacally.
The effect wore out soon after she had disappeared into one of the city's dark alleys, causing her to collapse under the weight of three human-sized cocoons. Recalling with perfect clarity what she had just done, she fled back on the crime scene, horrified, to return the amulet as soon as possible.
The curator, however, refused to take it back. "This is just an imitation, and a bad one at that!" Violet looked down at the item, and noticed something for the first time: gone were the cracks, the dullness, the wear and tear of time: the amulet now looked brand new, shiny and colorful.
She shook her head. She walked all the way to the nearest river. She tossed the amulet into it, stuck her hands back into her pockets and started to walk away.
Once home, she removed her coat, and gasped. The amulet was still there.
She tried to get rid of it in many most ways, to no avail. The amulet would always turn up on her person again, eventually, as if it was cursed.
Millennia ago, an alien race of insectoids bent on conquest and domination experimented with a colonization program. They created miniature space capsules able to carry the highly mutagenic DNA of a queen of their species. The reasoning goes, sending a miniature capsule able to infect a native lifeform of a planet into becoming a member of their species was much cheaper and effective than sending an actual spaceship. Minimal mass, no need for supplies, no suspended animation... and once Host Zero was infected, she would easily be able to turn her planet into a new hive.
The plan worked remarkably well, and to this day, many worlds have been successfully converted and conquered by the Hive Empire. The capsule that got to Earth, however, suffered from a little defect: the transformation of the host would not be complete and permanent, but only temporary. This glitch was pretty common, actually, but on most planets, it turned out not to be a problem. Host Zero usually carved so much the power that came with the change that their first priority was usually fixing the capsule to make the transformation permanent. And even when the host's morals were hard to crack, the capsules were extremely hard to destroy, and fit with a sophisticated homing device, to make sure the capsule, once it had bonded with Host Zero, would always find its way back to it, and, hopefully, find a way to completely eradicate the original persona in the long term.
Insect Queen: Haughty, selfish, scheming, power-hungry, and completely unrestrained by morals. Sees humans as vermin, good only for slave work or food. But she understand that, at the moment, she has no choice but exercise restraint, and she has to begrudgingly cooperate with them.
This is, of course, just the starting point. This character is expected to grow and evolve.
TL;DR: Violet's a hippy ingenue, Queen is a scheming jerk. For now.
The Insect Queen can grow wings at will, and fly.
The Insect Queen's powers allow her to telepathically control insects. As for non-insects, there is a sliding scale of control: the closer an animal is to an insect, the easier it is for her to telepathically control it. For instance, arachnids are controllable with roughly 99% accuracy.
The Insect Queen has the ability to shift her shape to develop all sorts of insect-like features. Grow multiple limbs? Check. Develop chitinous armour and spear-like appendages? Check. Wings? Check. Feelers? Check. Stingers? Oh, very, very check. As a note, it is possible for her to also /shed/ her chitinous growths, which is a way for her to produce items. Her abilities are based on her absorbing specific genetic templates. The templates of Insect Queen's home planet are of course already built-in, and it turns out that the templates pretty much overlap with Earth's templates, so Earth Insects are available at the onset. Other alien insects from different planets are possible, but those will require a genetic template to base the transformation on.
The Insect Queen has the ability to do whatever insects (or arachnids) can do. Produce silk? Check. Develop chitinous armour? Check. Secrete all sorts of poisons and anesthetic chemicals? Oh, very, very check.
Even if their personalities and morals are deeply different, Violet and the Insect Queen are the same person, who share the same memories. Insect Queen remembers having been Violet, and everything she thought, felt, and did as her, and vice versa. This makes keeping secrets from each other pretty much impossible, but there is a catch: the Insect Queen has an additional secondary brain for strategic thinking that has its own, separate memory. When turning back into Violet, the whole secondary brain disappears along with other insect traits, thus allowing Insect Queen to hide her long term plans from Violet's memories. Sadly, things do not work the same in reverse, so Insect Queen has full access to all of Violet's memories.
Not only the Insect Queen can alter her shape at will, provided the result is insect-like, but she can further convert other animal lifeforms (humans included) into insects. The latter process is usually not instantaneous and takes time (days or weeks, usually), but it is technically possible for her to turn animals and humans into insects or insectoid-like beings.
The Insect Queen can alter her size at will. She can become as small as the smallest mites, or seven feet tall without suffering particular drawbacks. Growing larger than that will require a specific genetic template of an insect-like creature to turn into (maybe even partially), and will drain her energy much faster.
The Insect Queen uses her telepathic powers to control insects and similar animals. The more similar a creature is to an insect, the easier it is for her to control it. As for humans: it is possible for her enter the mind of a human, but it is hard to predict whether the attempt will actually succeed or not, and how deep the effects will be. (OOC: this is mainly meant for low-level NPCs or plots. Telepathic control of PCs who are not weak to telepathy will most likely fail, and, of course, require consent).
Violet has an online degree in visual arts, and she earns a living by doing illustration and web graphics. She is a skilled artist, her skills spanning drawing, painting, scultping, et cetera.
Violet is completely unable to fight, but Insect Queen is a highly capable fighter.
Violet rents a tiny flat, shared with five other girls. Really tiny. They often joke that the elevator is probably larger than the flat, but that is only barely false. Needless to say, she often needs to do most of her work elsewhere, be it at a library, at the park, or the oddest of places. Luckily, she's such a nice person that her friends and acquaintances often let her temporarily work in the most disparate places (for instance, a small business owner friend of hers might lend her a desk while an employee is on vacation). She doesn't have /powerful/ connections, like the Mayor or heads of large industries (yet), but what she has already helps her a lot.
While actually stronger and more resistant than an actual insect, and able to enhance this further through the clever use of chitinous armour, when the Insect Queen is in her powered form is vulnerable to anything an insect would be vulnerable to, although it will take a larger quantity of it. For instance, chemicals which are poisonous to insects but not to human will affect her powered form (even though it will take a larger quantity of it than for a normal insect).
Each of the two personalities keeps the other in check, allowing them just as little as they can get away with. For now. Violet understands that she will develop villainous tendencies after shifting into Insect Queen, but she accepts this in exchange for what she believes is a greater good, convinced that she can somehow limit the damage of her other persona with appropriate negotiation. Conversely, Insect Queen is disgusted by her human form's morals, which she sees as nothing but a senseless hurdle to her rightful claim to rule Earth and enslave its inhabitants, but since she transformation is only temporary, she knows Violet will eventually be back in control, and she has to keep in line just enough to make sure Violet will not refuse to turn into her again.
While the Insect Queen's people are the dominant species on their planet, they also have predators. Equally shapeshifting abominations that smell and devour them. And, guess what, they developed a program to send eggs into space. Some of which reached Earth. There are not /many/ of them, on Earth, but they are there. They work like spores, whereby they can remain in suspended animation indefinitely, and wake up in the presence of a member of Insect Queen's species. They can sense them, and will stop at nothing to devour them. They will not hurt humans, though. While in her powered Insect Queen form, she will be a potential prey to them.
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The importance of art | April 19th, 2019 | Summary needed |
The Mandate of Heaven | February 10th, 2018 | The truth of the Red Jade Dragon is revealed |
If You Give a Bug a Vodka | December 26th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Tangled Webs | November 5th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Flap Flap Murder Death | October 7th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Window of Opportunity | September 22nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Wandering Souls | August 26th, 2017 | A chance encounter of the weird kind has Violet and Dean fighting an artist... who collects golems. |
Stick Around for the Stick Up | July 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Doom and Cookies | June 8th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Aftermath: The Lesser of Two Evils | June 2nd, 2017 | Summary needed |
Troubling Food | May 25th, 2017 | Mercy and Violet O'Mara have a bite to eat at a local cafe; trouble of the magical variety appears. |
Spider In The Corner | May 24th, 2017 | Bruce and Emma discuss work with a spider in the corner |
Opening Day | May 20th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Lost Things Are Always In The Last Place You Look | May 18th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Rousing the Bar | May 13th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Tabletop C&C | May 13th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Super Zeroes | May 7th, 2017 | Gotham's Minor League team wants a superhero mascot. They can't pay much. Tryouts ensue. |
Home Is Where Your Stuff Is | May 6th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Late For the Train | May 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
You're Better Than This | May 1st, 2017 | Summary needed |
Park Days | April 27th, 2017 | Summary needed. |
Firelight | April 21st, 2017 | Marinette gets to meet a few new friends as well as one from Paris! An Akumatized Firelight makes some Fire Zombies! |
Discoveries In The Park | April 20th, 2017 | Summary needed. |
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