Hawkeye (Bishop)

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Kate Bishop (Scenesys ID: 84)
"Not bad for a girl with no powers, huh?"
Full Name: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Private Investigator
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Marcy House (Williamsburg, Brooklyn])
Education: Privately Tutored
Status: Dropped
Groups: Defenders, Street Level-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 1 May 2005 Actor: Hailee Steinfeld
Height: 165 cm (5'5") Weight: 55 kg (121 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Your Best American Girl" by Mitski


After surviving a senseless attack, old-money publishing heiress Kate Bishop trained herself to be able to fight back. She mostly fights crime at the street level, against criminals who can be felled by arrows. After months of on-the-job learning, she's gotten herself a P.I. license and is going to help the people who need it.

Current Player Approved: Available for Application



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This lady is about five and a half feet tall, well-built but not stocky. Her hair is long and raven-black, worn past her shoulders. Her eyes are hidden behind dark sunglasses - they're fancy shooting glasses if nothing else. She wears a full-body suit of black, it's slightly shiny, almost like beetle chitin - the elbows and knees are padded, the forearms and shins are also reenforced. She has a long white shemagh around her neck, the ends loose. She carries a panoply of gear: a large quiver, the shafts and fletchings color-coded. The quiver also contains a folded high-tech composite bow and a broadsword. Strapped to her left thigh is a case bearing two short staves, the classic "escrima sticks".


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The daughter of publishing magnate Derek Bishop, Kate was born into a life of privilege and luxury, though she never fully embraced her father's self-serving attitude, instead taking after her mother and contributing to a variety of social causes. The death of her mother while she was doing charity work overseas and her father's single-minded focus on his business meant that Kate learned to chart her own course early on in life. Sometime after her mother died, Kate was attacked in Central Park during a nighttime walk, and while the precise nature of this attack has never been clearly stated, it is implied that she was sexually assaulted. Turning her sense of grief, shame and helplessness towards positive ends, Kate began a rigorous training regimen, schooling herself in the arts of archery, fencing, sword fighting, self defense, and several other types of combat, all in an attempt to prepare herself against such an attack in the future and prevent it from happening to others.


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Kate is generally a friendly person, but she is very driven to do the best she can at everything she puts her mind to. This is especially so when she puts on her costume and goes out to patrol. People are counting on heroes like her to help them. Sure, she could shoot an arrow once in a while, but that's not what people need - they need a heroine that will never stop, ever, until everything is better.


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Like archery, acrobatics was something that she took up in school long before she started down the road to become a hero. Even from the very beginning, she showed a lot of natural talent with it. As part of her 'combat training' when she decided to take up the bow as a vigilante, she put a renewed focus on becoming as good as she could. After all, she was probably going to be shot at, or worse (especially as she encounters villains with powers) thus she tried her best to be prepared. And this training has payed off multiple times.

Kate is a natural with a bow and arrow. In fact her skills as an archer are more pronounced. She has been training with the bow and arrow since grade school, was part of her schools archery team, excelled at it in summer camp, and could have made the US Olympic team for her archery skill if she had tried out for it.

Much like archery, fencing is a socially acceptable 'sport' for a young lady of Kates status (even if Kate is not as good at it as she is with a bow and arrow). As such she took it up at an early age, and has shown that she is quite good at it. At one point it was suggested that she should try out for the US olympic team as a fencer (and she may very well of made the team), but her father squashed that idea due to it being 'below her station'. Still, when it comes to a sword, Kate is very good.

When it comes to shooting targets, be it with a bow and arrow, a gun, or other weapons having a keen eye helps. And when you're a powerless human fighting the fight alongside beings who can move mountains, being able to notice the small details helps even more, so that you can make every shot count. Thus between years of archery training and hard won experience, Kate as ended up with a very good eye for noticing details.

Kate might not be as good with many non-archery ranged weapons, Kate still has a certain amount of natural talent for them, and she has done what she can to learn at least the basics for the most common ones. As such, she not only is fairly good with a gun or a crossbow, but she shows some potential to become as good with them as she is with a bow and arrow if she were to just put the time, effort, and training into weapons aside from the bow and arrow.

Martial Arts:
Kate has had the best tutors money can buy in martial arts and self-defense. She has studied Krav Maga, various forms of hard and soft Karate, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, Muy Thai, and others. This is not just theoretical knowledge, either - she has street experience now as a vigilante.


Kate is a classically trained musician who plays the cello. And while not a music snob, she can easily tell the difference between a piece written by Bach, Brahms, Mozart, John Williams, as well as many other classical composers, can discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and styles, and can play parts of their compositions on her cello from memory (if said composition has an established part for cello). With that said, she still listens to and enjoys a wide variety of music, not just classical.


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Kate's costume actually is a form of light weight body armor. It protects her from small arms fire and blades. The material also helps absorb energy from hand-to-hand fighting. The foreams and shins are reenforced to assist in striking. Her boots are steel-toed. In addition, she tends to carry a second pair of 'sunglasses' that actually are a very expensive high end night vision system. She also has a hidden rebreather/gas mask.

Kate has access to much more. This includes, but is not limited to her supply of 'trick arrows', swords, but it can and on rare occasions does include guns or worse. Yes, this even includes some military grade weapons that odds are she really shouldn't have access to. But in a world where money can buy things that people shouldn't really have, Kate is willing to use that to get what she needs. Of course she hopes that she never has to use anything other than her bow, arrows, trick arrows, and swords regularly, since after all using the 'big guns' can easily escalate things beyond a point where she's comfortable.

Hawkeye Investigations:
Kate Bishop is a licensed private investigator in New York. It's easier than you'd think to get one of those things when you're rich. She has an office in Brooklyn for 'Hawkeye Investigations,' a business that is completely legitimate and above-board. Phrasing it that way makes it sound sarcastic, but it's not. It's really a legitimate business.

From a young age Kate has had proper manners drilled into her, and has spent a lot of time among others who are either movers and shakers, or just are from old money. As such she not only knows how to do such socially acceptable things as ride a horse and can tell you the proper utensil to use at specific points in a fancy dinner, but she also has connections to other important and rich families (many of which she is probably on good terms with).

Trust Fund:

Kate Bishop is the heiress of an old-money family. Upon turning 21, she gained access to a substantial trust fund, which she has used to set up her Hawkeye Investigations business and cover expenses such as arrows. She is not in danger of running out of money anytime soon.


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Since receiving access to her trust fund and using it to make firing arrows at bad guys into a business model, Kate Bishop and her father have not been on speaking terms. Kate thinks that her father is being dramatic with his proclamations that 'she will get hurt' and 'she will make a laughing stock of the family' and other such concerns. That is certainly part of it, but the truth is that Daddy Bishop is also connected to unsavory criminal elements, and does not want his daughter putting herself in their crosshairs, because if he has to choose between her and the Bishop empire... look, he can have another kid, if he really wants.

To say that Kate can be a little 'single-minded' at times is an understatement. At times she can be so focused on one single thing, usually as part of her effort to make the world a better place. As such she can and does tend to push herself too far, and is more than willing to sacrifice almost anything to do what she can do what she feels she has to do, no matter what the physical, mental, or emotional cost is to herself. Worse, some times this headstrong nature can lead to others she is close to to be unintentionally hurt, which in turn is worse for Kate since she is willing to accept what she does to herself, but hates the fact that what she does might hurt those around her.

Public Identity:

It is not difficult to connect the dark-haired girl who shoots arrows at everyone and is named Hawkeye to the dark-haired girl who runs 'Hawkeye Investigations' and has lots of archery equipment in her office. Maybe it's difficult for bad guys who have been punched in the head too many times and received too many concussions, but to the rest of them, it's not hard. Kate doesn't advertise her super-hero lifestyle, but she's also stopped denying it or trying to cover it up. The ramifications that this could have on her life and the lives of those around her are something that she's mostly, sort-of thought through.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Society Soirees So Stodgy March 9th, 2024 Traci and Kate escape another boring society event.
I'm Not Fighting Crime!... Tonight. February 3rd, 2024 Harley makes an introduction to Kate during some detective work. And helps keep the dark haired archer from freezing her butt off.
Walkies January 7th, 2024 Kate and America take Lucky out for some needed exercise. Doggo shopping is planned because it's declared that Lucky is cuter than Kate and deserves new toys and outfits.
Drive bys, Drop offs, and Deliveries December 14th, 2023 Kate drops some stuff off for a friend. Kori keeps Kate from freezing on the roof. Pesky updrafts!
Big News! November 15th, 2023 Kate gets some good news from America, and the newly minted Titan helps Kate with the wear and tear of being a vigilante detective.
More Ninja than Arrows October 22nd, 2023 Kate gets mistaked for the other Hawkeye, tracks ninjas into Colleen's turf like mud on wood flooring. The Ninjas were just clever enough to run.
The Robin and the Hawk September 22nd, 2023 Robin is in the middle of a car chase! Hawkeye lends a hand.
The Art of Crashing August 28th, 2023 Stopping by for a semi-regular crash at Kate Bishop's place, America's friend manages to convince her to indulge in the dread art of -- bulletproof couture...!!
The Scorpion Always Stings Twice August 5th, 2023 Seeking some sign of Dr. Curt Conners, Spider-Man and a host of others soon find themselves with a whole lot more to handle then was probably expected...
When Strikes The Scorpion July 16th, 2023 The Scorpion stalks Spider-Man in Central Park. The Lizard makes an unexpected appearance as well. While both threats are routed thanks to all the heroes on the scene... it does not go smoothly.
How to Train Your Tracksuits July 1st, 2023 A group of tracksuits corner Hawkeye the second but she's bailed out by a rather eclectic group of ladies. Loud noises ensue!
A Grizzly Scenario OR: Trouble's a Bruin! June 10th, 2023 Follow a tragic supervillain's plight to make a name for himself in the face of rampant spider-and-hawkeye bullying. All he wants is for people to remember his name, and to have a truck full of money. Who's the REAl supervillain here, we ask you? (Bruin. It was Bruin.)
America Made it Back May 29th, 2023 Kate invites America over to catch up. Food is ordered but it it takes a while. Beats reviewing surveillance footage.
Attack of the Adorable Landsharks May 14th, 2023 Starfire, Hawkeye (of the Bishop flavor) and America thwart a not-so-wild attack of landsharks on Hell's Gate. A cute and completely non-threatening pet for the Titans is discovered. Metropolis remains a terrible place to establish proof of concept for AIM ideas.
Better Offers. May 8th, 2023 Assassins, detectives, job offers and pizza!
Movie night at the Tower November 9th, 2022 Vacations and Buthole chins
Night Life October 29th, 2022 Kate Bishop and Dick Grayson cross paths as grown-ups.
Bishop to Cage October 26th, 2022 Kate gets a drink at Luke's
Kings and Arrows October 23rd, 2022 Thor and Kate meet. Cute.
Splattercon!!! Pt.1 October 21st, 2022 Finally time for Splatercon!!!
Bats and Arrows July 26th, 2020 Hawkeye and Batgirl cross paths on a Gotham rooftop
A Chat Over Diner Chow January 7th, 2020 They had a nice chat over food.
Jewels and Mobs December 16th, 2019 Kate Bishop and Kory stop a robber before he does anytihng - who the Punisher was stalking out. Bishop and Punisher got in an argument, and Kory just doesn't get it.
The Librarian: London Calling September 9th, 2019 Wonder of wonders, John calls on Kate for a favour - something in her wheelhouse, and not his. After explaining to her what he needs, and why, Kate agrees to help steal back the book John has been chasing down. For a price: a future favour. Oh, how those things can haunt a person.
Of All the Gin Joints... September 2nd, 2019 Un unexpected meeting gives rise to a long overdue talk... and a surprising amount of honesty and listening.
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them August 11th, 2019 Kate invites Matt to Club Lux as part of her new lifestyle, and to catch up. Instead she ends up in a heart to heart and considers taking a trip to the West Coast. All to pay back a certain Green Archer, of course - she's not running away! Or is she?
Dear John July 31st, 2019 It's complicated doesn't even begin to explain John and Kate's non-relationship. How can you break up if you weren't even dating?
Must Love the Colour Purple July 31st, 2019 Jessica Jones visits Kate to discuss her 'personal ad'. Otherwise known as 'are you kidding me??'.
Squeezing Back Into the Tights July 30th, 2019 Clint drops in on Kate to ask a favour, plans are made and Hawkeye and Hawkeye are back in business.
Humpday July 25th, 2019 Wings! Beer! Pizza! and interesting conversation at Josies. What else is new?
Late Night at Josie's July 22nd, 2019 Brian gets carjacked, Spike gets into a drinking contest, and Kate makes a booty call
Saturday Night Blues July 21st, 2019 Karen and Kate enjoy a payday feast at Josie's.. and invite one of Karen's workmates to join them. A food time was had by all. No secrets were spilled (tm).
The Sarcasm Sisters Scare Steve July 9th, 2019 Karen and Kate are comparing crappy Mondays; Steve arrives to empty the pub's kitchen of their nachos. They chat, and a plot is hatched to feed Bucky the messiest hamburger on Josie's menu in order to film the predicted food mess. Money changes hands, even.
Play It, Sam June 23rd, 2019 Kate texts John while on a 'stakeout'. Just another Saturday night.
Seemed Like a Good Excuse at the Time June 22nd, 2019 John texts Kate to hang out, and really means it this time; only minor drinking and shenanigans ensue.
Tacoless Tuesday May 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Morning Check In May 10th, 2019 Clint checks up on Kate and brings her a housewarming gift. They chat about her love life, her new digs, and the West Coast.
The Cost May 7th, 2019 With a little help of the House of Mystery, John shows up at Kate's door for comfort and a friendly ear.
Happy Birthday to Me May 2nd, 2019 Kate celebrates her birthday with friends. As it should be.
CityFall: Cards on the Table April 24th, 2019 The 'gang' meet Agent May, and Bucky Barnes, and lay their cards on the table. Kate realizes she's not the best fit for the job. Nobody has to tell Matt and Danny who is..
City Fall: April Showers Bring May Calling Cards April 23rd, 2019 Kate delivers May's
Cityfall: Best Laid Plans April 22nd, 2019 Kate takes the Defender's plan to SHIELD and discovers SHIELD has a counter offer. The plot thickens.
City Fall: What Do You Do With a Problem Like the Foot Clan April 18th, 2019 Matt, Kate, Danny and Karen talk out plans to beat the Foot Clan, afterwards, Matt and Kate talk about relationships and a certain chainsmoking warlock.
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You April 16th, 2019 Kate gets drunk and goes to give John a few pieces of her mind, and throw rocks at his house. Instead they end up having a long talk, and Kate accidentally spills the beans about most of Elektra's secret. Ooops.
Men. Can't Live With Them, Pass the Peanuts Redux. April 15th, 2019 Kate's frustration venting session is interrupted by Danny Rand, who she tries to oust from Fogwell's... until Matt arrives to set things right. Then suddenly it's a party and everyone goes to Josie's to eat.
It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an I March 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Texting is 4 Wankers March 13th, 2019 Kate texts John, the return of a shirt is attempted, lines get crossed (in a couple of different ways) and there's a mixup of locations. Texting, am I right?
So a Wanker Walks into a Bar. Ouch. March 13th, 2019 What starts as a comedy of deliberate errors, somehow ends up with Kate and John making yet another Bad Life Choice (tm).
Checking Up On Kate March 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Air mail in Jersey February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Crown Jewel: It Must Have Been the Scotch February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Crown Jewel: Investigation Begins February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Will the Real Kate.. Wait, Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before.. February 2nd, 2019 The Comedy of Errors continues the morning after the night before. Kate and John.. learn to understand one another a little bit better.
Would the Real Kate Bishop Please Stand Up January 30th, 2019 Kate's plans to show the world she can too be something other than a goody-two-shoes fails. Sort of. And John shows himself to be an unexpected gentleman. Kind of.
Will the Real Hawkeye (Pierce) Please Stand Up January 28th, 2019 Agent May tracks down Kate, only to find out Clint knew who she was all along. JJ shows up. Everyone loses their filters.
Black Sky: Always a Bridesmaid January 20th, 2019 John drops by Luke's where Kate is wallowing over her 'breakup' with Matt. It turns out they have a mutual 'friend' in common: Elektra
Black Sky: About Elektra... January 18th, 2019 The fake couple breaks up! Matt puts his foot in his mouth! Matt's life is a mess and Kate's love life is DOA! ... so basically another night in Hell's Kitchen.
Black Sky: Gabbing (and Healing) at the Gym January 3rd, 2019 Matt calls for a quiet night at Fogwells, there's sparring, food and a little bit of healing.
Licking Wounds. January 2nd, 2019 Half price night at Josie's lands JJ in hot water. A ticked off Claire is a sight to see. Bad JJ, no drink for you!
Girl's Night Out December 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Black Sky: A Not So Happy Birthday December 16th, 2018 It's Matt's birthday, Kate brings wine. They talk and discover real dating is harder than the fake kind and that what's dead doesn't always stay that way.
Black Sky: Allies from Afar December 9th, 2018 Green Arrow and Yin come to NYC to join the fight against the Hand and meet with Daredevil, Hawkeye (Bishop) and Richard Dragon. Not everything goes as planned.
A Very Hawkeye Christmas December 6th, 2018 Two Hawkeyes meet for pizza, exchange gifts and talk about their lives.
Black Sky: Daring the Devil. December 6th, 2018 Matt and Kate try to stop the transfer of files as the Hand attempts to relocate. It's a setup, things don't go quite as planned.
I Know it Was You! December 4th, 2018 Matt and Kate meet to discuss their plan and a certain photo. New rules are set and the papparazzi get an even better shot!
Black Sky: Of Bases and Tall Tales November 22nd, 2018 Matt and Kate talk plans and get another visit from Jessica Jones.
Black Sky: The Guys with the Dragon Tattoos November 13th, 2018 Daredevil, Hawkeye (the cool one), Deadpool, Richard Dragon and Zeitgeist take on the Yakuza and their Hand allies. They get a surprise visitor by the name of Jinx, and find out vans make excellent distractions.
Beer, Pretzels, and Questions... November 13th, 2018 Claire Temple, Jessica Jones, and Kate Bishop meet in a bar. Girl talk is had, and Kate gets some... advice.
Black Sky: Lawyers Bearing Gifts November 5th, 2018 Matt pays a visit to Kate with sandwiches and money. They end up visited by Jessica Jones and Matt and Kate come to arrangement.
Divvying up the Neighbourhood October 30th, 2018 Kate goes to Jessica for P.I. advice, and walks away with an alliance and an apprenticeship. It's a living?
Black Sky: There Might Have Been Ninja... October 25th, 2018 A hacker an archer and the Devil of Hell's Kitchen drop in on Claire's clinic.
Black Sky: Going Underground (the Search for Genus) October 21st, 2018 Kate, Stick, and Daredevil go into the tunnels to rescue Genus, but not without some interference!
Five Bucks to Last Till Tuesday October 20th, 2018 Kate spends her last five bucks at Josie's and finds out she has a friend (in Darcy Lewis).
Houston, I Think We Have a Problem October 19th, 2018 Kate visits the Avenger's mansion(?) as the bearer of some disturbing news about one of their own: Vision
A Singular Vision October 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Black Sky: One Way or Another October 16th, 2018 Kate lays a trap for Daredevil and Matt falls right into it. Plans are made, but who's Matt's mystery guest going to be?
Black Sky: I Know He's Hiding Something! October 14th, 2018 Kate and Claire enjoy a ladies night at Josie's where Kate puts the pieces together and thinks she's figured out who Matt is. Only time will tell if she's right!
BlackSky: About a Job October 10th, 2018 Matt puts Kate on the trail of an elusive hacker. He also inadvertently puts her on the trail of his own secrets as well.
Pool Night at Josie's September 25th, 2018 Pool night at Josie's brings and odd collection of heroes to the table.
How'd She Get to Be a Mediator September 8th, 2018 Kate tries to drown her sorrows alone, but ends up visiting with everyone in Hell's Kitchen. Maybe she needs a new watering hole.
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's... Pizza Dog August 18th, 2018 Kate goes for a slice at Gino's, meets up with an old friend, and somehow ends up with a dog. No, really. A dog.
Log 4881 July 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Coney Island People Watching July 7th, 2018 Brooke takes Carrie Kelley to Coney Island to give her practice studying how people move. They encounter Kate Bishop and the team of pickpockets hunting her.
On a clear day you can see forever October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Left Turn at Albuquerque September 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Night Lights September 28th, 2017 Karen and Kate stumble upon an abandoned vehicle on the side of a highway. What they find in the woods nearby is a disturbing twist to an otherwise uneventful night.
Pizza Pals September 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Intern-al Affairs September 18th, 2017 Summary needed
I'm Not Dead Yet September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Finding the Pieces September 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Intergang's Last Stand September 12th, 2017 Intergang makes one last gambit, and it doesn't pay off.
Bats, dogs and Justice Hall. September 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
An Embassy Visit September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Rock Out / Punch Somebody September 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Intergang Gotham September 2nd, 2017 Intergang hits the Gotham First National Bank. All hell breaks loose. So do many heroes, and the GCPD.
Apokolips Now: Prelude to Intergang September 1st, 2017 Something is happening in the city of Gotham ... the small gangs have all disappeared. The GCPD and several heroes investigate.
Log 2281 September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
A Girl's Night... August 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Who's that girl August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Kindred Bar Spirits August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Its Open August 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Cultural Food Fair August 23rd, 2017 A Cultural food fair brings out a wide range of people.
Log 2085 August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Nature Puts Down The Folly Of Man (Part 2) August 20th, 2017 As the 'babies' from the gigantic monster come forth into Metropolis, one group of impromptu heroes works on ensuring the cities, and civilians safety.
Beyond the Rubble August 14th, 2017 Summary needed
It's a Scream! August 14th, 2017 Screams herald the OH CRAP factor of a civilian finding what she thinks is a corpse on the bus. Doesn't help when the corpse gets up and runs away. STATIC SHOCK gets the wrong idea, and stops the corpse -- one ALEXANDER DUBOIS -- from leaving the scene. However, HAWKEYE (the female one), comes to Alexander's aid. Civil conversation ensues.
Street Level Defense Club Love! August 12th, 2017 What starts as an investigation into why gallon jugs of water are flying off roofs ends in saving a LGBTQIA meeting from bigoted marauders.
The Brownstone Boogeymen August 9th, 2017 The Hand make a move on a notorious drug house in Hell's kitchen, but their plans are thwarted by several Defenders (and Kate Bishop)!
Park After Dark August 8th, 2017 Iron Fist and Hawkeye take down some drug dealers. One drops a clue about where to find bigger fish.
Living for the Weekend August 7th, 2017 Summary needed
They Sell Spatulas! AND THATS ALL! August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
The Cryptid Cakewalk August 2nd, 2017 A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground.
The Butterfly Effect August 2nd, 2017 A group of heroes stop a riot and vandalism before it spreads like wildfire.
The Olympic Committee in Bludhaven August 1st, 2017 Summary needed
My Hero May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Fear of a Bat Planet April 30th, 2017 Summary needed
LexCorp Launchpad 2025 April 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Watching and Wondering April 28th, 2017 Summary needed
The Hall of Just Us. April 28th, 2017 Summary needed
A New Oprhanage April 18th, 2017 Summary needed.
Panic! At the Disco-unt Store! April 16th, 2017 A bug problem at a store results in a big fight.
The Truth about Monsters April 10th, 2017 Pepper is taken by a thrall of a vampire. Goblin-Girl and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) help her out.


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