9967/Aliens, Amazons, and Half-Kryptonians, Oh My!

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Aliens, Amazons, and Half-Kryptonians, Oh My!
Date of Scene: 09 November 2019
Location: Greenwich Village, Manhattan
Synopsis: In which Noh-Varr, Miss Martian, and Wonder Girl acquaint themselves with the Superboy.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, Marvel Boy, Superboy

Wonder Girl has posed:
The VILLAGE. People have spoken about the Village in a number of different ways, and there are a lot of things that can be said about it. One thing is that people are just amazing when they are there.

Or not. At all. Either way, Cassie is leading the charge today, walking backwards as she talks, her attention more on the other two Titans then on what she might trip over by walking backwards, "So then it was like...zooom...left. Then zag....right." There are hand gestures along with the sounds. Just to make sure they realize this is a very action-packed story.

Miss Martian has posed:
For Megan, this outing is supposed to help her with her 'normal Earth girl' routine, although really, the idea of a training outing is just an excuse to hang out and have fun. Naturally, she's in her preferred human disguise, the usual Martian green skin traded in for a fair complexion with a light touch of freckles. And as they walk through the busy, vibrant neighborhood, she seems amazed by almost everything. Most particularly the overabundance of trendy students and other young people who fill the NYU-encompassing neighborhood.

"And then what happened?!" she asks Cassie, very much invested in the story, possibly the only thing more exciting than all the sights and sounds of the street as they make their way along. While the better-practiced teen has no trouble backpedaling through the crowds, she often has to quickly scurry out of the way of passing pedestrians. "I never get used to this! New York is so much more crowded than Happy Harbor." That's uh... a bit of an understatement, to say the very least.

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr is dressed in somewhat normal clothes, though he looks somewhat uncomfortable in human attire. He wears simply a loose polo shirt with nicely fitting jeans and running shoes. His white hair allowed to be somewhat messy, but somehow it works for him. He looks at Cassie. "Ooooo...tell us more." He smiles, as he walks between the two women at his sides.

One could assume he was either a very lucky guy or the most unfortunate in case he was friendzoned. Both women were quite the lookers.

He smirks at Megan as she seems to be extremely enthusiastic about this. "I might not get used to it, only because it is so...foreign to me."

Superboy has posed:
Conner has heard that action-packed voice before. He happens to be one of those college students just out of the last Friday class. While most of his peers are getting coffee, Conner has a soda can as he gets out the coffee shop. Coffee does nothing to him. And that is probably a good thing.

Yep, there is Cassie with some tall redhead and a platinum blonde guy. Conner tries to remember if she told him she was going college... and fails.

Maybe not important, "hey, Cassie!" He greets, waving his hand.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Okay, okay...So after we zagged..." Cassie starts to finish up the story with all the flare of a true story teller, dropping those pearls and lines with full awareness that she's drawing it all out. On purpose. "He went right over the edge, and I was right there, so I..."

She what? Tripped? Because that is what happens when that familiar voice calls out her name, she twists around towards it and steps on something. A shoelace, a crack, thin air. Either way she takes an artful stumble around instead of turning smooth, surprise clear on her face before she shoots a hand up into the air, "HEY!"

Miss Martian has posed:
"So you... oh no!" Megan is hanging so hard on Cassie's ever word that when the blonde takes her near-tubmle she nearly follows suit, as if she were hanging on so closely that she needs to mimic the storyteller. She doesn't actually fall either, but does briefly swoop forward before it seems Cassie gets her feet under her. And yes, the swoop probably involves a moment of flight because she's still sort of terrible at remembering where she is and what she shouldn't be doing... but fortunately, in the madhouse that is New York, no one really looks or cares.

"Cassie are you OK? Oh! Is that your friend?" She quickly follows the source of the interruption toward Conner, and beams a smile, before she looks back at Noh-Varr. "You will assimilate, do not worry! That is what today is for. To practice the human teenage customs of snacking, hanging out, and so on!"

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr listens to Cassie as she starts to finish up the story, but then she trips! Or...stumbles! Or..dramatically flops! She rolls! Some guy is apparently there, and Noh-Varr has no idea who he is, but apparently Cassie knows exactly who he is. He looks at Cassie specifically and tries to help her back to her feet. In the meantime, he looks at Megan as she speaks to him about assimilating.

"Yeah, I think I will too. Its very...different thatn the worlds I've been to before." He chuckles softly, looking her in the eyes. "Looks like we'll assimilate together then. Its nice not being alone in it."

Superboy has posed:
It is Cassie's friend, indeed. Conner almost facepalms at the artful flop-roll-whatever, but instead comes swiftly, smiling. "Cassie, good to see you," he says, "lost track of you for a few weeks. I thought you had left the city." Then he focus in the others, "ah, I am Conner, how goes?" He offers his hand to Noh-Varr. "Old friend of the cute blonde here, we knew each other since we were... uh, well, like four of five years now."

Which is most of his life, but he caught himself before saying it.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"I'm good. It's good." Cassie assures Megan and Noh-Varr, not even bothering trying to be quiet about it, because that'd be a useless attempt anyways. She smooths out her shirt, adopts the stance of a cat, and goes with the 'I meant to do that'. Tripping was totally part of the plan.

"Guys, this is Conner." Didn't he just say that? "We've known each other forever. It feels like." Smooooth. "What're you doing here?" She takes a half step towards Megan, lowering her voice, "We're going to watch Star Trek this month, okay."

Miss Martian has posed:
"Yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one having to learn all this stuff!" Although Megan is talking to Noh-Varr, she no doubt misses the fact that amidst their little gathering, a 'normal' human upbringing is actually by far the exception rather than the rule. Superheroes are weird like that!

As both Cassie and Conner make introductions FOR Conner, Megan quickly turns that way and approaches, walking up to stand almost shoulder-to-shoulder beside Cassie. "Hi! It's great to meet you Conner. I'm Megan. And this is..." She looks back, and seems to realize that she doesn't have a 'public' alias for Noh-Varr. << Uh, what do we call you out here? >> The two of them have established telepathic communication as being a bit of a norm, even if Megan makes a conscious effort not to listen in on anyone else's thoughts.

Then its back to Cassie. "Oh that sounds fun, like movie night but longer. I think I've seen some of those, though I didn't see what the big deal was." Is it just 'Trek' to her? "I liked sitcoms better." Nevermind that the alien is a fan of TV in the first place.

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks at Cassie as she waves off the concern. he chuckles at the look she gives him. She totally meant to do that...suuuuure. His attention though is stolen by the half-Kryptonian. His hand extends lightly to settle on Conner's own before giving it a firm squeeze and shake. It looked al ittle robotic, but Noh is getting better at these greetings. But then he hears Miss Martian's words in his head. <<Uhhh...Noh..lan? Nolan. I believe thats a human name, yes?>>

"Nolan. Nice to meet you." To be fair, he didn't have a human name. Don't blame him too harshly! "Its a pleasure to meet you, Conner." Then to Megan as she speaks, giving her a warm smile before moving to her side. Aliens should stick together!

Superboy has posed:
Conner gives Cassie a -look-. She has odd friends... himself included. "It is Friday, I am snacking and hanging out," and that because he heard Megan, too. All the Star Trek talk makes him thing it must be a running joke, though.

"Megan and Nolan, got it," he is bad at names, but somehow he is quite sure he will remember this pair. "You don't seem from around here," he offers. "New York, I mean. Oh, I am from Metro, but I think I have been assimilated already."

Wonder Girl has posed:
No...lan? Cassie doesn't quite manage to hide the weird look at that name provided, but it is mostly because it was unexpected. "Right. Nolan and Megan." She wipes that look off her face pretty quickly, only to be replaced by something a little more exasperated when Conner starts throwing out things like snacking. And assimilating.

She takes a mental count, like debating on if she just ruins it all, or lets the aliens all alien at each other while playing human. She then nods, opting for the latter by telling Megan, "So the Borg are all about assimilating."

Miss Martian has posed:
<< It is an appropriate human name according to my research! >> Megan mentally agrees. And so, just like Conner by Cassie, Noh-Varr gets introduced twice, because she's excited after they've agreed on one. "Nolan! Yes, this is Nolan." Dutifully, then, she agrees with Conner's assessment that she is Not From Around Here (tm). "That's right! I'm from Happy Harbor." Which is probably nowheresville to the average New Yorker, and also an answer she has practiced often and thus gives quickly and confidently because it is better than accidentally saying 'Mars.' Smile!

"My uncle stays in Metroplis sometimes though, so I've been there. It's nice!" Now she turns on Cassie, with her Trekkery: "Oh! Hmm. We should definitely watch, then. Maybe I can get some pointers?" This is quickly turning into something that can't possibly go terribly wrong. "So... where should we go for snacks and hanging out?"

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks at Conner and nods to him. "I am not quite from around here, no. But this city has offered its surprises. I am also from Happy Harbor" he winks at Megan like he made a smart move. good cover Noh-Varr. Maybe. Okay, probably not really. His attention does look at Cassie and Megan now though. "The Borg? Are they a hostile people?" He asks, looking somewhat alarmed as if he needs to keep his head on a swivel.

<<If these borgs attack you, I will defend you with my life, M'gann.>> Noh-Varr mentally communicates to her. It hasn't exactly clicked with him that this is from a television program.

Superboy has posed:
"Damn, it have been almost three years since I last was in Happy Harbor," Conner smiles. Some good memories there. "Oh... Borg assimilating. Man, Tim made me watch almost all those old sci-fi series," he complains, "some of it was actually from the Twenty Century". Actually he barely saw 5 percent of the episodes, Conner is greatly underestimating how much Star Trek stuff is out there.

"But right... the hanging out and snaking. We can find a better place for it," he offers. "Burgers of pizza, Cassie?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
"The Borg are hostile." This couldn't possibly go badly, not at all. But Cassie seems to make a quick choice when asked about pizza or burgers, because she points into the distance, "Pizza, that way...Do you guys mind if we meet you there? I need a really quick word with Conner if he's willing to hang back a bit for it."

Miss Martian has posed:
Megan does a bit of a head-tilt as everyone gives their impresions of Star Trek and the Borg. "Oh, they are bad guys?" She actually sounds really sad to hear this. Even if they're fictional. Which presumably SHE understands. "That's a shame. They sounded so friendly, wanting to live with others." Pizza does seem like the default Titans answer to most food questions, so she doesn't argue Cassie's executive decision there, though her request earns a briefly thoughtful look. "Meet us? You don't want to go together?" Privacy is a bit of a strange concept for a Martian.

But she can catch on eventually! "OK. Noh- Nolan and I will meet you." When she splits off with him, the conversation turns entirely mental. << She was talking about an entertainment video, there's no actual threat. And you will need to work on a better human identity. Uncle J'onn made arrangements for me, but if someone looks into you going to school in Happy Harbor, it won't check out. >>

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks between Cassie and Conner with a tilt of his head. "Okay, Megan and I can meet you there. Don't wait too long or I will consume the pizza without you." Noh-Varr smiles wolfishly. But then he's being dragged off by Megan!

<<I apologize. I thought it smart in the moment! The borg is fictional? That is relieving. Do you think Conner and Cassie are a mates pair?>>