9630/Vampires, Lycans and Demons, Oh My!

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Vampires, Lycans and Demons, Oh My!
Date of Scene: 17 October 2019
Location: Empire City Subway Station
Synopsis: Talia assists Selene in pursuing Lycans, Wutan and Raze, spotted in Gotham.
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), Talia al Ghul

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's phone had received a message from a programmed source that indicated it was of great importance.

The Bats.

There was a Halloween Rave going on in a popular night club beneath one of the skytrain overpasses, not far from a busy station port.

This is where Selene is now, arriving via her motorcycle and deactivating its engine and taking a moment to just rest atop the bike, straddling it's seat. The woman, dressed in black, eyes the location she'd been sent to, her brown eyes sweeping this way and that as she takes in the sights and sounds of the party going on inside that busy club, as well as everything around it.

Her hands leave the bike's steering grips and she sits up, then raises her right leg up to dismount the vehicle, her leather long coat following her as she steps onto the side of the street and starts to walk casually with her hands inside her coat pockets... just a simple girl in very unusual clothing, headed to a rave...

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Someone detaches from a dark shadow, moving over across the concrete, her steps muffled as she approaches Selene. Long dark hair and exotic eyes are most of what is visible, Talia al Ghul wearing a cloak with a hood, but has the latter part down at the moment so her face can be seen.

"I'm afraid I don't have a flying anima motif, but I'm the one who contacted you," Talia offers. "You may call me Talia." Selene would easily spot the bulge of a quiver beneath the cloak, and something that might be a collapsible bow.

Talia glances Selene over. "Hrm. Interesting. Good thing he doesn't have a thing for blue eyes," she says to herself, but loud enough she knows Selene will hear it. "So, three individuals meeting descriptions of these, 'Lycans' were spotted entering the dance party over there. Including one that had the name 'Wutan' associated with it, which came from you I believe?" the woman who appears in her mid-twenties says.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
With Halloween ramping up, Selene's run into a number of oddly dressed individuals of-late. So Talia's arrival isn't the oddest thing she's seen in recent nights, not even close. Two nights ago she fought a six and a half foot tall hulk of a man who was wearing a disturbingly detailed mechanical skull mask that had fire jets that launched out of its eye sockets at her... he'd been hired to provide security to an event that hosted the same Lycan suspects that were supposed to be here at this place tonight...

Talia gets a soft nod from Selene, her sultry voice speaks up to the other. "I imagine those names are difficult to keep coming up with." She dryly quips about the Bat-family monikers.

Her stare drifts over to the building the rave is taking place inside of, then she looks back to Talia. "That name came from me, yes." Selene says. "But there's an issue. They're aware that I'm working with your people now and I believe its entirely likely that they're going to start feeding you false information to setup a trap. This might very well be one of those instances."

A drunken group of youths around Talia's age can be seen across the way at the rave entrance, being thrown out after causing too much of a fight inside. Now, the fight is spilling over outside and two large men are squaring up to throw punches at one another in the middle of the wet and filthy street.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Beneath the cloak, Talia has leather pants on and a top of the same material. "I imagine so. You'd think he was some kind of ornithology freak, wouldn't you?" she replies with a small grin. The grin doesn't quite touch her eyes though, as the thought of Bruce, and his current condition, casts shade on what would otherwise be a humorous thought to Talia.

She stays focused on the mission though. "Excellent, then there may be more of them here than just the three," Talia concludes. "Do you need information from them first?" she asks, one eyebrow raising slightly with the question.

The commotion over by the doorway draws Talia's attention slightly. Though Selene might notice it doesn't lessen how much the woman is looking around the rest of the area, her attention not being fully diverted by the altercation.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes are on the fight as well, watching the two brutish men bashing each other's faces in. They have boxing skills, they're not just random fools throwing their arms around without any shred of fighting knowledge, the two of them instead seem to perhaps be fairly well trained.

Selene looks away though as another person approaches she and Talia from behind, he passes them by where they stand and he gives them both a big smile as he looks at them and keeps on moving. "Trick or treat, ladies?" He questions them, clearly eying the two women over with some measure of inappropriate thoughts. But he doesn't stop to chat, just keeps on going, headed toward the rave himself it'd seem.

"Wutan." Selene replies then, watching that man as he makes his way toward--and around the perimeter--of the fight. She pulls her eyes from them and looks to Talia. "I'm going to go inside the building, I'll spring their trap. But I intend to funnel them out the fire escape in the alleyway behind the building. If you'd be so kind as to meet them there... provide any cover you might have, we can disable them in the alley and hopefully get Wutan cornered."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The passing man draws Talia's attention before he's reached them. She just gives him the slightest of nods, eyes going back around the area once he is passed. The Eurasian woman reaches up to draw her hood up about her.

"Very well," she says. Talia reaches into a pocket and pulls something small out and offers it over to Selene. "Communications," she says of the tiny earbud, small enough it is unlikely to be noticed when inserted, short of someone necking with Selene.

After passing it over, Talia turns and moves with a determined stride back to her patch of darkness, disappearing soon after. Around the corner of the building, she finds a fence alongside the building which helps her parkour partway up and leap to catch the roof and pull herself up. Before long she's scoped out the view from above and settled over by the alley.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Necking with Selene usually leads to one having a very sore neck the next day. Not that she does that with people often though!

The communication device is taken and she eyes it for a moment, rolling it around between her fingertips before she nods once and raises it up to deposit it into her right ear. "Thank you." She quietly tells the other woman. "It might take a few minutes, but I've employed this tactic before. Its generally not hard to get them to follow me once eye contact is made and the game is set into motion." There's reasons Selene is as good as she is at this sort've thing, there's reasons for everything she does in fact. Six hundred years of experience behind her skills... even Yoda would be impressed!

Once the two women part ways, Selene moves toward the front of the club. She never... neeever has trouble getting into places like this. Perpetually 20 years old physically, the clothing she's wearing, and her overall appearance? The Bouncer is already watching her as she approaches.

The fight has ended, one of the big brutes had knocked the other out onto his ass on the cold wet concrete and he was taunting him as Selene passed by, glancing at the fighters for a moment before she just moves on toward the club.

She speaks all of a minute with the bouncer before he waves her inside and she affords him a soft and flirtatious smile of thank you, then she's through the doors and inside. Talia will hear the music and chaos of the club through the comm unit on Selene now. She'll hear a few people approach the Werewolf Hunter and try to engage in conversation with her, but she turns them down and continues on her way through the very busy and hectic club.

This will go on for about five minutes before Selene speaks directly to Talia. "Talia." She says. "Wutan has spotted me. He's sending two of his men toward me now. I'm across the club from them, I'm going to try to lead them out to you, they're Lycans. Be prepared for a fight." She warns.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's cloak is drawn back and a what looks like a vertical construction of metal is removed, but she flicks it forward while releasing a catch, the box regaining its normal shape and locking into place, ready to be drawn. The cloak is moved back to free the quiver, the fabric caught into place behind it so it won't sweep forward during action and foul her ability to draw more arrows.

<So if this is a stratagem that works on them frequently... but they might have set this up as a trap, what are the odds they might have prepared for this little gambit?> Talia says across their comms.

Her eyes flit about the area. Looking for where in the alley someone might pick as an ambush spot. There, and there, good spots to block the alley should one shelter behind a trash bin, and at the other end behind a stack of old wooden pallets.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
From inside, Selene responds over the comms: "Unsure." In short and simple fashion, which means she's likely being watched quite closely now. "They're following me, headed you're way now."

What Talia comes to find out is that the ambush had been very well planned, and she find this out when comes the sound of a growl... right behind her. A heavy and deep growl, and a second later the air around Talia becomes filled with a putrid stench...

Behind her where she's hiding, a towering beast now stands, a Lycan, a very big one! Its staring right at her too, and starts to charge!

From the club's alleyway the door bursts open and Selene emerges, though she's not walking, she's flying through the air and out of her own control, slams into the side of a hobo-built shanty home's sheet metal wall!

Two figures burst from the club then, both of them shedding their clothing as they shift and turn into the forms of their Werewolf-selves!

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The scent is enough to spur Talia into motion. An arrow is pulled from the quiver even as she is rolling to the side, her cloak swirling about her as she rolls over and comes up with the arrow knocked and the bow drawn and pointed towards her adversary.

"Hello beautiful," she says. The tip of the arrow gleams, the sharp silver arrow head catching the moonlight in that heartbeat before Talia lets the arrow go.

<Definitely were ready for this strategy!> Talia says, the comms picking that up, plus her comment to the Lycan. <One on the roof with me.>

Talia's hand is already moving to draw another arrow from the quiver at her hip. Having secured her cloak to keep it revealed proving to have been a smart move now.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"I can see that." Selene says over the comms in response while she's laying on her side in the alleyway with the two men, now Lycans, stalking out into the alleyway with her. As she rises she pulls her handguns from her coat, but before she's able to get them raised the two Lycans are upon her.

Two gunshots ring out in the alley, both are redirected toward the concrete floor where they impact with garbage and send shrapnel into the air. The fighting is on now, Selene versus the two Lycans...

... up above, Talia has squared off now with a very big black furred Lycan, he's in fact one of the main Lieutenants in the Lycan Army... known as Raze.

Her arrow is literally swiped out the air by his left massive meaty paw! He smacks it out of the air as it flies toward him, though the tip does graze down his forearm and the silver arrowhead does slice a cut across his fur covered flesh.

And now he's lunging at her, a loud and snarling roar! He'll rip her to shreds if she's not nimble enough to get away!

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The first arrow is no sooner shot than a second is in the bow and it is released at point blank range. But that is all the time that Talia has, discarding the bow as she rolls away from the rampaging beast.

Raze's claws slice out and catch her cloak. The seams, left weak for just such a situation, part and the cloak rips free, leaving Talia in her leather outfit, the quiver of arrows still on her waist but her bow left behind on the ground behind her.

The woman comes up, hair swinging about her as her hand goes instead to a sword on her back. The weapon is drawn and immediately darts towards the giant Lycan as if having a mind of its own, swinging in a quick slash at his leg.

<I do hope you are holding your own down there. I might be a little while,> Talia says over comms.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene can hear the comment from Talia, but she's too busy to respond to it. She's currently being held from behind by one Lycan while the other is lunging at her from the front. Her booted legs are swinging up to plant boot heels against the lunging one's chest as it collides into her causes she and the one holding her to both fly backward into a brick wall. Its then that Selene flips up and over the Lycan grasping her to land upon it's shoulders, though the beast is ready for this move and with one hand he slams her down onto the alley floor before she can mount his shoulders... as it so happens, he's fought her before and he's seen her do that move to a friend...

Raze, shreds Talia's cloak after removing it from her. He turns to pursue her now with an arrow embedded in his shoulder, the silver tip actually searing his body where it has penetrated into it! But he's... very experienced at this... over 600 years old himself, very nearly the same age as Selene.

His right hand reaches up and he tears the arrow out of his shoulder, then throws it aside as he moves to proceed after Talia... but he, stops.

He tops for a very specific reason. They're no longer alone on the roof top.

All around them, there are people now lining the roof, all dressed in black. Varying differences in their types of clothing though, from long jackets like Selene's to hooded cloaks, to simply bodysuits alone.

Raze looks at the individuals surrounding him on three of the four side sof the building, he snarls and turns to make a run for the alleyway down where Selene is.

The Death Dealers have arrived. Enough of them to even make Raze run, but running is something the Lycans excell at!

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's sword slices through the air a fraction of an inch from the Lycan, near and sharp enough to shave a few strands of fur, but not cutting him as Raze backs up and eyes the Death Dealers who have arrived.

"And here I thought you liked uneven numbers," Talia tells him. She gives the sword a flourish, sweeping it about her a few times, but that's just to distract from the fact she's drawing a gun with the other hand.

As the man-wolf form of Raze darts off, the sound of gunfire echoes across the area as one bullet after another is sent flying towards the immense Lycan. There's a spray of blood as one hits, and a howl of pain as Raze feels the burn of silver-nitrate. Unfortunately it only catches him in the side, nowhere fatal even with the silver liquid inside the bullets, nor enough to slow down his attempted escape.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Raze takes a number of wounds from this altercation, but it doesn't seem to slow his retreat down into the shadowy alleyway. A few of the Death Dealers pursue him down into the darkness, while the others move across the rooftop now and individually start to jump down, while the last that remain there just look and observe. One glances in Talia's direction, a pale skinned blond haired woman with a very obscenely tight bodysuit on, with black leather straps buckled around her body on both of her legs, up her torso and even down her arms, every single strap covered in a different type of weapon, from silver spikes to knives, to things Talia may not even be able to identify. This woman just offers Talia a sickly sweet smile, almost like she thinks she's looking at food, imagine that. Vampires!

Down below, there's more gunshots, a wet splashing thud as a body of a single Lycan falls into the trash piles beneath one of the only functioning yellow lamps down below.

Selene stands over the body, as her people start to flood into the night club. She knows Wutan has already fled the scene though... but there may be stragglers yet to deal with.

Over the comms, Selene looks up to where she believed Talia to be, with her people still up there. <That was Raze.> She tells Talia. <You're lucky to still be alive. He's killed more of my people than... than any of them...> She trails off and looks down to the one she'd left dead in the trash, his gnarled body broken and bloodied. <You injured him. I smell his blood... Are you a killer amongst the bats?> Selene then asks as she moves to retrieve her other handgun from where it lays in the alleyway.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia eyes the blond vampire as she moves over to regain her bow. She moves over to the alleyway, scoping the view down below and then jumping off, body crossing the alley to the other side, legs pushing off the wall to flip back to the other side, repeating the move as she lands lightly on the ground beside Selene.

Talia makes a movement with the bow, contracting it into its more easily stowed form. "I am a killer amongst anyone," she comments in a matter-of-fact tone. "Can your people chase him down? Faster than I expected," she says as she crouches to check where Raze passed. A finger reaching down to dab at a bit of crimson on the pavement. Bringing it to her nose to sniff brief before wiping it from her fingers onto a rag.

Meanwhile, the sound of the gunfire has caused those who were out front to scatter, though likely those inside had no idea, unable to hear it over the loud music. "If we can hunt him we should about it. If not, the fire will likely draw the police," Talia says.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Once Selene and Talia are together and the Bat-family member asks her those questions, she glances toward the doorway where one of her people is standing just inside it, eyeing the back exit so no one can get out, a tall but lanky black man who's wearing sunglasses.

"These members are still in training, they're not permitted to pursue a Lycan of that experience without a large strength in numbers." Selene says as she reholsters her guns inside of her coat. "The American Death Dealers are still very new." She notes of them, glancing toward the roof as she watches her people up there heading along the edge of the roof now toward the front of that building where Raze had fled with the other Lycan that had been holding onto Selene.

"My goal is to train them to my level... unfortunately there's so much activity here in the United States now that focusing on training alone is proving to be... a challenge. Especially with all the added troubles of mutants and metas joining their ranks."

Selene looks more than a little upset at the present moment. "Our orders are to get Wutan, Raze..." She glances in the direction he'd gone. "Will get whats coming to him another time..." She looks back to Talia then and nods once toward her. "Thank you for contacting me about this location, we'll make sure they think twice about coming here again to recruit."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia nods her head back towards Selene. "I was hoping to see more of what these rounds do to them. A pity he was able to escape," she says as she ejects the mostly used clip on her pistol to slide another into place.

"If we find more leads on them, I'm sure you'll be informed," Talia says in her crisp tones with the slight English accent that speaks of an education overseas. "Good hunting then," she says.

She'd grabbed the remains of her cloak before leaving the roof, and wraps them about her more visible weapons before heading off into the night. Though as Talia moves it is like one patch of darkness moving into another. Those weapons, let along the woman, will probably never be spotted.