9106/Oreos Cure All

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Oreos Cure All
Date of Scene: 07 September 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Professor Green and Shannon share Oreos and deep discussion. Sam, Shannon, and Kaydin later talk about gods and men.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Martian Manhunter, Cannonball, Kaydin LeGraize

Nightingale has posed:
     The tangy, yeasty smell of fresh bread baking wafts through the air of the kitchen, and out into the hallway. The clattering of dishes being cleaned adds a metallic counterpoint to the humming of a sweet, lilting little tune almost akin to a sea chanty. It seems the school's resident winged healer is at it again, indulging in her love of baking and cooking, putting her more homely gifts to use to help out. After all, sooner or later, most everyone needs to eat! She's in jeans, a white t-shirt, and sneakers, with her hair tied back in a bun and out of the way. At the moment, she's over at the sink, cleaning up her mess.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Teaching is a hard task, teaching to a group of mutants that try to blow up everything is even harder! Luckily, J'onn not only has a lot of patience, but also is almost invulnerable and not so easy to destroy in an explosion and so, more or less, he is perfectly safe after a brief but intense lesson.
Under the name of John Green, the science teacher, J'onn is wearing the shape of a tall and athletic man, whose haircut speaks of professionality as well as the tailored suit he wears, ash grey and wrapping perfectly his body in a layer of perfection. Apart from that, his expression is kind enough, as well as his almost blue eyes, and at least the students, those who know him at least, seem to like him well enough!
Now, however, J'onn needs something quite urgently, he needs his share of oreos and there's noone that will stop him from raiding the kitchen. So it is that the teacher opens the door, closes it behind him, and speaks a "greetings!" in the direction of the occupant.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon turns her head to see who's joined her in the kitchen, a bit of a smile curling the corners of her mouth upwards. She reaches up to brush a wisp of pale gold out of her eyes, leaving a streak of soap bubbles behind, to comical effect. "Oh, hey there, Mr. Green! Survived another day so far?" She giggles, rolling her eyes a little bit. Science classes at the school were always a blast. On occasion, that was very literal!

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn approaches the counter, chuckling slightly at the girl and casting a glance at the soap bubbles that she just decided to decorate her forehead with "mhm, survived so far, but I wouldn't want to speak too loudly, the day is not over yet after all! The potential disasters are just waiting for someone to unleash them" he admits, and one of the cupboards opens in front of him, while he scans the contents with his eyes. The fact that his hands are still in his pockets is a detail that could or couldn't be relevant! "hmm, where did they..." he mumbles, then lightens up as his hand comes out of the pocket and snatches a package of oreos! "there! Sneaky, but there..." he adds triumphantly, the cupboard closing again as he tears the package open, grabbing an oreo and eating it instantly "how, how is your day instead?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head, glancing between Mr. Green and the cabinet, eyebrows raising. However, she does not seem upset by the lack of contact between the two as the door opens. Rather, there is an element of fascination there, her smile widening. "Chocolate. The cure for all ills." She ruffles her wings a little bit, and turns back to the sink, to finish up the task at hand. "Not too bad. Looking up from last night, for sure." For a moment, her smile fades, the shadows of grief coming to the fore in her eyes once more.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods entusiastically, popping another oreo into his mouth "a good cure indeed. Do you want some?" he asks, since apparently she seems to need a cure, even if maybe chocolate is not the right one. John moves towards an empty chair, calmly sitting not too far from where the girl is working, serenely observing her wash the dishes. He doesn't try to enter in her mind, reading her thoughts or anything. But her superficial thoughts, probably, as well as her emotions, are likely an easy target for the telepath in disguise.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rinses off her hands and goes for the dish towel, taking a moment to rid herself of the bubbles on her face as well. Flashes of images flit across the surface of her thoughts--a candlelight vigil, three crushed cubes of metal surrounded by flowers and various other tokens, and the notes of a song sung in memory of the fallen. The raw emotions of grief, and the feeling of being a failure, are very close to the surface as well, but tempered by surprisingly steely determination. These are at odds with the calmness of her voice, as she holds back from open expression of these feelings. There has been enough of that over the past few days.

"Ooooo... Oreos. Just try and stop me!" She smiles somewhat, leaving off wiping down the counter in favor of the familiar comfort of Oreos. "Whoever invented these ought to be made a saint!"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles more, his expression far from showing his understanding of the girl's mind. He sets the oreos on a nearby table, then grins "but I wouldn't want to try and stop you!" he exclaims, getting another oreo and nodding in full agreement "a saint, for sure, not to mention being awarded with a lot of prizes, if possible." he softens his expression into a calmer, slightly more serious one then, his mind trying to subtly send some comforting thoughts towards Shannon, at least trying to ease her mind from grief and failure.

Nightingale has posed:
Sure enough, some of the shadows in Shannon's eyes do subside, chased away at least for the moment. It was a grief that ran deep, and would likely take some time to run its course as she got on with the business of living. But for the moment, at least, there was some peace. Her hand darts out to snatch up an Oreo, with a light giggle of child-like delight. She twists the cookie open and devours the middle first, grinning a bit. "It's been taking a little getting used to classes here, but I've liked it so far. It's a change from being homeschooled."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn observes the way in which Shannon eats the oreos as if he could understand the secret of the universe just from that, but quickly enough averts his gaze, to take another oreo for himself and try that magic trick in which he makes it disappear! "mh, different for sure, yes! I am glad you like it, anyways. It is, different, here, different from normal schools, even more so from being homeschooled, yes. That, I can understand for sure" he admits, even if he went to school more than a millennia ago and he doesn't even remember all of it, fact that bring a small shadow over his face for the fraction of a second.

Nightingale has posed:
     Something about Mr. Green's expression gives Shannon pause ever so briefly, but as quickly as that shadow flitted across his face, it was gone again. Whatever it was, she thought, she wouldn't pry. He'd express things in his own time. "Very different. I mean, I hear some of the kids wondering if they're ever going to use the stuff they learn in class in the 'real world', and it makes me want to tear my hair out. I mean, just look at the kitchen! Home ec right there, of course, but if they even knew the half of all the science involved in cooking...!"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn listens quietly, and gives again his assent in the form of a small nod "the average person doesn't think about the chemical interactions while cooking, the average person doesn't really stop thinking about biology and physics while he breathes, yet, as some say, knowing is better than not knowing, isn't it?" he pauses, briefly "some of you, out there, willingly or not, will have to deal with more than the average kid. Knowing more about the world, will be useful for you to better move and interact with it, making your lives easier."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lets out a small, rueful laugh, nodding in understanding. "You're not kidding there. Just in the month and some days I've been here, I've already dealt with more than most kids probably would in a lifetime." She nibbles on the chocolate part of the cookie, now devoid of its sweet filling, relishing the treat. "And I know there will be more. It's... rough. It hurts. I know it will hurt, probably for a long time. But I also know it'll pass, eventually." She finishes up one Oreo and immediately goes for another. "I've seen it enough, with my dad's line of work... he's an undertaker. So... yeah. This too shall pass. It just sucks going through it in the moment." A bit of a smile does light up her face just a bit. "But as much as it hurts... I still wouldn't change it for anything. There's a lot of good I can do out there. Okay, so maybe I won't be able to help everyone. But there will be plenty that I still can."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn eats a couple more oreos, then pushes the package towards Shannon "all yours." he mumbles, he had his daily share at least! "fear the day when a death will cause no reactions in you, at the same time, don't let those reactions impede your enjoyment of life, or you will be as dead as the ones in the grave." he settles a bit more in the chair, trying to find a comfortable position "it will pass, eventually, Shannon... And, there was nothing you could've done, so, it is, and wasn't your fault. As you say, there's plenty you can do, and I trust you will do it well, everyone does""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly. "It's like I was saying to Sam the other day... the minute I stop feeling anything at all, I become like the very things we fight against out there." She smiles ruefully. "It's a double-edged sword to wield. But it's worth it."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn twists his lips into an odd smile "there's then that sort of, resignation, that comes with age, but I hope you will never get to experience that. Well, I wish you a very long life, but.." he shrugs, trying to let the silence prove his point for a second or two. "almost everything is a double edged sword! It's to the wisdom of people, to get the best out of it, I guess"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the kitchen, and offers a nod in greetings "Shannon, Professor Green." He will say and offer both a smile and nod as he heads over to the fridge and gets himself a bottle of water.

Nightingale has posed:
     "It's less about how long one's life is, and more about how one lives it." Shannon smiles a little bit. "In that, one might argue that Daniel lived one of the best lives of us all, and gave it for the right reasons." She turns to Sam as he comes in, brightening considerably and wiggling a wing at him in lieu of a wave, as her hands were occupied with the task of pulling apart another Oreo. "Hey there, Sam! How's it going?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn turning his eyes towards the door a fraction of a second before it actually opens, probably having eard someone approaching from the other side, John nods in greetings to the man offering another "hello" in his direction, his eyes moving back to Shannon a moment later "true enough, yes. Still, lets hope you have a good life, and won't have to give it away anytime soon, hm? All of you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will sip his water, and says "Not a lot just got in from a run, how are you two doing this morning?" He will ask and moves to lean against a counter where he can chat with them both.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles some. "Not too bad, Sam. One day at a time, ya know? What about you?" She glances over at Mr. Green, tilting her head slightly as she considers what he's saying. "All any of us can do is try. I hope to not have to give that life anytime soon, but, as someone very wise told me, in the course of what some of us do, it could be asked of any of us. You just hope and pray that the ones you care about come home."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn leans a bit forward, then smoothly stands up, adjusting his clothes to assume again the usual impeccability that apparently is a trademark of mr Green, at least in his looks "well, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst..." he comments, turning then towards Sam he replies with a "well enough, thanks, what about you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Pretty good, I have been working a lot but trying to make sure I keep my studies up a bit more. I have been working on a report on the Kree, Shi'ar, and Skrull empire, what we know about them and the differences in how they formed and their goals.

Nightingale has posed:
     All three of those names just get a completely blank look from Shannon, and for a moment, she regards Sam as if he grew another head on his shoulders. "Do I even want to know what those are?" she asks, looking as confused as anything. Why did she have a feeling class was about to be in session?

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"aliens." John replies simply "I will see about sending you some material for your research, if you want, within the sphere of what knowledge is publicly available, at least." he adds in Sam's direction "and now, I'm afraid my presence is required elsewhere, please, be safe, and don't blow up anything! Hopefully, I'll see you soon" he then turns, and starts walking towards the door, waiting for eventual replies, before walking out of the room and closing quietly the door behind him. Next destination, watchtower.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Different alien empires. I have talked to Professor Green, since he teaches Astronomy amongst other things about the degree I am working on. It does not really exist but am working on two together that will sorta be it. Astronomy and Sociology together sorta covers it.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Can't speak for anyone else, but I'll try not to blow up anything. Much." Is that a giggle coming from Shannon, as Mr. Green takes his leave? She waves and smiles somewhat. "Be safe out there, if you can."

     She turns to Sam and nods slowly. "Ha, so I was right. Always thought it seemed pretty dang stupid of humans to think that we're alone in the universe."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Well I told you I have been to other worlds. Maybe I should tell ya about how I met Lila." he hmms and sips his water.

Nightingale has posed:
     "You lucky son of a gun, getting to see other worlds! If it weren't for this..." She gestures to the brown leather bag that is always at her side these days. "..I'd think you were putting me on." Just then, the oven timer beeps, and she hops off her stool, grabs an oven mitt, and retrieves a baking sheet with a large braided loaf of bread on it. The yeasty, herby smell fills the air as she sets the bread aside to cool, and shuts off the oven. "Lila... okay, I'll bite, how did you meet her?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Saved her life at a concert when some aliens were trying to kidnap her and take her back to a guy, she was supposed to sell the earth to." He says this in a casual as if every day of the week tone, and subtely watches her reaction."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's eyebrows go up, but she otherwise seems nonplussed by the revelation. "If you'd have told me that a month and a half ago, I'd have called you a liar. Now?" She chuckles a little bit, removing the oven mitt and sliding back onto the stool. "Well, with some of the things I've seen and done already, I can believe it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Berto had gotten us tickets, and we saw something going on so tried to help. Well, she kissed me in thanks, and the teleported, the band, herself, and me across to the other side of the universe. Seems she is a mutant as well, and can teleport, but only over intergalactic distances.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs, and shakes her head. "You lucky sum'beach! I couldn't even begin to imagine seeing another world, let alone somewhere on the other side of the blooming universe!" She nods towards the loaf of bread cooling on a rack, and grins. "That should be just about ready for sandwiches, if you're hungry?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "How about a couple pieces with butter on them, sounds good from fresh bread." He smiles and says "Well I have been to a few places with her concerts on other worlds and saw some amazing things. wish Warlock was around for you to meet him.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and goes to the fridge to get some butter. "Simple pleasures are the best! Can't beat plain old butter on a slab of hot, fresh herb bread." She gets a knife and slices off a couple thick pieces of bread, hints of a mixed herby aroma in the air. "Who's Warlock?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over taking his bread, and says "One of my classmates. He is an alien, Berto and I found in the lake after he crash landed on the school ground. He is made of the same stuff as doug's arm.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, spreading the butter on her chunk of bread and biting right into it. She takes a moment to relish the simple pleasure of the fresh treat, thinking about Sam's tale for a moment. "So... not someone it'd be easy to heal, then. At least, I couldn't."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I don't think so, but he pretty much heals by eating life energy, took us some doing but we taught him what was ok to eat and not. He is a shapeshifter, and a great if a bit different guy"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and chuckles softly. "Different is good. I'm loving just how different everyone is here. Even with what you told me the other day, it still just boggles the mind that those differences can't be celebrated instead of feared." She nibbles the bread slowly, savoring it, and thinking for a moment. She's gone very, very quiet, her brows furrowing slightly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well as ah said lots of folks either scared or jealous, but with time, and efforts we try to make it better. There will always be some but there is still folks who want to hate others cause of skin color or where they are from too, an dhow long have we been fighting that?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles ruefully. "It's a battle I'm not sure has an end, but it's one worth fighting." She nibbles on her bread some more, deep in thought for a second, as if searching for the right way to say something. Finally, when she speaks, it's a bit hesitant. "You mentioned something about actually knowing Thor once, when I first got here. I used to think things like that were myth. If that's real... do you think other people from the old myths could be real as well?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Possible who are you wondering about?" He will ask, as he is eating some buttered bread and drinking some water while chatting with Shannon "I may know something may not will try to let ya know if I have a clue.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon takes a bit of a deep breath as she considers just how to put this. Was there any delicate way around it? She's perched on a stool at the counter, nibbling on a thick slab of fresh herb bread with butter--it seems the resident winged healer has been at it again in the kitchen that morning! "Well... if one 'god' is real, what about others? Like, say... some of the old Greek myths?" There's a definite bit of caution in her tone, and it seems fraught with weight and meaning somehow.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Hercules is real. I met him. Seemed decent." Kaydin says as he enters the room and goes through the fridge looking for something. He then looks at Shannon and smiles. "And wonder woman is supposedly blessed by the greek gods."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over at her a moment, and says "Yea, and Ah have met spirits and different things, but if your going for the big question. God with a capital G and Christianity? Or the afterlife. Well, I aint met God, but Ah do believe he exists and we have a few folks around here who are pretty strong or at least practicing their beliefs. God I think it is more the whole gotta have faith. And afterlife, well, Ah know the norse one is real, you can just ask Dani. As for Christianity heaven. Well talked about this with someone else recently, with the whole me coming back from the dead. Ah did not see the white light, dead relatives or none of that, but Ah think you get that if one for some reason you need it and Ah can't say for sure what qualifies as needing it, or two if it is your final ride and your not coming back.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head and cracks a bit of a smile. "Definitely wasn't thinking Christianity. Very much the opposite." She tilts her head a bit and listens. "Well... let's hope none of us is due for that final ride for quite a while."

     She smiles as Kaydin comes in--and her jaw drops. "Holy sh... okay, so... if he's real, then I wasn't losing my mind yesterday..." She throws back her head and just laughs for some reason, much cheered by the whole thing, and chomps down on her bread. "Want some, Kaydin? Just out of the oven not too long ago."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her and says "Hell? Well yea Ah think it is real too, Limbo is awful close, and Illyana is the queen of there, it has demons and such but aint seen any dead souls or something though magic is real there." Sam's phone rings and he looks at it "Sorry I need to take this."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs, and shakes her head. "No, not Hell either. I was thinking a bit higher up the ladder than Hercules, though." She nods, and smiles, nibbling on her bread. Discussions of gods and men would have to wait for another time, it seemed.