8888/Flexing the Ley Lines

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Flexing the Ley Lines
Date of Scene: 20 August 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Third Floor
Synopsis: Loki and Hela discuss what has become of the Sanctum.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Loki
Tinyplot: Asgard's Requiem
Tinyplot2: Weather Spheres

Hela has posed:
Something as radical as manipulation of Ley Lines themselves doesn't usually go unnoticed. Particularly by those who deal with the occult, especially when done in higher levels, and one would expect it goes without saying when the invdividuals in question refer to themselves as gods.

A dark swirly gate opens out of thin air, as Hela steps out, decked in her regal look with her crown of spikey antlers worn as she means to present herself to the Sorcerer Supreme of Midgard precisely as she is. There was no reason to play games, no reason for trickery or mischief. This was a serious matter, yielding serious questions, and demanding explanations at the very least.

This could be foul play, it could be part of a grander scheme, or something that may well require her guiding hand involved.

Her gate closes and disappears as if it was never there, even as the door opens as if in response to her arrival. Hela smirks to herself, pleased to find she was expected, or at the very leasted noted. She'd have been disappointed had there been no reaction in the domain of a Sorecer Supreme.

Loki has posed:
The huge, regal doors open widely, though no one on the streets looks twice. Magic is at play, turning mortal eyes away from noticing what may be going on, and keeping them well out of the way. The events are not something mortals should be involved in, after all.

"Welcome," sounds the voice of Dr. Strange, resounding through the foyer of the exotic Sanctum. The magical power of the place has a slight reverb, though it doesn't quite enter the voice of the Doctor. "Please, enter at your leisure, you are most welcome, Hela Odinsdottir, Queen of Death," continues Strange's tone in a smooth, clipped way.

After a short time, he appears at the top of the stairs, from one of the adjacent rooms, and waits for her there, in a calm, relaxed manner. To any casual eye, or even a talented eye, it is the Sorcerer Supreme.

Should she join him upstairs, the doors of the Sanctum slowly close, with a finality that is not very subtle.

Hela has posed:
Hela seems quite pleased with the proper welcome, as she inclines her head ever so slightly while walking inside deliberately. "I trust you already know why I come here, Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme," she returns the introduction in kind. At the least acknowledging she properly values what Strange is all the same.

Hela does turn to follow Strange, at the moment, having no reason to doubt him. "So what is it that is transpiring...if you do not mind sharing?" Hela prompts, quite curious indeed.

Loki has posed:
"If you would, please follow me into the solarium, and I will get to the truth of matters - a truth that I do not wish to air in the foyer," 'Dr. Strange' answers, proceeding directly to lead her into one of the rooms nearby.

Entry into it reveals a magical solarium: it is night, yet there is a galaxy laid out above them, rotating, as distant suns feel far closer than they actually are.

The doctor enters, strolling around the edge of a globe-like magical centerpiece to the room. The room has a magical 'newness' to it, and a strong sense of being very similar to the chamber that opened to the Bifrost. Very similar indeed.

Hela has posed:
Hela cants her head, considering Strange for a moment, if only for the unexpected lack of trust given to the Foyer. Of course it's not typically a place for more discernable discussions, Hela wouldn't hold those in her own castle's foyer, but she expected location to matter less.

"Of course," she accepts the invitation and follows the man to the solarium. Once she sets foot inside, Hela stops, taking a moment to study the room. The familiar tones make her quip, "I did not realize you had one of those..." albeit not directly refering to what.

"Do share the odd behaviour of Ley Lines, they normally strive to remain as they are, what is amiss?"

Loki has posed:
The shapeshift is instant and contains extreme finesse. Few shapeshift magically with as much ease as the trickster himself. Due to Hela's display of armor, Loki has chosen his own: he slides into his own skin and his battle regalia with a move as sleek as a serpent, the horns materializing with a glitter of gold radiance.

"/Apologies/ to mislead you, dear sister," Loki begins, with a half-bow and sideways splay of one hand. "There are some here which I have not yet 'explained' matters to, and I am not in the mood to deal with petulant human drama."

"I am pulling additional strength from the lines, for a project of which I wish to share with you."

Hela has posed:
To her credit, Hela manages to look not even the least bit surprised. Truth be told, in this instance, she was. But it didn't affect her mastery of showmanship and diplomacy. She grew up with Odin in his prime, at least as far as she's concerned, before he turned soft and lost much of his greatness. Not that she was biased or anything, even if she was. One thing she learned well is to never appear weak or not fully in control of a situation. Regardless of the situation.

Hence, she looks almost as if she expected 'Strange' to reveal himself to be Loki, despite the fact her brother got the better of her this time around. "I trust you don't have Midgard's Sorcerer Supreme locked up somewhere like Jotunheim, brother dear?" She asks, even as Loki offers his apologies for the masquerade, to which she inlcines her head, accepting the apology. At least for the time being.

"No one should ever be in the mood to deal with petulant human drama, it is most vexing." She is about to say more, when Loki's words make her forego that thought entirely. "A project...which you wish to share with me? A show of trust...?" She wonders aloud, though Loki could almost taste her fascination despite her feigned dallying, as if she had to consider whether she truly wanted to hear what he had to say.

Loki has posed:
"The previous Sorcerer Supreme is /somewhere/. It doesn't make a difference to me at the moment. More human drama," Loki says, in a slippery, but actually rather clear manner. He pauses, to allow the message he just delivered to have the weight it deserves.

With a little smile, Loki doesn't linger, or even remark upon it, he moves on: perhaps well aware of not boring or acting too arrogant in front of Hela.

"A show of trust? Well beyond that."

Dramatic pause comes, as Loki enjoys his shows. And then, "I want to restore Asgard. And I have collected the means to do it." Loki smiles, with a sweep of hand over that globe in the room: just as a toy, just to cause it to spin. He slides his eyes back to Hela.

"I would /appreciate/ a deep link, such as yours to the land, to assist in being a conduit. And I would imagine the restored, hallowed ground would immediately move to give the project even more lift. You are the /first/ I have spoke to about this, sister."

Hela has posed:
"Somewhere...?" Hela frowns at that response, before digging further for at least one more detail, "by your doing or another's? Midgard has granted a place for a New Asgard, the least they deserve is for the protection of their Sorcerer Supreme to remain unhurdled." Not too clear if it was an observation, a suggestion or call to action. But either way, Hela isn't seem overly pleased with the news that he is merely 'out there' and Loki isn't in the least bit concerned about it. If anything, it paints him a suspect in her mind. After all, she's been told about the lie smith.

Loki then presents more, and Hela listens in fascination, her eyes drawn to the glove which is obviously not the trinket Loki treats it as. "Restoring Asgard is restoring order, making things right again," she notes, looking in the direction of the globe and its projections, though her eyes may well be focused on something else entirely.

"You will use me as a conduit to make it happen...? Is this not a better role for our King to play?" Hela muses, no doubt having reservations about serving Loki in any capacity that may allow him to meddle with her and hers if she's not careful enough. The goal, no doubt is a noble one, but just as she expects to grow more powerful with Asgard restored, she has no doubt Loki would have the inclination to suspect the same. She'll give him that much credit, to know, what she expects to be beyond him. "I appreciate you would share such tidings with me, and before others, it's touching." She smiles for once, "care to describe the process in greater detail? It sounds like quite the weaving would be required..."

Loki has posed:
"Stephen Strange has left his post. Please feel free to inquire with him if you'd like. I have means to track him if it interests you, I just have been busy with more important matters that his sudden exodus left, as well as my own projects," Loki explains, without a touch of suggestion that there's a lie to any of it. Just an open quality, inviting her to check the facts. He's confident in what he's spun.

"I intend to ask you both," Loki clarifies. "But our brother is not versed in magic whatsoever, I stand by my choice to discuss my goal with you first," he says, smoothly and slippery as always. Loki's on full charm at the moment, a noble prince. It also draws some of his speech style to the surface that echoes of Odin.

"Details? As you like. How much do you know of the Orbs of Seasons.... or perhaps I should cut to the chase, and ask of infinity stones...." Loki asks, coming to rest finally, to allow the globe in the room to begin to slow down, into a very gentle movement.

Hela has posed:
"Is that so...? Who did he leave in his place?" Hela asks, because the lack of a Sorcerer Supreme would mean Midgard doesn't have too long. Well, maybe while New Asgard is on Midgard it will fare better, but surely not once Asgard is properly restored. She smirks and heroicly managed to avoid laughing as Loki states what has been quite apparent. "He wields Mjolnir with such little finesse it offends me," Hela notes, because Loki will never repeat it to Thor's ear. Surely.

She does seem all too serious once Loki suggests cutting to the chase. "You have access to infinity stones?" The question is sharp, and harshly asked. That kind of power was not a mere trinket. She knows she felt something that could well have been an infinity stone when she first encountered her brothers. Only at the time she attributed it to the reunion with Mjolnir feeling that impactful.

"You've my full attention," Hela states sharply, "tell me more."

Loki has posed:
Loki lifts his hands, drawing them out across his body. He makes an attempt at humility; he's a good actor, it's more than decent. "I'm temporarily in control of the Sanctum, as standing Supreme. Considering my defense of Midgard magically lately, it was reasonable, though I consider myself but a /warden/," Loki says, voice low, 'modest'. He pulls his fingers in, like a puppeteer with invisible strings, and the Sanctum responds in full. He's proving it: that he has command of the potency of the Sanctum.

But then he drops his hands; it was not a show of force, simply that proof was easy, and doable. Trust can be fickle: boy, does Loki know that well.

"In the past year I have seen several of the infinity stones, but now I have a correct ... arrangement to restore Asgard. The Seasonal Orbs will buffer, but the dedicated use of an infinity stone, in addition to the considerable personal power I currently wield, will make this dream real. With the stones, I /can/ do it alone, but why brute force something? Asgard will /thank/ us for using finesse."

Hela has posed:
"Dr. Strange elected you, to protect Midgard," Hela speaks the words as if they were puzzle pieces, particularly round forms that attempt to fit a square template. That's how unlikely the scenario plays in her head. To the point she just might send a valkyrie or other to look into this development.

Despite the incredulity in Hela's voice, she smiles warmly at her younger brother, "an honor to be sure. I imagine you hadn't considered offending the trust put in you, to drain all that is needed to restore Asgard, straight out of Midgard?" Here, Hela reveals the truthfulness of the Odinsdottir part of her name. Was she offering a threat to dissuade Loki from attempting such? Was it a congratulation teeming with pride at a plan she may well have devised herself? It's hard to read, but whatever she meant, she does approach her brother quite readily.

"Indeed, we have much to discuss, care to do so over mead?" Hela suggests as they move to sit at a table and exchange ideas over Loki's plan.