8715/Work Experience

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Work Experience
Date of Scene: 09 August 2019
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Kestrel and Batman bring Stockholm to justice and steal her dog.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Carrie Kelley, Stockholm

Batman has posed:
As of late, Batman has kept his patrols mostly to himself. There have been a few, off and on, where he's joined up with other members of his growing Family for various and sundry reasons but largely he has not set out to work as a team. It may have something to do with the strange woman living at the Mansion, or maybe he's just in a mood ...

Regardless, just before sundown the call came through to Kestrel - 'Get your equipment ready, meet at 252 Conaway Street. Rooftop.' No more instruction provided than that, but it was all Carrie would need - or should need.

The Bat himself is already here, standing where the masonry has crumbled away to leave a sheer drop to the pavement several stories below. His cape is still about him, drawn across his shoulders to cast him in shadow as he stares at something in the dark not readily obvious.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel was one of the family that wasn't quite sure about her place yet. Being newer, and having had her training shifted through multiple people at this point, she really wasn't left with feeling as if she were on any solid ground. Yet she hadn't complained. Given she was being given a chance at all meant she really had no place to at the moment.

The message then leaves her quite surprised, but willing to jump to his request to meet.

She's on time with at least a minute or two to spare when she swings down to the roof of the building herself. Quiet, as she'd been taught by several so far, she lands nimbly on her feet and quickly retracts her grapple line to tuck back by her side where it can be used again in the future.

"What's up, Boss?"

Batman has posed:
"Arnold Freitag," Batman begins without so much as a 'hello', gesturing down to the delapidated tenement that squats on the curb across the way from them. As he does, information begins to flood the heads-up display built into Kestrel's mask. An AR wireframe overlay of the building detailing it's internal structure and layout, along with a glowing point somewhere on the fifth floor labeled 'A. Freitag' in neon blue. A series of data points flow past as well, detailing numerous crimes dating all the way back to the late Seventies and Eighties. Vital statistics reveal the man to be elderly, bordering on sevent years of age.

"Formerly a costumed criminal going by the name of 'The Hornet' - he went to ground twenty years ago after a botched robbery. Three dead, including a GCPD officer. But now he's resurfaced ... "

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel crouches down resting her arms over her knees as the HUD displays the vast array of information. It wasn't often that she had this aspect of her suit used, and it was still new enough to be novel. And distracting. She'd get used to it. While she listens her head tilts one way then the other to get a better 'view' of the building overlay.

"That's a long time to go to ground. Maybe he had a change of heart. Still, if he's back..." There's no need to elaborate on that, really. "What's he doing these days?" Of course she half expects that to crop up on the display as well. A glance is swept around the area to look over more than just the one building.

Batman has posed:
One of the benefits of having Kestrel wired into the Batcomputer's network is the ability to take control of her mask's feed when required. The wireframe overlay of the building disappears, and thermal imaging presents a different picture. Despite the size of the building and the number of apartments, may of them appear to be empty. Freitag himself appears to be sitting down, a smaller heat signature curled up about his feet.

"A change of heart maybe," Batman intones, vision still fixed on the building below, "But he was a dangerous man. Potentially, he still is. There's no statute of limitations on murder, and if he's resurfaced without turning himself over to the police? That suggests different plans."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The heat signatures in the building are regarded thoughtfully for a few quiet moments as she considers what was said. Not to mention deciphering the heat signatures to be a dog around his feet, most likely. Or at least that's the first thought from her. "Boss... He's in his seventies. Not saying older people can't be criminals, and he has proven himself in the past to be one, but usually the ones that avoid capture for over twenty years don't randomly decide to turn themselves in."

She shifts to stand again looking back toward Batman. "That sort usually go for deathbed confessions."

Batman has posed:
"We're not here to take him," Batman explains, still watching, still unmoving, "That's a job for the police. But I need you to know something, Kestrel."

The thermal imaging feed turns off, once more shifting back to the regular unaltered vision the mask provides by default. The Dark Knight turns slightly at the shoulders, white and impassive stare fixed firmly on the vigilante-in-training.

"These people don't change. They don't retire. They don't hit a certain age and get a free pass to vanish into obscurity. Even if they disappear from the battlefield entirely, the onus is on you to bring them in where the law fails."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Ah. There was the apparent lesson of the evening. It does give her some pause to think as she looks back once again seeing the building just as a building. Empty, other than an old man and his dog. Maybe a cat. The leather of her gloves flex along with the clenching and relaxing of her hands at her side as she wars with some thoughts this topic brings up.

"No, there's no free passes," she agrees giving a small incline of her head. That she would agree with. The rest though? "People changing though? ... I have to believe people can change, if they try hard enough." It was her turn to regard him from the corner of her eye with a ghost of a smile haunting her lips. "Because if people can't change, if they want, then what does that say about us?"

Batman has posed:
"It says we have to be dedicated," Batman explains, rising from his position and moving across the building - everything about his body language demanding that she follow, "This isn't a game to play. It's a war. There is an enemy, and places like this are their camps. The way you fight may change, but you don't get to hang it up and retire. If you ever wondered why I was so adamant you not wear your costume in Gotham? Not become one of us? That's why. You sign your life away when you do this - there is no light at the end of the tunnel."

His words are grim, and his demeanor matches. He pauses a moment to look down at the alleyway on the other side of the building, tilting his head to look into the murky shadows before he speaks again.

"We have another mission. Not a retired piece of scum floating to the surface with the rest of the detritus. This is serious. You need to be prepared."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Maybe." It's all she allows in response to mention of this type of life. At least she was being serious in listening to him, right? "But I don't think we're in a tunnel to begin with." A little quirk of a grin comes only to fade to a far more serious look at mention of a real mission. Automatically her fingers dance over the belt she wears to do a mental check of the gear she had with her.

"Ready as I can be right now."

Batman has posed:
"That needs to be enough."

That said, the Dark Knight takes off at a run. He moves over the rooftops of Gotham City as though they were a flat surface, vaulting obstacles and clearing the narrow gaps over alleyways in moments. Nothing about how he moves suggests he is waiting for Kestrel or slowing to match pace with her, instead expecting her to match him and keep up.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
This she could do. Running was something she was always good at. Always running, always racing from place to place or just running to get her mind off of things. The rooftops had just become a new place to do it. Though shorter, she's none the less quick enough to stay near his heels. Just out of range should he need to make an abrupt turn or stop, but not so far that she was even in danger of being left behind.

Stockholm has posed:
On the outside it isn't that fancy. It is half a renovated brownstone on the edge of The Narrows that was purchased by a shell company three years ago.

Of course with the right gear the outside is a bit more fancy, there is a pretty decent alarm system wired into it, but subtly and designed to not be obvious to an untrained eye.

Inside, well that is a different story. It isn't some high tech Bat Cave or even posh rich supervillain lair though. The doors and their frames have all been reinforced, though not all of the walls. The windows have metal shutters on the inside of them that can be slid open and closed with the houses security system, but not the most expensive or most secure by far. The main layout is intact from when it was purchased. There is a kitchen, small living room, downstairs half bath, upstairs two bedrooms, and a full bath. That second bedroom has been converted into a tactical room with gear, weapons, way too many pictures of Batgirl for anyone's comfort, and computers.

The main bedroom is where Stockholm is hunkered down with a pint of ice cream, her left arm in a cast, and feeling miserably sorry for herself while she watches the nightly Gotham news for bat-sightings.

A swedish Valhund sprawls on the bed by her cuddled up, it's collar says Bud on it, and yes that is the same name as Harley's friendlier Hyena but that cute dog couldn't hurt anyone. It is like someone dressed a corgi in a wolf costume.

"It isn't fair bud... " she pauses "Wonder if she died... I mean she was on the roof still."

Batman has posed:
When they arrive at the brownstone, Batman is careful to not approach it too closely just yet. He doesn't even speak, instead turning sidelong to face Kestrel and making a series of gestures with his hands. Sign language had become common among the Family since the arrival of Cassandra Cain, and it proved useful for operations that required stealth. He draws his fists together, moving them from one side to another. A simple sign: 'Follow me.'

The security system is obvious enough to him, trained eyes picking out all the telltale signs as they approach through the dark. He reaches out a hand to halt Kestrel and gestures at some of the subtle wiring indicating the alarms. He then points at her with two fingers and draws them across his neck. It's up to her to disable the system enough to make an entrance, apparently. Though he stands close at hand to step in if necessary.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The motion from Batman draws Kestrel's attention easily enough. Forward she moves, until she's told to stop. Her gaze skims over the lines of wiring trying to figure it out before moving forward. Reaching down on her belt she pulls out a small black box that looked rather innocuous. It's raised to fit over one length of wire as she takes a deep breath... Then slams it flush against the wall.

The lines are simultaneously cut and reattached to the jumper box in one split second. Not enough to trigger the system, but now she had an access point from the box itself. It gives a steady little light from a small red LED as it will continue to feed signal to the system even if interupted by an actual entrance. With that done she looks back over her shoulder to Batman with a firm nod.

Stockholm has posed:
Well. Right now Julia and her little dog Bud are completely unaware of the impending Bat Themed home invasion.

The shutters aren't even down because it is nice to have some natural light and none of the alarms have gone off yet right.

"You're right Bud... she probably got blown up. Which means the Dark Lord of Gotham will either appoint some new Batgirl.." pauses "Or I could put on the cowl and be the new batgirl."

Inside the downstairs past the compromised window there is ... a pretty normal livingroom and kitchen setup. It looks lived in and clean.

Batman has posed:
Batman's hand lifts to his eyes as the window opens, pointing at them and then the corners of the rooms. There are cameras, certainly, and they need to be dealt with before they proceed any further. This part he takes on himself, fetching something that looks almost like a smartphone, albeit finished in matte black with no fancy designs, from his utility belt. He holds it up before his eyes, cycling through the cameras that he's able to spot and quietly targeting them for deactivation. That's most of them, he's sure, but he goes first just to be safe.

He climbs through the window into the kitchen without a sound, foot falls on tiles completely silence regardless of whether the laws of physics have differing opinions. He gestures over his shoulder for Carrie to follow, speaking low into the sub-vocal microphone that patches through to her earpiece.

"Intel suggests she's injured, but still dangerous. Take the lead."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel slips in through the window taking care to not make any noise when her feet touch the floor and her weight shifts onto them. The window behind her is left open for now as a quick way to exit should it come up. The alarms disabled outside would at least keep it from triggering any alarm for being open. A deep breath is drawn, and she moves forward at his behest doing a quick scan around.

She clicks the side of her mask turning it to night vision for a moment to get a better lay of the room. There was light from upstairs, that was evident, but she wanted to ensure she wasn't about to walk in on any other traps first. "She may have an animal with her," she responds over the mic to Batman with a breif twitch of her hand indicating the kitchen where a food and water bowl reside. With that knowledge passed on she heads up the stairs tapping her mask to return it to normal vision again once she's assured there's no further traps.

Stockholm has posed:
"No Bud you can't have any cookie dough ice cream..it has chocolate in it." can be heard from upstairs along with the news.

Then Julia goes quiet, because the monitor with the cameras for the house, positioned above the TV show all the downstairs cameras are off.

Well shit.

She sets her ice cream down and picks up the gunbelt from beside the bed. "Bud. Saferoom."

So at the top of the steps what goes scrambling by is the most adorable little wolf corgi towards the other bedroom, pretty well trained.

Stockholm heads that way next not as fast as the dog, gun in her good hand, ice cream spoon in her mouth, wearing batgirl pajamas and her left arm in a cast. Despite the cast she is still ridiculously agile.

Batman has posed:
"It's over, Stockholm."

It doen't take Batman all that long to recognize when the stealth portion of their home invasion is over. It may even have been part of the plan - turning security cameras off draws even more attention than appearing on them, sometimes. The way he speaks projects his voice up the stairs, an old ventriloquist's trick that manages to not give away precisely where they are in the dark. His eyes turn momentarily to Carrie, speaking once more to her in the low tones of the sub-vocal mic.

"She's armed. I'll distract her, you get the jump on her. Watch out for the dog."

He momentarily gives Kestrel's suit a careful once over, weighing up the odds in his mind before once again reverting to that creepy, projected voice designed to set fear into the very foundations of a criminal's soul.

"Throw down the gun."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Was that a corgie? Kestrel finds this hugely amusing yet she manages not to break out into laughter. The way her heart was hammering away in her chest it was difficult to do anything other than pay stern attention to what was going on in front of her. The corgie passes, and then there's Stockholm. The warning about her being armed is unnecessary yet appreciated. It meant he was behind her and able to see. She wasn't facing this alone.

The last time she'd seen Stockholm had been... Weird. Unsettling even.

When the distraction from his thrown voice comes she opts to fish in her belt for a simple, basic weapon of her own: A bolo. It's thrown out down the hall at Stockholm intending to pin her good arm to her chest along with the already injured one. Maybe it would even disarm her. At the very least, aiming would be difficult... she hopes.

Stockholm has posed:
Stockholm twists, it isn't going to be one bolo easy really, though while it doesn't pin her arm to her or disarm her one of the heavy weights does clock her in the cheek. "OW... fuck." and she is on the otherside of the upstairs.

"I Can't Believe You Broke Into My House!" pause "Batgirl stopped me from stopping Hook Dealers .. I didn't do anything wrong!" well other than the bank robbery a few weeks ago and the other various crimes over the last six months. I mean.

"Look.. I can take her place and stop drug dealers. I'll be like twenty times better.. it isn't my fault she got blown up on that roof." okay she is definitely crazy. At least she isn't shooting down the steps or hurling explosives, nope. She is making sure Bud is in the operations room safely.

Batman has posed:
"You killed those people," Batman answers, still throwing his voice as he moves through the house and not immediately in view, "Murdered them in cold blood. Whatever guilty conscience you're trying to alleviate by chasing petty drug dealers around, it's not enough. It won't ever be enough."

Pot calling the kettle black just a little, there.

But then he's suddenly present, the upstairs window shattering inwards as he propels himself towards Stockholm with both feet. It's telegraphed enough that she could sidestep easily enough, but that's the point of it ... to provide the distraction.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Kestrel takes a deep breath when he enters through the window at Stockholm. Her weapon was currently disabled, mostly, and so she lobs the next thing she has at her: A batarang aimed for just the back of her neck. A good whack but not one meant to do more harm than just conking her out. It was so simple though she half expects a talking to about it later.

Stockholm has posed:
"Sweet Zombie JESUS" is exclaimed as Batman breaks through the window, she doesn't even have time to say anything quippy about the pot and the kettle there.

She takes a precious moment to push Bud fully into the operations room out of the line of danger with her foot, which means she doesn't have as much time to dodge.

Yup things have gone to hell because she was worried about her puppers.

Which means she gets one foot to the chest only half turning in time. "UFFF" and then there is a very loud up close BANG as she fires the gun into Batman down the length of Batman.. I mean there is a decent chance of hitting his any unarmored jaw or cheek since he came at her feet first like that.

Not that she will be awake to see it though as she staggers back and then gets clocked in the base of the head with Kestral's bat-a-rang and sees stars. She is exceptionally agile and fast, not durable, hence the broken arm after all and several stitches.

In any regard she goes down in a heap in her batgirl pajamas and Bud freaks out and runs for his mommy yapping.

Batman has posed:
As Batman executes his attack, Stockholm actually surprises him. He half expected her to dodge away from the attack, but then she's trying to save the dog and he has to change his plan on the fly. As the gun goes off, he lets out a sudden shout of pain and tumbles to the floor. He's still for a moment, even as Kestrel's well-placed batarang leaves their quarry similarly slow.

After a few seconds he rises to his feet, the side of his face a mess of blood and the bottom right side of the cowl entirely shredded away. Only a graze by the look of it, but enough so that his ears ring and his vision swims for a moment.

"Take the dog," he growls, speech faintly slurred as Kestrel gathers Bud up in her arms and retreats back down the stairs.

He crouches over Stockholm to investigate her, although the pain is enough that it's more like he's only suspended on one knee and the palm of his hand. Regardless, he examines her thoroughly for any injuries that may need immediate tending to.

Stockholm has posed:
Bud is quite easly gathered up and taken, I mean he is only 12.9in at his withers and sure doesn't weigh much. He is definitely worried about Julia though.

As for Julia she is probably going to have a boot shaped bruise on her chest to go with all the other bruises, stitches and cast. Also a nasty bump on the back of her head and a concussion.

Beyond that no she is fine and the worst was from the roof incident and has already had attention.

The operations room door is still open and there is a trove of information in there as well as a small shrine to the Bats. It is an obvious fixation.

Batman has posed:
For a moment, the Bat is furious. This was meant to be a standard op. He'd provide the distraction, and attack Stockholm would avoid that would allow Carrie to get in the finishing blow. But the damned dog threw it all into disarray. Now he has an injury that is already causing his head to ring and ache, his ears hearing only a high-pitched whine from the sudden and close gunshot. His fists clench for a moment and, when Kestrel is out of sight, he drives it hard into the floor a foot right of Julia's head. The floorboards dent and splinter under the blow, the raw strength of the Batman evinced in the display.

"Stay still," he warns, the anger now fading as quickly as it came - remastering himself and taking the arm that isn't broken to try and bind it to the other with matte black cuffs, "Wake up."

He knows better than to let her doze off with an obvious concussion.

Stockholm has posed:
Well you can totally snag her wrist, which isn't broken, looks like it is some bone in the rest of her arm, and cuff her good hand to the other still.

The bang crash into the floor is enough to jerk her groggy awake "Five more minutes" then the pain of being manhandled and shifted causes her to tense up but it is too late she is cuffed.

"What.. Bud" which causes a surge of adrenaline and her to almosst jerk to sit upright "Don't hurt him!"

Right up close with Batman. She blinks at him with pupils dilated from the concussion now. "oo.. that looks like it hurt...." and damn it Batman doesn't have an Iron Will that is unrivaled on the planet.

Her demeanor is shifting a bit, like little ratchets into an almost batlike stillness, her panic about Bud and then the snark fading visibly. Calm.

Batman has posed:
"Dog is fine," the Bat growls, perhaps as a tactic to calm her down or simply because he actually cares enough to not let her worry, "Won't harm it. I didn't come here for your dog."

He rises to his feet, wrenching Stockholm up with him. For all the obvious pain he's in, it doesn't keep him from carrying her as he moves down the stairs. The shrine to the Bat Family in her Operations Room is ... interesting. He makes a mental note to revisit it and search for any further clues he might find.

"Taking you back to Arkham."

Stockholm has posed:
Julia is really happy Bud is fine but it doesn't show really, so mastered and calm. Seriously this is really weird right now though is her head is pretty quiet. I mean yes she has a concussion but it is quiet.

Previous trips to Arkham were done by Batgirl and Nightwing and all not Batman.

She actually doesn't resist when she is wrenched up to her feet, though she does give a hiss as her balance is all out of whack and her neck hurts crazy bad.

"Can you tell my dad that I am sorry." it is calm, balanced, and softly spoken.

She never showed remorse at the trail after her escape from Arkham with Crane when she was undercover. She was just raving.

Batman has posed:
Batman doesn't seem to have heard when Julia speaks. He's making his way down the stairs with her, each step careful so as to not lose his own balance and send the pair of them toppling. There's been enough injuries tonight, and he's not about to add to them.

As they reach the bottom, he looks around for a moment. Kestrel has already departed with the dog - he can see that well enough on the heads-up display of his cowl. He had meant for her to just get it out of harm's way but now she's taking it back to the Batcave. Another complication. Another wrinkle.

For now, the pair of them are alone. It seems as though he was never going to respond to what she said when he suddenly does.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," he voice is gruff, and it feels almost like the sentence is being dragged out of him involuntarily, "You're sick, Julia."

Stockholm has posed:
She doesn't resist the trip down the stairs because well toppling would hurt but she is also really calm.

"I know. The doctors explain it to me whenever I am there but it doesn't help Batman." the inflection is shifting a bit. "I haven't been right since I got to Arkham the first time and I can never tell him or my mom I am sorry. They don't visit and I am pretty sure if they did I couldn't tell them anyways ... I want them to know I am sorry I disappointed them and I don't know why I am like this." it is so quiet, no Harley, no Ivy, No Zsasz, and no him.. No Joker in there right now.

"Please." haunted, that is the tone, calm but haunted and so much remorse. Empty and quiet doesn't mean the memories are gone of the last six years. At least the strength of will means she won't be crying.

Batman has posed:
"I'll tell them."

A promise made. Not more than an hour ago he was telling Kestrel how criminals don't change. They get into their particular rut and stay that way forever, hurting and preying on the weak until they either die or get locked away in some dark hole. Yet, looking at Stockholm, it's difficult not to see the potential for change. Someone trapped inside a prison without bars or walls, but trapped all the same.

For a moment, the desire to harm and reap vengeance melts away from him. He doesn't look up as he guides her out of the brownstone, the batmobile already rolling up the street on auto-pilot. Maybe there is room for compassion after all.

"Batgirl isn't dead," he explains to her, waiting for the car to cover the last stretch of road, "You didn't kill her."

Stockholm has posed:
Some tension in Julia melts away when he says he will tell them, I mean she is in batgirl pajamas it isn't like he can't tell especially with a hand on her shoulder.

Trapped inside a prison is accurate really. Itis also one someone made quite intentionally though only the people who forged it understand that because even Julia doesn't know.

She is quiet and dealing with the crash of realizing just how many people she has killed, it is not a small number Add to that all the horrible people she has worked for, also not a small number. Damn.

The question makes her look up from her bare feet and blink a couple of times. "Good. I wasn't trying to, I was trying to stop the Hook dealers some of my employers would give me more work. I also thought it might impress you all. I've never really wanted to kill Batgirl.. I just wanted her out of the way." though gods if she doesn't sound puzzled about that, but it isn't one of the people in her head driving it, it is something else doing that. "Tell her sorry too."

When the car pulls up. "Take me in please...I don't want to kill anyone else and I don't know how long that will last. Maybe they can help me this time."

Batman has posed:
A moment later, the car rolls to a stop in front of them. The hiss of hydraulics sounds as the passenger side door opens, revealing what is essentially a self-contained capsule illuminated by pale blue running lights and only able to view the outside through holographic projections across its interior.

The Bat is remarkably gentle considering they were fighting not that long ago. He helps her into the seat, making sure the seatbelts are affixed and the breakneck pace of the batmobile isn't going to jostle her around with all those bumps, bruises, and broken bones. He pauses for a moment, watching her impassively from the outside. As the door begins to hiss closed, he turns and stalks around to the driver's side.

"I hope so."

Stockholm has posed:
"Me to." she repeats sounding just distant and she sinks into the capsule and lets herself be cinched in. Really she spends the ride staring ahead at ghosts just replaying the last several years. Occasionally she shakes her head and takes a deep breath, sad and exhausted but holding up surprisingly strongly.

"I'm honestly surprised no one in GCPD hasn't just shot me." she is pretty hard to hit and rolls hard though. "Why does anyone take us to Arkham. I mean I am pretty sure Harley will just come to break me out. She owes me for her breakout. It isn't like Arkham fixes us." there is depths of truth there, especially with Julia though unknown to her. Also those two thoughts are very morbid when expressed outlaid in close proximity.

Batman has posed:
If he wants to say something to that observation, he doesn't. He's had these own thoughts himself, but they're always forced down and out of his mind. Does Arkham help? Historically? No. Statistically? No. But what alternative is there? Well, the alternative she just gave him for one ...

"If you murder a murderer," the projected image of him on the left side of the passenger pod says to her, "The number of murderers in the world doesn't change."

Stockholm has posed:
That gets a blink and a nod. "That is very zen and deep." she isn't teasing or quipping. Does Batman make jokes. No. Then neither does Stockholm right now.

Julia shakes her head. "Arkham needs better security actually, there is a flaw in the wiring in the women's showers. It would be what i would use to escape top of my head." she ponders "Maybe that will help."

Batman has posed:
"I'll pass the information on," Batman promises, his eyes never leaving the road as the car speeds down the lonely stretch of road that leads to Arkham Asylum.

"I'd ask you not to escape," he continues, "Or to try not to. But I know that's not going to do anything. If - when we meet again? It'll be the same way. We'll fight. I'll hurt you. You'll hurt me. Maybe you'll hurt one of my people as well in the process. But if there is something in there ... a little sliver of who you are that can seize control? I urge you to try. I don't enjoy this, Julia."

They roll through the gates, the car pausing at the main entrance as the passenger side of the pod hisses open again and the orderlies approach cautiously.

Stockholm has posed:
"Batman." she pauses "This is the first time I've been in control in years now and I have no idea why... maybe it is the concussion." yeah she knows enough about triage and combat medicine at this point in her career to recognize it.

"And .. I hate this. I hate myself. I can't even recognize myself. You are right though I know you are right. I'm going to end up breaking out again and it will just start up again."

When the orderlies get to her she holds up her hands so they can see the cast before they haul her out. She doesn't resist at all in the courtyard with them. She also doesn't struggle in the lobby, though she starts to cry, just sobbing.

Which doesn't last either, little hiccups of breath and sobbing that fades away the deeper she gets into intake "no.. no.. go away.." is picked up by the microphones and cameras

By the time they are taking her to her cell she is protesting "BATMAN STOLE MY DOG" and definitely struggling against the orderlies. Calendar man laughs at her from his cell and she lunges in the orderlies grip "I'll make you regret this like the Ides of March Asshole!"

Batman has posed:
Batman doesn't leave the car as the orderlies take Stockholm in. He's satisfied that they'll be able to handle her in the bruised and injured state she's in. He watches her go, part of him hoping that the lucidity will last. That maybe the change is not just a fleeting glimpse of the moon between passing clouds.

But then she starts to rant and rave again, struggling and fighting. The material of his gloves rustles noisily as his hands grip the steering wheel, his jaw tightening into a pained line that even now continues to bleed and stain the collar of his suit.

He lifts his fist again, slamming it angrily against the dash console. A moment later, the car reverses and turns in Arkham's drive to speed out into the night once more.

There are no wins.

And no one ever changes.