8677/Power Lunch
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Power Lunch | |
Date of Scene: | 06 August 2019 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Fresh back from a trip, Caitlin cooks a lunch for Conner and Rose. |
Cast of Characters: | Superboy, Ravager, Fairchild
- Superboy has posed:
After the stolen Jaguar incident Conner had to make up for Rose. She is not the kind of girl one should throw on top of a speeding car without asking first! Still, it was a fun Sunday. Mostly.
But it is almost lunch time by the time Conner carries the white-haired young woman back to her apartment, flying from the ESU campus. Mostly for lunch, since she has to go to work in a few hours in her new security chief job at that mutant club place.
Conner expected the apartment to be empty, but he can see/hear/smell a few changes. "Hey look. Caitlin is back," he announces, letting Rose stand on her feet.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson didn't have her daggers or her swords or her guns or her lazerz, but she kicked the crap out of the criminal thieves anyway. Lunch may have calmed her down, but she needed to stop for bandaids because she kicked in a car window and did some other James Bond crap. "You need to put me the &&&& down, I'm fine," she mutters, "By the way, throw me again and I'm gonna get &&&&in pissed. I mean, more &&&&in pissed than right now. You know," she explains helpfully as she walks into the apartment, "She is?" she wonders, "Hey Cait!! Where the &&&& are you?!?" she shouts loudly.
- Fairchild has posed:
When the door opens, Caitlin's indeed the source of the enticing smell of cooking that assails Conner's superhuman sense. It smells vaguely ethnic. Curry, perhaps? It's coming from the kitchen.
A frypan in the oven bears strips of slow-browning white chicken breast, and the large saucepan on the oven range simmers with a rich brown sauce. Just as they enter, Caitlin starts pouring heavy cream into the concoction.
She looks up at the duo and a grin spreads across her face. "Oh gosh! You guys are back sooner than I thought!" she explains, and hurridly wipes her hands on a cloth. Some classical cello music is turned down to a low background murmur. She's in lightweight summer attire; old Chucks, calf-length, baggy cargo pants of some lightweight khakhi color, and a pink tee with some print on it obscured by her apron.
With a spring in her step Caitlin moves to give Conner a warm, welcoming hug, and offer one of the same to Rose. "I wanted to surprise you with dinner. It'll be done soon, though-- rice and curry sound good to you two?"
- Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs when Cait hugs him, "we are back too soon... heh? If we knew you were coming we would have cleaned up a little." No. They probably wouldn't. But at least they would have made a token effort. Maaaaybe.
"Seriously, Red, call more often. I was about to call Robin to see if he could find you," he adds a little more serious. As for the food. "Food sounds good, I like the smell. Rose has me on salad and green beans," he jokes.
Conner doesn't even really need food if he has sunlight. He is just a glutton.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson doesn't hug Caitlin back because she's trying to be super cool but she smirks in the aftermath, flicking her white hair and knucklebumping Caitlin's shoulder like a badass, so it's like the most friendly thing ever. "Make Conner's super spicy," she tells Caitlin. "Yeah, we were doing the cop's job. No biggie," she explains, pointing to the holes in her t-shirt, "I was in my ****in jeans and had to kick the **** out of people," she reports, waving it off as she walks down the hallway to change her holy t-shirt. She leans over and looks at the suspicious stereo on her way, "This isn't Pearl Jam..." she mutters to nobody in particular.
- Fairchild has posed:
"Hey, just because I'm from Iowa doesn't mean I season things that way," Caitlin says, flinging her retort at Rose's back with a grin. "It'll be good, I promise!" she calls, blunting any ire she might have inadvertently communicated.
Conner's arm gets another pat and a brief squeeze and Caitlin breaks away to the kitchen again. A hand props against her lower back and she goes back to stirring the simmering curry in the low iron pot. There's a *ding* from the rice cooker; it pops open and the scent of delicate jasmine rise joins the melange hanging in the air.
"So what were you two doing? Howcome Rose's clothes look like she lost a fight inside a Hot Topic?" Caitlin inquires, and flashes a mirthful grin at the Boy of Steel.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson has sauntered to the back while Caitlin simmers the curry and comes out in her new totally causal outfit, "I heard that," she mutters, messing with her messed-up white hair. "I opened my mouth when I saw a police chase, that's what happened. Apparently Superham heard me," she tells Caitlin, "It's fine, ripped jeans are fashionable."
Rose walks back across the room to Caitlin's lil table, whapping Conner in the arm playfully. She pulls out the chair and sits on it super casually. "I didn't even have my daggers...or my machete, or my sword...or my 9mm...or...hmmm," she trails off.
- Superboy has posed:
"Wait, don't," protests Conner. "I have enhanced senses, as she knows," he adds as explanation. As for her clothes, "it wasn't my fault. Well, it might be but not like you think. We got involved in a car chase."
He looks at Rose and sighs. "Hey, yes... sit down, girl. You will need a day or two to heal those cuts fully." Then to Cait, "she kicked a guy through a window while the car was going at 80 miles per hour or so."
- Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces as the gory details are related to her. "Oh gosh, I hope no one was hurt too bad," she offers with a frown. "Those car chases can get nasty. What was it, a bank robbery or something?" She reaches for a glass of ice and soda and takes a sip, then busies herself with the task of serving up a meal. Both get a cup of rice and a generous overpour of curry; smells like chicken is the protein du jour. She sets them both up with a bowl, utensils, and napkins, and only then does Caitlin serve herself.
"You should probably get checked out by medical," Caitlin advises Rose, and removes her apron to hang it up in the kitchen. Retrieving her comparatively oversized bowl she moves to a sturdy chair at the end of the table and settles into it.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson looks at Caitlin curiously, "Hell if I know," she answers, having no clue why she was chasing and brutally attacking the men in the fleeing car, "Was his idea," she explains.
She looks down at the bowl in front of her but doesn't say anything about it. She takes a fork and pokes the food as if testing it for anything alive, then has a bite. "Guys, I'm fine, it's nothing," Rose suggests.
- Superboy has posed:
"I think it was just a car theft gone wrong, that Jaguar must have been very expensive," guesses Conner. It was not so expensive after Rose finished with it. But Conner threw her to the car to prevent an accident. He was busy!
Conner grabs a soda can from the fridge before settling, going for the food more boldly than Rose. Hmm, not too spicy. "I have seen her heal from more serious cuts in hours, Cait. I think she will be fine, we bandaged the injuries."
- Fairchild has posed:
"No, I--" Caitlin flounders, waving a hand once in the air. "I mean, I don't know. Rose's tough, I just don't want you to have a concussion or an aneurysm, or something," she admits, fretting her cheek. "Getting thrown through a car window sounds like it'd suck even for me."
She takes a few bites of her curry then gets to her feet with a sudden motion. Sour cream's retrieved from the fridge and set in the middle of the table with a spoon in it.
"Er, so... is it good?" she asks with a tentative gesture at the bowls in front of her friends. "It's a new recipe, I don't have to make it again if it's too strong," she adds hastily.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson motions to herself, "He threw me on top of the car, I only jumped through the car window," she corrects Caitlin, "I couldn't stab these guys to stop them cause I didn't have any stabby weapons, so I had to improvise," she explains helpfully.
Rose stirs and pokes the bowl of food again, "Yeah it's fine, Cait," she tells her.
- Superboy has posed:
"It is great, Cait," replies Conner, nodding at Rose's added explanations. "Well, I was quite sure she would stop them somehow." The lack of stabbing is a bonus. Although the pair of thieves in the stolen car had to go to the hospital anyway. Rose punches fairly hard.
They probably deserved it.
"Not much more happening. But there are robots harassing mutants, and Magneto is flying a chunk of his island towards New York, so things might change soon," he shrugs, assuming the Justice League and the Avengers would move against Magneto if he tries to bring his flying fortress into the US. Chances are he won't get involved.
- Fairchild has posed:
"Yeah, I heard," Caitlin murmurs with a nod to Conner. "What a nightmare. Trask is a terrible person, and I don't like saying that, but-- I mean, those Sentinels. They're designed to be scary, and you just know the -second- they decide to open it up from 'mutants' to 'non-baselines', those things are coming for the rest of us," she admonishes the others. Caitlin shovels a few quick bites of curry into her mouth and chews hungrily.
"As for Magneto, I think you're right, though. He's very scary but I'm pretty sure even he would think twice about like, trying to invade the USA with a flying island. Right?" She looks to Rose for confirmation, clearly trying to sound a lot more certain than she feels.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson squints at Caitlin while trying to follow the conversation, then has another bite of her food. As she chews it over, she squints at Caitlin again. "There's always some flying robots chasing mutants around," she suggests, as if this were normal, "I'm sure they'll fight and we'll shuffle off back to normal eventually. They didn't ask for our help anyway," she adds. She looks at Conner, "How do you know Magneto?" she wonders.
- Superboy has posed:
"I had to fight some smaller robots. Not sure if they were related to the Sentinels," offers Conner. Then to Rose, he shrugs. "It is all over the news. I don't know him personally, although I was once or twice in Genosha a year ago." Not much to say about that, he seems concentrating in his food.
- Fairchild has posed:
"He's... Magneto," Caitlin says, blinking twice at Rose's question. "Dr. Lehnsherr? The man's a fruitcake but he's one of the foremost geniuses of our time," she points out for the white-haired woman's benefit. "He holds doctorates in ... high energy physics, chemistry, genetics, world history, international relations... I mean, Dr. von Doom is crazy too, but I still cite him as an author when I'm preparing journal papers. Magneto's the world's foremost expert on gravitational physics, and he's like... up there with Dr. Richards, or Dr. Palmer." She spreads her hands minutely, fork waggling over her bowl. "I don't like their politics, but it'd be silly to just ignore their scientific contributions, wouldn't it?"
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs at Caitlin's suggestions, "Hell if I know," she says, "I've never met him. I don't think I would end up enjoying that, since I wear chainmail to kick ass," she explains to her. She shrugs again. She leans back in her chair and says, "Well that was okay Cait, thanks. I'm totally full now."
- Superboy has posed:
"Wait, Magneto is a published scientist?" Conner looks puzzled. "And Doctor Doom too? Where do they publish their papers? Terrorist Science for Dummies? Latverian College Press of Doom? Do they got the doctorates in the College for Evil Genius of Earth-3?"
Conner handwaves. "Don't tell me you have been reading Genoshan propaganda, Cait? You said it, that guy is nuts. He doesn't share his science with others and I doubt he has been allowed to doctorate in any university of the world. Oh... maybe they gave him all the doctorates in Genosha, the last couple years. Quick writer."
- Fairchild has posed:
"You do know he hasn't been a supervillain his entire life, right?" Caitlin asks Conner, dryly. "Magneto, or Doom. They did go to college and they've got a reputation for being geniuses. You don't get a reputation for being smart unless, like, other smart people validate it. With a diploma, or a peer-reviewed publication."
She gets to her feet and starts collecting empty bowls from the others. Rose is flashed a smile. "Glad you liked it," Caitlin thanks her roommate. "I'll make it again sometime, it's really easy to do now that I know the recipe." She settles the bowls in the sink and starts doing dishes, tidying up the kitchen as she goes.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson stretches her arms out over her head and says, "Well, guess I'll go run a few miles and then sleep, unless you guys got any plans," she tells them, then looks disappointed as she says, "Dang, I'm so boring."
She doesn't get up to help Caitlin with the dishes, but does hand over her bowl helpfully. She gets up from the lil table and goes to plop down on the couch to think about her run.
- Superboy has posed:
Conner gives Cait a dubious look and finishes his food, standing up to help clean up. He glances at Rose patting her head. "Lets skip running today, you have cuts in your legs. We can stay here and Cait can tell us about her trip. Or play Scrabble. Or hell, I'll take you both to watch a movie that doesn't suck. This time you pick it, Rosie."
- Fairchild has posed:
"I can't stay," Caitlin says wistfully. "I've got to get to the labs and start catching up on paperwork-- you can only do so much via telecommute. Also, I wanna make sure they didn't burn down the place while I was gone," she says, wrinkling her nose. "Mr. Stark's track record with property destruction's almost worst than mine."
It doesn't take her long to tidy up, and soon the dishwasher's humming with a merry churn. "Listen, I'll be back in a few hours. Anything you need me to pick up while I'm out, Rose?" Caitlin inquires of her roommate. "I stocked up the fridge with essentials but I can pick up some beer or something for you if you want," Caitlin offers solicitously.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson eyes Conner as he pats her, "Don't pat me like a little dog," she mutters, then winces a little bit at the idea of Scrabble and Checkers and a Normal Life, "Scrabble? Are you kidding? You wouldn't you rather lift weights or work out?" she comments blandly.
Rose then watches Caitlin as she thinks over a more shocked retort, "Guys, I'm totally fine!" she lets out, "I totally have a healing factor. I'm bulletproof and immune to poison and I have superstrength. It's cool. Look at me, I'm impervious to ALL that kinda stuff," she tells them, motioning to herself vigorously.
- Superboy has posed:
"Nope," replies Conner. "Not that I can easily find a gym adjusted to me anyway," there is one in the Outsider's base, but Cait is not in the know, so he doesn't mention it. "And you are tough and stuff, but I am still thinking I will be the responsible one this time and keep you relatively still until tomorrow. Which doesn't mean boring."
- Fairchild has posed:
"Hey, I'm allowed to worry," Caitlin scolds Rose. "You're not invincible, y'know. But yes, you're very tough," she reassures the woman with a dimple-cheeked grin.
"Okay, I'm out. I'll see you guys later, okay? Conner, if you wanna hit the gym later, I have an errand to run at the Hall of Justice. They've got a good facility there. Anyway, later guys!" She waves at her friends and slips out the door, slinging a neat satchel over her hip as she goes.
- Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson groans, "Fine, whatever," she says, "'Relatively' still is not something I enjoy guys," she explains, thinking they would get that by now. She's obviously not being very nice but pouts anyway. She leans back in the couch and practices being relatively still, "Bored already," she mutters.