8525/Nightingale in Flight

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Nightingale in Flight
Date of Scene: 26 July 2019
Location: Boathouse - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Nightingale takes flight, only to meet a new friend and enjoy good company by Breakstone Lake.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Nightingale, Cannonball, Kaydin LeGraize

Gambit has posed:
if there is one thing that Remy loves about living in the boat house, it's that he's the only one living in The Boathouse. It's not that he doesn't enjoy the company of other people, so much as he enjoys being able to sit on his porch, smoke a cigarette, and drink a beer before 2 p.m., and not have anyone trying to judge him for it.

Nightingale has posed:
     ...except this time, Remy isn't alone. However, the young tow-headed woman by the water across from the boathouse must not be aware of current living arrangements in place. Her hair is light gold, reaches to the middle of her back, but is sometimes swept aside by her wings. Yes, wings. Large, snowy, feathered wings which she stretches out to their full span as if perhaps rarely allowed the chance to do so. Her light blue sundress, long and flowing, flutters about her ankles as she prepares to take to the air, laughing as if nobody could hear. Which, of course, she thinks nobody can. Her takeoff isn't exactly graceful, but she does manage to get into the air with fairly strong strokes of her wings, enjoying for one moment the gift of flight.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will be walking out towards the Boat house. He has not seen the Cajun in a while, and is coming to check on him. He has brought the other man a box with some left overs in it. Sam looks over and smiles a bit as he sees Shannon take to the air, walking on towards Gambit's house

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau Smiles a bit taking a long drink of his beer. He may not know what it's like to fly himself exactly, but he can understand the Euphoria of the girl is obviously feeling. he glances at his unlit cigarette, and shrugging slide it back into the pack.

Gambit has posed:
deciding to make himself known, he calls out to the unknown girl, "Try to keep your legs together. I think it's helps you steer."

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, now that was something Shannon had not expected at all. She's brought up short, hovering above the surface of the water. Mist clinging to the otherwise mirror-like expanse of water is sent swirling away, like some eldtrich beings rising from the depths of Hades sent on their way. Crap. She is just close enough to the boathouse from her flight that the rosy hue of her face is easily seen growing very bright, indeed. "Thanks, I think. Ummm... you didn't see anything, did you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to Gambit and shakes his head and mouths "No you didn't" But as he walks closer he says "Good to see your still around Remy, has not seen ya in a few days and made some spicy chicken, had left overs so thought was a decent excuse to come check on you.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives the girl that patented Cajun Wicked smile, "Well I'll never tell." When Sam walks up, Remy gives him a smile and a quick bro hug, "if that's fried chicken I smell, you either want something or need to apologize for something. either way it's yours."

Nightingale has posed:
     Fried chicken? Well, that was reason to come in for a landing--especially if it was the fried chicken she remembered Sam making a couple nights prior. Besides, Shannon could always work on her flying later, when there wasn't the chance of some smooth-talking Cajun seeing something that he shouldn't! She attempts to land near Sam with some measure of grace, but it's plain that yes, indeed, some further work is needed on this particular skill set.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I was just concerned about ya, aint seen ya in a couple days. Realized it when I was getting Kitty her presents together." He will tell the other man offering him the box. So Remy Lebeau, this is Shannon Lance, one of our newer students." He will introduce the two."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau reaches out to offer the girl a steadying arm as she lands, before taking the box from Sam. "Sorry about that Mon Ami, guess I should get out more. Since the whole thing with Rogue," the Cajun Sighs and just shrugs. "No faster way to mess with a man's head than to have a woman mess with his heart. Am I wrong?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Merci!" Shannon smiles shyly as her somewhat awkward landing is steadied by Remy reaching out at just the right moment. "Enchanté, Remy." Her brows furrow with worry as the Cajun gives voice to his heartache to Sam, folding her wings about herself like a shield. She closes her eyes, trying to think for a moment. Her voice is a little hesitant; perhaps this is not her first language. "S'il vous plaît ne perdez pas espoir."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    A blur blasts across the lake, before stopping near Remy and Shannon. "You know they say Cajuns break women hearts." Kaydin says as he blurs out and appears with a beret on his head and flowers in his hand. "I speak french too. Like Deja vu!" He says as he offers the flowers to Shannon.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah aint gonna try French mine is horrible, but trust me I know exactly what ya mean." He tells the other man as he has also not to long ago broke up with someone at the mansion. "So, what have you ben up to of late." He looks over and nods to Kaydin."

Gambit has posed:
"Ah blame yah foh dis Sam. Yah obviously don' know de power of fried chicken. Now Ah gonna be dealin' wit' weirdos all day." the Cajun says with an amused grin. He looks to Shannon and smiles. "Ah know chere, jus' take time. " After all this break up is 100x better then the one he had with Belle after all.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon barely has time to smile before the wind whipping around her from the passage of a semi-familiar speedster has her hair whipping about wildly in her face. It's a good thing her wings are drawn about her, they help to keep her skirt down where it belongs, and modest in the face of the gust of chaos passing by. Or rather, coming to stop not once, but twice very close by, the second with a nosegay of assorted fragrant wildflowers. If her face was rosy before, the hue grows even brighter now, but she reaches out to accept the flowers, cradling them in her hands. "Thank you, Kaydin!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Oh Ah know the power, Not only did Ah get the people coming for it, Ah might have to teach a class on how to make it, if so will draft you to teach your version as well." He tells the older man. "Oh I might have a job for ya down the road, but it aint sure yet."

Gambit has posed:
"Ah assume you'll want to wait until there are fewer ears around to tell me about it." he asks Sam, then says " I just made a pitcher of lemonade if anybody wants some. made it the same way my grandma taught me." then he offers A sly grin to Shannon, " that is to say pull the plastic tab off of the canister of Frozen concentrated lemonade, and stir in water. ,

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon plucks a black-eyed Susan from the flowers that Kaydin gifted her with, and tucks it behind her left ear. Is it... yes, it is... an actual, honest smile at Kaydin's simple gift. Oh, my. "Where did you find these, Kaydin? They're beautiful."

She regards Sam and Remy both, canting her head slightly to one side as she listens. "Well, if there's going to be a class, count me in on it. That chicken has got to be some of the best I've ever tasted!"

Even she is not immune to the charm of that grin, hiding her face behind her wings, and giggling softly. Her blush goes clear to the tips of her ears. "If it works, there's no shame in it, monsieur Remy."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "France." Kaydin says as he looks to Remy and Sam. "I got them from a floral stand in france." He says as he watches her. He then looks to Sam. "I am fine, just working on that dazzler display. I am afraid I never met him but I have heard of an infamous cajun named Remy LeBeau." He says as he offers a hand to remy.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the others and says "It aint really a private thing it is more time and seeing exactly what I am going to need done. " He grins at Shannon and says "Have to let ya try some of the stuff my ma sends me." He looks over to Kaydin "You do know Dazzler is a woman right?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes the teens hand. "Well don' believe everyt'ing yah've 'eard. Ah am much worse." He just shakes his head at Sam, grinning slightly. He doesnt say anything, just lets the younger man realize what he said. Instead he opens the box of chicken, selecting a breast, then offering some to the two students. "So 'ow long y'all been at de school?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon picks a thigh from the box of chicken, flashing Sam and Remy both a grateful smile from behind the shield of her wings. "Merci!" Silence reigns supreme for a few moments as she partakes of the tasty snack, looking as if she's in heaven. "This is just my third day here. I'm not sure about Kaydin, though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Kaydin has been here for a while, and if none mention his misunderstanding it did not happen right? He will shakes his head "Thanks, but think I am good, been eatting it for a while now, I am thinking I am saving room for something made out of cow tonight.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs slightly, nodding to Sam in understanding. "Well tell tah what homme, come by abou' six. Ah got a grill an' some steaks. We kill a few beers an' talk 'bout what dis job yah workin' on." he then grins at Shannon, "Well den chere, welcome ta Xavier's" he says offering her his hand...but if she takes it rather then shake it he brings it to his lips and brushes a kiss on her knuckles. "'Ope yah survive de experience. "

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is as red as a beet, but her azure eyes twinkle and she can't help but smile at the old-fashioned charm of such a courtly gesture from Remy. "Merci. Oh, I'll survive the experience." If she doesn't die of blushing first, that is! "Perhaps we won't be strangers?" What the high holy Hades was she thinking?! It was hard to know what to do, but still... there was no need to be anything but civil, was there? Especially to someone this charming.

"Thank you, Kaydin... I'll have to put these in water as soon as I get back to the dorm." She bites her lower lip, dropping her voice a notch. "Nobody's brought flowers before. It was very sweet."

"Sam, remind me to leave you the recipe for those potato skins I made for the party yesterday... they'd go very well with steak." She smiles at Sam, stepping just a tiny bit back from the trio--yet not -too- far, not really.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods to Remy and he watches sam. "So how are you doing sam? I trust all is well?" He asks curiously before he looks to Shannon. "Is that all your mutation is, a couple of wings?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head in answer to Kaydin. "No, it's not. Those actually came second. What came first, well... one of you would have to be injured, to see." Her smile has faded, and her wings droop slightly, her expression more thoughtful, even somber.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Doing ok, having to deal with a few things with the club, but Ah think we are getting it all handled, for a bit thought we might have to push back the concert but al still looks god for it."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks and is about to say something when his cell chimes. He pulls it out and says "'Ello? Speakin'. Is 'e okay? Non yah did de right t'ing. Call Chess an' let 'im know. Ah'm out in Wes'chester, be about an hour. T'anks Didi." He hangs up the phone, "May 'ave ta put dose steaks off till tomorrow Sam. Gotta 'ead inta de city. Pleasure meetin' yah bot'

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Remy and says "You need a ride in? If it is a hurry, Ah wager Ah can get you there faster anybody except maybe Pietro or Kurt.

Nightingale has posed:
     "The pleasure was in meeting you, Remy. Please don't be a stranger?" Shannon could just about kick herself for being so forward, that blush returning. What a day this was proving to be, for certain! She takes a step back, towards the water's edge, leaving Sam and Remy to tend to matters themselves for the moment. She turns towards the water, spreading her wings once again and taking to the air, heading back towards the mansion.