8512/Repairs and Security Upgrades

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Repairs and Security Upgrades
Date of Scene: 25 July 2019
Location: Club Evolution, Bushwick (Mutant Town)
Synopsis: New security is hired
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Sunspot, Ravager

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is at the club today as new bullet proof windows are being put in. The place has been hit hard, but there are people here fixing it soon. The blood is being cleaned up, new furniture and equipment delivered to replace damaged or destroyed things. Sam stands in the middle of things, checking to see things are being done right, and telling people where to put things.

Sunspot has posed:
It is only the second time Roberto comes to Evolution. This club was always Sam's project and he is just the guy with the money. To be honest, he doesn't expect to get any benefit out of the club. It is useful to activate Mutant Town ailing economy, though.

Just a drop of water, and Roberto has bigger plans to help mutantkind. But now the club has become a target for drug-pushers and vicious gangs. And he feels forced to act to protect the place. Bulletproof glass everywhere is an expensive first step. But mere walls are not enough to protect a club full of people. Hence he went looking for more expert help. Today Sam and Berto are interviewing a rising star in the mercenary world that actually has experience in club security.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson keeps her sunglasses on as she walks into the club because she's a badass. She whips them off and squints at the room, then smirks a bit at the attendent who asks her some dumb questions, like what the fudge she's doing here. She blabs something about about her meeting. "Yeah so, meeting these guys," she tells him helpfully.

The attendent pointpoints across the room vaguely and Rose keeps squinting in the direction he's point, "Yeah, fine," she mutters. She pops a piece of chewing gum in her mouth and walks slowly across the floor, dodging some construction equipment and a sign that reads: RE-BUILDING. She detours to the bar and asks the bartender, "What time do you guys start servin?" she wonders.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Berto, and says "Ah have put in a call to Guido for some folks he would suggest, but he is out on tour with Lila so not sure when we will hear back. As the woman walks up he looks her over a moment, and will ask "Miss Wilson?"

Sunspot has posed:
"Wilson? Oh man, I hope she is not related to Wade Wilson," comments Roberto quietly, just for Sam. "At least she is good looking," he adds as an afterthought. Then he smiles pleasantly to Rose as she comes closer. "Please, join us in one of the booths." If there is no objections, he leads the others to one some distance from the workers.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson opens her mouth to continue her conversation with the bartender when she's interrupted by Rowberto and Sam. She turns to look at them, "Rose," she comments to Sam, then nods her head to them apathetically, "Got a mess here, huh?" she comments. She titls her chin toward the mysterious booths and adds, "Yeah fine," she comments quietly. She walks over and plops down.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "We have had some incidents with some of the local gangs, and while we have some ways of dealing with it, to be honest we need someone with a bit more actual security bent that might be able to help us find the right level of security to keep employs, customers and performers safe." He will asks "What would you like to drink, motioning for one of the waitresses that showed up, to help with thing.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto sits down with a sigh. "What Sam is saying..." pause, "by the way, he is Sam Guthrie, the manager. I am Roberto Da Costa, the owner, good to meet you, Rose."

"What has happened," he continues, "is that some drug-pushers have been trying to use this club to distribute a new drug called Hook. We don't want that thing here, and they have shoot people. They injured one of my friends the first time. And killed a bouncer the second, as well as..." he gestures to the destruction.

"This is Mutant Town," comments Roberto. "Crime is high, police is scarce and many humans hate the residents. Contrarily to popular belief, most mutants don't have great powers and they aren't bulletproof. We need specialized help, someone able to take out a group of armed opponents quickly, before they can hurt anyone."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs, "Yeah, vodka tonic," she tells Sam and continues, "I used to be security at The Tunnel. Never really had a f***** problem even with gangs in the area," she explains and then nods to Roberto's long story, "Yeah okay I guess," she tells them, "Still not clear what you want though. You gonna put in a security system or what?" she asks impatiently, "Hey so, you really want me to take these assholes out? Is that what you said?" she wonders skeptically.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will motion towards the waitress for the drink, and says "What I would prefer would be you help us in setting up our security to be able to handle problems gangs, and such as part of, but if you can assist in running the gang out of the area, that would be worth us paying for as well. Ah do not want them killed killing in their way not ours, but making it not worth it to stay in the area for them would be great.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto nods at Sam's words. "If you have advice about the tech or the security measures, that would be appreciated. But your main task here would be provide extra security, make sure no one gets shoot or killed. I am willing to put you in charge of the bouncers if that is what it takes." Then he leans back, and confirms the blonde man's words. "As Sam said, if you can track down and captured the drug-pushers, that would be optimal and we can offer a large bonus for it. Killing would have to be avoided, though, the neighborhood already has a bad reputation. And we want no more trouble with the police or the media." Then amends, "unless it is the only way to prevent another killing, of course."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson motions to the ceiling, "Yeah okay, I got some ideas. You really need some security shit in here like The Tunnel had," she comments, waving a pointy finger around as if motioning to where she expects the security tech to be. "Yeah yeah, I heard ya. But I could nuke them. Or maybe pay some jackass f**** to give them a message. Or maybe a masked mercenary b&tch could do it," she explains to Sam's and Roberto's questions, then leans back in the booth as she thinks it over. "I'll think about it, no problem," she tells him, "Don't worry."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "What type of security are you thinking if ah may ask. We do have metal scanners coming in today, but those can be an issues with some of our clientel

Sunspot has posed:
"Visible cameras? I am not sure. Many mutants do not like to be recorded," comments Roberto. "Although we did talk about using them to prevent underage drinking, didn't we? Doug could code something."

He shakes his head to Rose, "no nuking. And no disintegrations either," it needed to be said." A beating... nah, I prefer them to go to jail. Well, perhaps after a beating."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson smirks a bit, "Yeah I gotcha," she says blandly, "Yeah so, I don't do non-pay consulting, you know. And it's not like auto-protection, you actually need to do some shit here. I know a guy...his name's John Lock and he can maybe train your shit Bouncers to be not-so-shit Bouncers," she explains helpfully, "Training and situational awareness are your friends. Yeah, totally free tip right there," she explains and smiles knowingly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Some of our bouncers need training, but some are rather well trained, but have little experience in a situation like this. Think more ex military types." He will inform her, but I believe if you have the ability for what we need my brother here, will be willing to pay your prices.

Sunspot has posed:
"Bouncers are here to prevent drunken brawls and kick out sexual harassers," comments Roberto. "Not to fight against gangers armed with automatics. They are not bodyguards and they don't even carry handguns."

And quite frankly, they are not paid enough to risk their lives. Rose -will- be. She has superpowers and crazy fighting skills then kind no one in the New Mutants has. Even among the X-Men only Wolverine and perhaps Psylocke and X-23 could outfight Rose. "That is why we need you here, and we can offer you a pretty nice contract for a month or two of work."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson frowns at Roberto and Samuel's responses, "All the best Night Club's have security. And metal detectors. And trained Bouncers who know what the f*** to do in certain situations. So I'm not sure what you mean," she says and shrugs, "Yeah okay fine."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Some of our bouncers are mutants some are human, so each of them bring their own specific skills and abilities to the job. So, as I said metal detectors are on their way, our tech specialist was the one shot, so he will be a bit before he can talk to you, but we will work with what you suggest and get it as best we can.

Sunspot has posed:
"Yes, but this situation is a bit beyond what bouncers can do and more into the territory of what the police should do," insists Roberto. But the police won't help much in Mutant Town, hence a mercenary. "Yes, our techie should be back in a week or two. Meanwhile we will go with the metal detectors and bulletproof glass. And you, if you accept the contract."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson motions to them, "Well if you want me to do this, the shit I'm telling you is what I need done, otherwise you know," she tells them, "I mean, you say you don't need it but this place is shit, look at it. I'd say you need it. You don't need a mercenary b&tch to go "scare" them," she says and does quote marks with her hands, "You need improvements, okay. Well whatever," she adds and shrugs.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises and says "No we are saying we do need the improvements, just saying that some of those here who are already here will have some training beyond what you may think. The place here was originally built by a bit of a party boy before we took over, and Ah have made some upgrades, but obviously more is needed.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto shrugs. He could invest millions in security, but seriously, it is a club in the poorest neighborhood in New York, not Madripoor Hightown or Downtown Metropolis. It was crappy, and if they turn it into Fort Knox it might drive away the locals. "We do need a balance between security and friendliness," he explains, "but again, that is beside the point. This is -not- a normal situation. Armed drug pushers are trying to use the club as a distribution center and we need to stop them. We can implement a more standard security, but it would be useless if they keep coming with guns."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson shrugs again, "Yeah okay whatever," she says blandly, "If they've got in before with guns and knives and shit, then they're gonna keep trying until they see a normal god damn situation. Well whatever, we'll see who these assholes think they are," she explains, "Anything else?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie gives her the info they know about the gang. Were orange shirts, mostly human, and where they are based out. "They also seem to be not the only one who are dealing the drug in the community, so may need to be prepared for them trying to war over who can sell here.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto gives Rose a contract. Standard security contract with the usual boring clauses, but with a rather fat paycheck at the end. She might wonder why a club like this can afford such a bill, but if she investigates who is Roberto, she will quickly know. He is one of the richest men in the world. And also a known mutant.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson leans forward and looks over the contract blandly, maybe wondering how a crapass (their words) club like this can afford the (in)famous and powerful RAVAGER, "Whatever, okay," she says to the contract and nods. Maybe she's already investigated them. Maybe she's planning something. Maybe not. She swipes her signature, "Later," she says and leaves the construction site.