8390/Where the Road Will Lead Us

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Where the Road Will Lead Us
Date of Scene: 18 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daniel Osborn, Rift

Daniel Osborn has posed:
It's been a few days since Kitora and Oz...really made things official. But, he's been sure to talk to her every single day. Communication was key in a relationship after all. But there was at least 1 thing he said that he would wait until he could see her in person again to tell her, but it was good news. Before that he'd seemed a little reserved about the whole thing. Like, he was committed, but maybe a bit unsure, but after, all of that was gone and he sort of jumped in with both feet. Today is the day, though, when he asks to see her again. She's welcome back at his house if she'd like, his parents aren't home, and he tells her as such. And this time, he has his acoustic guitar out, and is strumming it idly as he waits for her, back in his living room once again.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua got the message - smiling. She texts that she's on the way, and immediately takes off, flying quickly towards Daniel's house - going as fast as she can - bringing a bucket of KFC for she'll be famished when she arrives. She lands on his front step and knocks on the door - deciding to be polite, after no longer glowing. She waits for him to answer.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"It's open!" his voice can be heard calling from the living room. Probably a good thing she brought food this time, he...may have forgot to prepare something for her. Oops. Either way, he's picked up a melody now, humming along to his playing as he plays something with a more romantic feel. All she'll have to do is follow the music. And the door has been left unlocked for her.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua follows the music as she opens the door, coming in - carrying an entire KFC 16-piece meal. She smiles as she sits down. "You wanted to talk to me - in person this time?" she asks as she immediately starts to nom on a chicken leg.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
The music stops abruptly as he sees what she's brought. "Definitely high maintenance, or, at least high budget," he says, with a smirk. "There's no way you're gonna eat all that," he says. "Just...no way." He knew she could eat. He didn't know she could eat quite this much...

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua grins. "This isn't all for me - I figured you'd want some too," she states as she sits down by you. "Just... I'm really curious as to what you wanted to talk about." She sets the bucket down in front of you.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"How amazing KFC is," Oz responds, with a smirk. He reaches into the bucket and picks up a thigh, grinning as he bites into it. He's occupied for a short amount of time before he talks again. "So, I did say it would make you happy. Don't you remember, I was a little worried about Willow? Not anymore, turns out it's what she wanted anyway. By the way, she thinks you look good." He grins at her, then eats more of his chicken.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "Oh cool. Glad that's resolved. Do you have a pic of Willow?" she asks curiously as she is working on a chicken breast as she mmmmmmmms happily. "Very tasty." She glances at you. "Is that song you were working on coming along?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh! It actually is," he says. "I'm gettin better. I'e almost got that riff down. Oh, a picture of Willow, of course." He takes out his phone, opening the camera and swiping through pictures until he finds a good one of Willow, which he holds up. "Here. What do you think?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yeah - she's cute. But I'm glad there's no hard feelings." She leans against you as the two eat KFC. "So - what would you like to do today?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'm not sure," Oz responds. "I just wanted to see you. Though, you know, I've been considering moving for a while. Thought about going to mutant Town." He keeps eating, as usual, at a snail's pace compared to her, but he seems to also be in thought. He doesn't mind her leaning against him at all.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "Mutant Town? That'd be great - that's very close to where I live. Would make my commute much better - they could always use more help there." She smiles. "Just make sure you have a job liend up before you move of course." She hmmmms as she starts working on a 4th piece of chicken.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I have a job," Oz says, tapping his guitar. He finishes his second piece and lets her have at it for now, wiping his hands off. "Don't you remember? I play in a band. You've seen my shirts enough times."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yeah - I want one by the way." She smiles. "Just making sure that you'd be able to support yourself away - if all your bandmates live around here it'd be difficult." She grins.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh, yeah, they live around here, but they travel as much as I do. We get a lot of gigs in new York City, and it'd be easier for me to get there if I lived in the city already." He looks at her, thoughtfully. "Aren't you going to college, though? Well, I supposea summer job would be nice though. What would you wanna do?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "I have a part-time gig at a restaurant. I had two main passions - physics and cooking. This way I can indulge both. I have to eat a lot so might as wellk now how to make it myself, and enjoy it, right?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods. "For sure!" he says. "Physics. The thing that literally says everything you do is completely and utterly impossible."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua grins. "Exactly. I study physics so I understand just what I'm doing and how impossible it is. I mean - with a thought I can make that bucket of chicken float around the house... that shouldn't be."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs and nods. "It's really amazing what you can do," he says. "And to think...I'm just a mediocre werewolf." He shrugs. "Besides...you can fly. Like, that has to be awesome."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles softly. "Would you want to fly?" she finally asks. "I can bring people along too." She hmmmms. "But I never experience vertigo - a side-effect I guess."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Of course I would want to fly," Oz says. "I'd love it. Though I'd likely have to get used to it if I ended up doing it a lot. I still remember when Kaydin showed me what it was like for him being tied to the...speed force, i think he said? The world was so slow...I have no idea how he manages to like...act normal." He grins. "But flying...isn't that any non-flying cerature's dream? To fly?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods as she starts to glow. "We'll start slow." She gestures to you as you are surrounded by a faint red aura - and you start to hover weightlessly above the couch. "My flying involves being near weightless - you have to get used to it first."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Whoa, this is a little strange," Oz says, moving aorund a bit in the space to get adjusted to the feeling of being so light. He just experiments with moving about in different ways, trying to figure out how his body works in this environment.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "I can use this as a trap - if I suspend someone in the middle of the room - they'll have no purchase to move." She smiles faintly as you'd start to feel gravity take hold again - just BARELY. "Ever watch the old videos of the astronauts on the moon making incredible leaps and stuff? You are feeling similar gravity right now - if you jumped outside, you'd probably go twenty feet up."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"That's insane," Oz says. "Like...this is so cool." He experimentally pushes off the ground, not too hard, but enough to get him up in the air, intending to touch the ceiling.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "It takes some getting used to - I can fling things around too but that's more of a combat situation. I'm so used to moving myself around that I barley have to concentrate on it - just an extension of my will. Moving others around - I have to be careful not to hurt them."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, slowly coming back down. "Yeah, that would be bad. You know...it kinda feels like I'm attached to a spring. This is so insanely weird, but cool."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "My powers can be fun. Like I was at a pool and used portals to make a high dive." She then waits till you're settled before pulling her gift back. "My flight is a bit unnerving - for it's not 'flying' as Superman or something would do - it's just falling horizontally. It takes some getting used to."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz settles back on the couch, taking a breath. "That...will certainly feel weird," he says. "But I'd really love to try it. But that's really going to take some getting used to. I imagine it would feel like sky diving, except knowing you're not going to crash into the ground." He does grin at that idea. "I've never been sky diving. Maybe I'll do that one day."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "... yeah, it would basically be like that. I clocked myself at around 500 miles per hour when I really push it - but that takes a lot of energy so I try to avoid going full speed." She finished after eating half the bucket - there's a few leftovers at least.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"That's really fast," oz says, gaping at her. "Like...really fast. I imagine you couldn't go that fast if you were bringing me along?" he asks. "Wow. I can't believe all the things your powers can do just by manipulating gravity."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yeah - but there are downsides. If I get hurt - or get too hungry - it's hard to use my abilities. Like if I got shot or something." She rubs her right arm as she says that. "It's happened before."