8373/Saved: A Simple Request
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Saved: A Simple Request | |
Date of Scene: | 17 July 2019 |
Location: | Club Evolution, Mutant Town |
Synopsis: | Cypher gets an unexpected request from a desperate friend, and has to deal with Hook trying to worm its way into the club. Scarlet Witch and Elixir show up to help. |
Thanks to: | Cypher, Scarlet Witch |
Cast of Characters: | Elixir, Cypher, Scarlet Witch |
Tinyplot: | Saved |
Tinyplot2: | Undercurrents |
- Elixir has posed:
It is midday in sunny New York, so the streets are busy in Mutant Town. Going, coming, hanging out, there are people everywhere. Some are in work clothes, some in summer attire, some flying through the air on leathery or feathered wings. The street makes its usual sounds, traffic, talking, sirens, hurrying. A normal day, textured in its own particular way, but woven of the same cloth as a hundred others. The deviation in the tapestry is subtle at first but Doug is well aware someone is coming his way shortly before they reach him as he walks down the street.
"Doug! Doug, wait up," comes the voice from behind him. Carlos comes pushing his way past other pedestrians. Carlos is regular at Evolution, and an outgoing guy, certainly an acquaintance. He works for a cleaning company doing nightshifts and vaguely simian facial features from his mutation. Watching him climb and clown around reliably gets a laugh. He's like an adult Curious George without the tail.
- Cypher has posed:
Doug is talking to one of the other bouncers. "So you keep an eye out for people who're tweaking. This is a nightclub, we deal with reality, but you also make sure to do a drugs check on everybody you let in. Make them turn out their pockets and purses. No backpacks allowed in. If they complain, explain the situation with the new stuff to them, if they don't like it, tough--"
He looks up at George, and his expression brightens. "My man!" He goes through an elaborate handshake with the simian mutant. "What can I do for you today?"
- Elixir has posed:
"Hey!" Carlos says brightly. He nods to George.
"Hey, I know you're busy man, but uh, I need a favour," he says to Doug. He is clearly not comfortable asking but whatever it is, it's important to him.
- Cypher has posed:
Doug puts his hands in his pockets, and then says, "...Come inside." He jerks his chin, and then he takes Carlos into the club, to the back office. "I can tell whatever this is, you don't want to tell me about it on the street." He gets a couple of bottles of water, cracks one, and tosses the other to Carlos.
"You know that I'll help however I can. What's wrong?"
- Elixir has posed:
Carlos follows Doug in, evidently relieved. He takes the bottle of water, thanks Doug and takes a sip. He sits foward with his arms resting on his knees.
"I wouldn't bug you if it wasn't important, I don't wanna bug nobody. But I got some real bad news," Carlos says and makes a face. "I got cancer, man. Bad. Doctor says it's in liver and, uh, lymph loads or something. Whatever, it's bad. Four months without treatment, maybe a year with treatment. But I can't afford any of that. I'm just a janitor. It's scary man, I don't wanna go, I'm only 26!"
- Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that, and then he sighs, and sits back, and says, "...Wow. I'm sorry man." Doug exhales, and then says, "Thaat's horrible." He looks up, and then says, "I--"
He thinks, quietly. He knows some doctors. Some *really good* doctors. Experts in Mutant Genetics. And Mutants are sometimes treated badly by flatscan doctors. But how much of his privilege does he have the right to exercise here? He flattens his mouth into a line, and then he says, "...I understand. Better than you know."
"Tell me what you need me to do?"
- Elixir has posed:
Carlos looks down. "Thanks, man. Really," he says. He scuffs one of his feet on the floor. "There was this guy that was living in an apartment up the street? I heard he can do stuff. Fix people. Like, I heard his neighbour's kid got leukemia and he cured it! I went up there, but his place is empty now. Nobody knows where he went."
"I've seen him here talking with you and that Kitty girl you brought around," Carlos continues. He looks up and his expression is pleading. "The blonde guy, Josh? I gotta find him, Doug. I need his help. I don't wanna die like this."
- Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses. Oooh. Oh boy. You don't need his powers to see the writing on that wall, he just sees them outlined in fire. "...Listen, Carlos--" Doug says. "I can do a lot of things for you. I can get you access to counselors, I can get you in to see some really *excellent* doctors who can give you a second opinion and help you get access to treatment--"
He's just not sure that he can, in good conscience, do this. He doesn't have the right. He closes his eyes, and pinches the bridge of his nose. "...Look. It may not seem like it, but I've been where you are. I know it's scary." He just took the trap-door plunge version of it, not the slow march, that's all. "...I know Josh. He's not a miracle worker."
- Elixir has posed:
"No, it's true," Carlos says, moving closer to Doug, freaking out a little. The man is desperate, afraid and certainly not at the point of accepting he has cancer and will die.
"The kid, ah, some Russian guy that got shot, Angie that comes in here? Duke beat her down again but she went to Josh. Please, Doug, you gotta talk to him for me. I can't afford chemo, or any of that. /Please/ just promise me you'll try. I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate."
- Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs, and gets his phone out. "Have a drink of water. Ten deep breaths." He texts using his thumb, rapidly. 'One of the regulars is in here begging to sesh with you. Terminal C. Whatever you're doing, people are talking.'"
He scowls, and rubs the back of his neck, but can see right now Carlos is not in the mood for being talked down. Not when he thinks a miracle is a text message away.
- Elixir has posed:
"Thank you, seriously. If there's ever anything I can do for you," Carlos gushes, relieved. "I just, man, I didn't know what I was gonna do."
There is a short pause before Doug gets a text back from Josh.
<Shit. K. Tell him to stay there and shut up. Sorry D. brt>
There is a flash of scarlet light from the main room of the club.
"Doug?" Josh calls from down by the bar. "You up there?" There is the sound of two pairs of feet walking up the stairs to the office. Josh looks his usual toussled self in shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops.
"What's up?" he asks Doug when he gets to the office.
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff follows behind Josh. She's wearing a pair of jeans a t-shirt, and is still pulling her hair back and securing it with some clips, as if not having planned on going out anywhere today. She drops off a few steps as he heads over to Doug, giving the pair space to talk, but also being nearby in case she is needed.
She glances around the club, not having been here often, and not in the daytime certainly. Quite a different place without the energy of the crowd in it.
- Cypher has posed:
"Carlos..." Doug says, but then he frowns. How can he tell this guy not to expect miracles without feeling like an enormous hypocrite?
He looks up. "In the office." He looks between the two, and then says, "Josh, this is Carlos. He's just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and--" He sighs, "He needs help."
Then he looks over to Wanda, and his expression says 'You're okay with this?' before he says, "I'm not in the favor-trading game, Carlos." Just having a crisis of conscience, that's all.
- Elixir has posed:
Josh runs a hand through his hair with a look of concern and offers his other hand to Carlos.
"Hey, I think I've seen you around," Josh says, and chews the inside of his lip. "Sorry to hear, man. That /sucks/. I'll have a look, k?"
"Serious? Thank you, I was telling Doug, I'll do whatever, I'll pay you back, I can...."
"Uh, no man, it's okay. Just don't tell anyone, you know?" Josh says. He looks up to Doug and Wanda then crouches in front of Carlos. Josh holds out a hand to Carlos who offers his right eagerly enough. Josh concentrates and his hand glows golden.
"Wow, yeah man, that's scary. Liver, feels gross," Josh comments.
"Yeah, they said I only had a couple months. Can you..." Carlos stops. The golden glow spreads from Josh up Carlos' arm. Carlos' eyes go wide but he starts to smile in wonder. "It's warm," Carlos says.
Josh stays still for about five minutes and then glow fades. Josh pushes up, and wobbles a little, like he was having a head rush.
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
Pietro Maximoff is the speedster in the family. Yet Wanda seems intent on challenging him at how fast she covers the short distance to Josh when she sees that wobble. Her arm slips about the taller young man, helping support him.
"It's ok. Maybe sit for a few more seconds?" she suggests, but won't do anything to force Josh back down into a seat if he doesn't wish. Green eyes are cast over at Carlos. "He can't handle helping everyone that might need healing. Keeping this in confidence would be very much appreciated," she tells the young man.
Her eyes go back to Josh, expression a mix of warmth and concern over what he's done for Carlos, but also seeing the toll it took on him.
- Cypher has posed:
Doug gets Josh a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and a granola bar. "Sorry, it has raisins in it, it's the kind Sam likes." And he's the boss.
He has no further stake in this game, at least that's how he seems to feel, before he puts his hand on Carlos's shoulder, and says, "Just the same, I know a mutant-friendly GP. I want you to go talk to her, okay? Her bedside manner is... prickly to put it best but she's a *really good* doctor and she won't rake you over the coals or cut corners." He looks to the other two. "I think he should see Dr. Reyes, just to be sure, but..." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I have to go back to instructing the bouncers about what to look for, we've got more and more junkies strung out on this *stuff* showing up at the club--"
- Elixir has posed:
"So, that means?" Carlos asks with a big smile.
"Yeah, you're good. Go to the doctor like Doug said, but you're good," Josh assures him. He takes the water with a grateful smile to Doug. "And seriously, just, don't tell anyone."
"I won't, I promise, I won't," he says with a big grin. "Dr. Reyes, I'll get an appointment right now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Carlos fairly bounces out the door.
"Sorry that happened, Doug," Josh says, looking a bit sheepish. The colour is returning quickly to his face.
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda smiles over to Doug as he brings the water to Josh. And Carlos gets one as well as he promises he won't tell others about the healing. "Good luck to you, Carlos," she tells him, flashing the young man a smile as he starts to bounce out.
Wanda moves to take a seat by Josh, hand gently rubbing the top of his back. "Does it take more out of you, the more that you have to heal?" she asks him quietly.
Wanda frowns just a bit and tells Doug, "It is definitely a problem, this new drug. Hoping to figure out something of its source," she tells him.
- Elixir has posed:
Carlos flashes Wanda a big grin and is gone. He can be heard taking the stairs a few at a time.
"Yeah, it does," Josh replies to Wanda. He drinks from the water bottle. "That wasn't too bad, just quick, so it got me a bit. Shoulda taken more time. But he's gonna be fine, that's the important part. He had a weird heart murmur too, probably didn't know it. Fixed that too," Josh says with a grin. He takes Wanda's hand and squeezes it. "Thanks for getting me here."
He looks concerned, too, when Doug and Wanda mention Hook showing up at the club. "That's not good at all. We really need Hank or someone to come up with something. I mean, even if Hook disappeared tomorrow, those people are gonna be doing anything to find more."
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda stays seated at Josh's side as they talk. "Of course," she says to him of the timely teleporting, and with a smile as if glad to have been able to do it for him. "We'll have to work out the best way to do things before we make our trip," she says thoughtfully. She trails off, expression suggesting her mind is working. "I wonder if you could draw some strength from me. We were able to work together on Sarah. Maybe you could use some amount of my power to conserve more of your own?" she says slowly. "Something we can try at least?"
The woman slowly nods at the mention of the drug. "I spoke to someone at the Surgeon General's office, saying I would try to forward information if they could help disseminate it. They will want to do their own tests for confirmation of the medical parts, I imagine. But they seemed receptive to the offer."
- Elixir has posed:
"That might work," Josh says of her suggestion, smiling a bit. "I mean, maybe. Can't hurt to try it. Maybe on a plant or something first, but yeah. Oh man, if that works, it would be awesome. You probably don't need me though, it feels like you could do anything you wanted."
"You did? Oh that's awesome, I guess it helps to know people. They gotta start doing something. It's pretty crazy stuff. Well, wanna go get something to eat? Don't have to hang around here."
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
The suggestion of a test seems agreeable to Wanda, but Josh's optimism also brings a warm chuckle and a shake of her head. "I thank you for your confidence. But I have limits like everyone does," she tells him. "My gift for healing is nowhere near what yours is. Not remotely. Healing some bruises, or closing a serious wound enough to save a life? Those things I can do. But what you did for Carlos? No, I would not even attempt it on my own. At best I might manipulate his chances with treatment."
Wanda rises to her feet then, slipping her hand over into Josh's. "We haven't gone too deep into my powers, but much of it has to do with shifting probabilities. It's complicated to explain how teleporting comes from that, but it does in a fashion," she says.
When he is ready, Wanda will walk with him to the exit. "The Sailor? That burger you bought for me the day we met would hit the spot right now," she tells him.
- Elixir has posed:
"I think you're just being modest. You /are/ the Scarlet Witch after all," Josh says with a smile and gives Wanda's hand a squeeze as they walk out of the office. "But I'd love to learn how it works. Like, really would."
"So Sailor it is! We gotta get the onion ring tower thing this time. You like onion rings? There's are so good.
He walks through the empty club with Wanda. When they pass the bar, he looks back at the dance floor, and at the tall speaker beside the DJ's setup. He grins at Wanda and then keeps walking.
- Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda follows Josh's glance to the speaker. She breaks out in a smile and leans over to brush a kiss to his cheek. "I don't know if you know a way to get something to the girl. Dream, it is, yes? But I think I'd like to send her a gift if so. I know she's given me a great one already," Wanda says, leaning her head over against the taller youth as they make their way out of the club.