8346/New Wounds, Old Scars (Yes, Dramatic, I know)

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New Wounds, Old Scars (Yes, Dramatic, I know)
Date of Scene: 16 July 2019
Location: Location needed
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Daniel Osborn

Kid has posed:
Some nights are really...really sucky nights. Like this one! Red and Blue sirens where everywhere around a small electronic store, owned by a 3 eyed mutant. Along with numerous unconciouse individials. Evidently there was an attempted robbery that went south. And though there was blood on the scene - there were no visible wounds on those being taken away on stretches...
    Meanwhile, A certain teenager was down several blocks. While there was no visible injuries...something was clearly wrong. And behind him, drips of blood. Not that it was easy to follow, the dark made the blood virtually unnoticble, and with the folks walking and splashing puddles, they will soon be gone. But he'll be damned if he goes to....to a hospital. Kid knew where he wanted to be.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Wow, what a shitty night for Oz to visit Mutant Town. Of course, he didn't see everything going down but he heard the police sirens and such, but was not there for the main event. He was getting ready to look for place to crash for the night when he spotted Kid. He remembers Kid, of course, after meeting him in a park in Jersey over a month ago. Even if he can't necessarily see the blood during the night, he can smell it, and he looks very concerned as he approaches kid, clearly worried for the teen gorilla's sake.

Kid has posed:
As Oz approaches Kid - kid is giving off some MAJOR rage...barely contained. The kind that comes from being in a hard fight....and have adrelaline pulsing through you. He seemed barely able to recognize Oz...but when he goes...he begins to sign. His finger and hands move quick, with some difficulty - have phone?- is what he asks. Unfortunately...it doesn't seem like Kids watch was working, as no synthetic voice occompanies the signing.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Shit, I don't read sign language, Kid," Oz says, with an appologetic look. "Can you mime? Show me what you want? I'll try and help." He doesn't even bother asking what happened, because he knows Kid wouldn't be able to respond without sign language that Oz just can't read.

Kid has posed:
Kid nose flares but least the man stays calm. He begins miming talking on a phone...and than texting on said phone he was talking on. He than points to Oz in askance...and expectantly.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"A phone?" Oz asks, taking his from his pocket. "Is this what you were looking for?" He holds it out. "Here, you can borrow it. Just...please don't break it, alright?"

Kid has posed:
Kid snatches the phone none too kindly, but that was his way. he quickly flips it open...and considering how massive his hands out...typing was NOT easy. He seems to be plugging in a number...and than sending a text message. "Orion. Home. Soon. Blood" and sends it. He than (with many typos and errors) writes out instructions for Oz - basicly directions to an old apartment complex in mutant town, before handing the phone back.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz reads through the instructions, with a nod. "You want me to take you there?" he asks. "It doesn't look too far away. Or is there someone you want me to meet there?"

Kid has posed:
Kid bares his teeth. He just hooks an arm around Oz head and shoulders for support. And well...Kid is as heavy as he looks, probably capable of toppling Oz if Oz doesn't brace himself! Looks like Oz has his answer.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz winces, somehow managing to catch himself and keep from falling. "Alright, c'mon..." he says, doing his best to support Kid's weight and walk, following the directions Kid wrote out for him. "I hope your roommate can understand sign language, I wanna know what happened. You're injured, and you looked furious."

Kid has posed:
The walk wasn't too far...but it still took a few minutes. And Kids mood hardly improved. It actually seemed to get worse...but not in the sense of anger...but in nervousness, perhaps even embarressment. When they come infront of the complex, the door had no lock, allowing them to go in easily. And well...the apartment number had someone infront. An old man, perhaps in his 70s...maybe more, maybe less, waiting for them. And he definintly came packing with a gun. He motions "Inside boys." oh he was not happy.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Well, this won't be good, but Oz does go inside with Kid. Of course the strain from Kid's weight is starting to get to him, but he decides it's probably best not to say anything right now. Well, maybe one thing. "Kid, you're...really heavy," he says, hoping Kid will be able to actually rest now and not rely on his shoulders anymore.

Kid has posed:
Seems some seating was prepared! An old Chair. Kid takes a seat in it...and on the table it was near, were tools. The place had many old pictures - including that of a younger police officer. The old man comes over and opens the tool box. He chuckles "Your telling me. Try lugging him around all that. Who are you son?" he asks Oz. He pointed nudges Kid "And you. You know very well I cannot help if I cannot see. Drop it" Kid seems reluctant "Drop. It." the old man says much more sternly.
    With a growl, Kid drops his illusion. Gone was the teen...and there was the gorilla. A true to god gorilla. Not a human, an alien, or a mutant. And one who has clearly been stabbed and shot. "Hand me those bandages?" the old man asks Oz.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'm oz," Oz says, simply. He looks at Kid, but he doesn't get a chance to look at him before the man mentions the bandages, which he quickly retrieves. "Found him not far from here, could tell there was blood." He looks at Kid, with a chuckle. "Now I understand why you use sign language," he says, but he doesn't even seem surprised or anything like that. There isn't much that surprises him anymore, it seems, but he does look quite concerned at the wounds he's received.

Kid has posed:
"Trust me. He can talk. But he only talks to those he really trusts" The old man says. "I'm Orion. His parol officer" he says...which make Kid shrink down. Yea this didn't look good. "Well Oz, do you happen to know how he got his injuries, or am I going to have to drag it out of him?" he undoes the bandages preparing to wrap them. But he has to go through kids fur fist...and he ends up pulling a tire iron out of Kids shoulder. "...god dammit Jua"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shrugs. "Well then," he says. "Well, I have no idea what happened, I'm afraid. I heard something go down at some place not far from where I was, heard cops, and violence, but wasn't close enough to see anything. After it was over I found Kid not that far from the place. If I had to guess, I'd say it had something to do with that, but I have no idea. Wait...perole...officer...?"

Kid has posed:
    Orion nods and follows Kids...gesutring, bringing the old mans hands to his forearms. He feels them carefully...and gets out some forcepes. "Indeed. Big fella been in quite a bit of trouble. Thankfully less trouble recently...but still get into it." he carefully slides in the forecepes, even as Jua growls. "where you from Oz?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Bludhaven," Oz says, "Specifically Sunnydale. Grew up there, had to deal with a lot. Vampires runnin' wild. Strange disappearances. Supernatural everywhere. I've seen so much that nothing surprises me anymore."

Kid has posed:
"Been there when I was younger and in the force. Definintly left first chance I got" he shudders. "What happens in Bludhaven, stays in Bludhaven. Unless your this guy?" he nudes Jua. Jue grunts and signs, and Orion translate "He says Bludhaven is nice." Orion rolls his eyes "Hehe. Back than people didn't beleive you about vampires, and ghost and all that. And now days it like they come out the woodshop!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs. "Hey, I'm a werewolf, so, ya know." He shrugs. "Bludhaven isn't really that bad. The trick is knowing how to deal with vampires. I regularly hunted them in high school. I've never met a ghost, though. Would like to, maybe, depending on if they're good or bad, ya know." He chuckles.

Kid has posed:
The Old man STARES at Oz, pausing mid-bullet removal. He gives a nervouse chuckle "Oi, that is a...uh...good one son. You almost had me fooled there" he relaxes some...untill Kid begins to sign.

Kid signs "Yea, he ain't lieing. Trust me there." not because he has seen Oz shift (he hasn't) but because Oz doesn't feel like he is.

The old man face seems to drop "Holy hell. Are you f**king serious? Your a goddamn werewolf?" as he and Jua...got along well enough, he can tell when he was joking.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"That's right," Oz says, "a werewolf. Got any silver? I'll prove it to ya." He doesn't say anymore, but it's clear he's not kidding. He has touched silver before to prove it, he would do it again. Just a short touch, but enough to prove a point.

Kid has posed:
The old man blinks owlishly and says "I have silver. But no. No need to hurt yourself" he says "Good lord. Never thought I would have a real to life werewolf in my apartment." he chuffs "What a world. Well, Jua, you certainly know how to make...interesting friends" he claims. He glances outside, though he seems to be eyeing the streets. "Do you live far Mr...?" he was searching for a name.

Jua rolls his shoulders as the last of the bullets were taken out. In all...maybe 6 bullets give or take were removed along with the iron tire rod thing. He begins to bandage himself, glancing between the pair, perhaps wondering how this will go.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oz," Oz responds. "I live in Sunnydale. It's quite far away from here, unfortunately." He's having a hard time believing how many bullets were just pulled out of Jua, and he can't help but look at him, rather amazed. Gorillas really are as tough as they seem.

Kid has posed:
Jua growls when Oz was stareing at him. Jua...was technically not an ordinary gorilla. His abilities were minor enough not to be super human, but fantastic enough to allow him to take a beating and keep on going.
    "Jua, we talked about this. No growling at folks. I would be stareing too if I was him. I am not even sure I WANT to know what trouble you got into tonight." he looks to Oz "Anyways Son, as you said, Sunnydale is quite far, and well, while I am sure you can take care of yourself, going home at this time may not be the best idea. Would you like to stay the night?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oh, I'm sorry," Oz says, looking away. "I didn't mean to offend you. I just think it's amazing how much of a beating you can take." He turns back to the old man with a greatful nod. "That would be wonderful," he says. "Thank you."

Kid has posed:
Jua snorts and bares his teeth once more, but lumbering off. He goes and gets a small pack out of a drawer and begins working on his watch. Opening up showing an intricate set of gears, wires, and small tiny circuit boards.

"He just being sensitive. Do not mind him" he waves Jua off dismmisvely before nodding to Oz "And no problem young man. If there one thing these old bones know, it is how dangerous night can be"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods. "You probably don't know what danger is until you've seen vampires, demons, and worse that prowl around." He looks back to jua, thoughtfully. "Didit break?" he asks, looking at the watch. That would explain why he wasn't able to sign.

Kid has posed:
"Yet to meet anything worse than people. And to be frank, I rather not meet anything worse than people either." As the old man had enough experience with them to say the least. As for Jua, he looks to Oz and nods. He does a quick sign and The old man translate "Says it not the first time" to Oz before looking to Jua "And I do not plan on being your translator young man. So either you find some paper, or work your fancy tricks" he says sternly.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but laugh. "Hey, whatever it is, don't worry about me freaking out or anything. I've seen it all." He nods to the old man, with a chuckle. "People at night are...something else. People in general...the world is a messed up place. I guess it's on us to try and make it better."