8293/Terrestrial Recon: Earth

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Terrestrial Recon: Earth
Date of Scene: 13 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Daniel Osborn

Blurr has posed:
    After the conversation with Sky Lynx and Grimlock up in the mountains of British Columbia, Blurr had rushed off to do some recon in search of potential fuel sources. Supposedly, there is energon somewhere on this big mudball of a planet.

    Eventually, he runs into some kind of civilization near Bludhaven. So, this was the home of the Terrans. Supposedly where people like Star-Lord and Kinsey were from. He has to admit, he is a bit curious about their home planet's culture.

    So where can he go to find information about various regions? Yes, he has been going through that thing called 'the internet' at the speed of light, but Primus, it's flooded with useless information. Distracting information. And when you have no idea what you're looking for, it can be rather frustrating.

    Anyway! What would appear to be a blond-haired teen is wandering around in front of a shopping center after dark, peering into the windows of stores, most of which are closed.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Sunnydale, lovely little neighborhood. Yep, well...until night time. There's reason cost of living is so incredibly cheap in Sunnydale, yeah, it's because of all the weird disappearances and strange things happening at night. Usually people wandering around at night are asking for trouble, except for one. Oz knows how to fight vampires, so more or less, he's safe enough at night time. He doesn't necessarily patrol, but he does a lot of thinking at night, and so it is, he's wandering around, at night, when he spots the blond-haired teen wandering about. He's never seen this guy before, so, naturally, he's cautious, but also concerned as he approaches, lifting a hand to wave in greeting. He of course has his usual night time weapons, stake, holy water, hidden away, dagger, also hidden, but what isn't hidden is hos bow, and the arrows he's carrying for it. But since this is Sunnydale, most don't care if he carries taht stuff around at night.

Blurr has posed:
    This teen looks no older than about sixteen. At first glance, he looks fairly normal, but upon closer examination there is something definitely off about him. He looks...too perfect. Almost as if he came out of an extremely realistic video game. One wouldn't expect a CGI character to be walking around in real life of course, so most people wouldn't look twice but if they did they might start to wonder.

    That's about all a normal human might pick up on, but if one had enhanced senses? Now that is a different story. Especially if they could smell quite well. Because he doesn't smell like anything.

    Anyway, at the moment he was peering into the window of a travel center that had closed for the day. You know, one of those places with a bunch of tourist booklets, and stuff. He turns around when Oz waves at him, waving back.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz walks closer to the man, his eyes widening when he takes in the teen's features and perfection, and the lack of a scent. "Um...hi," he says. "Not a bad disguise. Most people might actually think you're human."

Blurr has posed:
    The kid stares at Oz. "Uhm, I don't know what you're talking about!" he insists. "I'm totally human." He folds his arms. "Did you need something?" he asks.

    Another time Oz may have noticed: There is a particularly fancy looking blue and white sports car in the parking lot. It looks like one of those super expensive custom jobs and as a matter of fact it looks rather futuristic as if it were some kind of showmobile.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Nice try," Oz says. "Humans have a scent. You don't. You also look too perfect, like...a video game character, or something. I mean, it's okay, your secret's safe with me." He glances toward the car, thoughtfully. "If the car's part of your disguise, I'll give you a tip, make yourself look older, richer, a suit, maybe, someone who could afford a car like that."

Blurr has posed:
    "What? Nono that is um--not mine. That is not my car, at all." Blurr says. Well it's not a -total- lie, it's not his car--it's more like the -other- way around. "Scent?" Oh, yeah that thing. Scrap. "Well--do -you- have a scent?!" he challenges, because none of the Terrans he'd met had ever talked about the way someone smelled.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'm not a human," Oz says, simply. "I can see, you're confused, but yes, I do. Most humans aren't going to notice that, but, as I said, I'm no human. When you can, look up werewolves. But...you don't have to lie to me. I've seen so many things by now that nothing will surprise me anymore."

Blurr has posed:
    "Werewolves...." Blurr repeats the word to himself. Right, noted. "You look Terran." He arches a brow at this 'werewolf'. "Oh, is that right? What all have you seen, then?" If this guy has never seen the rest of the galaxy, he really doubts that latter statement is true.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"A lot of stuff, demons, stuff from other dimensions, yeah, few things," Oz says. Sure, he hasn't seen everything, but even so, he refuses to be surprised by anything. "Ah, you called me a terran, another word that gives it away. So, what're you hiding then?" He looks back toward the car, not sure he's willing to let that go just yet.

Blurr has posed:
    "Demons?" Blurr repeats. Wasn't that just a word people used to refer to their darker side or something? Was the translator glitching? Maybe. "Well you are a Terran, right? You just said you aren't human, but you are native to this planet aren't you?"

    He 'leans' against the window to the travel center, or at least tries to look like he is, and folds his arms. "And I'm not hiding anything! Everything is just--whatever it looks like."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"So you're some avatar from a video game?" Oz asks. "No one here calls ourselves terran. It's the mark of a non-native. Hey, that's okay. Just...admit to me that you aren't human. The gig's up, you aren't fooling me, and I know there's more to you than it seems." he offers a smile. "But relax. If you don't wanna tell me who you really are, it's okay. As long as you don't try to kill me, it doesn't matter. I'm curious, but, I can't force you. Besides, it's important you get the most you can out of this planet while you're here. Humans certainly aren't the best creatures, but at least some try."

Blurr has posed:
    "Huh?" Blurr goggles at Oz. "You don't call yourselves Terran? Then what do you call yourselves? Earth...ian? That just sounds awkward."

    He groans. "Okay fine, fine, you're right I'm not from here. As in not from this planet. But yeah, I don't wanna tell you what I really am."

    "How did you figure it out so fast, anyway??"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"A couple things," Oz says. "Take a minute. Look at me. Look closely. Then look at yourself. Notice the lack of flaws. Every person has natural flaws of some sort. You look...just too perfect. You have to look closely to notice. Most humans wouldn't notice it if they were just glancing. The second is something no human would notice, but I'm a werewolf. I have a nose as good as a wolf's, which means, I can tell you have no natural scent. Every single living creature has a scent. At least any from this planet. That tells me either you're not a living creature, you're not from this planet, or both. You don't have to tell me what you really are, of course, but if there is anyone from this planet you could tell without worrying about a freak out, or judgement, or anything like that, it's me. I'm sure you don't believe me, but it's true. Now, what do we call ourselves? People?" he half shrugs, not really knowing what else to say to that particular question.

Blurr has posed:
    "I'm not worried about you freaking out or judging or anything, it's not that. It's--" The avatar gives a shake of the head. "Never mind. Not going there."

    He looks at Oz for a few minutes as was suggested. "Right, uh...I don't really know how to change that. Someone else made the algorithm that picks what to model these things off of and that person isn't here so."

    "'People'? A bit too generic don't you think? I mean unless you -really- consider anyone not from your planet to be non-people in which case you're pretty slagging prejudiced."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shakes his head. "Nothing like that. You're a person, after all. I owe you the same respect I owe anyone else I meet, human or otherwise. But we don't call ourselves anything specific. Just...people, I guess. Don't ask me, I'm not sure how to explain it to a newcomer. But in any case, welcome to Earth." he nods, understanding that some just have secrets they must keep. "I'm not good with tech, I can't help you fix it, but my friend Willow might be able to."

Blurr has posed:
    "Unless your friend Willow is familiar with all sorts of alien technology, I don't think she would be." Blurr replies, starting to make his way down the sidewalk in front of the shops, but stops and stares at the front window of a clothing store. It has a series of different summer outfits and swimsuits on display, though the mannequins are those cheap ones that don't have heads, hands, or feet. "Are those statues of dismembered human-like Terrans?" he asks flatly. "Morbid, but not the worst I've seen."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz follows the mysterious man's gaze and chuckles. "No no, not at all. They're mannequins, used for modelling clothing. Oh, by the way, I'm Oz. I'm not sure what the custom is for introducing yourself to someone where you come from, but here, a handshake is the norm."

Blurr has posed:
    "..." Blurr stares pensively at them, frowning. "So they expect to remove the limbs and heads of the ones who wear the cloth?" What, some cultures have strange traditions, all right?

    "Hi Oz." he greets. "Yeah, you shook your hand around earlier, when you first approached me."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"What? No, I mean, we shake hands." he holds out his right hand. "Here, I can teach you. No no, they're not alive, they were made with no arms or head, they're just made of plastic."

Blurr has posed:
    "I did. I shook my hand back at you." Blurr replies, staring the hand being held out. "You want to do it again?"

    "Pfff, I know they're not alive and I know they're made of synthetic materials, but why use statues without limbs to model clothing if clothing is to be worn by Terrans who -do- have limbs? And heads. That is, unless they are to remove the limbs and heads of those who use the clothing."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"No, I mean, contact," Oz says, "our hands contact each other and we shake, with a firm grip. Oh, those are cheaply made, there are some that do have limbs, but some stores just can't afford those, for...whatever reason."

Blurr has posed:
    "Uh, okay?" The avatar touches his hand awkwardly. If Oz hadn't realized this wasn't really a human before, he would've certainly gotten even more suspicious now. Its hand isn't even warm and doesn't exactly feel like flesh and bone.

    "That doesn't make any sense, are polymers really that hard to come by on this planet? Are they not synthetic?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Hey, I don't know," oz says. "Here, let me show you." He grips the avatar's hand firmly and shakes, demonstrating the proper way to shake hands before letting go. "Now, that might be hard for you, given your hand doesn't feel like flesh and bone, but at least you know."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr watches the demonstration intently. "Seems simple enough, not sure why it would be hard." he chuckles. "That's because it's not." he says to the fact that the hand didn't feel like flesh and bone, perhaps stating the obvious.

    "So, Oz." he continues, starting to walk again. "I know you're from this planet, but are you from this city?" he asks.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Yes actually," Oz says. "Sunnydale, been my home my whole life. I'd ask where you're from, but...if I had to guess that's part of the secret of who you are that you don't want to tell me, so I won't."

Blurr has posed:
    "Even if I told you, it probably wouldn't mean anything to you." Blurr replies. "Either that or you'd get as far away from me as you could," he adds in a bit of a mutter. "Unless you are a well-traveled spacer?" He asks, peering into one of the few places still open at this hour, which is one of those late night cafes. "So your whole life huh? And how long is your whole life?"

    The smell of burgers and fries wafts through the door as a couple leaves the restaurant. The avatar stops as they exit, passing by a stray cat sitting on the sidewalk outside the door. It stares up at them, probably hoping someone will give it some scraps or milk. Blurr peers down at it. "Hello?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Never left the planet," oz responds. 'Whole life...21 Earth years so far." he smiles down at the kitty, reaching down to pet it. "Aw, it's akitty," he says. "I'm sorry little guy, I don't have anything for you." he frowns, letting out a sigh. "That is a cat. They can't talk back to us." He turns to the avatar, shaking his head slightly. "Hey, I won't run, I promise, no matter what you tell me. I've stayed with you so far, haven't I?"

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh in that case then it probably won't even mean anything to you." Blurr says, shrugging. 21 Earth revolutions, not long at all. "Let's just say I'm from a star system far, far, away and leave it at that." Yeah he probably got at least part of that from something on that internet thing.

    He watches Oz's interaction with the cat curiously. "Oh, they don't? Then how did you know what he wants? ...she?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"They usually sit out here looking for food or milk. This one looks to be a stray, and is probably hungry." He smirks slightly. "Welcome to Earth, C3PO," he says, rather jokingly, the slight Star Wars reference not going over his head. "Let me guess, you came a long, long time ago?"

Blurr has posed:
    "Milk?" Blurr repeats the word he doesn't know. Either that or it didn't translate. "Oh, so they aren't civilized, I see. Oooh, aren't these the hairy mammalians that humans like to publish footage and imagery of for entertainment purposes? It's like some kind of odd obsession."

    "C3--?" Suddenly he gets a somewhat indignant look on his face. "Oh, smelt no you don't get to compare me to -that- primitive, ugly-as-protoforms bolt bucket of Terran imagination. Nope. You know it's kind of horrible how much you waterbags like to make jokes out of non-waterbags."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Yes sir, Mr. C3PO," Oz says, his smirk growing a bit. "So you've confirmed you're a robot?" He shrugs. "Yes yes, cat videos are common. Hey, if you're a robot, can you connect directly to the Internet? You can watch as many cat videos as you want, whenever you want! They are rather adorable. The Internet is a great source of information on how people are, but...there's a lot of distractions."

Blurr has posed:
    "I never said that!" Blurr retorts, as if it weren't obvious from the way he talks. "My -name- is Blurr." Well that was certainly one way of getting an actual name out of him. By now, one might have gotten the sense that Blurr has a pretty darn high opinion of himself.

    "You Terrans have a strange sense of 'adorable', then. I just thought they were very hairy. But it seems like a lot of creatures on this planet are. Hmph, distracting is one way of putting it. It's kind of weird how everyone seems to be so concerned about offending others with different skin tones but at the same time blithely insult all mechanical lifeforms, don't you think??"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I can't deny that," Oz says. "I wasn't meaning to offend you, I just thought it was a bit funny, but if I did, I really am sorry. Blurr, it's nice to meet you. Robot or not, you seem like a good person to me. To be fair, most humans don't know that mechanical lifeforms exist out there. I didn't either until I met you, but you learn something new everyday."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr frowns, considering that fact. "Huh, I guess I didn't think about the fact that you might not realize that 'artificial intelligence' could be self-aware." Then he smirks a little bit. "Okay, okay, I forgive you and I'm not offended any more. It wasn't intentional because you didn't know."

    He peers at the cat again, then tries imitating what Oz did to pet it, but it seems to be very put off by him and shies away, then runs off into the night. "Guess it doesn't like me." he sighs.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Aw," Oz says, frowning slightly. "I'm sorry it didn't like you. Maybe you scared it. The idea of artificial intelligence being self aware has actually scared me, to be honest, mainly because of movies like...terminator. Skynet is terrifying. I hope none of your kind try to do that to us...if you watch the movies you'll see what I mean. But you seem to be a good person, I don't see you blowing up the earth. Is there anything more you can tell me about yourself, then? I'm as curious about your kind as you are about mine."

Blurr has posed:
    "Heh," Blurr shrugs. "I'm glad you think I seem to be a good person..." he remarks. Right, Oz doesn't see him blowing up the planet because he doesn't know what often ends up happening to planets his kind cross. And Blurr would rather keep it that way. "I try, I guess. Sometimes. But it can't always be a priority for me."

    Though he doesn't seem very eager to continue on that topic. "So Oz, you know of any mining operations around here?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Mining operations? Why? What're you looking for?" Oz asks. "An energy source? I'm afraid I can't help you there, though, depending on what you run on, it's possible you won't find what you need here, I'm sad to say."

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh, no it's here, I know that much. It's just a question of -where-." Blurr insists. "Otherwise we wouldn't have come near here. I thought since you've lived here all your life, you might know something. But maybe not, because you Terrans might not know how to find it."

    As he keeps walking toward the other side of the shopping center, the 'human teen' actually seems to flicker a bit almost like malfunctioning projector. He stops. "Oh--oops."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Too far from the source?" Oz asks, looking to the teen. "I wouldn't even know what you're looking for, I'm really sorry. If I knew, I might be able to help." He pauses, letting the avatar fix the projection, curious to see if that futuristic car is going to show up.

Blurr has posed:
    "Well you're definitely smarter than you look." Blurr chuckles. Because in his opinion most organics don't look smart. "Hey, it was worth asking, I guess."

    He frowns for a second. "I have to go." Then he smirks at Oz. "Let's put your earlier claim to the test, shall we?" The holomatter glows white momentarily and then fades out of existence.

    At the other end of the parking lot, sure enough, that out-of-place looking vehicle suddenly stands up, and the -real- Blurr jumps over the depression between the lot and the street before flipping back down into the fancy sports car to drive off at a breakneck speed. It might a little more clear now as to why he was so offended by the comparison to C-3PO.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz lifts a hand to wave to the departing robot. "Knew it!" he calls, though he's pretty sure Blurr never heard him. But he doesn't run, simply standing there to watch him go, not even surprised.