8175/The Hangover Pt.1

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The Hangover Pt.1
Date of Scene: 05 July 2019
Location: Oz's House
Synopsis: Buffy checks up on Oz after he got drunk the previous night. They start talking about relationships.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Daniel Osborn

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had dropped Oz off after his bad hangover last night, where she forced him drink tons and tons of water, then sent him to bed with a Tylenol. Ahh Buffy, the ever responsible Slayer. After that, she headed back to her mom's home to rest. She was glad that she hadn't drunk more than she had, not really trusting herself when she's drunk. But she was concerned about Oz after last night so she came by his place the next morning to check up on him. His doorbell rang once as she waited patiently for someone to answer.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
It is actually Oz who answers, who doesn't actually look as bad as one might expect him to, given just how drunk he had been the night before. He opens the door to Buffy and looks at her, seeming a little awkward. "Oh, um, hi Buffy," he says, stepping back to let her in. "Come in..." He definitely has a hangover, but thanks to all the water and the meds, it's not as bad as it could've been. It'll likely be gone by early afternoon or something like that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Hey Oz, how you feeling today? I hope I didn't wake you up." if she suffered a hangover, she sure doesn't act it, But then again she only had a sip or two. She steps in, glancing around. "You know, I don't think we've ever really hung out like that before, it was kinda fun..Except maybe best not to drink so much next time." she smiles.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Um...yeah," Oz says, stepping back and heading into the living room, indicating for Buffy to follow. "Definitely...best not to drink so much. "Did I uh...did we uh..." He still looks a bit awkward. "I don't remember what happened, did I...do anything...I shouldn't have?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles a little wider, slightly amused. "Awwe Oz, you're so sweet. I mean, you sure partied hard last night. We sang, we danced. We had fun.." she follows him into the living room. "Did I take advantage of you? No, I'd never do that, especially knowing how you're pining after Wil. I was a good girl. And you were a gentleman. So you can relax." she still seems bemused though.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz does relax considerably. "Oh, good," he says. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you're pretty hot and all, but..." He sits down on the couch, with a half chuckle. "I just, I don't know if Willow and I will get back into a relationship or not. At least she'll always be a friend, if nothing more." He knows he would never lose Willow as a friend, and he wonders if it might be better to just let it stay that way. Maybe that would be better. He folds his arms and leans back, looking thoughtful.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers yawns and stretches a bit as she settles down on the couch next to him. "It's funny. You're usually the one offering words of wisdom to the rest of us. But you know what? We're all experiencing life changes. Going to college, learning more about ourselves..Growing up?" she shrugs. "Life is..Complicated, and sometimes there are things we needed when we were younger that we don't need anymore. Willow is learning and growing and so are you. You were highschool sweethearts until you were sent down separate paths. It'll take a while for Wil to figure out where you fit in her life, and maybe you guys will fall in love again, or fall in love with other people. But Youre right. You will always remain friends. And maybe that's not so bad. It could be worse. You could end up dating again and realize the hard way that you weren't supposed to be together, and you can't stay friends either."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz listens to Buffy speak and nods. She always was a motivational speaker. "I can't deny that," he says. After all, before Willow he'd dated a little, so, yeah, he knows what she's talking about, though now things are different than back then. He looks over to Buffy, with a smile. "I guess I should be happy she's still part of my life, right?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "It's not everything but it's better than nothing. Trust me. Angel's..Not a part of my life. He left town, never looked back. I suppose it's for the best but it still hurts. Even if I could visit him once a week it wouldn't hurt so bad knowing we can never be anything, knowing what would happen if we did.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, turning back to Buffy. If anyone would understand how he feels it'd be her, after all. At least he didn't fall in love with someone who would go completely insane everytime she was happy. "You should go see him," he says. "Maybe it'd help a little."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, resting her head against the sofa. "I dunno. He's probably super busy, probably has a lot on his plate, who knows? Maybe he's happier without me. Maybe he's found someone else.." she draws a deep breath, closing her eyes as she lets her imagination run wild. "Maybe he's found someone else and I'd just get in the way.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Buffy," Oz says, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Buffy, you're thinking the way you just told me not to." He offers a slight smile. "Even if he has found someone, wouldn't it be better to keep in touch with him? Stay friends? It's better than nothing, isn't it?" He looks at her, urging her to open her eyes even if she can't see him, maybe she'll feel his eyes on her or something.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs at the irony, shaking her head. "You're right. I'm a hypocrite aren't I?" she seems less saddened by his words, knowing he is struggling the same way she us. Maybe they have more in common than she ever realized. "Yea..I should really pay him a visit. Even if we can't be lovers, maybe we can still be friends. I guess maybe sometimes it's just hard moving on from the past and that comfortable place in your memories, you know?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods. "I know exactly what you mean," he says. After all, there's one thing that's for sure, Willow is someone Oz will always love, no matter what their relationship status ends up being in the end, even if they are just friends. Angel is likely the same way for Buffy. But, it's okay. He offers her a smile. "Hey, life goes on, but never forget the ones who mean the most to you, because one day they're not gonna be there anymore."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"I know..Ill always love him in my own way, just as you'll always love Willow. Although I suppose it helps to have other...Distractions in my life.." she looks away, an almost embarrassed smile on her face.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but laugh a little. "That does help," he says. "Like SPike?" he asks, with a slightly knowing smirk. After all, he did see the way they interacted at The Bronze, even if he didn't like it very much. But Buffy wasn't his, so he had to let her be happy with whoever she was with. But he did worry about her, and that maybe Spike would betray her, and all that. And he didn't want to see a good friend get killed or something like that, though he did know she'd be able to handle herself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers winces at the name. "What, was it that obvious? I mean, he's a real pain..But he's kinda sweet too. But, he's a vampire without a soul, so he can't even feel love can he? And the only thing stopping him from tearing me to pieces is that dumb chip in his head." her smile fades at the real possibility. "I mean it's not like we've..Done anything, and I know I've been denying it but I know there's something there.." she shivers at the thought. "Annd..There's this other guy I met the other day, who happens to be friends with my cousin Scott. Even gave me a ride to visit him and all. And he's..Kinda sweet..And 192 years old..," she sighs, sinking a little in her seat. "I know, why do I always fall for centenarians? Why? I'm Soo messed up.." she rubs her temples.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz listens to what Buffy's saying and nods. "That's pretty old," he says. If only he realized she's actually talking about the same person he met, well, just last week. But since he had never given out his age, nor talked that much at all really, it doesn't click in Oz's head. "Well, think about this," he says. "If you get with someone immortal, well, you're not imortal, where as both Spike and the other guy you're talking about are. They'll outlive you. Just think about that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, cradling her chin in her hands. "I know! I'm so screwed no matter what I do. And I know, they'd probably outlive me. I mean, I don't know how long a Slayer can live, maybe the super healing helps a bit but, not like how Logan Heal's. I mean we were sparring and I've never fought a vampire that hit so hard it healed so quickly..." she bites her lip then, realizing she's said too much. "Oh. Geez..How about we keep his powers a secret just between the two of us?" as for Spike. Welll.."Ugh..Why don't I ever fall for nice, normal guys?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Logan?" oz asks, it starting to click now tht he has a name. "Looks young, doesn't act it, you kinda know there's more to him? Usually quiet, black hair, blue eyes, muscles, that the Logan you're talking about?" oz asks, trying to think of everything he remembers from when he met the man. Logan didn't talk much, and Oz didn't either, so, they never realy learned anything about each other, but at least he got wings out of it. Good wings at that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, "Yeah, sounds like him..Wait you've met him?" she laughs nervously. "I know right? Why do hundred year old people always look young and cute? It's so unfair!" actually he was quite talkative with her for some reason. Wanted to know everything about her. She decides not to go into details about how she passed out of sheer exhaustion after a long day of travelling and alcohol and...Buffy reddens slightly, laughing nervously. "Soooo uh, what did you think of him?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"He was quiet," oz says. "Basically what I hope to be in...one hundred and...71 years." he smirks slightly with a laugh. After all, oz is the quiet one of the group, and he'd love to have muscles like that, but he wouldn't say that out loud. "Maybe I could grow another almost foot and be as tall as him too?" He's not sure if werewolves could actually live that long, but he's not sure he'd wanna live that long anyway. He'd miss too many people if he outlived them all. "I guess you hit it off well with him though." He notices her slightly reddened face and grins. "Hah, knew it," he says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly. "..Wait what? Oh no..It wasn't like that at all. I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship right now even. We just talked and camped and hung out at a camp fire. And..Teased, a little.." she smiles. "But it was nice, made me realize there is hope after Angel. But left me a little conflicted too." she sighs, running her hands through her hair. "And maybe I'm getting ahead of myself."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"just take some time to think," Oz says, reaching out to put an arm around his friend, turning to pull her into a gentle hug. "You're young. Don't rush things, take your time." He's learning it's what he needs to do himself, after all, he's been letting not being with Willow bring him down way too much lately. The hug puts them rather close, and he's looking into her eyes, with a smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers relaxes a little, hugging him back. "Thanks Oz, I really appreciate it. It's funny, you know someone for years and realize you don't really know them that well at all. And other people you meet once and think you've known em for a life time. Well I'm in no rush right now.." she smirks, "And I guess that goes for the two of us."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, not quite letting go of Buffy. "So true. And the ones you think you know the best, you learn there's so much you never really knew about them. No one knows you better than yourself. Though, you're the only one who's read my thoughts." Of course he remembers that, even if it was a few years ago. But what he was thinking then, he still believes is true.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, Finally breaking the hug. She doesn't like extended hugs, especially if tears might follow or other things. "Yeah, I guess we can just hope that things turn out alright in the future, and hope for the best. I kinda..Hate knowing that falling for someone else again means running the risk of breaking your heart and being disappointed. I think it's best not to let people get too close, at least until I can figure things out."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, folding his arms, but still looking at Buffy. "It's a risk we all take. Again and again and again we do it, even though we know there's always that chance that, in the end, it could lead to pain and sadness. But why do we do it? Because we know that being in love is the greatest feeling in the world. And losing love...that's the absolute worst."

Buffy Summers has posed:
"True, although I wonder if the pain or fear of losing love is worse than the joy of finding it?" Buffy replies with a thoughtful smile. "Y'know, this is too funny. I thought guys didn't like discussing sensitive subjects like love and feelings. You sure are a one in a million guy. Wil sure is missing out." she gently teases with a slight smile.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Everyone who isn't dating me is missing out," Oz says, with a grin. "But not every girl can pick people up and throw them across the room, and open a can of whoopass whenever they mess with her friends like you can. You sure are a 1 in a million girl." Admittedly she does have a point, though. "But, really...think about this. The pain and fear of losing love...if they were worse than finding it, then don't you think people would stop loving? If heartbreak wasn't worth it, then there would be no more love. People would've learned their lesson long ago. But people still love. So, what do you think? Besides, think of the other benefits." He leaves the rest unsaid, after all that kind of talk isn't usually where he shines, that's Xander's game, but he had to at least mention it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods, "I suppose you're right. I guess I won't give up on love but I'm in no rush either. I mean..." she laughs, "At least we're not cursed like Xander to always fall in love with demons, half of whom want to eat or otherwise kill him..I mean seriously that guy has the worse luck ever!!"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz outright laughs, smirking slightly. "Says the one who fell in love with someone who turns insanely evil whenever he becomes truly happy, and may have a crush on someone who's only not downright evil because of a chip in his head," he says. Buffy doesn't exactly have the best luck when it comes to dating partners either. "At least my girlfriend didn't want to kill me. If only things had been different..." Okay, so maybe he doesn't have the best luck either, but still, at least it's better than buffy's or Xander's.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a little, "Ok fine, moot point. But..Spikes not really evil anymore, I guess. He's been helping me on patrol and..I dunno. I really don't know what to do about him..."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Is he really not evil?" oz asks. He hates to play devil's advocate, but it's something to think about. "Or is he trying to gain your trust to use it against you? I'm not saying it's what he's doing, but you never, ever know when he might turn his back on you. Just, please be careful," he says, offering her a smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and nods, "Yes, you're definitely right. It's what I've been telling myself all this time. However bottom line is he can't hurt me. It's not like that chip's going anywhere." she shrugs, "So at least for now I have nothing to worry about. Just wish he wasn't so damn tenacious. It's easier to beat him up when he's evil..But he seems so helpless now.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods thoughtfully. "I understand," he says. "And, people can change. Though, is he really changing? or is that chip the only thing keeping him in line? If he were to get it removed, would he just go back to his old ways? Just think about that. It's easy to be tricked." He offers her a smile. "Just remember that."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, rubbing her temples again tiredly. "I know, I know...Don't you think I've thought about it all? Over and over again?" she clenches her hands, climbing to her feet. "I know all of that, I've gone over it a hundred times. And he's also vulnerable now.." Buffy just seems angry now, though more at herself. "Listen I should get going..Oz, it was nice chatting with you." she smiles faintly at him before heading for the door.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz gets up to hug his friend before she goes. "Buffy, we need to see each other more. No more of this not talking to each other, okay?" Yes he knows it's partially his fault, but even so. He pats her on the back and lets her go, offering a smile.