8121/Incognito in New York

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Incognito in New York
Date of Scene: 01 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Oliver goes out for a date in New York incognito... and meets Remy, bribing him to silence with a drink.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Gambit

Green Arrow has posed:
It's been a while since Oliver Queen has been spotted going outside of Starling City for anything but business... and tonight, he had gone to New York via Zetaport in disguise. He needed a break from all the responsibilities, and needed to /unwind/. Being a very public CEO meant a certain amount of press following him at all times if he didn't take measures to evade them... and so he traveled to the City that Never Sleeps to blend into the crowd, at least for a while.

With Oliver and Dinah making it a 'date', they've taken to one of the more upscale clubs, shedding their disguises once they were within the crowd. It would have to be enough.

Oliver himself was looking to get plastered at the bar before heading out onto the dance floor... while Dinah was... somewhere else right now, probably the ladies room.

Still, if someone recognized him by sight, Oliver Queen was very visibly getting trashed at the Blue Ocean main bar, off the dance floor.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is for his part just planning to get plastered. The man has had a miserable day and it shows. Still the Master Thief would recognized one of the richest men in the world when he sits down at a bar next to him. Remy raises an eyebrow and nods to the man. "Queen Industries, right?" he asks curiously and a little amused.

Green Arrow has posed:
There's an audible groan from Oliver, even over the music. Yeah, he was hoping to blend in, for sure.

"Can you keep it down?" Remy received in reply, his voice turning conversational, "I'm Oliver, yes, trying to have a good drink." He glances to Remy, "What's your poison, friend? I'd be happy to cover your tab." The implication clear.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau raises an eyebrow and says "Scotch, an' yah c'n stand me foh a round, but not de tab. Ah'm planning on gettin' drunk 'nough tonight it'd make even yah wallet say ouch." he keeps his tone low however, and conversational. Not likely to draw attention.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Barkeep!" Oliver raises his voice to be heard. When the Barkeeper comes over, Oliver gestures to Remy, "A round of anything the man wants, on me."

He turns back to look at Remy, "What's your name, friend?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau just points to the glass already in front of him and the Bartender nods, setting another just like it in front of him. "Remy LeBeau, pleasure ta make yah aquantance. Ah actually did some work in one of yah buildings a few years ago." He says this last with an amused smile. I mean it's /technically/ true..

Green Arrow has posed:
"Oh? We have buildings all over. Care to elaborate?" Oliver inquires, conversationally, taking a sip of his whiskey.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, shaking his head. "It was in San Diago. About five years ago. Ah was brought in as a freelance security consultant. Ah c'n tell yah dat at de time Ah foun' de security...lacking." he sips his own scotch and shakes his head. "Sorry, not de greatest company tonight." He smirks and adds, "De girlfriend tol' me today dat maybe we shoul' jus' be friends."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Oof, I know that feeling." Oliver gruffly replies. His own love life is splattered across the tabloids quite a bit as it is... though lately, Oliver's been going steady with a florist named Dinah, and they've been going strong for a while now. "I'm hoping to avoid that myself." Oliver continues, "still, sounds like you're a white hat." Oliver prods.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit and shrugs. "Let's jus' say Ah've been tryin' ta bleach it an' leave it at dat non?" He glances up as he sees an attractive blonde headed there way. "Was nice meetin' yah, but it looks like yah 'ave better ...companionship foh de night."