7904/If in doubt....shoot 'em

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If in doubt....shoot 'em
Date of Scene: 16 June 2019
Location: Fort Joseph, Haven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), Daniel Osborn

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Fort Joseph's a high crime place, and yet....there's some predators that walk the streets that are more dangerous. There's the roar of a bike as a sleek black bike roars to a halt outside a nondescript building, the rider climbing off and dressed in a trenchcoat. Selene's alone tonight. There's no Death Dealers up on the roof. She's avoiding the big city after /that/ fiasco the other night with the lycans and cops getting involved. Plus she rarely gets out here to Bloodhaven, she's looking for Corvinus lycan activity. That....and she's a tourist. Alright, a tourist with guns, shuriken and a lot of dangerous things, but.....she's still a tourist. With her coat swishing as she moves, Selene steps down the sidewalk and moves quickly, quietly. Selene's dangerous. She's also not in the best of moods. Selene's muttering to herself as she moves, a swish of her long coat all that can be heard...aside form her muttering.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Someone else heard the bike, Oz. Walking about at night, not necessarily searching for vampires, but mostly just walking, he does this often to clear his head, or just relax. He doesn't see the bike, though he does spot the rider, walking toward him, down the same sidewalk. He notices her bad mood and frowns slightly, maybe he could cheer her up, but then again, he notices something else, she's a vampire. Oh well, he decides to give her the benefit of the doubt, though he places a hand on his hip where he knows his stake and holy water are, just in case.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene pauses her muttering once she sees Oz and narrows her eyes, beckoning him with a 'come here' gesture. She's not taking any chances....if he's a Corvinus wolf....he'll die. If not he might be useful? Well.....mostly useful at least. Assuming he's not one of those 'all vampires are evil' types anyhow. Selene has her own weapons in her coat, though and looks to Oz with a querying look, as if asking what he is, then she speaks. "Yes?" she asks Oz. "You are...?"

The question's left in the air as Selene stays where she is, hands in her pockets and looking decidedly unamused at the idea of running into a werewolf out here. Still she won't kill unless they start things. Or unless there's a giant clusterfuck like in the alley....still....

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Could ask the same of you," Oz says, walking closer and stopping in front of her. His hand doesn't move away from his hip, though he makes no move to attack. "Oz," he says. "And you?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Selene" Selene says and looks Oz up and down. "Now....what're you doing out here, Oz.....? This is a dangerous place" she muses and watches Oz silently. "Why're you out here at night? You could be hurt" she says softly. Her oice is a soft purr, various European accents.....but no threat there. Just facts. Cold, hard facts.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'm well aware of the dangers," Oz says. "I've lived in this city my whole life, Avalon is debatably worse. At least here it's mostly muggings and the like, you're the first vampire I've come across. In Avalon, I'd have 4 or 5 dusted by now. So, you could say, I came for a bit of peace." He offers a smile, his hand moving away from his hip, open palm, revealing he's holding nothing in it.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene laughs softly. "You hunt vampires?" she asks then shakes her head. "Pick your words carefully, Oz" Selene says simply, looking Oz up and down again. "Pick your next words carefully about killing vampires" she warns. She shakes her head and flashes her fangs at Oz.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I hunt vampires, yes," Oz says. "But I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. You're not attacking me now, and you're not attacking humans, so I have no reason to kill you. Therefore, I'm not attacking you. Plus I feel I'd be outmatched, the vampires I usually kill are new, but you aren't, you're older, more experienced." He nods slightly, clearly not intimidated by her, simply standing firm where he is, refusing to be moved by her tactics.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene watches Oz silently. "Yes" she says "I am older and more experienced. Tell me, boy. Are you a werewolf?" Selene asks with a look to Oz then narrows her eyes. "Are you a Corvinus werewolf?" she asks, keping her eyes narrowed at Oz as Selene is waiting, as she stays quiet after speaking. Selene shakes her head again at Oz.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'm a werewolf. But what the hell is a Corvinus werewolf? And why do you ask?" He seems genuinely confused, but he's still not intimidated by her.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene keeps her eyes narrowed at Oz, "You don't know what a Corvinus werewolf is? Good, you live" Selene says and nods. "They are the ones responsible for killing my family. They deserve to be destroyed" she says and watches Oz.....as if testing him, then then clicks her fangs, "If you're not a Corvinus wolf..you're an American wolf, by your accent yes?" she asks. She's not moved her hands.....yet, though she's dressed for a throw down if it comes to it. Selene though has her eyes fixed on Oz for a moment. Then she shakes her head again.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Let me get this straight," Oz says, "a werewolf, or a group of werewolves killed your family. That's terrible, I don't encourage anything like that. But because of this, you're taking your hatred and anger out on ALL the werewolves of that breed? Do you know how ridiculous that is, and how terrible of a person that makes you? You would kill a werewolf who likely didn't even know your family, probably didn't even have any association with the werewolves that killed your family, just because the werewolf is the same type?" He sighs. "Have you ever thought that maybe you need to let it go? I'm not saying forget, never, but holding grudges against people who had nothing to do with it? Why? Think about it. No, don't say anything. Think, just, think." He turns his face up to the sky and closes his eyes, doing some thinking of his own, apparently, especially after all that talking.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene flares her nostrils. "I am" she says firmly. "Doing the right thing. I am fighting to protect people from the Corvinus werewolves. Do you know how much it hurts to see innocent people caught up and cornered by rabid animals and have no way of defending themselves?" she asks and filds her arms.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"But are they all rabid animals?" Oz asks, still looking up at the sky. "Have you ever thought that maybe they don't want to be that way? Look at me. My wolf side has its advantages, sure. But I used to cage myself on full moons, so I wouldn't hurt innocents. It was the only thing I could think of, and my friends helped me. But I broke out one night, and after that I knew I had to find a way to prevent my transformations altogether. But did you ever think there might be some werewolves out there who don't know better? Who don't want to hurt innocents, but don't know what to do about it? Those werewolves need help. So, in a way, you're doing a right thing, but in a way you aren't. You just never take the time to think about that, and I want you to do that now. How an you help those who need help? Death is not always the answer." And then he's silent again, letting the slight breeze blow over him and blow through his hair. As he stands silently, with closed eyes, he seems to calm considerably, looking more peaceful.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene considers Oz's words for a split second, then laughs. "No, they are no better than animals. They kill innocent people because they don't know any better" she says and looks to Oz. "What of you....you kill vampires, no?" she asks softly, an edge to her voice. "You kill vampires and think you can lecture me on morals and morality?" she asks, that edge in her voice. "When you are a werewolf. Do you speak for every single werewolf, young one?" she adds with her arms folded.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Of course not," Oz says. "Nor do you speak for every single vampire. However, the difference is that I don't kill every vampire I meet. The proof of that is that you're standing here in front of me." He doesn't say anymore of that, once again going silent. He's done enough talking for now.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"I speak for my coven" Selene hisses through her fangs. "Who do you speak for, yourself? You claim to tell me how to act, before even understanding me?" she asks between clenched teeth...and fangs. Selene looks past Oz as she sighs and flares her nostrils again. With her hearing she hears footfalls, a pair of drunk guys waving guns around and laughing about robbing people are lurching toward them both.

"Gimme your money" the taller one slurs waving a gun around. It's got the orange tip on as Selene keeps her arms folded, the other mugger pulls a switchblade...but is so drunk he can't figure how to work it. So...threatening a werewolf and a 600+ year old vampire with a toy gun and a folded knife....as Selene looks to Oz, then slowly, deliberately pulls out her own, very real handgun.

"Oh shit..." the guy waving a gun around squeals and waves the toy gun vaguely at Oz. "Money. Now!" he slurs ass Selene puts her gun away. She's waiting to see how this goes....

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz simply smiles, his movements very precise, he knows how to fight. He quickly puts a fist into the toy gun waving guy's face, hard enough to break his nose and likely knock him out. The switchblade guy gets a chop kick to the legs, hard enough to snap one of the legs in 2 places, with the intent to knock him down and the hope that he'll hit his head hard enough on the concrete to be knocked out. "I only speak for myself," he says, during all of this, "but I can't be the only one who thinks this way. I'm not saying all werewolves are good, no, there are some pretty bad ones out there, but I'm saying, ask questions first, shoot later. If they're bad, sure, you've got every right to kill them, but if you can teach 'em better, why not give it a try? Then again, it wouldn't matter to you if you're soulless like all the other vampires, would it?" He sighs, looking genuinely upset that he couldn't help this woman to be a better person. But he seems to understand some people are just destined to be bad.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene snaps her fangs watching it all. Oz can fight, that much is obvious, but.....so can Selene. She looks to the two humans and tsks. "Well" she says and looks to Oz, eyes narrowed at Oz. "You can fight?" she asks, almost amused by it as she shakes her head. "You....can fight?" she repeats and sounds amused at the idea of Oz fighting.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"So what?" Oz asks, wiping the blood off his hands with a sigh. "I can fight. What does it matter?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene just looks bored. "You can fight. That's amusing" she says, before she gives Oz a look, as if the idea of Oz fighting is amusing to her.....as she sits back on her bike again, watching Oz. "So tell me, wolf" Selene says with her voice a sultry soft tone.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz looks slightly confused as he approaches her, stopping to stand facing her. "Tell you what?" he asks. "What do you want to know?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Tell me what makes you special, better than other wolves?" she asks, her feet on the ground.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz seems confused for just a moment, the gears turning in his mind. "I don't transform on the full moon," he says. "I keep my humanity. I'm a deep thinker, I like philosophy, but I rarely talk about that." He's not sure if she'll want more from him, but that's all he says for the moment.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene seems to consider this for a moment then shakes her head. "So...you don't?" she asks, "Side with the lycans that believe vampires need to die?" she asks simply. She's just sitting there, waiting to hear Oz out. Sitting there, Selene looks dangerous, as if she could reach out and snap Oz's neck without moving.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz's eyes widen momentarily, then he seems to understand. "Right, I forgot, vampires and werewolves naturally hate each other," he says, with a sigh, stepping closer, until they could easily reach out and touch each other. "I believe everyone should be given a chance. You haven't tried to kill me, or any humans, so I have no reason to kill you, or even hate you. And, well, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, so to speak. I should've listened to what you had to say before jumping to conclusions. Good and bad is a very large grey area. But you understand that." He offers a smile, hoping he can get back on her good side, because he's worried he may have stepped too far earlier.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene merely clicks her fangs and nods, twisting the throttle on her bike. She's gone in a cloud of tire smoke and the roar of an engine....for about a few moments, the bike rolling to a halt.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz looks after her, still completely unsure what she's trying to get at here, so he's more or less left standing next to the road, a bit dumbfounded, really not sure what to do.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's stopped her bike and nods to Oz. "Don't get caught up in bad situations, young one" she says. Then she's gone for real. There's something different about Oz, Selene understands....and he's not a Corvinus wolf. He'll live...but she won't go out of her way to save him if he ends up in trouble. That much is for sure, as the echo of her bike fades.