7897/Inhuman in the House

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Inhuman in the House
Date of Scene: 16 June 2019
Location: Den and Study, Avengers Mansio
Synopsis: Crystal approaches the Avengers seeking their help finding an errant Inhuman in SHIELD custody. Janet, Thor, and Wanda are on hand for her arrival.
Cast of Characters: Crystal, Wasp (van Dyne), Thor, Scarlet Witch

Crystal has posed:
Most visitors to the mansion fall into typical categories. There are the service people, of course. People who provide normal goods and services to keep the place running. Then there are the reporters. Sometimes papers, sometimes television, sometimes magazines. But for the most part, planned visits with planned agendas. And of course, there are the fans. There have certainly been some creative fans who've tried to talk their way into the mansion before.

Crystal, it seems, is none of the above.

She showed up in an off-white skirt suit (a Janet Van Dyne design, no less) with a gold blouse beneath the jacket, her hair twisted half-up to almost hide the distinctive pattern at the back and near her temples. And then she politely inquired with whoever was in charge at the gates.

"Yes. I am hoping I might speak with someone who can help me with an issue I'm having regarding a SHIELD operation that took place in the Hunan province. There was a village which included some...unusual residents, and it appears that certain of these residents may have relocated here to New York City."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
It takes Crystal a little time to convince the guards to be taken seriously. The skirtsuit and serious demeanour help a lot-- and she's not showing up wearing a 'Favorite Avenger' tee-shirt, or armed with weird superpowers and a 'tragic backstory' of middle class suburbia.

The third or fourth time someone shows up in a month wanting to be 'The Housefly' as Janet's sidekick gets pretty wearisome.

Crystal's eventually admitted into the Mansion, and JARVIS' voice projects from the walls. "Greeting, Miss Crystal. I've been informed of your emergency." A floating holographic sphere flitters to life in front of her, and bobs a welcome in midair. "If you'll follow the sphere, I'll escort you to Ms. van Dyne and Lord Thor. They're in the den, and expecting you. I am JARVIS, if you need anything. Refreshments?"

Sure enough, Janet's in the den with Thor and chatting while waiting for JARVIS to receive Crystal. Janet's in black and yellow, a sleek knee-length black pencil skirt with a waistband level with her sternum and a poofy short-sleeved yellow blouse tucked into it. Black patent leather peek pumps are tucked daintily under her seat, one ankle hooked behind the other.

"Ten bucks," she bets Thor. "Ten bucks says this is a hardcore fan looking for a photo op," she clarifies.

Thor has posed:
    "Bah. You're so cynical, Janet!" Thor retorts, where he stands next to the coffee pot, pouring creamer into a ceramic mug reading "#1 THUNDER GOD" across it. Said Thunder God looks... worse for wear. His shaggy, but short cropped hair is wet, choppy looking and dark. His black armored vest is has places where it has been charred, the leather outer layer peeling back to reveal holes to the internal plates. His thick, bare arms are covered in sweat and soot. He has a bit of drying blood on his forehead and temple, and his knuckles are bloodied and scraped. "Sometimes, real people with real business have need to have audience with the Mighty Avengers! Besides, even if it is just a fan looking for a photo op, who are we to deny them the reward for their marked cleverness?"

    Thor then turns to see that the suspected fan has arrived and may very well have heard the last of the conversation. He doesn't skip a beat, though, as his lips part with a bright smile, and his eyes of copper and blue gleam with a friendly and warm light. He holds up his mug of coffee in a salute, and places his other hand on his hip, as he adopts a less gruff tone of voice to say, "Why hello there! We are the Avengers!"

Crystal has posed:
If anyone were watching, they might be surprised to see that Crystal doesn't look the least bit unsettled by either the disembodied voice or the instructions to follow the bouncing orb. "Of course, JARVIS," she says with a slight dip of her chin, almost respectful. "Thank you very much. A glass of water would be fine."

Her heels click on the floor as she follows the orb to the den and Thor's cheerful greeting. "You are some of the Avengers," she corrects with a flicker of a wry smile. "Your Highness." She tips her chin ever so slightly, in a way that Thor //might// recognize as a greeting of one royal to another. If he can recall anything his mother taught him, at least. "Miss Van Dyne. I do apologize if I'm interrupting your leisure time, but it seems there are certain situations for which proper channels are, well...sparse."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet gets to her feet with Thor when JARVIS announces Crystal, and gives him a side-eye at the exquisite courtsey she displays. "Welcome to Avenger's Tower," Janet tells the woman with a friendly expression. She moves to meet Crystal and extends a dainty handshake to the other woman. "I'm Janet van Dyne. You might know me also as The Wasp," she explains, and gestures towards a seat.

"The security guards were a little vague about what you neede--" she glances down at Crystal's outfit, head tilting. "Hey, that's one of mine!" she says, her train of thought derailed. "What a /great/ cut, I'm so glad it works for you," she gushes.

Thor has posed:
    The dip of her head in such a polite and formal way has Thor looking a bit amused and surprised, doing that duck-lipped look with his eyebrows hiked upward. Again, he lifts his mug in front of his face, as if to salute, before taking a sip of the coffee. He winces and shakes his head, "Ugh. I hate Carnation creamer..."

    Janet, of course, goes full tilt when she sees the girl's clothing. Thor is left clutching his mug in one hand, folding his arms across his chest as he watches this unfold for a few moments.


    Thor looks expectantly to Janet, before he continues, "We are the Avengers. No matter if there is but one or many, we are The Avengers. Never just "some"."

    He gives a roll of his shoulders, as if shrugging off an insult, and then adds, "Besides, we're the ones where the party happens."

    Looking back to Crystal, Thor sighs and pushes forward, "So what... situations do you bring forth for us to discuss, Lady... I'm sorry, your name again?"

Crystal has posed:
"Thank you," Crystal smiles to Janet when she compliments the outfit. "I always go for quality when it comes to the important things, and your work really has an excellent reputation for quality and ethical workmanship." And of course, a littler flattery helps things go more smoothly, after all.

When Thor brings things back in focus, she dips her chin once more. "Of course, your highness. My apologies. My name is Crystalia Amaquelin, but you may call me Crystal. I was actually hoping the Avengers," her smile quirks at the plural, "Might be able to help me with something. May I?"

She gestures toward the seats, heading toward one unless she's stopped. "I need to speak with SHIELD regarding events in a small village in the Hunan province of China," she explains as she sits.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"We are the cool kids," Janet agrees, wiggling a thumb at Thor. She's dressed to kill, he looks like he's midway through a rough rugby match. It's a good dichotomy.

"C'mon come sit," she beckons, and ushes Crystal to a chair. Janet seats herself in the chair partially facing Crystal's, a smiling presence, which puts Thor's imposing bulk on the other side of the low table. An artful little bit of social tact, trying to make Crystal relaxed and comfortable. A rolling little robot shaped like a trash can trundles up and warbles a greeting at Crystal, before offering her a glass of water atop the tray on its 'head'.

"China's a bit out of our area of operations," Janet says. "The Chinese Government sees us pretty unfavorably. What's going on in the village-- you said, in Hunan?" she asks, carefully getting facts straight.

Thor has posed:
    "Thor," The Odinson replies, when he's greeted again with that term. It still doesn't sit well on his broad shoulders. But his attitude is amicable and friendly, nonetheless. His smile remains in tact, and he nods towards Crystal, giving her recognition. "Just Thor is fine. Thank you, Crystalia Amaquelin."

    When she asks about SHIELD and China, though, Thor's brows come down over his mismatched eyes, almost brooding as he looks curious. When the others sit, The God of Thunder remains standing, though he does lean his rear end against the edge of the counter where he had been preparing his coffee. He looks relaxed, despite his current state of "wear".

    "I'm not certain I understand the inquiry. If you would inquire with SHIELD, why come to the Avengers?" Thor asks, though he's quick to point out, "I do not mean to suggest that we refuse aid! We yearn to help in any way that we might. The Avengers and SHIELD are two separate things, though."

Crystal has posed:
"Yes, but the Avengers are champions," Crystal replies to Thor with a small smile, pausing to take the glass of water from the robot and set it on the table. "And I have a feeling this is a situation better handled by champions. Preferably ones with connections to SHIELD who are not //of// SHIELD."

Turning back to Janet, she pauses to choose her words. "The people in this village were...unique," she explains. "They had been there for some time. Recently, it seems there was some SHIELD activity there. SHIELD and other entities, which were less well-meaning. From our readings, there was a certain power signature. It seems to have returned here to New York with SHIELD."

She reaches for her water, taking a sip with a faint furrowing of her brows before continuing. "The power readings were unstable. Added to the recent earthquake here, and possible //future// events, I would like to speak with SHIELD. But as I don't know if their intentions with this person are good or ill, it seemed ill-advised to go directly to them. That's not a fight I'm looking for."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The notice of someone in the building had reached Wanda, but she was dealing with a delicate matter that she could not pull herself away from yet. But finally the matter was made safe enough she dropped the protective magics covering the lab she was working in. A hand towel dabbed away a bit of perspiration from her brow, and then the Scarlet Witch was heading out and upstairs to find out what the situation was.

Wanda arrives at the door to the Den not long after, pausing in the doorway to give a little knock to announce her presence. "Good evening Janet, Thor," the Transian young woman says, dipping her head a bit in greeting to them. Her eyes go over to Crystal and she offers a friendly enough look of greeting. "Is there anything I might help with?" she asks, taking a few steps inside. She's in her costume at the moment, it having been the best choice for the activities she was just engaged in.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet glances at Thor for his thoughts while Crystal speaks, then turns to look at the woman. "Hmm. Okay. SHIELD's a big organization with a lot of different chains of command," she reminds Crystal. "But we do know people there. I'll see what I can dig up," she promises.

Wanda shows up at Janet perks from her chair, smiling pleasantly at her friend. "Wanda! Great timing. C'mon over," she says. "Wanda Maximoff, this is Crystalia Amaquelin," Janet says. "Crystal, this is Wanda. She's our resident magical expert."

She looks back to Crystal. "Now, can you tell us more about this 'power signature'?" she asks. "Are talking biolelectric, mechanical in nature, was it an energy core or some kind of magical emission...?"

Thor has posed:
    For all the posture and bluster, most people think Thor is possessed of a lot of good looks and brawn, but not so blessed with brains. Really, nothing could be further from the truth. He listens to what it is that Crystal is trying to relay. Or rather, trying to relay without relaying anything of consequence at all.

    "If I may?" The Asgardian King asks, though he doesn't seem to wait for an answer to be forthcoming. "You are Vaguebooking us, Crystalia Amaquelin, and while The King of New Asgard may appreciate a healthy dose of subtlety, at this time, in order for us to best help you with this matter, we really must know more details. Janet speaks true. We do have friends and allies within SHIELD, and I personally know of one of whom I would place my very life with, in the knowledge that she would do anything within her power for me."

    Wanda's arrival draws Thor's eye, and he gives a small lift of his "#1 Thunder God" coffee mug in her direction to greet her, as well as flashing his trademark smile, all twinkling eyes and dimpled cheeks under his rugged beard. "It is a pleasure to see you as always, Wanda Maximoff. It is fortuitous that you make your presence known now. I hope you fare well?"

Crystal has posed:
"Vaguebooking?" Crystal squints at Thor. "Is that an Asgardian thing?" A glance to Janet, as if she might know. Of course, the fact that //she// doesn't know is also telling in its own way.

She takes a deep breath, letting it out in a heavy sigh. The rest of the question she understands. As she understands the complications of answering Janet's question. But then Wanda arrives, providing a brief distraction. "A pleasure," she nods politely, before looking back to each of them.

"I can answer your questions, but the answer is a sensitive one. Can I trust in your discretion?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff smiles warmly to Janet, walking over to her and reaching over to rest a hand on her shoulder in greeting. Wanda flashes a warm smile to the God of Thunder as well before moving to take a seat nearby. Wanda turns her attention back to the guest, a curious look briefly passing her face. Wanda says in her typically slow delivery, "Crystal you say? Hello Crystal. A pleasure to meet you. Please, continue, it sounds like something important then."

Wanda relaxes back in her chair, a leg crossing the other as she laces her fingers over her knee. There might have seemed to be a moment of recognition, or perhaps a question of it during the introduction. But perhaps sensing her teammates are trying to get at the important information, Wanda seems fine to let whatever her thought was wait for the moment as she turns her attention fully on Crystal.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Discretion's what we do," Janet assures Crystal. She looks around the manor, its grandstanding opulence, then at the towering mass of noise and fury that /is/ the King of Asgard, and she rolls her eyes.

"Well-- I do, anyway, and we do a good job managing the boys," she says, vaguely waving at Thor. "But we're good with secrets, if not being low-key. Lay it on me," she invites. "What's going on?"

Thor has posed:
    "Aye. The integrity of the Avengers, and especially of Thor Odinson is without reproach," Thor retorts with the sort of confidence that seems unshakeable, and yet, does not feel put on, nor borne out of arrogance. He takes another sip of his coffee, sniffs and blinks, and then lifts one arm, ducking his face in, and recoiling before giving a shake of his head. He scrunches his nose and stretches it before looking back to Crystal, and continuing. "As I was saying..."

    His gaze drifts over to Janet, and one brow lifts as she appraises him and seems to correct her statement. "Correct, Janet, we are good with secrets if we're not being Loki. Loki is horrible with secrets unless they're his own."

Crystal has posed:
Crystal's smile flickers at Janet's comment. "All right then. I'm not entirely sure where to start without giving you the impression that I'm insane, so stop me if you need explanation on any of this. But. Simply put, I am not human."

Not normal, but then again, not the strangest thing.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, my people retreated to a hidden place here. We discovered certain sciences, and we acted on them. We call ourselves Inhuman. For all of your recorded history, we've lived in secret. Until recently. Due to some political unrest and civil..." Her lips twist in a grimace.

"Well. You know how brothers are." That one's directed to Thor. "My cousin, my sister, and much of our family were briefly exiled. You can fact check that with the Fantastic Four if you'd like," she adds.

"More recently, however, my cousin has reclaimed the throne. We thought things might be fine now, but we started picking up these readings. Power readings. They aren't a device, or a machine," she explains to Janet. "They're a person."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda lets her teammates reassure Crystal, they having already had a chance to speak with her before this. She listens closely, and at one point gives Crystal a soft smile. "We are more used to dealing with non-humans than most, I think?" she says, turning to look to Janet and Thor for their confirmation though she doubts it is needed. Thor is himself not human, after all.

"And are these readings troublesome?" Wanda asks Crystal. "Beyond merely the fact the person possesses a power that is noticeable to you? Does the fact they register suggest something else about them that makes them worth coming to us, or to SHIELD, about?" she inquires.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I'm pretty sure we have more nonhumans on the team at the moment than humans," Janet observes dryly. "Tony and Rhodey?" she asks, counting on her fingers. "Me'n Steve don't really count, we're metas under the census. Wanda, you're a mutant, right? And Thor's..." She watches him sniffing himself. "An alien."

"Anyway. Do you think this person's a threat?" she asks Crystal. "Or are they menacing your people-- Inhumans, you called 'em?"

Thor has posed:
    After Crystal explains the dire situation of her, and her family's exile, Thor's face takes a more serious turn, becoming somber within a matter of seconds. He steps forward, his boots thudding heavily with each footfall with a certain sense of finality to it. As he approaches Crystal, the Asgardian royal's brooding eyes fix upon her own.

    "Families are hard," he states, placing a hand on her shoulder, giving a good firm pat, before he passes by, leaving a trailing, lingering scent of burnt flesh in his wake as he does so. Hooking one of the rolling chairs with the tip of his boot, to swing it about so that he might flop down into it, the Lightning-Bringer regards the situation at hand. Wanda and Janet are asking the pertinent questions now, so for the time being, Thor remains observant, reclining in his seat, which groans in protest under his weight, and slightly rocking back and forth. Creak. Creak. Creeeeak.

    "God," He correct Janet, pointing a finger from the hand holding his coffee mug. "Asgardian. Not an alien. Superman. There's an alien."

Crystal has posed:
"Not to us," Crystal shakes her head to Janet and Wanda. "Though potentially to themselves. We've had rather a lot of experience in dealing with the development and growth of powers. We think we could probably ease this person's transition into their powers. But that's...less of the concern."

She reaches for her water once more, taking a sip. "Our bigger concern is if this person is with SHIELD of their own free will. Which I recognize sounds like a small issue, given the available context. Why would a kingdom that's been secret since before the pyramids care about one lost subject?"

Crystal leans back in her chair, rubbing a hand at her brow for a moment. "The King is considering making our existence public," she clarifies, lowering her hand with an amused glance in Thor's direction. "Personally, I'd be thrilled. It's why I'm the one who's here. Among other reasons. But there are a //lot// of things to consider when it comes to the when and the how of it. And determining just what SHIELD's relationship is to someone we would normally consider to be our subject is step one of that process."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda leans back a little bit as she seems to contemplate some of that. "And what if the person doesn't wish to be one of your subjects? I imagine that would be a matter of concern if they are a part of SHIELD. Or any number of other such organizations," Wanda muses quietly.

She glances to Janet and Thor and then back to Crystal. "So are you mainly seeking an opportunity to speak to SHIELD? Or to this person? Or hoping that the Avengers could intervene in some fashion?" she asks. Another glance to her teammates, realizing she may have missed it if this was discussed before.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"My family's Dutch Reformed going back to before there was an America-- I'm not calling you a 'god'," Janet informs Thor with a tolerant eyeroll. "I'm going to hell as it is, I'm not gonna double down with blasphemy."

She waits paitently for Crystal to answer Wanda's questions; they're solid ones, and they don't need anything tagged onto the end of them.

Thor has posed:
    "I see," Thor remarks, before lifting his coffee cup, taking another sip, and setting the empty mug down on the table. His gaze drops, looking pensive and thoughtful, if a bit distant. When Wanda asks about her intentions with this person, Thor looks up at the Scarlet Witch and nods his head. It was the first thing he was going to posit himself. He would be unlikely to lend aid to some unknown kingdom wrangle someone into servitude if that person was unwilling. However, if they are only seeking to offer help with a potentially inexperienced person with dangerous powers...

    Janet's commentary on his nature does draw the gaze of the Norse God once again. "Friend Janet, wouldst you prefer if I started to refer to you as monkey, rather than human? Or perhaps pigeon? Anything other than a human, simply because my traditions tell me that a human is an entirely different breed of creature that only existed over a thousand years before? Would you find such acts to be insulting in the highest order? You can keep your faith in your God, but do not deny my very existence to mine own face! Besides, why go to Hell, when your God friend could garner your position in the hallowed halls of Valhalla?"

    Thor isn't angry, that much is certain. When Thor is angry, everyone knows it. He's simply making his position clear, and letting his grievance with the term she used to label him be known.

Crystal has posed:
"That would certainly be their choice," Crystal assures Wanda. "Though we would protect them as if they were regardless. As for what I'm hoping the Avengers can do, an introduction would be sufficient." Her smile quirks, rueful. "If, for example, they were holding this Inhuman against their will, it would be pretty stupid of me to go in there alone, without telling anyone."

For all her manners and pretty words, it seems like she's just as capable and comfortable speaking like anyone else. She may not know what 'vaguebooking' is, but she's got a grasp on enough culture to have a clue.

"Look, my hope is that SHIELD has been helping this person and that we can also help them to stabilize their powers. If everything goes well with that, then the King should have sufficient grounds to begin moving toward international recognition through all of the political channels," she concludes, waving a hand. Not her favorite part of things.

"But we also don't want to step onto the world stage with an international incident by picking a fight with SHIELD. This seemed like a good middle ground."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
After Crystal has finished, Wanda uncrosses her legs, rising to pace a little bit in thought. The back of her costume dangles behind her a bit, swaying with her steps. "I imagine it would be in everyone's best interests to have a peaceful and... amiable introduction to the international community," Wanda says in her softly accented English.

She glances over to Janet and Thor, having voiced enough to give them an idea of her thoughts, but seeming happy to defer to their judgment on the matter. Wanda turns back, standing behind a chair and resting her hands the back to lean on it gently while she listens.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"You could call me beautiful and brilliant and your favorite," Janet suggests to Thor, and appeals to him with an artful flutter of her lashes. "Because you know in your heart, all of these things are true."

She blows him a flirty kiss and focuses back on Crystal. "Okay, sorry. We screw around a lot here. Helps keep the pressure at a low simmer. Um..." She massages her temples, thinking. "This is big. Big enough I can't make this call without a quorum present, even if Thor is swole enough to count for two votes," she says. Never hurts to flatter the Thunderer a little. "I'll talk to Steve. Actually--" she digs a phone out of a cunningly concealed pocket and examines it. "He's late. We were supposed to meet up for dinner. I'll see if I can figure out where he's at," she promises the others, and rises. "Meanwhile, Crystal, it was very nice to meet you. We'll do what we can to help ... smooth the transition into the international community," she says. A diplomatic way of saying they'll help, without taking sides one way or another. "I'll send word out to everyone and we'll put our heads together to see what we come up with," she offers.

Thor has posed:
    When Crystal lays out her intentions, and the reasoning behind it, it is clear that the gears are churning behind Thor's eyes. If she is honest and true to her word, and that this would be a thing that would be left up to the individual to decide, on whether or not they desire to become a part of these Inhumans, then Thor would certainly back such a move. If SHIELD were to be holding a captive without cause against their will, then he would have some rather stern words for them.

    Thor's Stern Words often come with thunderbolts and lightning, and are, in fact, very, very frightening.

    He doubts that to be the case, though.

    "I will nay speak as to plans for your people to come to the people of Midgard and present themselves as friend and neighbor," He begins, and then gestures towards Wanda, who agrees that an amicable introduction is best. His slow nod indicates that he agrees. "And as the beautiful Janet who can be my favorite when she is not calling me alien says, a great deal of what you say is something that should be conferred with by the Avengers as a whole to reach consensus. However..."

    Thor rises from his seat, placing his burnt and bloodied hands on the table, as he looks Crystal in the eye. "I will speak to those dear to me among SHIELD, and uncover what I may about this potential Inhuman among their ranks. I will see if I might arrange an introduction between you and that person, if it is possible. But only between you and them, so that tales may be exchanged, and understandings reached. Where steps go beyond that are matters outside of the ken of the King of New Asgard."

    His piece said, Odinson turns his attention to each woman in turn, and gives a nod of his head, before excusing himself. "Now, the Thunderer needs to bathe. Fighting Sentinels is a shockingly hot affair, as it turns out."

    Lifting a hand to wave, Thor heads towards the door to see himself out.

Crystal has posed:
"Nothing to apologize for," Crystal assures Janet, smile wry. "You should see our family." It's probably the real reason Black Bolt doesn't talk. Can't get a word in edgewise.

"I appreciate all of your help," she says, looking between the three. "Thank you. I certainly hope that everything goes smoothly. And in the meantime, if there's any way I can be of assistance to you, please let me know."

As Thor departs, that smile quirks again. "He reminds me very much of my cousin Gorgon," she confides to Wanda and Janet, amused.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The Transian woman gets a soft smile at the conversation between Thor and Janet. Indeed it seems the banter is part of what makes the mansion such a happy home. As it seems like the matter has been adequately dealt with, Wanda takes a moment to return to her earlier thoughts.

"Crystal, I believe I might have heard mention of you before this. Johnny Storm was speaking of someone with your name, and I believe you mentioned another of the Fantastic Four earlier? I believe he was wishing to introduce us. We will have to speak another time when he can be here. I live in the Mansion, so maybe you can both join me for a meal sometime," she offers.

Crystal has posed:
"Johnny is a good friend," Crystal nods to Wanda as she stands, though it's possible there's a slight flush in her cheeks when she says it. "Though I didn't think it would help much to drop his name," she adds with a low laugh. "I think we all know it wouldn't be out of character for Johnny to convince a random girl off the street that he could get her in here with a name-drop."

Smoothing a hand over her skirt, she offers a hand first to Wanda, then to Janet. "I'd be happy to join you both though. I'll leave my number with JARVIS on the way out." Because of course a building's AI can handle that.