7760/The Angel In The House

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The Angel In The House
Date of Scene: 06 June 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Warren cooks (ACK), while Scott, Kitty and Bobby McFadden make sure he doesn't destroy the kitchen. Or school. Kitty learns Bobby's past.
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Blinkdog, Shadowcat, Cyclops

Archangel has posed:
When Warren Worthington III enters a room, people usually know beforehand. Board meetings. Promo spots. Debates. Heck, even all out fist fights. The point is that Warren is absolutely hard to miss. Both physically and socially. Which makes his absences all the stranger. A void where the sunlight used to be for those he left behind. Or so he jokingly tells himself when on the other side of the planet doing God knows what.

At this hour, it's rare to find the kitchen in full swing. That does nothing to explain the, well... not a mess per se but disarray? That covers it. Someone has half the kitchen pulled out, pots boiling. A couple sauce pans bubbling and steaming. An absolutely ancient hip hop classic playing from the speakers at a not entirely rude but clearly not peaceful volume. Refrigerator doors wide open, spilling cold and light and who knows what else free. A hand reaches up from behind the island, smacking down on the counter once, twice. Searching. Tan skin. No jewelry. Manicured expertly. The brilliantly white display of feathers peek above the counter top before the hand finds the phone. Grabbing it to disappear behind the counter once more. Big Tymers. Hood Rich intensifies.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden is lured into the kitchen by the smell of food cooking. Currently appearing human as he enters. He had only briefly seen the kitchen when given a two-penny tour when he first arrived but he was not given a proper introduction to anyone here nor about any of the rules here he steps to the side of the doorway in order not to block it and steps to the side standing and observing quietly looking at the bevy of strangers in there.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty comes down the hallway, hearing the music coming from the kitchen. Lockheed is perched on her shoulder, rubbing his grubby little paws together already anticipating the beef jerky that she promised him upstairs. Kitty walks into the kitchen and glances around, spotting the bit of white-feathered wing poking up from behind the island.

Kitty raises her voice above the music. "Hey now, DJ Jazzy Chef. Those refrigerators require electricity you know. Let's save the planet one fridge door at a time," she says, walking over to close the open fridge, but Kitty has a ready smile for her old friend as she moves to where she can see him behind the island. Lockheed gives a little excited ruffle of his wings, as if looking forward to seeing a winged comrade again.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott was honestly just looking to grab a cold bottle of water from the fridge, but he pauses, just inside the door, giving Bobby a brief once over and a silent nod of greeting, before turning towards where he sees those feathers peeking out and commenting, "I thought we had standard alert procedures if Warren tried to use the kitchen. Going to have to make sure those are up to date." His tone is drier than the Sahara but there's a glimmer of a grin on his usually-stoic face.

Archangel has posed:
The racket, the aromas of an expertly crafted bolognese using a bottle of merlot that was almost assuredly saved for some sort of special occasion, it's hard to ignore. It draws attention. Right to the trap! Wait. No. Not a trap. For everyone. For Warren? It certainly was. With the entrance of Bobby and Kitty, Lockheed in tow, Warren perks up. A blazingly brilliant smile explodes to toothpaste commercial standards. The winged avenger himself hops to his feet after the fridge closes. Warren laughs, easy and near musical while getting to his feet. Right hand tapping the volume low without a glance.

A towel over one shoulder, colorful neon green and pink swim trunks. Those wings, white as fresh snow and impossibly large. Somehow avoiding knocking everything from the counter. "Sorry, I got sidetracked. Kitty! Look at you! Look at me! Do we look great or what?" Head tilted aside, a playful wink before he looks back to Scott. Pointing at the man almost accusingly. "You know that rule was a direct attack against my baking, not my cooking in general. My baking is terrible. Admittedly. On record. Against my will." A blonde eyebrow arches upward sharply. "I missed you all. Can you tell?"

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden blinks as more people enter. Not sure what to make of all of these people supposedly like himself, but as far as he can tell nowhere the same either. He is definitely unsure what to make of that little dragon perched on the ladie's shoulder but he's seen stranger creatures before.

As Scott enters and looks him over, Bobby again just stares tho he does politely return the nod and give a slight twitch of a smile. Swallowing hard he wonders just what the rules here are about food. Most places he's been recently its guarded miserly like precious offerings to be doled out carefully. His stomache growls audibly though perhaps not above the music that is playing.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a laugh and goes over to Angel, opening her arms to give him a big hug if he allows. "We don't look bad at least," she says just a little more humbly. Any time she sees Warren it is a good day, and Kitty's smile is bright with his presence back at the school. "Mmm, that smells good. What are you cooking?" she asks.

She looks over and smiles to Scott as he enters. "Depends on if he's in a sharing mood," she says of Angel's cooking. That's when she notices Bobby there. "Oh, hello, are you Bobby? I don't think we've had a chance to meet yet," says the twenty-year-old brunette. She comes around the kitchen over to Bobby, a small purple dragon on her shoulders. She offers her hand. "Kitty Pryde. Alumnus, and current part-time guidance counselor," she offers to him.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods silently to Kitty, and takes her hand and returns the shake politely. "Oh, um someone mentioned your name. I think?" By the look on his face he is REALLY out of his element here. He still feels like he half-broke into this place like a burglar rather than being invited. Still he got a good shower and got to sleep on a couch in one of the common rooms. "I'm um, still kind of new. Like, just walked in the door practically."

Cyclops has posed:
"What I know is that someone here didn't know how a kitchen worked when he first arrived." Scott replies to Warren, "But I suppose it's to his credit that it only took two or three smoke alarms before he got the hang of most of it." Scott moves over after Kitty to extend a hand to Warren, smiling about as warmly as he ever gets now, "Good to see, you Warren. Planning on sticking around a while, or just passing through playing the patron Angel of Pasta?" He does look over towards Bobby, lifting a hand in a wave, "Scott Summers, Geometry teacher. If you're hungry, feel free to step in and grab something. The Kitchen's open 24/7." He gestures towards the pantry door, "Dry snacks are in the back-right corner of the Pantry, Frozen and cold snacks are in the right-hand refrigerator. Help yourself. If you've got an accelerated metabolism or have any special dietary needs or allergies, just let us know and we can set up a menu for you."

Archangel has posed:
The low growl of Bobby's stomach gets a look from Angel. A light side-eye with that hard to diffuse edge of a smile. "Anybody else hear that? Hank? Is that you? Where are you, you old blue cuddlemonster?" He waves it off dismissively and gestures Bobby into the kitchen proper. "Grab some bread and tell me what that sauce needs. C'mon."

"No, we most certainly do not." Warren agrees before raking a hand back through his hair. Free hand still full of phone, thumb expertly scrolling to another musical selection. Let's be blunt here. Warren's eyes are a little on the bloodshot side. "Oh! Glad you asked. I was on the way to the pool and was, to be honest, a little hungry. Then this happened. So far as I know, two different pastas. Bolognese sauce I'm just chucking together and... Hey, Bobby is it? Is there garlic bread in the oven or is that just wishful thinking?"

"That second alarm was a big one. Learned a valuable lesson that day. You cannot, no matter how much you wish it to be, make a satisfactory homemade poptart." A blazing grin, an upnod of respect. Warren takes the offered hand to pull Scott in for a brief, shoulder-clap and hug. "Good to see you too, Scott. I'm sticking around for a couple of weeks at the least. I just had to get away from all the noise, you know? Come back home. Where it's peaceful." He chuckles lightly before his attention slips back to Bobby. "Warren Worthington III. I... cook. I think."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods in agreement to what Scott said to Bobby. "It's a really friendly place. And all of us were new at one point so now what it's like. So don't hesitate to ask anyone if you have any questions," Kitty tells Bobby McFadden warmly. "Yes, kitchen is open all the time. There are prepared meals, menu's posted on the board, but you can always come make something on your own or grab a snack," she says.

Kitty motions to her dragon. "This is Lockheed. A long-time friend of mine," she says. The little dragon extends his snout to sniff at Bobby, and Kitty reaches up to ruffle her fingers over his head and giving Bobby a smile and a look which indicates it's safe if he wishes to do the same with Lockheed.

Kitty grins and flashes a look over to Warren. "I normally stick to cereal, because I'm not much of a cook. So I'm not one to throw stones on this topic," she tells Warren. Once Bobby has had a chance to greet Lockheed if he wishes, Kitty moves over to get a hunk of beef jerky which she gives to the dragon. He grasps it and starts in on it.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods slowly as Scott explains the menu of items available. He looks slightly blank as it takes a moment for the words to sink in. Just walk in, food, anytime, and its free. This will take some getting used to. "Thanks." he says in reply.

"And um, my um full name is Bobby McFadden by the way. I um don't think I am quite up to geometry just yet." he scratches the back of his head embarassed. "I'm not even sure what grade I'm in to be honest."

He sniffs the air, "Well I smell garlic, and bread, so um yeah probably." he offers to Warren confusedly.

He then timidly extends his hand up to the small dragon on Kitty's shoulders much the same way he would a cat or other creature letting it get his scent first. Again from a point of politeness.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott looks about as amused as he can behind those ruby-quartz sunglasses at Warren's comment of the school being "peaceful." Technically...yes, it usually is, but that certainly doesn't mean it's not more than a little chaotic even at the best of times. But no...probably not on the level that a billionaire corporate CEO has to deal with. Usually. "Well, you know you're always welcome. Just make sure you find Jean and say hello before you fly off again."

Scott looks back to Bobby and nods, "Don't worry, we'll get a good feel for where you're at, academically, but it's not an immediate concern. Spend a few days or even a couple weeks getting to know the campus and the people, and then we can worry about more of the formalities."
That said, Scott looks to Warren and gestures, to the meal he's working on, "Need help?"

Archangel has posed:
"I usually stick to waffles. They don't let me cook -anywhere-, I swear. It's like a global conspiracy. OSHA is clearly involved and I'm not backing down, Kitty." Warren says before setting his phone on the counter, both hands grip the edge of the island as he leans into it. A blonde eyebrow poised upward with open curiousity.

The Swimming Trunks Chef stretches a considerable expense of wing to point pristine white feathers at the counter by the fridge. "Nailed it in one. Grab as much as you want." Pushing away from the counter, Warren takes up finishing his task with a naturally all too casual pace. Pasta. Sink. Steam. He cranes his head away from it, squinting.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving before getting my time in with everybody. It's been too long. Jean is going to have to tear a page out of her schedule." Shaking out the pasta, he crosses the kitchen floor. Bare feet. Dripping incredibly hot water all over the place like it's nothing to worry about. This man is a disaster in this room. The alert was warren-ted(HA!). "If you could, Scott? Pull the garlic bread from the oven. I think there are pizza rolls in there too? I may have gotten carried away. Say, have you seen Kurt around?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed greeted Bobby with a little nuzzles of his head to the man's fingers, before Kitty went off to get him jerky. Kitty nods to what Scott said. "We're on summer break. We can do an evaluation to figure out where best to fit you, Bobby. There are summer classes going on too, so you can sit in on a couple if you like, see what perks your interest," she offers.

Kitty gets herself a piece of string cheese from the kitchen. Before she starts on it though, she helps Bobby and Warren with getting the garlic bread that Warren asked for. "Really great to have you back, Warren. You're always a bolster for morale around here," she says. "And I imagine a few of the girls will be gathering around the pool if word gets out you're heading that way." School girl crushes: Engage.

Kitty gets a spoon and uses it to taste the sauce that Warren has made. "Mm, that's good," she says. She washes the spoon and replaces it, then peels a bit of the string cheese off to nibble. "So Bobby, I haven't heard a lot about you yet. Do you mind if I ask about your past? How things have been going for you, and how you ended up with us?"

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden seems rather rooted to the spot for several moments, then after paying his respects to the shoulder dragon he braves walking to the refrigerator. Opening a door he looks and closes it again, wrong door, and opens another. He settles onto a bottle of water and then after closing the door he walks over to where Kitty had gotten the cheese and also the jerkey and begins to gnaw on those as well as a piece of hot garlic bread.

Somewhere along the way he changes, and for a moment there is a humanoid coyote walking with a plate of food as he finds a spot to sit. But just as quickly the fur vanishes and Bobby is left as he was when he first entered.

Bobby was so distracted by manuvering around in the kitchen without getting in anyone's way that he didn't notice the change for once. If he had his reaction would have been somewhat... well that issue will probably turn up later.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott grabbs an oven mitt and moves to extract that various baking goods (Wait, wasn't that what Warren WASN'T supposed to be doing?) from the oven. As is typical in more social situations he slips into "quiet observer" mode now, listening to Bobby's conversation with Kitty and lending a hand where Warren needs it (or where Scott thinks Warren needs it without so many words). Bobby's transformation? Doesn't even earn the bat of an eye. Nor does Scott draw any attention to it. If anyone knows about how embarrassing power incontinence can be....

Archangel has posed:
"It's really nice being back, Kitty. I'm not back just to raid the refrigerator either. Granted, I am doing exactly that but going forward, less that. More work. Likely." Warren flip-flops on teaching duties before a laugh at the attention at the pool. "Please. Keep this up and we'll need to knock down a wall or two for my ego."

That's when Warren realizes something. He still isn't in the pool. Maybe the winged wonder is a little on the elevated side. Flighty, you could say. As activity swirls, Warren does what Warren does oh so well. "I'll be back after a quick lap or two. So hot in here. Save some for me, yeah? Bobby, I'll show you the ins and outs of barrel rolls later on. Scouts honor." All this said, almost rapid fire as he makes his way toward the doors. Clearly escaping dish duty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde doesn't comment directly on Bobby's transformation either, whether not sure if he did it intentionally or not yet. It's not all that unusual, here, after all. But it does spark a different sort of comment. "You were in Empire Bay, weren't you?" Kitty asks Bobby. She gets herself a plate and gets some of Warren's pasta with his blessing, and a slice of garlic bread that she adds a little parmesan to from the fridge.

Kitty walks over to motion towards a seat across from Bobby, getting his permission before setting her plate there. She gets herself a can of Sunkist soda and sits back down. "I think I saw you bringing blankets and medical supplies to the people at the bridge," she comments.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden pauses mid-gnaw on some of the jerkey and nods. "Yeah," he answers after a swallow of water from his bottle, "You were there too?" he asks. "I know Kurt was, but it was so busy I only saw a few of you." he then blushes as he recalls that he actually -stole- most of those supplies even though it was 'nessesary'. "I um also got one guy to a hospital, though I think his wife thought I killed him or something."

Shadowcat has posed:
The young college-aged woman has a warm and friendly way about her most of the time. And especially now as she's meeting a new student. She smiles over to Bobby and says in a soft tone, "It was really good of you to help out. A lot of people wouldn't have. With or without mutant powers."

Lockheed hops off her shoulder to land on the table and continue chewing the jerky there. Kitty starts eating and asks, "So are you a teleporter like Kurt is, then? I saw you disappear but I couldn't really make out a lot with the people around you," she says. She takes a bite of garlic bread, giving a soft, "Mmmmm" and then dips it in some of her pasta sauce to try it like that.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden frowns a little at the mention of his power, but the expression falls short of being offended or anything. More like embarrasment. "Yeah, when I'm um.... you know... changed. If you saw me then you know what I mean. Right now though I'm as human as the guy who delivers your mail. Unless he's special too. Blinkdog can do other things too but thats the one I have a handle on the most." he says partly talking about his powers as if they belonged to someone else.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches over to touch Bobby's arm gently if he allows as he says, "We can help you get a handle on your powers. It's as much a part of curriculum as English, Geography and Math are." She pulls her hand back, using it to take a swallow of her soda. "In fact we have a teacher for the subject, who can dampen down powers. To levels that are safe to experiment with. And there are a lot of us who have had to go through adjustment periods as our powers developed. Lots of people who can relate if you want someone to talk to about what's happening with you," Kitty offers.

She takes another bite of her garlic bread, swallowing it before saying, "My power is going intangible," she tells him. She holds out her hand and then swipes it gently through the table, her hand passing right through the wood. She smiles and gives a little shrug. "Great for taking shortcuts through the school. Though I have to be careful. Electronic devices don't like me phasing through them. Disrupts their memory and ruins them, usually."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods and blinks as you do the trick with your arm, "Wow your's is almost as good as mine for getting away." he remarks forgetting his usual attitude towards his own abilities. "But yeah you're right about me needing training. The first time I changed I scared my foster family so bad they called the police. Then there was a time when I um... well... I kinda hurt someone really bad..." his mood shifting suddenly and his voice lowering almost to a whisper.

Shadowcat has posed:
"It can happen," Kitty says in a sympathetic voice. "Especially when we're first learning our powers. There are people here who have had similar stories. I was fortunate. Just some migraines. The Professor... and others... noticed me when I was thirteen, and offered me a spot at the school," she tells Bobby.

Kitty gets some of the pasta, and mmms softly at the sauce. "I know out there in the rest of the world, it's easy for a mutant to feel isolated. We're not just a school here, though. We're one big family. You saw us at the bridge, so you know a few of us actively help people. Not everyone at the school knows that though, so keep it quiet amongst the other students," she says, smiling at him as if trusting he can do that for them. "But someone who can teleport? Wow, I mean you already demonstrated how helpful your power can be. Do you have any kind of range issues, or other limits with it?"

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden shrugs, "I'm not as good at it as Kurt is. Though I think I can go further maybe. I didn't ask him how far he can go." He then looks around noticing for the first time that the kitchen is almost completely emptied out except for the three of us. He scratches the back of his head and asks, "Let me ask you something. You've seen a lot of our kind here right? Mutants? I know there's other people with powers like aliens, or magic, or super science, you see them in the papers all the time. But us, our powers come from that gene stuff right? Do you..." he tries to figure out how to put it into words, "Do you think we kind of choose our powers? I mean we didn't choose to be different, but because we are... it just seems like sometimes we might... you know... choose them. And the um... changes maybe we deserve them too?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde continues to slowly make her way through her meal, looking up to listen to Bobby, nodding her head at parts to let him know she's following. At the end Kitty pauses and looks thoughtful, picking up her napkin to wipe her lips. "I haven't ever really seen anything to make me think we chose them, no," Kitty says, shaking her head. "Sometimes they are even hereditary. Lorna, the daughter of Magneto from Genosha, has the same power as him. Yet I don't believe she even knew he was her father until long after she'd mastered her power," Kitty says.

Kitty looks across the table at Bobby. "Honestly I think it's just who we are. There's no karma involved any more or less than anything else. I mean, who has brown hair, who is short or tall, born to wealthy or poor families? Maybe there's karma in those? Or maybe they just happen." Kitty sets down her fork. "But I'd say this. Having a power does not define who I am," Kitty says, pausing for emphasis before adding, "What I do with my power... THAT is what defines who I am."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden gives that same frown again looking uncertain. He nods though agreeing to the last part. "I guess. When I was real little I was told my father was Native American. I learned all kinds of stories and folktales later on and my favorites were about this trickster coyote. Anyway... much later... It just seemed to me... well when I first changed I was angry at my foster brother. He stole from me and we were arguing. I wanted to scare him... and so I did. Later with the teleport thing... I was cornered by a guy who wanted to beat me up for my shoes. Next thing I knew I was... well I was in a closet. Anyway, I needed to get away and I did. You see what I mean?" he shrugs, "Besides, sometimes even without the powers and the ugly part. With all the problems they cause... sometimes I feel like I deserved it all." He shrugs. "I was a bad kid so my mom hurt me. She got in trouble for it and so I was taken away from her. Later when I got my power I lost that home too. It just makes a twisted kind of sense to me. Thats all."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty listens to Bobby, nodding here and there, and with a compassionate expression. "I understand how you might come to that conclusion," Kitty says, nodding slowly. "Maybe it is the case with you. Each person's powers can work differently. Though, just having seen a lot of mutants, I think it's more likely that you happened to run into situations that tapping the power that was there met a strong need. You might have other have strong needs during that time that didn't turn into powers. Is it because you didn't choose those powers, or just you didn't have a power that would help that you unknowingly set off? But, we'll find out in time," Kitty says.

She gives a little shake of her head. "But no, I don't buy that what you've been through somehow is karma which determines you being a mutant. I don't think it's any different than some people being able to run faster or jump higher or whatever."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods, "Maybe." Looking around he spots a pairing knife that was left out on the table. Reaching for it he holds it up and says, "Well one good thing. When I am changed, I could cut myself with this knife and it'd heal kinda fast. I cant demonstrate it now though. I get stuck sometimes. I've been trying to change so I could show you for the past few minutes but it won't happen."

He shrugs again, "Not that I'm a show-off or anything. You just showed me your intangawhatsitz and I figured I'd show you the same courtesy."

Shadowcat has posed:
That earns Bobby a warm smile from Kitty. "I'd love to see you in your other form," she tells him. "It's ok if it won't come right now though. If you manage it though, yes I'd like to see it," she says. Kitty takes another bite of her garlic bread. "So it was relatively recently that your powers emerged? You mentioned losing your foster home. Had you been on your own since, or did you have anyone you were staying with?" Kitty asks. "Any other family out there either? We did have an Apache here not too long ago, James Proudstar, though I am not sure where he is now. Might be back in on his ranch in Arizona. Oh, and there's another teleporter around too. She's not a student, but she's a guest of the school. I haven't actually managed to meet her yet myself, actually," Kitty says. "I work in the city during the week most of the time, thus my only being a part-time guidance counselor."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden shakes his head, "Nah, my change thing happened when I was fourteen. I'm seventeen now. My birthday was in March. After the whole police thing I kinda wandered around a lot. A few friends let me stay but then they heard I was a freak and that ended. After that... well shelters won't take you under a certain age. They're more likely to call DSS on you, and trust me thats no good. They stick you in juvie hall if they're full up elsewhere, and no family is gonna take in a mutie like me. So I learned how to you know... scrounge. I also learned how to stay out of trouble, though it seems to find you anyway. One guy helped me out a lot, he was a vet, showed me how to fight and stuff. I got him food and drink to quiet his voices in return. Police got him a few months back though. Haven't seen him since."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty eats slowly while they talk. She nods slowly and says, "I can only imagine what it was like for you," Kitty says. "What's is this vet's name? I'll see if I can find him and we can find out what happened to him. See if he's in a situation we can help him out if needed," Kitty offers. "I'm kind of good with computers and online searches. If he got locked up, should be able to find him," Kitty says.

She takes a sip of her Sunkist. Lockheed moves over to her plate and looks at it, then up at her. "Lockheed, you know what garlic does to you," she says, wincing. "Worse than when Rogue feeds you those cheesy poofs. I should let you have it and then send you over to her room for the results," Kitty says with a teasing grin.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden shrugs, "I really don't know his full name. He said call him "Sgt.Georgie" and he said he was in a war back when they were fighting in the middle-east somewhere." He smiles as you tease the little dragon. "No cheesy puffs for the little guy then. I'll remember that. I'll stick to the jerkey if I wanna snack him." he says. "So they told me I could get my own room?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Most definitely, if you're going to be a student here, you need your own room," Kitty says with a smile. "Have you gotten a tour yet? There's a swimming pool. We have stables with horses. A student garden. There's a gym that often has sports going in it when classes aren't in session," Kitty says. She motions off a direction and says, "There's a nice lake down that way. There's a boathouse with some boats in it, and a few guest rooms," she says, "In addition to the ones we have in here."

Kitty gives a small frown. "I'm sure you've heard about the stuff going on out there with the Sentinels? We have a curfew for students, and even before that, please sign out and go with someone else if leaving campus. For safety's sake. Most of the world doesn't know about us, and we're trying to keep it that way. So don't wear Xavier's clothing if you're going to take your other form around people. Avoid revealing mutant powers in the towns nearby, teleport somewhere out of sight then walk out. That kind of thing." She pauses a moment and says, "If you are worried about accidently changing, while you're still getting it under control? We have something you can wear that will project a holographic image around you. Well, here, I can show you," she says.

Lockheed lifts his head, obviously understanding English to know what is coming. Kitty reaches down and there's a little collar around his neck. She hits a switch on it and a hologram of a golden tabby cat appears around the dragon, concealing him. "Image Inducer, it's called. Something Tony Stark came up with."

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden is a bit overwhelmed with the size of this place already and learning there is even more makes him feel even more out of place. He just nods though when you discuss the curfew, "I guess that makes sense. Though I could just about reach Hell's kitchen from here range-wise. But if I am in that shape, I really just wanna avoid people. Know what I mean? Oh and if I look like this I dont think those sentinels will bother me much. They only go after powered mutants right?" He watches you demonstrate its ability. "Well that's handy. I could really use one of those! Does it come with instructions?" he asks.

He then adds, "Also about my room. Can I set it up a certain way? Will it have a closet I can use?" he asks.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles, sliding her plate aside as she finishes her meal. "We can set you up with one and show you how to use it. It sounds like once you get your power in control fully you probably won't need it. Occasionally we get a visitor and everyone who is obviously a mutant will don theirs," Kitty says of the Image Inducer.

"Yep, rooms have closets, their own bathroom. They are pretty nice by dorm standards," Kitty says. But then the school IS in a mansion at that. "And, well, the Sentinels can detect a mutant, powers or no. We have some devices you can wear that will hide your mutation from them, though. Also, they have the ability to shut down a mutation so it no longer functions. So, really good to not let them know we are if we're around them," she explains.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden mmns, "What about if the mutant's gene is... what did they call it... dormant? Like my mom or my dad must have had the gene right? Are they in danger?" he asks. Not really worried about them though.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Bobby, "I'm not entirely sure. I don't /think/ they can detect that, but... we might need to test it. I don't think we focused on that in our tests." She gets up and cleans up the kitchen, including the mess Warren left. "Come on, let's go find your room," she tells him, smiling and motioning to Bobby to follow.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden nods, he isn't stupid and wont take any unessesary risks. But it may be something that would save his life someday. He follows kitty happy to have his own place for once. While it lasts...