7665/The Skeleton Lost His Bed

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The Skeleton Lost His Bed
Date of Scene: 29 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Superboy

Ravager has posed:
Something crawls out of the slimey depths of the posh apartment build, not so posh after all. It claws through the basement floor with what's left of its hands, if it had hands, because it's a human SKELETON! The skeleton gets up and looks around the basement as if confused, then scratches some dead skin off its head. It lumbers to the stairwell, "My bed...grrrrrrahhhhh...." it croaks out, then clears its throat, as if it had a throat. ... ... ...

Rose Wilson is pointing at Conner while she sits at a folding table set up in the middle of her apartment, "Seriously Conner, are you gonna do this or what? Ready?" she says, pointing at the timer. She has a GUN in front of her which seems old and/or antique, which she takes into her hands, "Alright, start!" she lets out and begins taking the gun apart as fast as she can. She whips off a couple screws and secures her tongue into the side of her mouth as she slides off essential parts of the gun, trying to get it all taken apart.

Superboy has posed:
"or what?" Replies Conner, looking somewhat bemused. But he hits the timer anyway, looking with mild interest how Rose's hands fly to dissemble the old gun. "What is the point? Those things are obsolete. Get a laser gun or something. I bet Red Robin can get you some fancy bat-gear."

Totally oblivious to the skeleton in the basement. Yes, he has super-hearing, but seriously, in New York one needs to learn to filter random sounds like lumbering and creepy moaning.

Ravager has posed:
The skeleton comes out of the stairwell and looks up the hallway, passing an old woman who gives him an odd look and dashes off down the hall, "Yah!" she says. The Skeleton ignores her as he lumbers up to Rose Wilson's door, knocking on it with his bare knuckles, so to speak, "My...bed..." he groans. He then turns back to the hallway as another woman comes out of the stairwell! Uh oh!

Rose Wilson finishes taking apart the gun and lets out, "TIME!" she says proudly and smiles, but then frowns disappointedly as Conner makes fun of her gun, "Hey, it works. I don't need a shit laser gun to kick ass," she says then tilts her head to look around Conner to eye the door, "Did you order food already? I'm not really that hungry, Conner."

Superboy has posed:
Was that a scream? It did sound like a scream. So Conner looks a bit distracted when Rose announces time is up. Did she break her own record or something? "I thought I heard someone screaming," he says, standing up and trying to concentrate. A glance through the window reveals nothing amiss.

"Also, no..." he adds in response to her question. "There are still a ton of leftover and besides, I was planning to go on patrol later, and we can grab something."

Ravager has posed:
The Skeleton stalks toward the woman and she screams, turning right back around to run down the stairs where she came. The Skeleton stops confusedly and glances at a man who opens his door, "What the f*** is going on out here?" he asks and then blinks, "Gah!" shutting his door quickly. The Skeleton goes to his door, "My bed....where is...my beeeeeed..." he wonders. He stops and knocks politely.

Rose Wilson stands up from the table, "C'mon, did you get my time?" she whines, smirking disappointedly as she walks around the table, "Frickin dammit, what the hell...?" she wonders, frowning at the door and the noises outside. She goes to the door.

Superboy has posed:
This time there is no doubt the screams come from the very hallway of the floor. "You know, you take this very well considering your line of work. And that Cait is on the run from NOWHERE. You really should at least grab your sword if you hear screams just outside the apartment."

Not that he cares much. His 'secret identity' is rather flimsy. And screams usually means someone needs help.

Skeletons knocking at doors polite where not in the list of things that could happen, though. "Yeah... what the hell?"