7424/Unlikely Intel and Eyes.

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Unlikely Intel and Eyes.
Date of Scene: 06 May 2019
Location: Interior - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Catwoman

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is at his home. Messaging Selina Kyle out of the blue, Bruce tells her how to get to the manor. When she arrives, Alfred will be there to answer the door. "Miss Kyle. How are we fairing this evening?" the gentleman with the baldinghair, andthe salt and pepper sides asks. While this is a formality, he is generally interested. Bruce inviting anyone to the manor is a big deal. Either they are connected to his night life, which is usually the case. Or it means Bruce might have accidentally had fun, made a friend, or done something socially acceptable.

     After she answers, he will respond to any question she asks. "Would you like anything to drink?" he would offer. "I believe there is still a good vintage of wine available." This is Alfred hoping Bruce made a friend, normally he wouldn't offer the good wine. Eventually, he will point toward the plush living room. "Master Bruce is in there. He is waiting on you Miss Kyle."

Batman has posed:
     "Selina, how are you?" Bruce greets the woman, then go in for a hug. If need be, Bruce will kiss on the side of each of her face. How she does the greeting is on her. He will just keep the dance. "What I'm going to ask is no question about where your funds come from. This is not to insuate anything about you. I just don't know if any of your art dealers, or a resource you have might be a little less upstanding than mine. You see, a cousin of mine had some jewelry stolen. By some organization with a bunch of ninjas, and talking pet things? Possibly mutants. Have you heard anything about this group?" Bruce asks and he is trying to be careful. Also, any irony is lost on him at the moment.

Catwoman has posed:
If Selina's been to Wayne Manor before, it hasn't been for quite some time. Either way, having directions can never hurt. The invitation came as a bit of a surprise, but she had no problem setting aside plans of her own to make her way out there instead, arriving on a motorcycle and dressed in a leather jacket over other black attire, inlcuding riding gloves and sturdy boots to go with a pair of jeans and a black top that remains decent.

"It's good to see you, Alfred. I hope you're well," she says with all politeness and proper decorum, giving him room to play his role. "That sounds lovely, thank you. I'll have a glass whenever you have a moment." She decides, in this case, not to keep Bruce Wayne waiting. On to the living room she goes, already giving the area a good visual examination.

Once she's in, she accepts the embrace and makes a brief show of returning the cheek kisses, just a fancy way of greeting that doesn't mean much more than it is. "You're looking well, Bruce." She takes a seat nearby, waiting to see what she's been summoned here for. What she hears leads to a curious expression in her pale face, a lifted eyebrow. "I'm sure I don't know what you might be suggesting, but what's this about ninjas and talking pets?" she questions, centering on that above the rest.

Batman has posed:
     Alfred nods with a smile. He slips off to get the good wine. About the time he returns with a glass, the faithful butler catches Bruce's question. Inwardly he sighs, but it doesn't show on his face. "Here you are Miss Kyle." This isn't a social call. Bruce is just using the resources from his day job to aid in the night job.

     "I'm desperate, and I don't believe you have ill gotten games. I just know certain members in our circles, I question their resources. I was wondering if you heard something."

     Then he pauses, "I didn't get much. My cousin told me that she was robbed by a group of ninjas. They were being led by a young woman with black hair. She thought she saw that Crocodile Man. The resident in Arkham, I believe his name is Crocodile Man," it's Killer Croc, actually. Bruce is just keeping up some ineptness to his research. To show he hasn't analyzed the group as much as he had.

Catwoman has posed:
"Ahh, thank you Alfred," Selina says, accepting the wine with grace, making a show of swirling it around and sniffing it before taking a sip. "Excellent," she declares, and she's probably genuine in saying so. More of her focus is, as expected, on the billionaire before her.

Selina remarks, "If you're hinting at some of them cheating the system or playing some sort of underhanded games to get ahead, of course I believe that's going on in some way. Someone famous once said, 'If you're not cheating, you're not trying.' It's just a matter of getting caught or not. You've never used some inside information to your advantage to get a leg up on a rival, have you Bruce?"

Waving the question off with a shake of the head, she adds, "I'm sorry, but I don't deal with ninjas or crocodile people or anything strange like that. This sounds like something you should be going to the GCPD with, or one of those groups that focuses on metahumans."

Batman has posed:
     "No." Technically Bruce hasn't. If Bruce finds anything, it's from the night job. And he will bend the law, not break, for the greater good. "Well, I love the GCPD. I donate to them. I still know they're understaffed. It's why they rely on someone crazy that wears a mask," Bruce waves a dismissive hand about Batman. "I wish he would work on the force rather than outside of it. I mean, is he any different?" Bruce sighs and shakes his head.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle sips her wine again, keeping the bowl of the glass cradled in her right hand when not focused on it, the stem sticking down between a couple fingers from there. "Well, I won't lie. If I see something I can benefit from, I might look to take advantage of it. In this case? No, I have no idea what you're talking about with the ninjas and alligators or whatever."

On the subject of Batman, the other eyebrow is the one to slide up slowly now that the first has returned to a normal place. "I have a feeling they rely on someone crazy that wears a mask because many of them are corrupt and not all that interested in keeping Gotham safe, or they know they don't have the ability to stop some of the real menaces in this city. But is he any different from what?"

Batman has posed:
     "I know some are corrupt, but Batman is worse. Is he any different than the people he jails? I mean he works outside of the law, there is the matter of the property damage, and the 'Batman Effect.' You know the theory that his presence creates the inhabitants of Gotham. That if it wasn't for the first costumed character, the rest would not follow. I tend to believe that," Bruce says and shakes his head. "If he gave some sign of faith, like becoming deputized by the police then that's different," he admits. That's when the rules change to many that believe the theory. Bruce does his homework for moments like this.

Catwoman has posed:
Shaking her head, Selina supposes, "There may be something to that, but I don't know him and I'm not a psychologist. There's definitely something off about someone who goes around in a costume like that, though. Does it lead to others doing..I don't know..things? Maybe." She gestures with her free hand, as if she's trying to find the right words with her expression remaining on the neutral to uncertain side.

"Anyway, all I hear is that most in the GCPD would like to catch him too, that they don't trust him. Maybe they think he brings them more trouble, like you seem to be suggesting. After all, is there a Joker without a Batman? A Harley Quinn? A Poison Ivy? A Catwoman?"

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods to the first batch of Selina's response. He notes she is picking her words. Is she a Batman supporting? He is curious as to why, if that's the case. "Batman may not be responsible for all criminals like that, but would they have a penchant for theatrics? Would their plans escalate as far as they do? That's the answer I think is a resounding 'No.'" Bruce states. To his persona, Batman is just the cause.