7419/Talk of Sin

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Talk of Sin
Date of Scene: 05 May 2019
Location: Somewhere in Gotham City
Synopsis: Satana seeks Catwoman out for a secret discussion. Follows "Dinner Was The Bomb"
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Satana

Catwoman has posed:
Night has fully crept into Gotham City, and it's been a few hours since the incident at the new restaurant. Selina had intended on a fun, quiet evening of food and socialization, but none other than Harley Quinn put a wrench in those plans, friend for the moment or not. There was a reason Selina kept the catsuit nearby more often than not, and it came in handy as far as actually helping save a life was concerned. Once it got back to Batman, time would tell if it made a difference to him or not.

With that behind her, Catwoman's sought refuge atop a building in one of Gotham's seedier districts, and that's saying a lot. Down below, people go to and from various places, some of them less innocent than others, and it's a weekend. There's bound to be something to do, some trouble to get into. In costume, how easy would it be to slip in amongst them? For now, she holds her perch, watching, waiting, listening.

Satana has posed:
Satana's arrival is less mundane this time than others. She simply...appears, from out of a cloud of shadow on the rooftop. "I DO love Gotham. So many interesting people, so much of the time." Her heels click on the rooftop. "Hello there, kittycat."

Catwoman has posed:
"Hmm?" Who dares join Catwoman up on the roof? She turns her head, and eyes that are partially shrouded by the tinted lenses of those goggles enlarge briefly, undoubtedly surprised by what she sees, even if it's only for a moment before she's regained her composure. "Well, look at you. New around here? I don't think I've seen you before, and I think I'd remember if I did, meeow." Now those eyes size the woman up, head to shiny toe, and the rest of her turns to slowly rise and face the woman.

Satana has posed:
The redhead smiles. "Depends how you look at it. I'm a visitor, not a resident." Satana takes a few steps closer. "But I've been here before, so...only so much. Still, with a chance to see one of Gotham's urban legends in operation, how can you pass it up?"

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman rests a hand at a hip, next to the bullwhip that's coiled up there. She exudes sexuality and sensuality in that catsuit of hers, to go with her stance, and it's hard to say if that's her norm or if she's playing it up for the self-proclaimed visitor. "Are you saying I caught your attention somehow, from all the way up here?" she questions, an initially skeptical expression taking shape.

Satana has posed:
    "I'm saying I came looking for people, certain people." Satana smiles, as she looks over to the woman in the catsuit. "You. Harley Quinn. Poison Ivy. Gotham's...girl power, as it were." She smiles at the shorter woman. "Why, you don't think you're worthy of attention?"

Catwoman has posed:
"You missed a good chance to see Harley in action earlier," Catwoman remarks, having now moved away from the edge of the roof so as to not be directly between it and Satana, just in case. Even still, they can hear shouts and cat-calls and the like from down below. It's something of a party atmosphere outside one of the clubs.

She adds, "And I didn't say I wasn't worthy of attention, you know." She does enjoy the attention, as long as it's the sort she's after. "Let's just say I'm used to someone else finding me on rooftops from time to time." After a short pause, she finally gestures toward the getup. "Nice look. I approve."

Satana has posed:
Satana smiles. "Likewise." She says as she walks closer, moving up to arm's reach, if not prevented. "Satana." she offers a name, as she looks to the slinky criminal. "And the cat theme certainly doesn't hurt."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman sniffs once, more an exhale than anything else, hinting at amusement. "I take it you like cats. Good taste, if that's so," she notes, showing no worry or concern about Satana closing the distance. "An interesting name. You already know who I am, of course." And she's no pretender. This is the real deal.

Satana has posed:
    "I love cats. Black ones, preferably. But cats in general hold some appeal. What is it you're up to, up here? It seems a poor neighborhood to consider a theft in." The redhead answers, as she looks over the side of the building.

Catwoman has posed:
"I just happen to be a black cat," the feline fatale practically purrs, flashing Satana a wink and a grin. Flirting? Just playing up the catty side? She casts a glance back toward the edge of the roof, some three stories above the street below. "Nothing worth stealing down there. I came to feel more alive for a little while, but I haven't decided how yet."

Satana has posed:
Satana smiles. "Well, then we can focus on each other for a time." She looks back to the thief. "After all, I do know some things about feeling more alive." She'll reach out a hand towards the other woman. If not prevented, the touch will send a rather...pleasant...triggering of nerves all through her body.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman muses, "This seems to be of mutual interest, then," as she crosses her arms before her, clawed, gloved fingers flexing in place. "Do you?" she questions, just before fingers come into contact with the woman's somewhat glossy shoulder. When it does, she tenses and can't hide the sharp intake of breath that follows, her eyes blinking rapidly in the wake of whatever just happened. "Whoa."

Satana has posed:
"I thought we might have a conversation. About a partnership, as it were. Perhaps we should go somewhere where we're less likely to be overheard, if we're going to have important conversations?" Satana asks, as she smiles back to Selina.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman's arms lower and she lifts one hand to flex those fingers in the aftermath of the sensation that left her tingly, looking back up toward Satana afterward. How..? Something electrical? She must be missing something here, but now her curiosity is captured. "I agree. Where to?" is the last thing she asks before they find a new place to discuss matters.