7355/A Budding Paradox

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A Budding Paradox
Date of Scene: 29 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Flash

Batman has posed:
     Once Flash is in the trophy room, that's when a batarang will whizz by the speedster's head. At some point it is certainly to be slow to him. Batman is doing this to get Flash's attention. Either way, whether the batarang bites into a wall of the trophy room, or Flash plucks it from the air, Batman will still speak. "We need to talk," the modulated voice carries, and this is not a request. Batman needs to speak with the speedster.

Flash has posed:
Flash is here just to take a walk down memory lane, grinning at some of the teams efforts displayed in glass cases and trophy counters. The batarang turns end over end towards him and it is entirely true that at some point it slows down to a crawl before it has a chance to hit him or the case at which it was aimed. "The whole throwing batarangs at people to get their attention thing is sort of a gimmick isn't it?" Barry says this with the projectile held out for Batman between red clad fingers, "You know you can just message me.. like.. we're pals. What's up? Is it the kid again?"

Batman has posed:
     Batman knows his relationship with Flash is about to meet a challenge. In his mind, it's necessary. "My first meeting. Half hour. Simple goading. I know how to wipe him from existence. Your grandson tipped his head -too- quickly. He insists on helping Gotham'scriminal problem. No offense to your city, but Gotham is darker. Gotham is more savage. I've seen a daughter become crippled to push herfoather. Part of a joke. We both know small calliber rounds don't make clear exit wounds. Shots to the body will tear up any major organ. Victims of these rounds bleed out. Gotham hosts criminals that will create a trap forcing any accelerated healing to work at the legs. Shrapnel in multiple places along the legs, particularly the knees. At the same time, small caliber rounds getting lodged in his core. He'll bleed out like a stuck pig, even with his powers." Batman knows if the Joker gets bored, that's just -one- trap he could come up with. "What happens if your Grandson dies? What hapepns to the timeline?"

     Batman looks at Flash, "He looks at Gotham as something simple. Those within my ranks all say the same assessment, he's not ready. He's -far- from ready," Batman's voice is firm on that one. "What happens if someone finds out he's your grandson? The Joker would off every woman close to you, to him it would be a game of russian roulette. Each death that doesn't cause the paradox is an empty chamber in the gun. Just another try until the bullet is found," Batman is posing these real scenarios to Barry. Seeing people like the Joker, Batman knows Gotham is a different animal than Central City. The Rogues, while he sees their threat when they work together. They become a well oiled machine. The Rouges like money, the thrill of the chase.

     Gotham hosts people that believe in a warped morality, that chance is unbiased, incorruptable, and fair. And they will make every decision based upon chance. From micro perspective, that makes these criminals hard to figure out. Their actions are not based upon greed, the thrill of the chase, or anything that can be placed in a profile.

     That's the difference between the two cities. Gotham's criminals are a lot harder to profile. Psychologists love Gotham because there is no shortage of subjects for thesis papers, and grants.

Flash has posed:
"Darker is definitely one word I'd use, yeah." Barry agrees, standing infront of Batman with his arms crossed over his scarlet chest, "You're preaching to the choir here. I thought if I went with him that one time he'd get it out of his system.. hit a few low profile street crimes, maybe he'd see that the system in Gotham isn't set up for the kind of influx of criminals a speedster can cause in a night. That by getting involved he could inadverently make things worse."

There's a drawn out sigh and a glance off to the side. One of his hands unfolds and motions at nothing in particular, "He's hard headed, which I'm going to assume is a trait of his mother passed on to his father because at least I look at the facts before I make a set in stone decision. Everything you've just said, I've told him. That Gotham as a city will chew him up if he doesn't leave it to the individuals who know how it works." That same hand motions to Batman, but likely means he and his too.

"Here's the thing though, if he dies in this time, it means that he was suppose to die in this time. Time travel is self repairable. If it detects a flaw, it'll fix the flaw... most of the time. You actively have to try and break the stream and it'll fight back, so I'm not worried about reality if he dies... I'd prefer he didn't, obviously, as a grandfather who hasn't even met the woman with whom I'm going to have the son which will have the grandson..."

Batman has posed:
     "I don't want him to die. Let me rephrase, what if is erased from the timeline? Not killed, but is prevented from existing? We have a paradox. Like I said, 'simple goading.' I didn't even touch him. What if he does the same to someone that -isn't- me? Anything that keeps his conception creates something that is a threat to the timeline. It's not a simple matter of a dead speedster. How can the timeline fix itself, if the cause for the disruption is wiped out before the fix can even happen? This creates a paradox, it's an error that cannot be adjusted," Batman says to Flash. "Because of his recklessness, his impulsive nature, he threatens all of us, Barry. Not just the heroes, but existence."

     There is a pause from Batman, "If you don't send him back to his time, or somehow fix him, S.H.I.E.L.D. will put him in the deepest, darkest hole they have," Batman is firm on this matter. His words carry the weight of steel. "They're aware of the threat your grandson poses. I -will- call them if necessary," and like many situations Batman does have a trump card. That's the card for this situation. If Barry doesn't somehow fix the problem, Batman will. "His heart is in the right place, but everything else is an insult to whatever legacy you leave behind."

Flash has posed:
"You're simplifying things, but I am well aware of the paradoxical possibilities inherent in his being here. I've discussed it at nauseum with a friend trying to sort out how to handle it in my head." The speedster waves his hands up near the lightning bolts cutting back over his ears on his mask. "His being here has already sent ripples through the timeline because I know who he is. I know he's descended from me and while I refuse to let him tell me who his mother is, for the sake of everyone, every intimate moment of my life is now the catalyst for something far bigger than first date jitters." There are jokes inherent in what he's saying, but he's being 100% honest too. The little things that someone wouldn't think about in a relationship have taken on a greater importance to Barry by dent of his fore knowledge.

"I'm already trying to figure out how to get him back to his timeline, but every option requires him to want to go back.. which I don't think he does. He's impulse and impetuous and kind of annoying- which is probably because he's a kid who's been raised by a computer." Barry blows out a deep sigh and rubs at his forehead, "But don't think I'm not aware of the dangers of his being here. Nobody on earth is MORE aware of them than I am. I've seen what happens when you monkey around with time and it never ends well. I did it when I was younger and stupider.. now I have to constantly run behind him making sure he's not about to create a ripple that can't be fixed."

As for S.H.I.E.L.D. "I want to fix this problem far more than they do, or you do, or anyone anywhere does. So, if you've got ideas, I'm listening, but he wont listen to me... and you've already said he wont listen to you. So... who will he listen to?"

Batman has posed:
     At least Barry understands the potential dangers. Batman also respects the fact Barry didn't pry into his own future. Everyone would be tempted by that, even Batman." And Barry is speaking with the passion of a scientist that understands all the implications, and family. Mores respect is silently givent ot he speedster.

     Flash's question causes Batman to utter one question, "What about Kal?" Superman is the beacon of hope. Often when he speaks, people will listen. They gravitate toward him. Between his message, the delivery, and the presence that Kal gives off, it makes him a natural motivator like Truman during the War. His speech made the country a lot less scared. Kal has a similar gift.

Flash has posed:
Barry cants his head and nods, "The kid has been wanting to meet Kal anyways, so it's quite likely he'll get through to him better than either of us has sofar." Said with a thoughtful air, arms returned to cross over his chest. "I don't want to keep throwing adults at Impulse- I think he finally let you name him, by the way - because he very well may plant his feet harder, but we're looking at this from a position of facts and figures." Though the speedster and the Dark Knight likely have very different delivery methods of the message, that message is born of the same general understanding of the inherent dangers.

Kal is obviously different. He has a presence that neither of them have. So is the best choice for this sort of thing. "I haven't had a chance to talk to Clark since he's been back, though.. He answering any of your texts?"

Batman has posed:
     "I've been busy," Batman has had a lot on his plate lately. Although, it's nice to knowthat Batman and Flash are on the same page on this situation. This possiblity played a factor in some of his dealings with S.H.I.E.L.D.

     "Try metropolis. It'll get his attention," Batman admits. A hero that doesn't typically roam in Superman's city would get the hero's attention sooner, or later. Similar worked to get Batman's attention, just as Impulse.

     "I do have a small favor to ask. Unrelated," Batman says now that some of the situation is solved to the best of their abilities for the moment.

Flash has posed:
"Contrary to resent history suggesting otherwise, I don't like going heroing up in other peoples city. Speaking of... I get that Speedsters coming to Gotham was kind of heavy hand for the judicial system and all, but could you maybe tell the smaller bats to calm down on beating my rogues half to death? There's a gross difference between putting a bunch of muggers in jail and nearly killing a man to prove a point."

Barry grimaces a little, "I know we have different methods and all, but I'm trying to rehabilitate these guys and gals.. getting his legs broke has painted the Trickster into a corner and it just seems really obtuse given the message being sent, yeah?" That aside, the Speedster upnods to Bats, "Sure, what's up?"

Batman has posed:
     "When did this happen?" Batman asks. He knows there -might- have been retaliation for Impulse going itno Gotham. A metaphorical message in their own presence, but Batman needstobe sure. "Which one? Give me a description."

     Batman produces a simple piece of paper. The name reads, "Carrie Kelley," and has an address. "She teaches my son. She could use some help in Math, and Science," he gives Flash a nod. "She knows a friend could see her." The implication is the visit is to be out of costume.

Flash has posed:
"The Red Hood." Barry says with a quirk of his mouth to the side as if he's thinking through the time frame of when events took place. The irony of being the fastest man alive and incapable of keeping track of time isn't lost on him either. "He came to Central City twice now.. the first was back in March, Axel Walker was beaten half to death with a message for me and Impulse." Frowning a little, "The second was just a few days ago, he shot a man mugging Iris West to send me a message that he would be setting up shop in Central City if Impulse didn't stay out of Gotham."

This has the Speedster frowning. "I know he's not the one you're most proud of, but if he keeps coming to Central City, I will have him put in jail. I haven't gone after him yet out of respect to you and acknowledgement that Impulse is going to Gotham, but that kind vigilante nonsense doesn't fly here." Then he grins, a little anyways, "Seems like we both have a kid needs to be educated, huh?"

That's besides the point, Barry takes the card and looks down on it, already nodding. "I can do that. Should I say Batman sent me or Bruce?"

Batman has posed:
     And that is one of two guesses Batman has. The first part, Batman understands in itsown way. The reaosning that is. Going too far? That's always debatable with Red Hood. Sometimes his gentle nudge is very far from gentle. "Keep Impulse out of Gotham. My group does have an order to remove him forcibly, too. "His recklessness will not be tolerated, but I will reign Red Hood in. I need the same from you with your problem child," the similarity is not lost on Batman at all. "We do. Sadly, mine is more trainable at the moment."

     "Bruce," Batman says softly. The man starts to walk away, "I said friend, remember?" this is his way of showing that some heroes are more than just tolerated. Even if Batman wants them out of Gotham while in costume.

Flash has posed:
"I'll do my best with the kid." Flash says, realizing that neither of them are going to so easily convince their problem child to step back from their intended course of action. The gravity of it is kind of heavy, honestly. "God speed with that, amirite?"

The joke is flat, Barry shakes his head and nods to Bruce, "Done. I'll give her a call in a few minutes and set up a time to meet up for tutoring." There's a fine line between Batman and Bruce, far more so than Barry and Flash, but not so much so that Barry isn't aware of it. Which is why he's never called Bats, Bruce while the mask was on, compared to Kal who may well do so on a whim.

"I'll figure things out with the kid, just might take a little longer... which is kind of funny since speedster." The laugh that follows is dry. "Thanks for the heads up, Bats." Fist extended for bumping, "Pound it?"

Batman has posed:
     Batman understands that Flash has a similar plight. It's something he can sympathize with. For each improvement Red Hood makes, Batman gets some reminders that the improvements are baby steps instead of strides.

     "Thank you," Batman says as the tutoring comes up. "If you need a payment, that can be arranged," and Batman respects Flash's understanding for the lines that blur their different personas. That same line causes Batman to stare at the extended fist, before he starts to walk away. Batman is not a hugger, and not a fist bumper. Those are more of Nightwing's thing anyway. Before leaving entirely, Batman will give a simple and sublte nod of respect to Flash. It's far more than others got.

Flash has posed:
The extended fist hovers there even after Bats has turned to walk away, "Nah, no need for payment. I like teaching and my grandson has been kind of an annoying thorne resently. Consider it a 'my bad that I'll eventually have a son who eventually has a son who eventually comes back in time to cause all kinds of headaches in the past which could eventually jeopardize his own existance' gift." Said, but Barry hadnt really expected the pounding he request. So he raises the fist in the air awkwardly and immediately regrets the image it presents. "Smooth." Said to himself, up nodding to Bats and glancing around for a half count before literally just vanshing in a crackle of orange lightning towards the boom tubes that will take him back to earth.