7350/When a Bird Gains Her Wings

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When a Bird Gains Her Wings
Date of Scene: 29 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Carrie Kelley

Batman has posed:
     Like all the others before, there is a process when Bruce designs a costume. It is the transformation of idea into reality. Also, it is Bruce reliving the day Batman was conceptually born. When was Batman born? That's a trick question. Technically, Batman was born on three separate days. The day Bruce Wayne's parents died was the first. The rage, pain, and anguish a hurt eight year old felt in crime alley would mold the child into a man. The day a bat flew into Wayne Manor. That man had committed to an idea, but how to bring that idea to life was another matter. A bat settled upon a statute that was favored by Thomas Wayne. Bruce knew what the idea would become. Finally, the first night Batman took flight. All three days were the birth of Batman.

     Officially bringing someone into the fold makes Bruce relive those days. All of the emotion that comes with them. Every moment he feels eventually needs to be pushed down. He does this to remind himself of the risk, what he looked for in a costume, and what the new person would be enduring.

Batman has posed:
     Kestrel is approached no differently. First, Bruce designs a hood. Carrie has a distinct taste. He goes with the same material the capes are made of. Turning her head is easier than a stiffer material, and she has some room to breathe. Next comes the mask. The hood doesn't provide as much protection as the armor. To keep her head secure, he makes this a separate piece. Just in case, he does make a second mask that conceals her face like a veil, or ninja mask, depending on perspective. Also, an optional wrapping to conceal the face. Like the head it is made like a cape, but obviously this is to make Kestrel truly live. To make Carrie's idea into something personal. Over the years Bruce learned, if you're a symbol then that symbol has some part of you buried within it. He will never tell the others this, but it is why Bruce intentionally tries to nudge each person into taking their own path. Even if someone is picking up an old mantle, he doesn't want that person to try reliving someone else's path. Symbols need to be individualized to various degrees. Nightwing did help with this lesson, a little bit.

Batman has posed:
     Instead of a cape, Bruce opts for a coat. Reinforcing the materials is a pain. The shoulders have some added plating, as does the elbows, and the gloves are longer to create more protection for combat. The belt looks a bit different than most, as it can be compared to something on the tactical side. However, there is even a holster for her slingshot, and spots near it for quick ammo refill. On the back of the belt there are three slender cannisters for more ammo. All of this work takes time, and explains why Bruce has been out of the public eye. On some breaks, he even indulges in one of his side projects. A pair of gauntlets for himself, the blades shimmer a little brighter than the others. Recent events have forced him to experiment with silver.

Batman has posed:
     Carrie is called into the Batcave one day. Bruce is standing in a pair of slacks. A grey shirt that has the sleeves cut off. It's clear he has been down here for some time tonight. Raven locks are disheveled, and the five o' clock shadow can tell anyone he has been at work longer than just a day. "I need you to see this." And near Bruce is something covered in a sheet. When he knows she's watching, he pulls it aside. Standing in front of Carrie is the armor. "There's no color to it, yet. That's not my decision to make," Bruce gives Carrie a pointed look. She can see the Kestrel armor in every detail.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley comes when called because it was rare that she was called over by him. It was part curiosity, part knowing she had to come when he called. It might be important after all. Even though the last several times she had merely acted as back up to other situations. With her level of skill that was suitable for her at the moment. Finding him here, in that state, her eyebrows raise in silent question.

Then the suit is revealed earning a low whistle from her, as well as a small burgeoning grin of surprise. "This is... This is mine?" Her gaze flits from the suit to him and back again waiting for a confirmation even though he basically had said it was.

Batman has posed:
     "This is Kestrel's uniform. You are Kestrel, yes?" Bruce asks back to her. He waits for everything to wash over her. Yes, he basically admitted it is hers. Still, even Bruce knows it's nice for a confirmation.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles quietly as she moves forward reaching out to let her fingers run over it. There were far more details than on her own current one. Far more in the way of protection, too. Her own suit had a basic bit of armoring but no more than any of the basic suits one might use for training. Likely all the more reason Nightwing favored keeping her in an assist position only when out with him. "Thank you, Bruce. This is great."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods. "I want you safe. I want you to be protected out there," he looks to the young woman. "The world is dangerous, you know this. Now you can fight back against those dangers," he says this last part firmly. "I tried to make it with some personal specifications."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley purses her lips together a moment at the response. "Thanks," she offers again quietly. "To be honest, I was beginning to think I was forgotten the way you were focusing so much on Jason's girlfriend. Not that Kitty isn't awesome," she adds with a small shrug. It was a moment of honesty though. "I'll do my best."

Batman has posed:
     "She didn't get a specified costume made by me," Bruce says this part very firmly. Does he like Kitty? Oh, he adores her. However, Kitty is in the circle by circumstances, and choices outside of Bruce's control. Carrie is here because Bruce chose her. He chose to let her into the circle. That's the difference between them. "Jason pulled her into the circle. I had no control over that. You're here because I wanted you to be. Remember that."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances back to Bruce offering him a smile at the reassurance. "Yeah, well." She nods again though as she considers the costume. The colors would be her choice. That was something to think about. "I'll let you know what colors to make it. I've just been using the red and black mostly."

Batman has posed:
     "Let me know when you've finalized that choice," Bruce says and wipes back his hair a little bit. Right now, he is happy Carrie likes the costume, and that she sees she matters. In some ways, Carrie has some very expensive proof of that.