7295/Uncommon Intelligence Resource

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Uncommon Intelligence Resource
Date of Scene: 21 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Batman, Phil Coulson

Melinda May has posed:
With Coulson back from a long-term covert mission and getting caught up on current goings on, May is very much going to take advantage of one of her longest-running colleagues being in town again.

What? Being Asssistant Director is a stressful job.

Having heard that Lola is all tuned up and ready for work, May offered to buy lunch in return for Phil doing the driving. He is likely the ONLY agent she trusts to drive.

They're just done at the restaurant and starting the walk back to where Lola is parked when May asks Phil seemingly idly, "Have you been keeping up with the agent evaluations? I believe Rogers' eval has a requisition attached to repair a wall between the gym and the locker room."

Batman has posed:
     Lola is calmly parked, waiting, and wearing a boot on her drivers side front tire. A pink parking ticket is waiting under the windshield wipers. The ticket looks normal, formal recognized. However, the message waiting is anything but. "May. We need to talk. You're lucky I didn't do more to the car. Too good to harm. Glove Box. - Brian Manning." The name is an alias. Only one person uses -that- name. Apparently, Gotham is getting a hold of her. Inside the glove compartment is a burner phone with a single number in the contacts.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Honestly? I've been catching up on current events with SHIELD. That sounds like a story though." Phil cheerfully replies as he goes. He has a corn dog and a nice milkshake as he heads for Lola. Then, he comes to a screeching halt as stares at the tire boot.

A good five seconds pass as he looks around... then looks to the wiper ticket.

"Melinda... why is there a ticket with a Brian Manning name on Lola?" Phil asks... just a bit too non-chalantly. "And why does this sound like someones idea of a dead drop?"

Melinda May has posed:
May also stops dead at the sight of the boot on Lola. She KNOWS they're parked perfectly legally. And then the confusion is instantly gone at the mention of the name 'Brian Manning'. Just as quickly, her expression goes from relaxed to 'on duty'. "A contact from Gotham. And it's more than a dead drop." She moves to get into the car, her eyes looking over Lola's interior before she settles into the seat and opens the glove compartment. There it is.

Without waiting for Coulson, she calls the only number saved on the phone and waits for the other side of the line to pick up.

Batman has posed:
     "Where? The boot is easily removed," the modulated voice comes in on the other end after two rings. Yes, it is -exactly- who May thinks it is. Batman respects that SHIELD has various safe houses, trusted spots, and similar. He is letting May pick the spot out of respect for that, and maybe an apology for touching Lola like that.

Phil Coulson has posed:
As Phil heads for the tire, he is actually testing that theory out as he works on removing the boot, "Are you talking to Gotham Crazies now?" Phil ribs Melinda just a bit. Then, as the boot is dealt with, he starts to check over Lola properly, seeing if anything else is out of place after he puts his food in the car. "Of course we're talking to Gotham Crazy."

Melinda May has posed:
May considers for a moment, then lists the name of a brownstone safehouse nearby that Phil is already familiar with, isn't currently in rotation for use, and has rooftop access. "ETA ten minutes," she tells 'Manning' on the phone, then ends the call without waiting for acknowledgement.

"Yes, Phil, I'm talking to Gotham Crazies now. Ever since Fury asked me to." Though, since she took over Hill's job she's not had the time to go out herself to do so, and the rare attempt to send another agent in her place was not as well received. "Would you rather have to go into that city yourself and try to complete an op there with the vigilantes getting in the way? This honestly works. I pass on intel that Fury has greenlighted, the vigilantes take care of their city for themselves and share intel back with us on occasion."

She's guessing that Coulson is a bit ... displeased by someong having dared to touch Lola.

Batman has posed:
     Batman destroys the phone after the addressis given. Taking off, Batman is working his way through everything. Before long he is moving across the rooftops.

     Before he makes it to the noted location, Batman does try to spot any devices. To play it safe, he will toss a small emp device to short out any communication devices. A flash of blue light goes across the roof. A second later, the shadows almost seem darker.

     Batman is moving into the darkness. Waiting in the shadows, he is expecting May to come alone. She really didn't bring other agents to these meetings. Typically, they do happen in Gotham. Batman doesn't think the location change would alter dynamics. The Dark Knight waits patiently for the agents.

Phil Coulson has posed:
The displeased look on Phils face pretty much says it all... but given this is a Gotham contact, he has a pretty good idea who he's dealing with here, and the Bat is not known to be very interested in respecting boundaries. "I prefer having direct involvement in our operations. I know police enforcement isn't our mandate though." Phil concedes with a sigh as he moves to sit in the drivers seat.

"So we're going to safehouse 4, now?" Phil asks as he start Lola and gets the car ready to drive.

Melinda May has posed:
"Yes. And if I know this contact, we don't want to be late." May resists the urge to scan the rooftops as they drive, it would be pretty much pointless.

Within the aforementioned ten minutes, the two agents are at safehouse 4, and May is taking the access to the roof. She trusts the Coulson will follow her, and very privately hopes that he doesn't pull a weapon on the contact. That would not end well for anyone.

Batman has posed:
     "Still on time," the modulated voice rumbles from the shadows. Only when Phil shows himself will Batman stepout. A look is shot at May, "Can he be trusted?" and that's a big deal from the Dark Knight. Trust is a commodity, and he is often stingy with it.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson is always wearing two holsters. One with a Beretta or Glock, and one with an ICER. Both are usually concealed under his standard agent attire, and tonight is no different.

With Lola parked nearby, Phil is lock-stepped behind Melinda. The Senior Agent makes no move to go for one of his sidearms since Melinda is not... and when Batman steps out of the shadows. Phil gives the Bat a once over.

"I don't know. Can I be trusted?" Phil quips to Melinda from behind her, an amused brow accompanying the amused tone.

Melinda May has posed:
May simply raises an eyebrow at the Batman's question, her hands staying seemingly empty and loose at her sides. Anyone who knows her knows she typically carries a LOT more than a sidearm or two.

"Look at where he's standing and ask me that again." She doesn't bother to wait for a reply to her rhetorical question and instead reaches into her jacket to pull out a device the size of a USB memory stick. A press to one side of it and a tiny LED lights up. Coulson should instantly recognize it as a standard SHIELD signal scrambler, but it's unlike May to activate it so overtly.

"What intel did you bring?"

Batman has posed:
     Batman's eyes narrow for a moment, but he understands the point. "There's a problem spreading, like a virus. Gotham is currently being infested with Lycan, and Vampires. The vampires originate from Europe, and have been amassing resources for centuries. Allegedly the vampires want to just live in the world without bothering humanity. They claim to have synthesized blood, too," Batman begins to explain.

     "The Lycans are spreading their numbers in Gotham. Depending on the source, it's willing or not. I don't believe the number I was told. I will say, the vampires are mobilizing in some fashion. They have technology your R and D department should have. I might have access to that," Batman beigns to explain everything he knows about Vampires. "Both have been at war for centuries. Vampires claim the wolves are the bad one since the wolves want to infest humanity rather than leave it alone."

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I miss the days when I was surprised by anything." Phil quips behind Melinda as he crosses his arms. "What your angle in this, if I may ask? I can't imagine the Batman of Gotham wants a war coming to his city, but you usually have an agenda." Phil asks without hesitation. Coulsons read the Batmans file in SHIELD, and May brought him along; a sign of trust.

Melinda May has posed:
That sounds like a complete mess. "So I take it from that that you've had contact with the vampire contingent. Have you been able to speak with anyone from the Lycan side?" Because she refuses to fall into the trap that has befallen human so many times throughout history -- not getting both sides of the story before acting. And why does this suddenly feel liek the plot of a movie to her?

"We can offer medical assistance to anyone injured, perhaps have R&D look into the technology the vampires allegedly have. But I would hesitate to side with either until I had the entire story. All three sides." Not to mention, if vampires have figured out to synthesize blood, why the HELL have they not offered to share that information with humans if they are truly so invested in coexisting?

Batman has posed:
     Phil's question goes unanswered for the moment. "No. I haven't. They're underground." Batman didn't believe it at first then the evidence came in. "They kill the wolves using specialized ammo. The rounds causes silver to spread in the lycan's blood stream. This prevents the wolves from healing," Batman explains that part. "If they have that much time, and resources, what's to stop them from making a version with a coagulating agent?" He poses that question to the pair.

     "Today's allies, are tomorrow's enemies, Phil." Batman explains. Yes, he knows that could apply to him. However, he keeps explaining. "I don't like knowing there is a potential enemy that can end humanity with a whimper. This me trying to prevent that. Putting them on your radar prevents that." Because Batman understands their war is happening on humanity's battle ground. They can become caught in the crossfire or considered collateral damage.

     "I do want intelligence on an organization, and an individual. Unrelated." That is a personal game, but this is Batman being proactive. Also, SHIELD is the devil he knows compared to the devil he didn't with the vampires. "And it's questions like yours May, that make me not trust them."

Phil Coulson has posed:
A very slight frown comes to Phils face, but he doesn't continue. Instead, he moves to one side of the roof and starts to act as a sentry, "Probably the same reason we don't share our technology with the rest of the world. Too many ways it can go wrong." Phil offers as a Devils Advocate.

Melinda May has posed:
May tilts her head toward Phil, wordlessly agreeing with his statement. "Share every give of data you've collected so far on these vampires and Lycans," a very interesting and specific term, that, "and I'll assign someone to Gotham to try and find out more while helping you and your team with protecting the civilians there." She already has someone in mind for this, and knowing Castiel, he'd be perfect for it, as he seems to be able to tell a living being motivations at a glance.

"Which organization and individual are you wanting to know about?" There's no promise of sharing information there. Not yet.

Batman has posed:
     "I will tell you more when I get more," Batman says. Right now, he needs to double check if the magazine someone else has was returned or not. However, he does have an item to be given later.

     A moment later, the question comes out. "Frank Castle. I want everything you have. I'm doing my own hunting," Batman's words are firm on that front. "The Foot Clan," and that's the organization. "Both are in Gotham to different degrees. I want them out," and to him this is just learning about enemies.

     "You're right about the technology Phil. If they turn on humanity, then we're all at risk. That's my angle. It does help me gain intelligence on my own threats, but the prospect of Frank Castle in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody without waisting resources is a benefit to you. We both know that," and Batman understands right now a lot of their itnerests are overlapping for drastically different ways.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods at the reply, knowing that sometimes intel isn't just available right at one's fingertips. And then her normally stoic expression goes completely stony when Batman mentions Frank Castle's name. "Why? Tell me precisely why -- and not just you want him out of your city -- and I'll considering sharing what I know." Not what SHIELD knows, what SHE knows.

"Tell me more about this Foot Clan." She's heard whispers here and there, but not nearly enough to be considered actionable. If Batman knows more or has more, maybe she can change that ocnsideration.

Batman has posed:
     "I want what S.H.I.E.L.D. has on each, and any personal notes by you and any personal that you have access to." Batman is clear because he is aware of how words can be used. How sentance structures can make all the difference. "He's a murderer. A man without restraint, and precission. I'm not judge, jury, and executioner. He is. I'm aware of the parallels one can make, but Frank gets a kill count in Gotham then it creates a ripple effect. Either my own start working as blatant as he does, or we become associated with him. Among other reasons," Batman understands he walks a fine line. To Punisher, there is no line. They are not the same soldier from different wars. They are the same person with, and without, a code.

     "An organization in Gotham. They're working on taking out upstart gangs, and assimilating what is left into their own ranks. Ties to Ninjas with the training to count. One of their higher ranking members remind me of Talia Al Ghul, if she had a daughter. Possible associates include a mutated rhino, and warthog. Both are now bipedal, hybrids between man and animal. Waylon Jones might be another member. Their numbers are currently unknown," Batman looks to the pair. "Their leader is currently unknown, but they are currently too well organized not to have one." That's the truth of this particular situation.

     "I know of a possible butterfly effect in the making. I'm going to convince it to leave. If I can't, you should imprison it. A speedster from the future without any intelligence is running the streets. Within one half hour, he told me how to create a paradox. Imagine what more time, or someone that wants to create the effect can do. You're my nuclear option," Batman says like this is going to happen. He likes the threat of a big red button. And for the sake of existence, Batman doesn't mind if this speedster suddenly disappears in the bottom of a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility for the good of the timeline.

Phil Coulson has posed:
"Punisher has a kill count in every major city in the US, and some beyond. He fights on his own terms even if he's willing to ally with others from time to time." Phil notes as he turns back to the conversation, "You've got your own code. I don't think anyone who keeps track of intelligence of this nature will ever associate you and yours with him... but I can get how you would say so." Phil shrugs slightly, "Mans a lunatic, but he's a highly skilled lunatic. It'll take someone like you to actually have a chance against him." His tone is decidedly neutral, so it's hard to tell if he condones the Batmans hunt for Castle.

Then, he looks to Melinda, "I've heard about that. Someones been running around playing the good samaritan. First time I've heard about a speedster, though."

Melinda May has posed:
"No," May replies promptly to the demand for every bit of information SHIELD and their personnel have on Castle. "Some intel is not mine to share. But, I can assign an agent or a team to help get him out of your city before he causes too much chaos." It's probably too soon to send Barnes to do that.

She listens to the information about the Foot, mentally cataloging to run it past the analysts. If there's any intel about them on SHIELD's books, they'll find it and get the correlations. "I'll see what we have about that Clan and share it with you as soon as I get it." And she will. Organized crime is exceedingly dangerous for everyone.

When Batman explains about the speedster, she looks over and Coulson and nods. It's a wordless instruction to spearhead that assignment. "We'll see what we can do about this individual, then." Even if all they can manage is to corner the person long enough to tell them to STOP playing Biff Tannenbaum all over the place.

Batman has posed:
     "No. Intelligence only," Batman says to the help. Last thing he wants is S.H.I.E.L.D. getting in his way. Although, he does take Phil's words as a compliment.

     Batman says nothing about the resources being done. However, she knows he will take the intelligence. When the talks slip to speedster, Batman will respond. "I'll try my method first. If it doesn't work, I'll contact you. Phil's car isn't hard to miss," Batman says as he starts to step toward the edge of the roof.

Phil Coulson has posed:
There's a mouth twitch at the 'intelligence only' from Coulson. Batman acting like he owns SHIELD. It's probably nothing new for anyone.

Then, he looks to Melinda, "It should be easy enough to find him, at least." Phil offers in advice before he looks to Batman heading to the edge of the roof.

Melinda May has posed:
"Then do that," May says to Coulson. Then she watches Batman moving to the edge of the rooftop.

"We'll be in touch, one way or another." Again, she's flatly refused to promise the man that he'd be getting every bit of intel on Castle that they have. And she has reasons for refusing to divulge eveyrthing. She's already mentally tallying the number of new tasks that have been added to her plate. So much for sleeping tonight.

Batman has posed:
     Dropping off the edge, Batman drops. If anyone looks, he's already gone. However he does it, Batman has a knack for "vanishing" when people take their eyes off him. Tonight is no different.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Coulson doesn't even bother to try to look for him over the edge. He know better then to try... but he does cup his hand over his mouth for extended voice range. "Don't touch Lola again!" Phil raises his voice to be sure Batman heard him, before he turns around and looks to Melinda, "So. I'm going to contact every billboard advertiser where this Speedster is known to speed through and tell him we need to talk." Phil states in a cheery manner as he starts to head back down to ground level to start up Lola.