7210/Training a Shadow

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Training a Shadow
Date of Scene: 11 April 2019
Location: Training Room - Batcave
Synopsis: Kitty is trained by Batman, and tells of werewolves in Gotham
Cast of Characters: Batman, Shadowcat

Batman has posed:
     "You need to learn how to be a shadow," Bruce says and his voice echoes. Right now he is moving up a large piece of wood, the size of a pillar. It's a climbing log, used for building scaling to certain degrees, and stealth training. "You need to be still," he says and not far from his log is a second one. Kitty is on it. Both of them have climbing claws at the moment. At certain points on the logs are makeshift stands to perch on. Bruce will sometimes change the lighting in the room so the shadows blanket everything differently. "We strike from the shadows, and have to learn to blend in on stakeouts." Kitty has good combat training, so Bruce did start with the other skills. Climbing, stealth, and very similar skills that she might not be working on.

Shadowcat has posed:
The young woman's stealth training is also showing itself over time. Between the combat and stealth techniques, the man who is the master of so many arts might recognize ninjutsu training specifically in her movements and her stealth. But then there are always more techniques to master that she does not know. And Kitty is a person who thirsts to learn new things.

As the shadows change, Kitty's hands move to a new grip, allowing her to slide her body over into one of the changing shadows, if perhaps leaving a heel out where it could be tucked in better to break up her silhouette. "Still, and blended," she repeats quietly as she shallows her breathing to avoid noise and unnecessary movement.

Batman has posed:
     "This is why black is in a lot of our costumes, and why my cape is black. It's about using the darkness against them." Bruce says and he slips onto a podium. "For you, your training is more about climbing, stealth, and similar. I want you to train without your powers." Sky blue eyes look over at her. "This is what your training will be based on, and pushing your endurance," he warns her. She is coming along well enough. The time in Japan has aided Kitty well, much like Damian's training aided him.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I once had a dark costume but it seems someone is always injecting color into them," Kitty says as she shifts again as the shadows move. "I made another one though. For wearing in Gotham. All black, with just a little grey to help break up the shape," she comments. A climbing hook catches on the pole, allowing her to rest her fingers for the next part of the climb as she hangs there.

While she waits for the shadows to shift again to aid her moving up to the next level, Kitty says, "That gunfire in the Gotham subway? Was there by chance. Two men being stalked by a woman. They opened fire on her despite the crowd. Three people hit," she tells Batman.

As the shadows shift Kitty moves silently up the pole into the next dark patch. "An ally and I, plus the woman, chased the two men into the subway tunnel. Long story short, the two were werewolves. Attacked us and we killed them. The woman is a vampire, goes by the name of Selene. Said they had killed one of her people earlier. Hungarian strain of werewolf. She used a silver spike on one that we thought was fully dead, and shot the other in the head with hollow point bullets that contained silver nitrate. I filched one and have reproduced them, left you a box upstairs," Kitty says. "So, Selene says these werewolves are recruiting others in Gotham. Having some big induction ceremony. She knows this is your city so wanted to talk to you about it. Set up a meeting if you want to meet her. Or, my ally can track her if need be. It's one of his things."

Batman has posed:
     "Killed them?" Bruce asks.Then he is quiet waiting for the answer. Selene, a vampire is there with her. Then there is talk of everything happening with the underworld. Thinking on it, "Have her meet me in East Park," he gives a time and day. She respects the order, that is respectable. "How bad is the coming onslaught of the werewolves?" he asked. Too many groups are growing in size for Bruce's comfort. He will start cutting them down to size.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty moves stealthily up the pole, moving slow enough that one looking right at her might fail to notice the movement if they were looking anywhere other than right at her. "Seemed to, yes. The one she shot was alive, I was going to interrogate him when she did. But she used the spike on the dead one as if he was not dead. And I've been around enough beings that regenerate I didn't doubt it," Kitty says.

She climbs up onto the platform then were Batman stands. "I'll set up the meet," she agrees. "I don't really know for sure. She seems like she'd prefer to handle it alone or with her own kind if she could. But then she was the one who brought up meeting with you. Told her I might be able to get word. I was in street clothes at the time. They were big and pretty fearsome after they transformed. But I'd guess they still retained their minds. One tried to grab me as if for a hostage. Hungarian strain, she said."

Kitty dusts off her hands after finishing the climb, and checks the state of her climbing claws.

Batman has posed:
     "We are going to be more proactive, soon. Too many threats in Gotham. The vampires, gun runners, Joker, and The Foot Clan. Too many for my taste. I was asked once, how Gotham looks from so high in the air. They said it must be beautiful. I said, to me, it looks dirty. The answer still applies," Bruce says firmly. To him, it will always look dirty until the day Batman isn't needed. Then to him, it might be beautiful. Until then, Gotham is dirty.

     "I need to talk to Jason about the clan. He's on point witht hat group. I want to take the fight to them. Your skills would be appreciated," he says to Kitty. With her prior training, she would know how clan operates on some level. It would be a good way to use her.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Anywhere I can help out," Kitty agrees. "We should be leaving for Asia before long," Kitty says, as the time hasn't been right yet to deal with the Untitled. "I got us some teleporting transportation so getting there and back should be fast," the young woman tells him.

Bruce will no doubt have noticed that Jason gave her Martha Wayne's ring as a promise ring. It's worn on her finger when she's not in training, or in costume where it could be used to identify her if spotted.

Kitty clears her throat a moment and frowns. "I ran into Impulse again. In Westchester. He was looking to attend school but I don't think we're going to admit him. Didn't seem to recognize me at least. Seems like someone who needs more maturing before he's got the powers he has. But then we don't always get a choice."

Batman has posed:
     "I will talk to someone about Impulse." Was that his name? Bruce doesn't ask that question. "What is the situation with Asia?" Bruce looks at her. "That ring means a lot to my family. Out of all of my children, Damian and Jason are the two racing for least socialable. For Jason to put that ring on you, it speaks volumes," Bruce says softly. To him, it makes Bruce proud to see Jason coming into his own. That he is making strides to become the Jason of old rather than who he was before that night with the Joker.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks over towards where the ring waits for her to be done with training. "It means a lot to me. And he means a lot to me. He's been through so much, and he looks at the scars it has left and questions the person he is and his goodness. And I look at what he's been through, and that he held up to it and didn't let it break him or turn him into a monster, and I see it confirming the person he is, and his goodness. Even if he struggles with control sometimes. I hope together I can help him there," Kitty says softly.

Which is not a bad lead in towards the reminder on what is happening. "The Untitled. Killing off guardians of the Lazarus Pit to try to take it over. Including an attempt on Jason here in Gotham. We're getting some things to help us fight them. Some weapons that should be effective," Kitty says. "As well as I acquired an item from Doctor Strange to help with it."

Batman has posed:
     "I want him to use guns less. Too lethal, but that's an uphill battle. I know his life has been full of hardships. It's impressive to seeh him, I see the child when he realized the world wasn't so scary. That child is coming back. It's comforting," Bruce admits. While he is not big to give out details, Kitty is different. She pushes away Jason's darkness. Because of her role, Bruce is comfortable sharing assessments about Jason because in the end, it might help her.

     "How big is the Untitled? Is it an entity, group, or something else?" Bruce is just trying to figure out the nature of the target. He doesn't like not knowing about a Target. There is a pause, "Strange?" Bruce may need to prod about that contact.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I would like to see him avoid them too. I'm trying to not be someone who has to change a person rather than be happy with who he is. But I think he'll be happier in the long run if he can get to a place he doesn't want to use them," Kitty agrees. One can read her feelings for the young man in her face and in her voice as she speaks of him.

"The Untitled... I don't have the clearest picture, but I think they are a small family or clan maybe, that were affected by evil. I don't know if it came from the Pit or from something else. Two of the family resisted the evil and formed a group that has protected the Pit from the rest. Only the Untitled killed the oldest. The other came to Gotham. Kind of tense relationship with Jason, and I don't know that I trust her fully. But I think there is a common goal about stopping the threat the Untitled pose."

Kitty then says, "Doctor Strange is a wizard. The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. Kind of works with the Avengers somewhat as I understand it. He's been involved with some of my team before. I'm actually renting a room from him so I have a place to stay in the City for work. It's a nice arrangement, and a very good contact to have," she explains further.

Batman has posed:
     "I know you're not. You're just bringing out the best in him. It's why I trust him more, I see the change." Bruce is clear on that one. A look is given to her as Bruce sees the feelings. They bubble, and brew within, and radiate off of her on the outside.

     "Do you know of any leads on them?" Something he could use would be nice. Two sets of eyes on something, is better than one. With those two working on The Untitled on one front, maybe Bruce could attack from a separate front.

     "I've heard of him by reputation. I might want a meeting with him. As Bruce Wayne," he looks to Kitty. Then there is a pause. An idea comes to him, but he tucks it away for later.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a small shake of her head at the question of leads, expression suggesting she wishes she knew far more than she does. "I am not sure if they even operate in normal society, or what, exactly," Kitty says, having fought plenty of beings that had their own realities to inhabit. "They cannot be harmed by normal weapons. Copper, but not necessarily alloys of it, can harm them. Or magic possibly. The attacker turned to smoke after I phased some copper pipes out of the building's plumbing to arm us. And she was able to reach inside a body and grasp an organ. That's about the extent of what I know," she shares.

Kitty then says, "Doctor Strange can be a bit surly. But I would imagine he would be a good person for you to meet. Via either identity. Though if you did so as Batman I would probably go into it thinking it's likely he would see past any mask," she says.

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods about Copper. Already he is wondering about making a set of copper blades, and silver ones, in the gauntlets. It seems he might need them for both. Those blue eyes just listen intently as Kitty goes on. "Do it. I'll go as Bruce, if he sees something. I won't lie," Bruce knows magic can be a fickle thing. He also knows it's a powerful thing, and to lie to certain individuals would just be plain insulting. This logic applies to certain telepaths. Which gets him thinking, "Do you know of a way to block telepathy?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty moves to begin the next training pole, beginning to climb it while continuing to converse. The climbing claws help her get hold of the pole and she begins making her way up, focusing on being steady rather than fast for now. "I'll set something up then. My boyfriend's father stopping to see where I live. The... ah, the room is magic. It change to whatever interior the user desires," she says with a soft grin.

She continues up the pole, moving into shadows to keep from standing out. "There have been some who have blocked it with helmets of some sort though I do not know how they work. Though it's possible to build up resistance through mental exercises," she says. "It isn't always easy, especially if you don't have a telepath to practice against. Difficult for me since I was away in England," Kitty says.

Batman has posed:
     Pause, more ideas go through Bruce's head. A magical barrier would be nice to have. Those blue eyes watching her intentlyf or a moment. "How could you dig about those helmets?" he asks. Bruce is curious about how to use the technology to resist the powers for him, and the others.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, I only know of one, actually. I'm not sure what its origins are. It's owned by Erik, the mutant known as Magneto," Kitty tells Bruce from where she's working her way up the pole. Moving from one spot of darkness to another, Kitty says, "He has been both enemy and ally at various points in our lives. Nearly killed me when I was... what, 14 maybe," she says quietly, remembering how she'd disrupted his computers he was using to work his powers around the world. And then disrupting his magnetic field around his body the same as she did the computers, only to have him electrocute her for it.

"We're on good terms now, at least. The Sentinels have a way of making mutants into allies," Kitty says. "I don't know if he'd reveal the source or not."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce's eyes don't narrow. Right now, he is seeing Erik as a terrorist. However, in some cases, the man might be real good to have as an ally with the Sentinels. It's complicated, because Bruce would turn on him in a heartbeat, much like he almost did with Frank Castle. "I will try to do some researhc, too." Knowing that it is possible gives hims oem ideas. He knows there will be a lot of orders of variosu metals through shell companies. Just enough to throw off various scents. IT's a pain, but as Alfred ocne said, "at least we'll have spares."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's tone probably makes it clear she's seen him in much the same light. Of course he did try to kill her. But there also are some other notes to her voice that suggest perhaps that is in the past, six years now. "Telepaths are extremely useful to have around when you need them though, that is for sure," she says. She reaches the top of the set of poles she's working on, pausing to stretch, and then climbs back down, going more quickly than she went up, and dropping the last few feet. "Really appreciate you taking me on with the training. I figured it was probably best to not put Jason in that role. I know from experience a teacher sometimes has to be hard for your own good. And I'm not looking to make him any harder than he is."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce says nothing to anything she says. However, Bruce starts to climb down at a quick rate. "Faster," he says and starts to change the lights. Now, Kitty is going to have to work with that pressure. Something that he tries to to getwith training. Just that real life pressure of ever changing situations. Kitty does give him a lot to thinka bout,a nd wait on depending on the siutation.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde shifts gear, heading down quickly now, but still moving from one dark patch to another, not surrendering too much extra visibility in her form as she speeds up. At one point where the shadows cover her, she leaps across to the adjacent pole which has better spots of murky twilight-seeming to cover her as she continues the pole at a much faster clip than before.

Eventually Kitty reaches the bottom, the young woman moving to join Batman on the floor as she flexes her fingers, helping loosen them up after they have been clinging so tightly during her climbing.