7094/Demons and rats and homework

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Demons and rats and homework
Date of Scene: 30 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Sabrina and Yin meet up at Pops to discuss demon summoning logistics and the looming were menace
Cast of Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Yin

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Pops is kind of sparce this hour, but a few diehards are still nursing coffee or the rest of their late dinner. Sabrina is among them with her hair tied into a ponytail and half a milkshake sitting beside a notebook into which she's drawing some sort of symbology. Salem, as usual, is sitting on her feet and lazily licking his paw to drag across his ear with a regal disineterest upon his tuxedo colored face. A set of earbuds are plugged into her ears connected to a cellphone sitting on the table beside a book from which she's periodically reading.

Most everyone pays her little mind. Spellman are known for being kind of odd anyways, so she's given her space for the most part.

Yin has posed:
Brooke sits quietly nearby in meditation. Cleaning her memory palace. Regulating her endocrine and neurological system to perfection. Channeling her qi and filtering it through her meridians.

Sabrina was discussing something with her, before getting swept up in the minutiae of actually doing what she is good at, and Brooke is okay with being simply present for now until the problem at hand is solved. Like discussing orbital mechanics with a mathematician who suddenly becomes buried in correcting a formula.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina does periodically glance up when she realizes she could be considered kind of rude for not speaking for thirty to forty minutes at a time. One hand pulls an earbud out and her music, playing soft enough that she could still hear Brooke, is audible: The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. "So I might have to go down to Florida for some of these materials, but I'm pretty confident that we will be good to go on the next quartermoon."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods minimalistically when Sabrina does finally speak up. "Okay. Do you need anything from me? I have a few contacts from trying to keep Youqi Lingzhu from getting away with any major projects. Herbalists and rock hounds." She lightly sips some tea, patient.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"I've never been to Florida... or anywhere for that matter." Sabrina says with a little frown, absently dipping a fry into her milkshake while considering the question. "Who's the herbalist? The book isn't specific about the genus of mushroom required for the circle tracing, but I wouldn't mind a second opinion. It's the foundation for the whole ritual."

Yin has posed:
"There are some Chinese medicine herbalists I have worked with before on healing." Brooke considers, steepling her fingers in thought. "If this demon is as strong as Jade thought, we have reason to bump this up a bit. Double check with another major wizard, maybe. I don't look forward to having to look up her nostrils if I don't have to."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Yeah..." Sabrina says with a pronounced frown, "I would honestly rather the demon plastered me on the wall so I don't have to hear her smuggly telling me how I did it wrong." The frown faulters a little, "Probably best to go up the line with it, you're right. So long as it doesn't mean asking her for help, I'm game."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods and hmms. "So who would we ask? I'm foggy on the magical community except where it intersects with the qigong community. I do not know who to go to for help on things, but I am happy to go to any of them." She sips some more tea, thinking a bit.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Well, there's Doctor Strange at the Sanctum. He'd probably be a good jump off point for anything I'd need to do... or at the very least he'd be able to point me in the right direction." Sabrina reasons aloud, absently chewing the milkshake covered fry with one arm laid across her chest and her feet stretched beneath the table. "Aside from that, I'm not really sure either."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "Well sure, we can do that. I've never met him. I'm sure we would have to give a good explanation about WHY we need to grab this particular demon, though. He might have an alternative suggestion. I don't know much about him, but I suspect he's not a big fan of summoning things." She sips more tea and stretches a bit, wrists, shoulders, neck.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"No, probably not top of his list and, under almost all other circumstances I'd agree with him." Sabrina says with a little frown, hands out helplessly, "The alternative as far as I see it is admitting that the green ranger was right and that we could have done it her way." The notion of doing so sits even lower than summoning a demon.

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmms. "I'd be curious what he suggests. I have no desire to make a decision based on pride before dealing with an entity that might be empowered by it." she considers. "And even if we did it a different way, we still wouldn't have to deal with her."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"I have no pride, I have spite." Sabrina points out as if this is an incredibly important point, "So long as the idea comes from literally anyone else..." Another fry dips into the milkshake, "She was horribly pretentious and I cannot in good conscious reward that."

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "I can work with that." She drains her tea.
    "Is there anything else I should keep an eye out for? More problems? Things to research or practice?" She rises.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Nothing on my end." Sabrina says with a look around at her books and notes, then up to Brooke. "What about these warerats? Anything I can do to help with that? I don't know that I've ever seen a warerat.." Salem perks his head out from beneath the table to gaze up at Sabrina, then dips back beneath. "None for me, thanks." Said muffled through the table.

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmms. "Be ready with the usual banes against shapechangers. I have no idea why there are wererats skulking around the Riverdale storm drains THIS time, or what they have planned. They just popped up and bit one of my students. Thankfully, I reversed it with acupuncture."

She frowns a bit and looks off to the side. "I'm just worried that Betty is going to pick up on something and go on a ridiculous Scooby Doo dungeon crawl with her camera again."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina is surprised by how little she's surprised about wererats in the storm drains, "Riverdale is so weird." She says with a laugh. Her feet pull up from beneath the table and she starts closing books and sliding notes away into binders, "Any idea how many wererats there are down there? Is it wishful thinking to hope for just the one?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke frowns. "At least two. But since I don't know how they are operating.. it could be more. They could have a whole city in a cave network. I wouldn't know."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina presses her lips into a thin line once all her books and such are set aside, "We need to go down there.. I'm sure my aunts have some old texts on wererats at the house. Maybe a way to ward them off so we can see if they have a lair and how far it goes if they do?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "I'd like to do that. I keep seeing too many signs of therianthropes in Riverdale, and it's probably tied to some of the theft issues. But it's wererats, so they stay under the radar. Less shredded corpses, more stolen purses. they're less of a problem, but it's still an issue."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"Alright, then." Sabrina starts sliding books into her shortbag that definitely doesn't look like it should be able to carry everything she's putting in it, "I'll go look through my aunt's library and we can go sewer diving tonight?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods. "After some rest, yes. Maybe I can find some extra help, depending what you find out."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
"You have my number. Shoot me a text when you've had some rest and we'll meet up." Sabrina bobs her head and shoulders her bag on as she stands. Salem lazily stretches his front paws way out and then brushes up beside her left leg, "I am not going in the sewers."