6936/Bar's Are Interesting Places
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Bar's Are Interesting Places | |
Date of Scene: | 17 March 2019 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Arsenal, Black Queen
- Arsenal has posed:
It was about 11 o'clock pm, prime time for people who believe that 5 o'clock is the perfect time to get a drink. Roy Harper is one of these individuals. Sitting alone at the bar, his long red hair left to hang to his shoulders, but a trucker hat on his head, he sips on some whiskey delicately.
Thankfully, he doesn't look like he's drunk quite yet. But he does look alone.
Maybe someone will give him company?
- Black Queen has posed:
This bar is a place to go. Selene comes here somewhat regularly, enough so that the bartender behind the counter is already apparently working up a drink. It's a glass of wine, something red, from behind the counter and not even visible for most customers to order. When she sits down she's only two stools further down than Roy.
Turning her attention to the bar, she takes a look around, and offers a bit of a smile to Roy who's closest, but soon passes him by with her gaze. Then back to the entrance a moment longer, and then she settles in, idly waiting. It only takes her a moment or two to get frustratingly bored with just sitting there, "Hello, please, tell me something rather interesting. Otherwise I will become dead via boredom." It might be difficult to tell if she's talking to Roy or the Bartender, but the bartender doesn't respond.
- Arsenal has posed:
Roy turns his attention to Selene, the beautiful woman likely the center of attention wherever she goes. He seems to raise a brow at her. "Heh, if I say something, I'll probably make you go away. My luck with women is quite literally the worst." He winks though regardless, apparently having a good humor about it all.
"Something interesting...hmm...well that depends on what would be interesting to you."
- Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio sits there and sips her wine a moment, giving off a bit of a sigh when Roy does indeed open his mouth to talk. "Luck? You rely upon luck to capture your prey. That is almost, laughable. Does a spider rely upon luck to catch a fly?" A shake of her head, "No, not at all. If you are to ever be successful at this, it is a matter of finding how to present yourself to make yourself interesting. To whomever you may be talking with. If you rely upon their input, they know the game."
A soft shake of her head as she intakes air through her nose, and then lets it out in a tired kind of exhale. Her gaze goes back to the door, and then she sips her wine again. "Try again. This time, be interesting. Worry not about what the other perceives, just... say the most interesting thing you find about your self. In sales, it is about believing in the brand. If you do not believe in your own brand, you can not hope to sell yourself."
- Arsenal has posed:
Roy gives Selene a look like he can't actually believe she's telling him to flirt with her, and coaching him on it in the meantime! "Well, well, well, this is gonna be a fun night, isn't it?" he mutters mostly to himself, but he plays along, turning his head to Selene. "Hey baby, what brings a beautiful woman like yourself to a hideous place like this?" he seems to make a mock attempt at it, using more humor.
"Interesting things about me." he echoes, in thought. "Well, I'm archer. The best marksman in the world, in fact. I like long walks on the beach and I'm a fan of dogs. I typically enjoy red wine, and I think you're the sexiest woman I've ever seen."
He then seems to relax after saying that like he was in some kind of business meeting, animations and all. "How was that?"
- Black Queen has posed:
"The joke was predictable. You look like a person who covers up their insecurities with humor." Offers Selene as she turns her attention to Roy. She smiles a bit, and then keeps going, "You are... good at shooting things. What have you shot? What's the most intersting game you've gone after. I don't care if you brag, it sounds... contrived and it is unprovable. Though if you talk about a difficult hunt, a story of an event, where you had to do something incredibly difficult and allow me to come to the conclusion that you are an amazing, world-class archer. That is a different kind of interest is it not?"
She leans back a little bit, and sips her wine, leaning over on an elbow to rest her cheek on a hand, and idly dips her finger into her wine, spinning it around and around for a moment, before sucking off the wine from her finger. "And your last point, as much as it warms my heart to hear, is something I already know. I enjoy hearing it though. So, let me give you a little more, steps." She smiles and then asks, "You are an archer? Amazing, I love to game hunt. What's the hardest game you have ever gone after?" And she goes from bored elite woman, to interested, college coed in the blink of an eye. Leaning forward some, smiling a bit, and her tone is even a bit chipper.
- Arsenal has posed:
Roy just shakes his head amusedly. "You're giving me a run for my money, lady. Best game I've ever hunted? Well, that's easy. A giant robot. Arrow straight through the eye, blew it to smithereens thanks to some classic engineering ingenuity." he winks at her, before then she's leaning forward and showing interest, and he actually does seem to be interested back, leaning forward as if to answer that subtle challenge in her tone.
"Though, you might take the cake if you keep giving me pointers like this." he teases. "and if I had insecurities, well...being in a bar would be the worst place to be, wouldn't it?" he smiles at her, as if hoping that overall answer satisfied her.
- Black Queen has posed:
Leaning back, "Better... not great." Offers Selene as she looks over her shoulder at the door again, checking it a moment more. Then she turns back to Roy. "Let me attempt to give an example. Pretend, for a moment, I am the huntress and you are the one I am attempting to gain interest from. I know, it is a difficult thing to believe that I would ever have to spin a yarn to make someone interested. But, let us pretend."
Sipping her wine, she starts, "It was 3 years ago, I was in south china. It had been raining for days but I knew if I moved or made any sudden motions, I would lose my prey. The knife, it was in my hand, I still remember that rough handle, reminding me every moment that it was there, but that it was also all I had."
A pause, as she leans in, "You see, a Blue Maltese Tiger is not only hard to find, but hard to track. It can smell you from miles away, your fabricated clothes, your hair care. I was covered in nothing but mud, no shoes on my feet, in the rain. Soaked. It saw me, before I saw it, but it charged instead of ran." A few slicing back and forth moves with her hand, quick, precise, and she leans back slowly, "The tiger underestimated me, and I won my prize. And now he's a rug in one of my forty bedrooms." A pause and she waits, smiling lightly in Roy's direction.
- Arsenal has posed:
Boy, can she spin a TALE.
Roy seems to just look interested in her and all of her perhaps wise teachings, a look into her eyes. "Now the question is, is that a true story? The world may never know. But, since you seem to want to compare stories..." He smiles.
"I was in Japan. Yakuza territory. They were roughin' up a man, yeah? Supposedly a member of a rival faction impeding on their turf. I stepped up, one of em tells me I should keep to my business, but I wasn't havin' any of it."
He gets into storyteller-Roy mode.
there were 10 of them all around me, each of them armed in some form or fashion of bladed weapon. I drew my own, and we battled. Like wheat in a field, each one was cut down one after the next, just in time for the harvest. Then I saw one of 'em that was like the size of two men. David and Goliath..."
- Black Queen has posed:
A smile crosses her lips, and Selene looks over and sips her wine, listening now. She tilts her head a bit to the side and laughs lightly at the cutting wheat for the harvest comment. Then she's nodding her head, though she doesn't interrupt allowing the man to finish his David and Goliath tale, if he's going to. Though she does offer a small clap just gently the ends of her fingers from one hand on the lowest palm portion of her other. Something akin to a golf clap.
- Arsenal has posed:
"So, much like the story, I picked up a sharp sleet rock, and I chucked it at his head. And the giant came falling down." Roy seems to smile then as Selene either genuinely or pretentiously appears interested, and he takes a pose like 'oh yes, I AM all that' before he smiles to her.
"Was that better?" he leans in just enough to whisper.
- Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio nods her head to Roy, "Yes, much." Selene offers and then offers up a few questions, "Did this feel unnatural for you to explain? Were you trying to exaggerate at all? You see, the problem with lying, would be that if someone were to ask questions you could not answer them and it would so quickly be found out that what you were talking about was untrure." She smiles a bit, "You could ask me details of my rug, or where in south china. How did the mud feel between my toes, you understand. I could ask you about the Yakuza, the men, how many there were, what weapons they wielded. And you might not know all the details, certainly, but you could at least elaborate without having those telltale signs of dishonesty."
Leaning back some more in her seat she sips her wine and takes in a breathe before letting it out slowly. "The next time you meet a woman in a bar. Attempt to -be- interesting. Not, wait for her to train you on techniques. It works out far better that way. I am, Selene by the way. I do not think we did proper introductions."
- Arsenal has posed:
Roy just literally finds himself laughing. "Well, to be fair, I didn't think I'd be approached by a woman like yourself. Though usually, I would've at least /tried/ to kiss you by now, if I was drunk or bored. But, I do appreciate the coaching, I'm naturally horrible with women." he winks. "No, it didn't feel unnatural, and no, I wasn't trying to exaggerate. It was a true story." or so he'll lead her to believe! it was more like 20 men.
"Roy." he greets her, offering a hand for a handshake.
- Black Queen has posed:
Reaching out, Selene shakes Roy's hand as well. Just a slender hand, something with skin as soft as a newborn child's without any greasey feeling of moisturizer. It's natural skin, just as if it's never been worn by a person before this moment. She slides her hand free after the handshake, "And, stop winking." She offers, "A single wink, when there is an actual joke happening. That is fine, if you have that kind of relationship with the person already. As for, this, you have winked alrady three times at me in the course of our conversation. And in no situation was it appropriate."
A little smirk is on her lips even as she shakes her head. "Now tell me this. If you had one wish, one thing you would give up your very soul for, what would it be? Be honest, now. Some will tell me it is to 'bed me' and I will roll my eyes. What one thing about this world would you wish to change, to have done, and it would cost you your eternal soul - if you believe in such a thing - but your life at the very least. Do you have something like that?"
- Arsenal has posed:
Roy looks at Selene with a bit of a laugh. "Fine, fine, no more winking." he shakes his head hopelessly, though he does give her hand a good squeeze for the handshake, releasing her after the shake was done. But...her question is a curious one. "Well, as fun bedding you would be, if I had a wish, it probably wouldn't be that. No offense."
He hums. "What one thing about the world I would change...many would say to rid it of evil, I imagine. But...no. If I had one wish..?"
He ponders this for a good moment.
"That no one would give up." he decides. "That even if they were at their wits end, financially, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, that they would have the strength to press on." so basically, he'd wish to end suicide.
- Black Queen has posed:
"No offense taken. I do not want to hear the obvious, momentary wants of a person. Those are so clear, anyhow. I have walked into the room. It is every man and woman's desire. So, what is the difference if it spoken aloud?" Rhetorical question as Selene listens, and she chuckles, "Ridding the world of evil? That is humorous, only because, depending on where you stand the mirror reflects something different." But she lets Roy continue.
"Ahhh, there it is, yes. For no one to give up. There is a functional purpose though, a reason we need some to give up. To build up our race, for one, and get rid of weakness. There are limited resources in the world. In nature there are winners, and there are losers. A lion at a certain age wanders away from the group, knowing that it is a hindrance to the others. Wanders off to die, perhaps even to sacrifice itself for the rest. Is that not giving up? Does it not have benefits?"
- Arsenal has posed:
"Precisely." Roy comments on the comment of evil, before she questions him about the giving up thing. "Once again, that wish would fall upon the perspective of the one doing the wishing. Leaving the pride in the case of the Lion is not so much giving up as it is going out on his own terms. But of course, you know this. Everythign has flaws and benefits. Nothing is entirely one without the other."