6799/Mission Monitor Changeover

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Mission Monitor Changeover
Date of Scene: 08 March 2019
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Green Arrow does his first shift on Mission Monitor Duty, with Superman showing him the ropes.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Green Arrow

Superman has posed:
    The station was operating like a well oiled machine. The systems were on stand by, and the lights were dimmed for the night shift as of 7 PM EST. There did not appear to be anyone aboard - except for the sounds coming from the Mission Monitor Room. A deep-timbred voice could be heard humming a song, but the words were hard to make out.

    Inside the Mission Monitor Room, one man was present. Superman was sitting in a chair, leaning back, and staring at the big screen while humming that song. Leaning forward suddenly, he taps a control, and brings up a display, showing the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. "Looks peaceful for a change."

Green Arrow has posed:
The new guy. The Newbie. The Rookie. There are many terms that might apply to someone like Green Arrow, who was new to the Justice League... except he's not new, or a rookie. He's been on the streets of Starling and the entire planet for the better part of fifteen years, but has recently applied to join the League. His stated reasons? 'more global presence'.

Alpha Flight is very decidedly a Canadian organization to be sure, and has the UN charter for handling space operations... but he's been operating all over the place recently, so it makes it's own kind of sense.

Now, of course, he's on the roster... which means he gets monitor duty.


The voice modulator is working full time at least, the distorted voice of Green Arrow is easily heard. "You people really like your big brother theme, don't you." Green Arrow quips as he steps into the chamber. His custom compound bow is holstered onto his mechanical quiver as he gives a look over it, those white lenses concealing his eyes, "and here I thought the UN was a bunch of control freaks."

Superman has posed:
    Looking at the monitor, Superman notes the time, and smiles as he hears the voice of Green Arrow. "Come on up." Superman then activates the beam with a touch, and Zeta Tech brings him on board. Turning at the sound of the beam, Superman says, "Green Arrow! Welcome to the Watchtower. Green Lantern has spoken highly of you!" Offering his hand in welcome, Superman waits to see if Ollie takes it.

    "Is this your first Mission Monitor Duty?" Superman turns and walks towards the MMD room. "All of the files you will need to review are ready for you to look at. Pretty straightforward. Review them, and you should be up to speed."

    Superman looks at Arrow for a moment, and says, "Oh, and if something happens through your shift, I will be available to assist immediately. I am your back up for the night. Just give me a shout, and I'll be here in a flash. No pun intended." A smile reflects the very small joke. "Anything else you need, let me know."

Green Arrow has posed:
"You all even sound controlling." Green Arrow remarks, with a light humor... though there's a slight hint of seriousness to it as he takes the handshake. "First, files, backup,. Got it." Green Arrow talks with a nod before he starts to walk up to the 'pit' where everything else, and looks it all over.

"Hmm. Definitely big brother. This was the Bats idea?" Green Arrow asks, before he turns around to look at Superman. Even behind that domino mask, his facial features give the impression of an eyebrow being raised.

Superman has posed:
    Finishing off the hand shake, Superman moves into the Mission Monitor Room, and waves a hand towards the "command chair". "Yeah, Batman had this idea of keeping an eye on things." A pause. "Not like that though. Not Big Brother, more like friendly conscience.

    Waving at the big room, and nodding towards the chair, Superman changes the subject. "Not quite the bridge of the Enterprise, but a pretty good spot to be in." Superman taps a button, and changes the active duty listing from "Superman" to "Green Arrow". "There. Good to go. You are officially on duty."

    Superman smiles, and nods towards the counter containing the coffee pot, and the fridge with refreshments and sandwiches. "Flash brought up some finger sandwiches earlier. There are a few squares and veggies as well. Coffee is fresh, tea if you want it. All good."

    Turning back to Ollie Superman says, "The bridge is yours! Any other questions?" Superman waits expectantly.

Green Arrow has posed:
"You do realize that's what every big brother mentality sort says when they're trying to excuse their need for control, right?" Green Arrow notes, entirely seriously. He gives a wave over the monitors, "Police bands I can understand to a point, but military?" He shakes his head as he sits down, "this explains a lot though. Batmans always seemed to be very wired into Gotham. He probably has a system with a lot more depth down there." Green Arrow notes, before he turns the chair to look at Superman. "I do have a question for you, though."

He folds his hands in his lap as he looks at the Man of Steel, "if you don't mind my asking; how many of you are there? By you, I mean Kryptonians." Green Arrow inquires.

Superman has posed:
    Superman blinks, smiles, and shrugs. "Batman does seem to bring out that whole side of things, doesn't he?" With a hmmm, Superman adds, "He means well though. That is why we are here to keep an eye on him, and the villains out there. Don't worry, we have those checks and balances to prevent abuse." His confidence and demeanor reflects that he means what he says.

    "Fire away. Questions are good." Superman says, leaning in to listen. Then, leans back when Ollie asks him the question. "Interesting question. Well, there are just five that I know of, with a few exceptions in regards to Kandor and unknowns." He pauses. "Actually, I don't know. I keep saying there is just myself, Supergirl, and Power Girl. Zod of course. And Faora." Another pause. "I guess I can't answer that question. Why do you ask?"

Green Arrow has posed:
Green Arrow doesn't look convinced by Supermans argument, not at all... but he seems content to let the matter drop, for now. "From everything I've seen, you're one of the most powerful people on this planet, maybe our galaxy." Green Arrow offers as he explains, "You've got plenty of power. I'm not saying that's a problem, but I would like to know if we have any others we might need to worry about." Green Arrow points out.

Superman has posed:
    "Ah yes. Fair enough. I agree with you. I'd like to know how many are out there as well. I thought I was the last for some time." With that Superman grabs a sandwich, takes a bite, and nods. "Food for thought. Well. I'm off then. You have my number if you need me." Superman turns to leave, and then pauses a bit, before turning back and saying, "Welcome aboard Green Arrow. It is good to have you on the team. I am glad you are here." With that last, Superman smiles, and walks towards the Zeta Transporter. Then, he is gone, the display telling Ollie that he transported to Metropolis.