6782/Father and Son Talk

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Father and Son Talk
Date of Scene: 06 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Batman

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The rag in Damian's hand is squeezed hard enough to wring out, and his teeth grit together. "Because I'm not Grayson or Drake." He says with an amount of vitriol usually only reserved for when he talks about Tim.

  "I am Robin, but I'm not THOSE Robins." He comments, looking to the armory, and to Jason's old uniform. "Grayson thinks I'm broken. At least that's what he said to Dragon." A lie, he was projecting, even though there was some grain of truth deep down there.

Batman has posed:
     And that grit, causes Bruce to turn in his chair. "I was asking because sometimes you pride yourself on being superior. Sometimes you claim people are inferior. I'm not seeing you as Dick, or Tim. I see you as Damian." Then he pauses to look at Damian, "I was going to point out you can't cast a team aside one moment if you pride yourself on making them 'capable.'" Bruce believes Damian is projecting a little bit, somehow.

     "You're not broken. You were just isolated. And now your pride shoots yourself in the foot," Bruce just points out to his son. Sky blue eyes even with the younger Wayne. "You may not be Dick, or Tim, but you can take a page out of their playbooks."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The turn of Bruce steels Damian's gaze, his al Ghul green eyes stare back at Bruce's light blues. "I am." He adds, but he also knew that he had fifteen years of some of the most intense training an adult can go through, much less a child.

  "Red X proved they can be capable. Proved that they are more than just sidekicks playing Justice League." It was only then that his steeped face started to waver. "My pride comes from legitimate sources. I am better, even if I cannot lift tonnes of matter. I am not just a kid with 'gadgets'." He still held a grudge against Rayner for saying that, and it infuriated him. He knew exactly what he wanted to say to Bruce, but he can't allow himself to say it, getting him even more frustrated with himself. But now he was in too deep, and it wasn't like grappling out of here was an option at this point.

Batman has posed:
     "No. It doesn't. It comes from overconfidence. If it didn't, you wouldn't be so upset that people consider your predecessors to be better Robins," Bruce lets that hang in the air. "Same for the comment made by the Lantern," Bruce looks at Damian. "You can have best skillset, but it doesn't make you the best for the job. That's a lesson your Grandfather didn't teach you. It's one he doesn't believe, but how many times have I lived to tell the tale against him? He has resources I do not. The lazaraus pit, yet here I am, Damian," Bruce looks at the young Robin. "You hold people at bay, worse than I do. At least I try, you need to do similar rather than looking at everyone as your inferior. If you do, you will be alone. Worse than I am," he say shtis firmly because this is not a fate Bruce wants for his son.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Holding people at bay had been what he did best, it's true. Talia and Ra's built him up to be the new Demon's Head, and nothing else. He didn't believe he deserved that kind of connection, but there was one thing he allowed himself.

  "You won because you are better. That's why he wanted you to succeed him. Instead, he took the next best thing. The son of the great Detective, an amalgam of the al Ghul line and the Waynes. I fought my way to the top of the food chain. And even then it wasn't enough. I was always the backup plan."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce watches Damian, "And that's how you see yourself. That's why you alienate the world? You look at yourself as the backup plan," Bruce sighs a litlte bit. "If you see yourself as that, the world will treat you as that. Do you know why people think Tim and Dick are considered better?" he asks Damian for a moment.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I alienate the world because the world is alien to me. It was easy to snipe a general from a mile away. It was easy to poison the head of a global corporation."

  Bruce's question causes Damian to give a knee jerk response. "Because they are soft." After a quick moment he looks at the floor at that statement. It wasn't how he felt, at least about Grayson. Damian tuts his tongue, looking back up. "Because they did more than just fight."

Batman has posed:
     "It's becasue they didn't try to prove themselves to be worthy of anything. They just tried to be the best Robins they could." Bruce gets up from his spot and points to a spot, "This is your Robin uniform," and what Bruce is pointing at is a reflection of Damian. "Like me, sometimes it's the costume that is the real you. Deep down, you need to learn how to be Damian. Whoever that is. You think of social connections as soft, weak, when they make you stronger. Look at Dick and Tim," he says just letting Damian chew on this information.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sighs, looking to that reflection that Bruce pointed to. He was quiet, not knowing exactly who that was. Was it the assassin, was it the facade? "I didn't need social interactions, I did just fine on my own..." He trails off, looking back and sighing again. "I fucked it up." Admitting he made a mistake, a first for Damian, at least when it came to non-combat situations.

  He bit his lip, he had more questions, for more than just Bruce, but it wasn't the right time. Too much too soon and it isn't a good thing.

Batman has posed:
     "Past tense. You -need- socialinteraction, now." Bruce says quietly. A hand goes to his son's shoulder. Then a moment latter, he put his arms aroundhis son. "What happened?" ht eowrds soft. There is no judgement in his voice, they're genuine concern for young Damian.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I stabbed my best teammate in the gut. I voted against letting someone in because they are a Lantern and left their power battery off world and are in severe need of training. I actively think of ways to torment Todd and Drake." Damian confesses, then looking to Bruce. "I attacked Grayson for a comment he made about me." He didn't actually do harm to Dick, but he did feel a little bad about it.

Batman has posed:
     Bruce looks Damian in the eye, "You need to learn to trust. I've worked with Lanterns. Right now, their rings wouldn't pick you. They may not look like much, but they have something most don't have. You need to learn that," then comes the violence. "What did your teammate do after the stabbing," Bruce needs details here. Then he rises up, "You need to talk to them. Tell them. You want to be a Robin, earn it. I don't care whose blood you have in your veins. Right now, you don't even deserve to look at the case that holds the uniform." Before Damian starts to protest, Bruce is quick to speak. "You can be worthy of it. You cannot rely on the tactics you learned from your Mother. You use those tactics, you will go down a road that I may not be able to save you from. The sooner you stop," he points to the reflection again. "The sooner you learn who that young man is."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "It was Red X. I gave him triage, at the time it was a means to an end. I haven't killed since before I came to Gotham." Damian says, not protesting more than furrowing his brow. "He was pissed when he found out Red X was me. Didn't talk to me for months, then came back after possessed by a cat demon. I...haven't spoken to him really since."

  "Stardust, another Titan, caught me across from the hospital while I tortured myself for doing it. She is...intuitive. Beyond her years."

  "When I'm out there I have you and mother in my mind, she's telling me to use that sword and strike down the criminal element, you telling me it isn't how we do things. I am trying, dammit!" He grips that rag tighter and tighter. He wants to throw the smoke pellet in his pocket and run, but he's forcing himself to stay.

Batman has posed:
     "It was you, Damian," Bruce says showing his disapproval for the tatactic in with that assessment. A gaze looks to him for a moment. Then he looks at Damian for a moment, "That's why you need to learn who Damian is. If he sees there is something worth protecting, it's easier to put down the sword. It'll be easier each time, son," Bruce says wanting to show some sympahty. However,he does not approval of certain tactics done.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     At this point, Damian was past his breaking point. His nightmares of his past deeds haunted him, the disapproval of his teammates, and now his father. "Do you regret taking me in?" He asks, doing his best to avoid eye contact. Defense mechanism begging to have a reason to hang it all up at this point.

Batman has posed:
     "No. I don't. There is potential, but you keep running from it. You keep ruining it for yourself. If you continue on this path, I may kick you out," Bruce warns his son. Right now, he is just being honest to Damian. He wants Damian to see the path he is on. That destructive possibility that lingers.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian looks to his father, then he takes the smoke pellet from his jeans, setting it on the ground. "I didn't run this time. It is very hard to not be who I was, but I try." His tone is hushed, and his head hangs somewhat. "I wanted you to know that."

Batman has posed:
     "I know you didn't." Bruce says softly. Those blue eyes watch Damian for a moment. "I know you didn't, but you keep pushing people away. You push them away more than I did. Pushing is another form of running. You need to talk to people. This will help you," Bruce says softly knowing there is some irony to him helpingo ut antoher person this way. Following that same thought is a counter. It's a bad situation when Bruce Wayne has to give out social advice.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The green eyed one just manages a nod, and looks up at the taller man. "I need to feed Goliath, before he tries to grab a fisherman's catch again." He comments, before he drops the rag in his hands off on a toolbox, before he steps lightly on his way out of the lair to the grounds above.

Batman has posed:
     "You need to speak to your brothers," Bruce says in a mixture of a chide, and a reminder. It's his way of saying, Dad will not let this issue go anytime soon. Blue eyes watch the departing Damian as he waits for antoher reply.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Last time I tried to do that, I walked in on Todd coming down from a night with 'Kitty'." Damian comments, sounding pointedly unenthused. "I hear Grayson's newly single. No chance of that happening with him soon." But then again, he always preferred Dick's flavor of being a brother. "Tim can keep wherever he is." Ok, baby steps, at least he's willing to talk with the other two.

Batman has posed:
     "Damian. They respect you more. And you've lost a lot of mine. Figure out how to earn that back, too," and to add an emphasis to his point, Bruce walks up to the case holding Damian's costume and locks it promptly. He contemplates grounding the red Bird, but he decides against it for the moment.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian peers from over a ledge, seeing Bruce lock his uniform. "I didn't say I wouldn't talk to them, dammit." He says softly, knowing full well Bruce could hear him. And like that, he was stripped of all his regalia, and it sucked, worse than any physical injury he's ever sustained.