6778/Truthseekers Podcast: Bruce Wayne

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Truthseekers Podcast: Bruce Wayne
Date of Scene: 05 March 2019
Location: Brooklyn, New York City
Synopsis: Bruce Wayne is the latest guest on April O'Neil's popular internet podcast!
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Batman

April O'Neil has posed:
Its a cold Tuesday afternoon in March and a scheduled interview / long-form discussion is about to get underway at a studio in Brooklyn NY.

April O'Neil's studio, to be exact. She's rented this space for only a short few months now, as her fanbase has grown large enough that she no longer has to do these out of her apartment. Instead, her guests are in a room with her directly (most of the time) and she's got a desk for them to sit across from each other, microphones to speak into, televisions on the walls to pull up things to talk about related to the discussion-at-hand and lots of snacks/beverages for the guest to choose from on an off-camera table beside them.

Currently, April is seated across from her guest as the show starts up after a short little intro sequence. Its being streamed live online and there are usually thousnads of live listners, with more who watch it later. The guest today? He's sure to draw in even more viewers due to his famous notoriety and the wealth that he possesses.

"Mister Bruce Wayne." April says now into her mic pssitioned about a fist-size away from her mouth. She's dressed in a white tshirt with a cartoon Wookiee from Star Wars on it. A bright yellow hoodie is draped over the back of her chair.

"Let me just start by saying its a real honor to have you on here, to get to talk to you publicly with so many people able to listen and get a chance to know a little bit more about the man behind the famous Wayne name. So thank you for being here."

Batman has posed:
     "Thank you Miss O'Neil, may I call you April?" Bruce asks. When he gets the answer, "I know it has been a while since we speak, April. I do apologize for that," he says and offers a hand to her even though the viewers cannot see it.

     "I hope the year has treated you well. I am a fan of the podcast. If I may say, 'Long-time listener, first time caller,'" Bruce grins as he settles himself down.

     "Well, I do want to make some of your listeners aware of a cause. It is not uncommon for men in my position to find something to back, something to believe in. Selina Kyle is sponsoring an event in Gotham. All benefits are to go to a wild-life refuge in the country. They specialize in big cat preservations," Bruce begins to explain. Crossing one leg with another, he is all smiles while speaking.

     Sky blue eyes look forward, "To those that can make her event, it's a masquerade ball. In addition to the proceeds, the ball will be taking donations from the guests. Those that cannot, but still wish to help can sedn donations at the following website," and Bruce plugs the website along as if he is sponosored. He knows any endorsement will bring questions. Even if he believes int he cause, Bruce's public actions will often bring about questions, followers, comments, or some conbination of them.

April O'Neil has posed:
April crosses her forearms on the edge of the desk in front of her and she smiles at Bruce's initial question. "Yes, of course." She says quietly to him then. "It has been awhile." She idly adds to while holding her smile.

As he continues she simply sits there and nods gently to what he's saying, giving him her full attention before she eventually sits up a little straighter as she makes a reply. "A masquerade ball?" She asks. "Those are absolutely awesome. The kind of great fun you see in a spy film." She lets her smile shift into a slight grin.

"And this charity is for big cats?" She asks. "My neighbor has a twenty pound tabby cat that sits in the window sill of her apartment across from my living room. He just stares at the birds as they flutter by, and glares at me if I wave at him." She holds her grin. "I'm guessing he doesn't quality for this charity, nor should he, he's very clearly well cared for. Maybe a little too much, in the food department." She cracks the little jokes to keep things light hearted.

"I hope all of our listeners, who can afford such a thing, are able to make it to this ball though, and help the charity thrives. I've heard a little about the plight of poachers and big game hunters operating illegaly in places such as China... The thought of living in a world where Tigers aren't a thing, is rather depressing."

Then she's sure to pose a question to keep things rolling. "Can you tell us a little more about this Selina Kyle? Its not a name I know off-hand."

Batman has posed:
     "And might I publicly say, April, you're invited. Any fees, sponsorship, or anything else, I will cover. This is under the presumption that you aren't already invited," Bruce pauses for a moment. Then he flashes a grin with a wink, "I'll even save you a dance. Three if you ask nicely," he chuckles a little bit for a moment.

     "This is not those kind of cats. Nothing against house panthers, but this is for actual panthers. Often they are taken in by owners with too much money, placed into facilities that do not have the knowledge, means, or resources to treat them properly. This foundation is often one freeing the large cats from these situations. They have the means, but any good organization always needs resources. The masquerade is to shoulder the burden, make it easier for them." Bruce looks to April as he is all ears to the jokes.

     "And there are the big game poachers, as you're aware. These preservations decrease the chances of an animal winding up in a place where the staff will look the other way should someone grease their palms thoroughly. When that happens the animals are one step closer to extinction while, pardon to some of my colleagues, some of stature has their fifteen second thrill with a disgusting photo. I'm not against enjoying ones money, there's just better ways to do it," Bruce says just explaining himself further. Another sports car did wonders in his mind, or so the persona is to be believed.

     "Miss Kyle is one of the better Gotham Socialites most haven't heard of until this broadcast. Often she is at these parties, but rather than sitting in a large mansion hoarding her funds she is proactive. Often she will run these charities. When trying to enjoy herself, I imagine she is the person to go skydiving," Bruce looks to April for a moment or two. "I know what people will ask, or presume, 'Is Bruce Wayne dating her?' And I can say, 'No. I'm not.' I'm tragically single," Bruce just tries to control the conversation that is happening.

     "I know of many of Gotham's elite. Selina is someone that hasn't forgotten her roots. I know I was born the 'Prince of Gotham,' but I try to promote causes that will help people, and society, like my father before me," and he is completely honest there. Bruce's sole reason for this is trying to help. It's a cause not often though of, Bruce did his research, and now he is putting his money wheree is mouth is.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has a big smile show on her expression after she receives that invitation from Bruce and she seems to just generally be flattered by the offer. "I will have to rush out immediately and get a dress and a fancy mask to hide behind." She says with a light grin. "I've never been to such a thing, I'll try to hide my nerdy giddiness with regard to getting to attend."

To the topic of prices and costs in saving the lives of big cats in troubled situations, she softly nods her head. "Medicine and properly equipped property to maintain the health and living conditions for animals like that, can't possibly come cheap. I would imagine that this gala event that Miss Kyle is hosting will draw in a great amount of money for this cause too. I mean... its a shot at getting to attend a notoriously elegant Gotham social evening?" She softly shakes her head left to right. "Gotham's elite parties are legendary, around the world as a whole."

She grins then at the information regarding Selina, especially the part about she and Bruce's professional relationship not being a personal one. "You just made a lot of female listeners happy, Bruce. You're probably going to have a few thousand 'date night' proposals land on your social media ccounts in the next twenty four hours." She then laughs lightly, good naturedly of course.

"You say that Miss Kyle's roots haven't been forgotten and imply they're different from your own? So she's a self made... Gotham Socialite?" April then asks.

Batman has posed:
     Bruce produces a business card, and he knows this is airing across the internet. "This is Janet Van Dyne's card. I have an account there. Just add it to my account," he says and slides the reporter the card. "It would be rude of me to invite you to such an occassion and have youf eel underdressed," Bruce just flashes that smile, still.

     "No, it cannot be cheap to care for them. Often stories go under reported of animal sanctuaries that are substandard. Their care would be conditionally substandarded. This cannot be," Bruce says with some firmness in his voice on the matter. It's quite clear he is a believer in this.

     "Well, that is the problem with 'date nights,' and me. While I am grateful for every one, I do have questions. Do the dates come because of my fortune? My reputation? Or do they come from a place of earnestness. If people want to impress me, they should do their homework," Bruce chuckles a little bit. Then he wavesa hand.

     "Yes. How she made them? That's her secret. My family's history goes back to Gotham's foundation. It can even date back to fur traders. I don't shy away from this, and maybe this past motivates me on an unseen level." Bruce shrugs a little bit. Again, he is trying to control the conversation. "If people want to know more of her, she is hosting the event. She would be the one to talk to. I can speak more about the person today, the party, the cause, myself, and how talented the woman sitting across from me is," and yes he is totally trying to flatter. Those blue eyes just watching aprill knowing she is trying to suss out a story.

April O'Neil has posed:
April accepts the card and holds onto it like its made out of a rare mineral worth a fortune. "Wow." She even says with an exasperated tone to her voice, lightly accented in her Brooklyn upbringing. "Thats an amazing amount of generosity, Bruce." She says then, lowering the card after eyeballing it closely and then smiling to him. "I won't be nearly as self conscious about how I'll dress for this masquerade now." Her smile turns into a slight grin.

She lowers the card down to place it on the table in front of her, her fingertips pressing it to the table's surface. "As for the topic of why someone would seek a date night with you... Well. We live in a world with a wide array of personalities, motivations and desires. I'm guessing a lot of them are generally after that family fortune of yours, but its not uncommon for me to get called a bit of a cynic when it comes to the behavior of the majority of my fellow people on this planet." Her grin remains, smaller though. She shakes her head just a little then. "But the good ones out there, they'll ask you for all the right reasons. That much I'm sure of. Thats what I've learned in my own dating experiences, at least."

On the subject of Selina though, April nods her head lightly. "Completely true. I'd love to talk to her about all of this also. I know a bit about the plight that big game cat sanctuaries face here in the United States to. I know there are many in Texas and the south in-general, who take in the animals of wealthy owners that realize the animal is too much work once its old enough to be past the 'cute little kitten phase'." She smirks at that concept.

She smiles at his last compliment then, but doesn't comment on that for now at least. "So what else has been keeping the mysterious playboy Bruce Wayne busy these days? Beyond cats and masquerades?"

Batman has posed:

     "I'm a cynic myself in some situations. This is one of them, and I know there are good ones. They just have to overcome my cyninism," Bruce admits as he is looking at April. A nod comes form her, "Well, I imagine your current lover, whoever he or she may be, is a lucky person," Bruce says honestly.

     "Well, if you want a conversation with Miss Kyle, I will introduce you to her personally at the party. I do not expect a woman such as yourself to completely leave the Reporter behind," Bruce knows that sometimes it's hard to separate April the woman from April the reporter. Selina Kyle is officially a story.

     "Well, what do you wish to know?" Bruce asks knowing this conversation would turn to him. Like so many other times, Bruce is happy to use his influence to shine the light of causes, businesses, people, etc. The cost is always some kind of information about Bruce Wayne.

April O'Neil has posed:
April just grins at the initial words from the man and she shakes her head. "I was with a cop last. But he moved back to Chicago to find his daughter who'd run away back there. Which I entirely supported him doing. Helping his kid was far more important than worrying about our thing. So I'm doing the very same thing you are, hiding from the people that want all my limitless amounts of money." She's grinning there at the end, because she's being sarcastic about her wealth compared to his.

"I would also do everything in my power not to be an overbearing reporter at this event. Just a quick intro and a few words with her and that'd be enough to satiate me for the time being, I promise." More light grinning from the redhead as she draws in a breath then when he says that last part.

She glances down to her notes on the table written on an ipad that is just laying there on the table with its screen on a dim setting.

"Gotham is a place notorious for its troubles." She then starts as her blue eyes raise back up to look at him again. "What are you thoughts on recent events regarding these mutant hunting Sentinels. There was an attack recently, where some of them broke out in Gotham and were put down by unkonwn mutants... as well as a very well known one... The infamous Magneto."

Batman has posed:
     "Just ask if you want help hiding. I can tell you how to make a fort out of five-dollar bills. It's just as goo das a pillow fort," Bruce says playfully. Although, he respects April's decision to yield so her former flame could be a good dad.

     "Yes, but I know you will want to ask questions, ro at least get af ew business cards," Bruce admits. He is willing to help her with that.

     For a moment there is a long pause from Bruce. He knows making a comment could damage his company. "I believe mutants are people. There are good and bad people. I understand a response by people, but the sentinel program is a big excessive. Even for individuals like Magneto, the sentinel response does too much damage to people like you, and I, that just happent o have powers," Bruce says looking to Miss O'Neil. Her own stance on mutantkind is unknown to him. While it is not the most neutral response, it is not so overtly pro-mutant it would offput even the most left-minded conservatives.

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins at that talk of a five dollar bill pillow fort. "That sounds rather amazing." She says. "I have some friends who're entirely likely to want to know how to build such a thing." She's thinking of Mikey in particular, who she imagines is totally wanting her to ask for more details on that right now.

"And yes... I'll admit, I like to get my name out there and get more people to come on here to talk. This kind of information is the wave of the future, you know? We're not tied down by the... troubles associated with cable news networks or otherwise." She's still with Channel Six, officially, but she's an investigative journalist with them now and works on her own terms for them. April's looks certainly contributed to her growing fandom when she started out, but her message kept her going. Her ethics, beliefs and her ability to get answers on many of the wilder conspiracy theories floating around is what really helped make her rise to where she is now.

"Personally, I believe anyone who breaks the law is subject to the full extent of the consequences there-in." She replies. "Mutant or not, the laws exist to keep all of us as safe as possible. That being said though... these Sentinels scare the ever living hell out of me. The thought of monstrous robots patrolling our streets, deciding when and where to execute a living person?" She shakes her head side to side. "Thats nothing I can ever get behind. Even if I know the world is scared of the power mutants wield... there has to be better ways. There has to be."

"Which makes me have to ask you... is your company considering any other options that might be, better, than a Sentinel program?"

Batman has posed:
     "Well, some empires that begin digitally have freedom. One day you can ask a man such as myself about my dating life. The next you can do an investigative piece. You're at your own mercy, but everything falls upon you," Bruce says as he is looking to her as she speaks on the matter. A look is given to her as she continues to talk about the sentinels.

     Then there is that question, "If I were to answer that specifically, that may compromise company matters. I can say this, Wayne Enterprises shouldn't be alone in this crusade. I ask fellow CEO's, such as Tony Stark, the Iron Man, to propose their own alternatives alongside Wayne Enterprises. Everyone says two sets of eyes, minds, what have you, are better than one. The same should be for solutions. So, if any CEO is listening to me and are not in favor of the sentinel program then I issue this challenge. Bring your alternatives out there. The technology is out there, just ask Mister Stark," Bruce looks at April knowing he just kicked the metaphorical hornet's nest. And he had done it on her podcast. This is going to be a popular clip.

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins over at him through the space between them on either sides of the podcast desk. "One never can tell what the future holds." She comments about his initial statement before she glances down again at her tablet PC on the table.

She doens't stare at it for more than a second before she looks back up at him. "I had to try to get the secrets out of ya." She teases the billionaire of one of the largest tech production companies in the world. "I like your answer too. We do need to embolden the likes of Tony Stark... he's someone I'd like to chat with on this subject as well, so perhaps your statement might encourage that. I am planning an interview with Lex Luthor coming up here soon, so he's going to get similar question to what I've asked you here as well."

April the sits up a little straighter, always worried about her posture it seems and she then places her fingertips back down again on that Van Dyne card he'd given her earlier. "Bruce." She starts then. "Where do you see Wayne Enterprises in the future?" She asks him then. "What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind at your... extremely influential family business? Things related to alternative solution to the woes of mutant kind? Or something else?"

Batman has posed:
     "I feel like I should make a joke about your comment," Bruce gives a nod with a small chuckle. Then she is teasing him for a moment. "It should be pressed for all individuals in a position similar to me." Then he pauses for a moment. This is a big question. "In five years, I want to be able to use my company to make Gotham a safer place, the world a better one, and to do my parents proud. There are multiple ways to get there, and I intend to look down as many as possible without straining my company beyond its means," Bruce is just going to upfront on this one. "The world has so many problems from polution, the eneryg crisis, the fear of an impending water crisis to this country, the lack of clean water in the world. It's not just Wayne Enterprises not doing enough, but the others as well," Bruce is just being upfront on that front. Blue eyes watch her for a moment, "Where do youw ant this podcast to go in five years time?" he asks.

April O'Neil has posed:
April leans forward on her elbows again against the edge of the table and she holds a sly grin at the man across from her when he first responds to her. She gently nod sher head two small times to his words but seems to primarily focus on the meat of his answer to her question.

"Well firstly, I know of what happened to your parents and I just want to say that I'm really sorry for your loss. As someone who lost both of her parents far too early, I assure you I understand the burden that creates inside of you... its always there and its never, easy... Which is why I want to say that I'm sure they're already proud of you, Bruce. Where they are right now, I'm sure they're watching and that they're proud."

A quick smile is given then before she glances down again and moves on.

With a big inhale she looks back up from her tablet computer and just gives a quick grin. "This podcast? Hopefully not tossed out on the street and having to go back to working out of my cramped guest room in my apartment." She laughs a little then. "But really? Just... I'm just happy if more people are coming onboard to listen and enjoy what we try to do here."

A little clearing of her throat then and she tosses out another question. "That being said, I wanted to ask you a bit about Gotham itself. You're an outspoken advocate for your city, which generally has a... less than stellar reputation amongst the larger cities on the eastern side of the US. To everyone listening, right now, what can you say that is positive about Gotham? An element of it that the general public may not know that you do know about it? Something good, instead of all the doom and gloom we are shoveled with in our daily lives."

Batman has posed:
     A hand reaches out to hers, he is trying to comfort her. It's just an understanding. A nod comes from him, then when she moves on, he does too. Then he is looking to her for a moment, "I'm a Gothamite. Born and bred. There is good. The people are proud, willing to help. Often you hear of the good stories of Gotham, but look at Miss Kyle. It's a citizen trying to do better. There are many more sotries like this that go unreported. There is a story lingering, April," Bruce says looking to her. "It's just a matter of pulling the story out. Finding the good that many citizens see day to day, they just don't rpeort it."

April O'Neil has posed:
April accepts the kind gesture with the reached out hand and she offers his a squeeze back in return with her own, its a nice exchange between two people who've suffered similar tragedies in their past. She gives him a warm smile and she nods her head softly as he continues.

His response gets her to calmly stare back to him then. "We live in a world where click bait articles and stories are the way of things, and those click baiting titles generally slant toward the negative sides of things. Its the 'train wreck' saying. People have trouble looking away from disaster pieces. The terrible part is is how that grossly effects the mental well being of all the people who subjugate themselves to the terrible news, and forgo ever reading the good stuff."

April smiles then again as she pauses. "That being said, you're a pillar to your community and I'm going to have fun with this sponsored shopping spree you've given unto me for the nearest Van Dyne clothiers store." She grins at him, teasing again of course. There's lots more questions to come, but she's gotten the hardest ones out of the way and will move on to ask him more about general topics in the news and his thoughts regarding all of them.

Batman has posed:
     "Thent his should be your motivation to find the good story. To avoid becoming just another clickbait site," Bruce says looking to her curiously. If she is going to pose such a question. Bruce looks at her for a moment, "That's for Van Dyne's main hub. The one where she, or her apprentices measure you for a custom fit," Bruce amends just letting that small bit of information wash over her. This isn't a card for a chain. This is a card -directly- to Janet.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has a big smile at this statement from him and she sits up straight again in her chair. "Impressive. Most Impressive." She says back. "To quote Darth Vader." She laughs just a little then. "Uh, I mean..." She clears her throat. "I'm a nerd, I apologize." Then she nervously reaches up to brush her red hair back behind her ears and she looks down again before speaking once more. "And I assure all my listners that Mister Wayne did not just 'buy my good side' or my voice. The fact is, if I'm going to this ball this weekend I desperately do need something that makes me fit in in order to get the scoop on it for all of you..."

April looks back up at Bruce then and smirks at him. "Never read the comment sections on these things. Its like a land mine field of sadness."

Batman has posed:
     "My father was a fan of those movies. I understood the reference," Bruce stands up. "If I were to buy your good side, there would be talks of a new studio," he gives her a wink while still explaining this. A nod comes from him then he looks at her. "I know. Trust me, I know not to read the comments, but don't listen to them. You do good work April, no matter what a poster says. Just remembe rthat," he gives her a nod getting ready to leave.