6702/You're Bringing WHO! Pt2

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You're Bringing WHO! Pt2
Date of Scene: 28 February 2019
Location: Restaurant in NYC
Synopsis: Continuation of Jason Todd introducing Kitty Pryde to his father, Bruce Wayne
Cast of Characters: Batman, Shadowcat

Batman has posed:
     "Why did they recruit you? I'm not sure how the process works, and I'm curious. If you cannot tell me certain things, I'll respect the answer." Bruce knows things such as NDAs exist. He believes Xavier's has some rules very similar to NDAs.

     "How will you transition from student to teacher? Some of the students may remember you, or be able to look you up, and match your background," Bruce understands his questions sound like a job interview. That's not the intention. To see how someone thinks, you have to throw the job, or psychological, questions at a person. It is simply Bruce seeing how Jason's girlfriend works. He alreayd likes her, but Bruce wants to keep it that way.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I had a strong aptitude for computers in particular, from a young age," Kitty says. "And... high grades and IQ scores," she says, with just a bit of self-consciousness as if she is worried it might sound like she's bragging somehow. "Well, I'm really just doing guidance counseling, though I could sub in for some of the teachers if needed," Kitty says.

"I did have a bit of a break though, which helps me not feel like I'm still a student. I went to Oxford when I was 16, and got degrees in computer science and English literature before I returned. After working for about a year, I decided to return to England to study astro-physics," she says. "Which is what I was doing before I decided to take this semester off and come back."

If Bruce checked up on her, or just does the math if he knows she's about 20, she probably got the dual degrees in about 2 years.

"So, there was a couple of year break where they knew I was off at college before I came back," Kitty explains. Her head tilts to the side a little bit. "I'm not very aware of your background. Though if Jason had told me we'd be meeting already I'd have at least looked," Kitty says with a soft blush. "Did you attend school anywhere?"

Batman has posed:
     "I've got multiple degress from Yale. Cambrige and Sorbonne made offers," Bruce says trying not to sound like he is gloating, too. Blue eyes watch the woman for a moment as she talks about her various degrees, "If you ever want to sharpen your computer skills, I know someone that can keep you on your toes, a friend," Bruce says wondering who would win between Barbara and Kitty in a hacking contest.

     "So, why Jason? You've graduated with dual degrees in two years. Jason is intelligent, but more street smart than book smart. When you tell me your credentials, you sound like polar opposites. Seeing you two act together, it's like you're cut from the same cloth. What drew you to him?" Bruce asks as he is still weaving the conversation. "I will never dissuade you, or him from dating. I just know if I saw your credentials on a piece of paper, I would have suggested one of my younger sons for dating potential." There's a pause, "Again, I would never do that. Jason...," Bruce's voice trails as he searches for the words. "He's had a hard life. Sometimes he withdrawls socially. Well, did. You in his life I think will change that habit. I am forever in your debt," he says softly. A look is given to the woman as he is curious her reaciton.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans back in her chair, picking up her water glass. She gives a slow shake of her head. "That's the thing... we don't feel that different to me," Kitty says slowly. "I agree, on paper we do seem different. But I just feel like I fit with him. That first day we met, and he rode me around on his bike? Showing me the orphanage. Stopping and looking at the city," Kitty says.

She's not really looking at Bruce, her eyes having drifted over to the side as she's accessing her memories. "And he said this thing about how a city has a soul and it's like music, and he was telling me what the music was in Gotham," she says. Her smile is growing across her face. Looking so warm. About then she realizes she's drifting off into that memory, and that she's here talking with someone.

Kitty sits up a little straighter, bashful smile. "He just makes me feel wonderful and special. We're never at a loss for something to talk about. And I can tell he's had hard times in his life. He doesn't really talk about them much. But it means a lot that he's made it through those and is the kind of person that he is."

Kitty looks back over to Bruce, pausing to take a sip of her water. "And, I'd love to meet whoever you mentioned that is into computers, too. I try not to geek out with Jason on them too much," she says, giving a soft grin at that.

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce, "Attraction happens all sorts of different times, places, and to people. Sometimes people are carbon copies. Other times they're opposites. Both sets are part of something bigger, like puzzle pieces going together," Bruce didn't know Jason is so poetic. They would have to talk about this. "There's some personal demons in his past. I'll never tell them to you, that is not my place, but when he trusts you that far...he'll need your shoulder," Bruce just tries to warn her. It's going to be a hell of a ride for both of them.

     "I'll give her a call, see if she wants company. She's busy sometimes, but could be a good foil to go off of," he says just trying to make Kitty feel more welcomed in Jason's world, and the various extensions.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I figure when he's ready, we'll talk about them," Kitty says with a slow nod of her head. "I've had friends go through a lot of rough times. It might not be the same as what Jason has. But I'm not going to run away from for something from his past," she says. "And I know that's what worries him about talking about it."

Kitty sighs and then says, "But, I won't rush it." She gives a soft smile. "I'm enjoying just getting to know him and being part of his life. And it's really nice of you to come and join us like this. Though I'm going to have to give him a hard time about it. For a Jewish girl, meeting someone's parents is always a big deal," she says with a little side to side bob of her head.

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce, "His past is complicated. Just know, it might hurt you. You seem capable, but I'm not going to pull any punches," he looks t her for a moment. "If you need combat training, I make sure all my children have skills that can handle Gotham's tough spots, as a precaution. Plus, it's just a good activity to stay fit," he says just trying to covery why Jason is -that- good.

     A nod comes from Bruce, "I will tell you a secret. Out of all the girlfriends I've met. You're one of my favorites, if not -the- favorite. Don't be nervous," he says softly just trying to assure her. Kitty is welcomed at the Manor. Bruce wants her to know that.

Shadowcat has posed:
The comment about combat training takes Kitty a little by surprise it seems. "I suppose... particularly for someone like you, even regular day life requires certain amounts of wariness," Kitty says of the billionaire who is probably having to constantly be on guard against kidnapping attempts and the like. "I've done some martial arts before. I spent a brief time in Japan," Kitty says. An expression flashes across her face, fast enough that most would miss it, but probably not Bruce Wayne. Something troubling happened in Japan. "But, if it would be wise, or even just put people's minds at ease, I'd welcome any training you thought worthwhile," Kitty says, giving a quick nod of her head.

As she hears Bruce's opinion, Kitty looks down and she gives a soft smile. "Thank you sir," she says, looking back up at Bruce Wayne and looking more than a little touched. "That means a lot. I want to be part of Jason's life. And having his family want me there? Well, that means everything to me, it really does," she says quietly. "I haven't told Jason, but I'm hoping my mother will come into town next month. She leaves back in Deerfield. Hoping he can meet her then. My father, I lost awhile back," she says.

Batman has posed:
     "I just don't want to see someone else get hurt in Gotham," every lie is built upon a truth. While he can talk off why Jason is skilled. Why he became skilled, that's not a lie. Not really. In the end he does want to prevent more Bruce Waynes in the world. A desire to see a more peaceful Gotham will always exist. The Japan comment draws an eyebrow from Bruce, "Where at?"

     A nod comes from Bruce when she gives thanks. "Yes. You would be welcomed in the family home." Then that comment comes out, "I know how that feels. Cherish the good times, don't lose those," he adds with a bit of pain laced in his voice. This is where the lie ends, quickly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod of understanding at Bruce's stated motivations. "I realize the vibe of the city is a lot different than New York, even. And, well New York can be New York as well," she says. "Anything that would help put everyone at peace of mind, including myself, I'd be happy to do," Kitty agrees. And she's curious to see what they teach her, always willing to incorporate new things into what she knows.

"A few places, Tokyo. Madripoor," Kitty says. "One of my good friends traveled there a bit more extensively than I."

Kitty is a fairly empathic person it seems, noticing the pained tone. "Yes. That's a lesson I've learned as well," Kitty says, nodding quickly. She looks down at her water glass, softly tracing the rim of it. "Jason's a really good guy. You did a nice job, if he's been through the kind of rough things it sounds like. Coming out the other side of that? I know it isn't easy. It takes people that care about you to do that."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce, "It's just something to consider," Bruce wonders what kind of friend Kitty keeps. But that question is kept close to the chest. A nod comes from Bruce as they're both members of a club he wished they weren't. "I tried my best. I really did," Bruce says with some regret. When it comes to Jason there is always going to be a question of doing something more. Whether it's training less, training more, pushing Jason mentally, he's always going to eat at him.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches across the table to briefly touch Bruce's arm near the elbow. "I'm sure it made a difference," Kitty says as she pulls her hand back right away, smiling over across the table to him. "And Damian seems like a fine young man. I was really glad to get to meet him. Is your other son around Gotham as well? Jason hasn't told me nearly as much about him," Kitty asks.

She leans back in her chair, sipping her water, and feeling much more at ease with Bruce than when he first arrived. Boyfriend's father, and everything that entails to the Jewish girl.

Batman has posed:
     Kitty inadvertently drives the knife deeper. Damian. The hidden son. "He is a fine young man, but he spent a lot of time away from people. He's working on his social skills," then Bruce nods. "Both are. I haven't seen my oldest, but I will be looking for him very soon. My other son is busy with school. I'm proud," a soft smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "I won't gush too much, you should meet them with the time is right." Leaning back, Bruce looks at her, "Don't be afraid to ask for monetary help if it's needed. I won't give it out constantly, but don't be afraid to ask."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde misses it if there was any pain caused, just smiling pleasantly as she enjoys listening to a father talk about his sons. "I'm looking forward to it," Kitty says at the mention of meeting them. The other comment brings a bit of a reluctant look from Kitty. "Sir, I have to admit, the car service has been a godsend. I can't expect Jason to be the one to make the trip all the time. And without it I wouldn't be able to make the trip to see him half as much. But, that's already more than I'd want to ask of you. The offer is greatly appreciated though," she tells him with a grateful smile.

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce, "You can ask for more. I like you. I won't pay for weekly flights, but if I can make the realtionship easier on both of you somehow, ask." Bruce is just being honest. He likes to see these two together. Jason has a foundation in his life that Bruce doesn't have. Knowing this makes Bruce happy. Somewhere deep down, Jason is pulling his way up in ways Bruce had yet to. Honestly, Alfred thought Bruce never would, but the butler could dream of Bruce finding a similar foundation. Bruce is unsure if he wants that foundation, or not. It seems...complicated.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a reluctant nod of her head. "If there's something small that would make a big difference," she says, nodding, "We'll consider bringing it up. But you're already doing quite a bit, Mr. Wayne," Kitty tells him with a soft smile. "I think our pace of seeing each other is just about right. A couple two or three days apart to miss each other makes the time together seem even more special," she says. "And, it makes sure we don't immerse ourselves in each other so much that we don't have lives. I can see the temptation if I was living in Gotham," she says with a soft chuckle at the thought.

Batman has posed:
     "Well, you want a car. I'll get you one with good mileage," Bruce thinks on it for a moment. He thinks on it a little bit more. "Each relationship is different. You have to pick what works for you," Bruce gives a sage like nod. Alfred would insist Bruce is not the man for relationship advice, but he may relent that this tip isn't so bad.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, I'm only here for the semester right now, and then I'll be back in England," Kitty says, not seeming to think the car would be worth it for that amount of time. She lets out a sigh and leans back in her chair. "We haven't even talked about what happens then," she says with a small frown. "I really... don't think I want to go be away from him for that long," Kitty says, eyes down on the table. "Maybe I'll look into some programs around the area while I'm back," she says, thinking it through in front of Bruce. "There are plenty of great schools."

Batman has posed:
     "Then maybe I will help with the airline front," he says with some amusement in his voice. Bruce is willing to say the least. "Yes, there is. However, your boyfriend has some advantages. I'll see this works if I can help," Bruce gets a text message. Looking at his phone, "As much as I want to continue our talk, I do need to head to New York. I can give you a ride back home. My Van Dyne's are ready, and I need them for later tonight."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod at the mention that Bruce needs to finish up breakfast. "I... I really don't think I want to be that far away from him," Kitty says at the thought of trans-Atlantic flights. "Well, we'll work it out," she says, nodding. Kitty sets down her napkin on her plate. "Thank you, if isn't an inconvenience. I can take an Uber if it were," she tells him. Though giving her a ride home will let him see the school firsthand for himself.

Batman has posed:
     "We'll take my car, you'll get there faster anyway," Bruce smiles and she can tell this isn't a debate. A Dad is going to try and help out the girlfriend. He's trying ot make Kitty feel welcomed into the family.