6665/Learning About the Foot

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Learning About the Foot
Date of Scene: 26 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Spoiler

Batman has posed:
     Batman gets on the com, "Spoiler. Report," and he gives her the location to meet. Right now, Bruce is leaning on one of the shop roofs. One that is a lot more decorative with the traditional eastern trials. The chances of these businesses connecting to an apartment is significantly lower. When she arrives, Batman gives her a look, and a nod. "What do you know of the Foot Clan?" he asks in a low voice, letting Spoiler explain anything she might know. Batman is trying to just clue people in on the situation growing in Gotham.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler responds, "Not much to report but on my way. Be there in five minutes."

And in just over four Spoiler makes it to the rooftop and she approaches his lurking spot. A nod. "Not much but, at first glance, I'd say that's a pretty silly name for any clan..." A shrug is offered to accompany her light hearted tone. "Not sure my patrols have intersected any of their activities as far as I'm aware. May I ask why?"

Batman has posed:
     "I don't disagree," Batman says in the typical hard, and emotionless, tone. "They're a growing criminal organization. Right now, they're trying to supress new gangs from forming. They've tried to make a play against one of the Maroni family members. A high ranking one." Waiting a moment, he lets Spoiler take that information in.

     "The clan has a high ranking member that reminds me of a younger Talia. She's probably similarly skilled. Everything about what I've seen in photographs tell me that much," he admits. That alone makes him wonder about the organization's training. Even the low ranking members may be somewhat competant.

     "Beneath her are two mutants, one of a rhino, and the other of a warthog. Killer Croc may be associated with the organization. I don't believe what I've heard, but it wouldn't surprise me," he is just adding some of his thoughts to the manner. A look is given to Spoiler as he is judging every reaction she has to the news.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler listens and nods. "Growing is a bad thing obviously. In this case anyway. A.. younger Talia? Huh." She thinks that over. "Does that mean this one is good with pointy ended swords too?" If her mask had a mouth, it would be grinning wryly. "And does this high ranking member have a name that's been learned, yet?" Then she tilts her head."Wait. Now this is a joke, right? You're pranking me because I'd never expect it from you, aren't you? A mutant rhino AND a warthog? one I'd have believed. but two? IIIII'mmm gonna have a hard time believing that. But I'd believe Croc was in something strange like this. Rhinos and warthogs and crocs oh my!"

Batman has posed:
     Batman is still, but he answers the first question. "She's good with anything, not just pointy swords." Then he pauses, "Was that a joke?" he asks. "Karai," Batman responds to the question about a name. Then the laughing comes.

     "At first I thought it was a joke, too. Red Hood provided intel complete with pictures, and first hand knowledge. If he hand't, I would be equally skeptical," he says veryfirmly. A look is given to her as he is waiting to see how she takes the validity of that information.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler hmm.. "Karai. It isn't a name I've heard before this. But I'll keep an ear out from now on for sure" she says with a nod. Then a shrug, "If you told me the sky was really brown? I'd believe you. I might be confused how you determinded it. But you've never been wrong about facts that I've ever seen so.. real they are. I bet they're all kinds of fun at costume parties."

Batman has posed:
     Batman watches Spoiler, and he gives her a nod about the sky. "I want to stop their party," the harshness in his words, Batman is clearly annoyed with this gang. "They're too connected for my liking." And that's the scary thing about the situatio to him. Everything about this aggressive organization is almost impressive. They're building at a high rate, and nullifying competition on par with their own. In time they could just take over that organization, and strengthen their own.

     "What intel do you have for me? And I need to know more about people you're more aware of," he says just showing Spoiler that sometimes it's Batman needing information from other sources. She is one of those sources today.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods, "I haven't been active in any investigations lately. I'm second string so I'm just batting cleanup. Patrolling the streets for the petty crooks and purse snatchers. Haven't had any further action after that failed Yakuza robbery at the mall. It seems like they went out on a wild hare without any blessing from their bosses."

Batman has posed:
     "No. Second string is not clean up, and you're second string," Batman says very firmly. He's showing her the regard she is held in to him. "What can you tell me about Ayla Braun, June Connor, Nightwing's friends, and Starfire," Batman runs off a string of names. Some are connected, but none of the names are interconnected very heavily. They're all people he is looking into. Any intelligence on all of these parties is appreciated.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler shrugs, "Take you at your word" is all she says on that. "Don't know anyone named Ayla Braun.. Starfire.. is an alien princess. She's a member of the Titans, isn't she? And she's also a model? She's all over magazine covers regularly. Though I'm sure a lot of guys wish she'd pick magazines other than fashion.. " she says with a smirk. "June? I haven't met her but I've had a few conversations with Bar... Batgirl about her. She's part of the Birds of Prey group Batgirl and Oracle are running. I'm on the roster but haven't met more than .. well. Kestrel, Batwoman, and Batgirl. so.. no real opinions on the rest of the group really."

Batman has posed:
     Thinking on it, "You view yourself low. Whenever Red Hood has an issue with the foot, I want you to report. Act like his right hand in this situation. If I'm not there, then you're my eyes and ears, too," Batman looks at Spoiler just judging her. Seeing how she will react to this. If she wants a chance to prove herself, Batman just laid down the gauntlet.

     "I don't care about Fashion Magazines like that. And I'm not her type," Batman is not the biggest fan of Starfire right now. So, he is happy to admit that Starfire going into Risque Magazines are not something he wants. While he won't stop her transition, he's just not clammoring for it like so many others. "And tell me more about June the next time you find her," he speaks softly. Again, he's giving her more assignments.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler shrugs. "this isn't a therapy session." Her tone is firm that she doesn't care what he thinks this time. "I don't run with Red Hood. Other than that break up of the Big Belly Burger robbery and an after-bust meal of burgers watching the city from a skyscraper, I haven't seen him again. If anything.. I was more Batwoman's understudy. But my day job seems to have dried up and my night job with her too. So I'm pretty much back to square one, then move ahead ten spaces because... better armor and equipment. But still flying solo."

Batman has posed:
     "I'm telling you to seek him out. Work with him. You want to be seen more as this string you're on," Batman gives her a nod. He is trying to nudge the young woman to sieze the opportunity. Then he leans down more, "Why do you doubt yourself?" his gaze is firm despite being covered by lenses. Spoiler could probably feel it.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler rolls her eyes, "You're not my dad. Which is a good thing considering, probably." She doesn't talk about the doubt topic. "I'll look for him" she says with a nod, to steer back to a different topic.

Batman has posed:
     Batman is quiet for a long while. He knows her history, and gives it a moment. "I am trying to help. You don't see your potential. You always destroy it. I am trying to build you up. If you weren't good, Batgirl wouldn't have you on her team. I wouldn't be trying to get you to show off more. Prove yourself to the others, make them see how good you are," Batman is firm with his words, but the tone eases up. Like, he's honestly trying to help somehow. A hand goes to her shoulder to provide some form of positive enforcement via touch.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks up at him. "If they don't see how good I am on my own, trying to force it on them isn't going to work either." She looks up at him but doesn't resist the touch to her shoulder. "You're not the only one with some Psychology. Even if I'm only in 201.." she smirks. "They're either going to respect me or they're not. But I don't need their permission to do this. It's my life. I'm taking it back from what my dad did to it on my own terms. Am I too stubborn to ask for help? yeah. probably." She turns to look away. "but I'm still the outsider. You may say I'm good. But really. truthfully. Did you ever actually believe I'd still be doing this four years after I first started out to stop my dad? My money is on no. That you were betting on me giving up inside three months." She turns to him with a smile. "So how far off am I?"

Batman has posed:
     "One of the Robin's tried stealing from me. Another has issues with violence. An argument could be made for a second Robin with violent issues," Batman looks to Spoiler and he moves so they're not quite invading each other's personal space, but he is looking directly at her in a close proximity. "I thought you would have quit after your father was stopped. Then you kept going. The second you kept going, was when I knew. I knew you were good. I knew you weren't going to give up. You earned my respect in that moment," then he leans down close to look at her eye to eye. "Don't call me your father again. However angry you get with me, I'm trying to help you. He didn't. You know better, and don't question how I see you. If I didn't think you were worth any effort, had any skill, or worth my time, we wouldn't be talking alone. Privately. How often do you hear of me doing that with others? Think Spoiler," he does try to move away if she'll allow it.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler listens and nods. "Well then you're not nearly as cynical and ill tempered as you want everyone to believe" she says with a laugh. "Thanks. For giving me a chance. As for the others? honestly? Anyone who works with you, I'd expect to have been evaluated before you let them. So that's me thinking it through." She then smirks. "Don't flatter yourself too much. I said you werne't my dad. My father is an idiot and an inept criminal. I may not like him but he's my father. My dad? He's not. Not really. And I'm not going to start looking at you like a father figure. That would just be.. creepy." She shudders. "Anyway. Yeah. Thank you for the vote of confidence. I don't doubt myself. But I'm used to being the outsider, always looking in on the fun. I just see myself that way in this too. I consider myself a pragmatist, not a cynic." She glances out at the night sky.

Batman has posed:
     "You're an outsider because you make yourself that way. You said it yourself, 'you refuse to ask for help.' I even challenged you to let the world see you, and you refuse. You might like being the outsider. It keeps you safe, whether it's by keeping people out, or not letting them see you," Batman poses to her. Just showing her that she may have taken psychology 201, but it's still miles behind him.

     "I never ask anyone to look at me as a father. I fall into the role they see me as," Batman is just being honest there. The Robins are his sons. Each side fell into the role naturally, so he gives everyone else a similar chance. How they see him, is on them.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler quips, "I'm also an Outsider. But you can blame Red Robin for that. He asked me to join." She nods. "you're right. And yet... if we look at it - whose page did I copy? Anyone around this city we know who doesn't let people get close?" her tone is playful. "anyway. I'm not against working with anyone. Or I wouldn't be helping the Birds when they ask, or the Outsiders. I wouldn't have shown up here." She pauses. "Good talk. Thanks." She then ticks off on armored fingers, "Foot Clan. Karai. Red Hood. Ayla Braun - is that with a 'w' or a 'u', anyway? June. And Starfire." She looks up at him. "Miss anything?'

Batman has posed:
     Batman shakes his head once. "Even Batman doesn't keep people away entirely, remember that." This is a realityt hat is hard for him to swallow, but he can't deny it either. As the Bat-Family expands, it's harder to deny that. Then he starts to stand looking out toward the city knowing she is probably going to leave in a moment since there is a checklist.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler laughs. "Careful. You'll lose your terrifying mystique if that gets out." She stands there, waiting for him to affirm or deny the the checklist. Whether she leaves probably dependson if there was anything further The Batman had for her.

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes to her from the checklist, "Most won't believe you," he says in a tone that's the typical neutral one. There may be a small hint of playfulness.

R      "If I'm not a father, how do you see me?" Batman asks. He is unsure what response this will cause. However, people typically see him as some form of family. Wondering whether Spoiler keeps him at a distance too, he does ask that particular question.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks at him and nods to the first part. "You're probably right.." Then she just -looks- at him.

A few beats of silence are interupted by a genuine laugh. She shakes her head, "Batman, I can't see you as a father, no. As for how *I* see you?" She takes a breath, "If you were a recipe - you'd be two parts Sherlock Holmes, one part James Bond, another part Jekyl and Hyde, one part Grumpy Old Man telling everyone to 'get off his lawn!', and a dash of Bella Lagosi's super creepy Dracula that always makes your mouth go dry just thinking about having to face him.." She gestures idly with her right hand, "take all that and throw it in a blender till smooth, pour into individual milkshake glass and serve chilled." She shrugs some. "Thank Psyche 175 for that analysis."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Batman. "I didn't say you saw me as that. So many -do- see me as one," then he looks at her. "Grumpy old man?" he asks and looks to her for a moment. "First Hood. Now you." Batman's eyes narrow under the lenses. Deep down he wonders if there is an old man vibe around him.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler grins behind her mask. "Maybe I should hang out with him more often if he sees you that way too. I mean, face it, you're not exactly Warm Fuzzy Sunshine. Grumby. gruff. maybe not all the time. But... yeah." She shrugs. "Anyway. I'm pretty sure you didn't ask me here to hear how scary you are even to those of us on the right side of you."

Batman has posed:
     Batman is still for a moment. Part of him wants to question more, but he gives a simple nod. "Dimissed, ingrate" he peers down at the city more. She could tell that is a little annoyed about this apparent old man vibe. It's something for him to tackle later on.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler snorts. "Ingrate?" She watches him turn away to the city and dares to reach out and poke him in the ribs just behind his right arm. Not hard. 'Cause Batman. But enough she's still pretty close to crazy to have attempted it to begin with.

Batman has posed:
     Suddenly, Batman pivots on a leg, so any attempt is an outright miss. She's extended and totally open. "Not fast enough," he narrows his eyes at her then turns back again. He's going to let her do what is necessary to recover any modesty. Sometimes people hate getting caught.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler smirks. "If I had a nickle for every time I've heard that one..." She is admittedly impressed with how quick he is. But she isn't foolish enough to try it again. "Good talk." And with that she drops off the edge of the rooftop to return to her patrols for the remainder of the night.