6635/Coffee and a Masque

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Coffee and a Masque
Date of Scene: 23 February 2019
Location: Coffee Shop, Mercutio's - Gotham
Synopsis: Selina Kyle meets with Bruce Wayne at a coffee shop to ask him for something. It leads to some playfulness, but the line blurs between that and something more serious.
Cast of Characters: Batman, Catwoman

Batman has posed:
     Bruce is waiting on Selina. She knows where to go, as they agreed upon when. The location is a place Bruce favors. There is a lot of chaos going on with Manor as he returned recently. People are still adjusting to changes. It's just easier to go elsewhere.

     Sitting in a simple blue suit with a dark grey shirt, no tie. He's reading a newspaper to hide himself a little bit. There are a few stares, but people are dismissing it. The owners know better, and keep that knowledge to themselves.

     Ocassionally, his hand reaches out to snag his coffee for a simple sip. The coffee with two sugars, and a splash of vanilla flavored creamer hits the spot. Sometimes it is the simple offerings that are best.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle is late. Not fashionably so, just by a few minutes, but the sound of a motorcycle engine outside comes up before it idles briefly, then is silenced. Should he see it at any point, it's a speedy sport bike, the sort with an engine that purrs. It's just the kind of ride for someone who likes the thrill of unbridled speed.

Soon, the front door opens and she steps in, wearing all black in the form of a motorcycle jacket, jeans, low-cut boots, and a helmet she's just now removing to run a hand through short-cut black hair. There's minimal makeup worn, if any, not a good fit with a motorcycle helmet in the first place, but a little red is worn around her lips.

Tucking the helmet in against her side, she walks casually over to the table she knew he'd be at, taking a comfortable seat opposite him as she sets the helmet down next to her. No purse visible, so her belongings must be in a jacket pocket, which she unzips to show - what else - an all-black shirt.

"Bruce, darling. You're looking healthy," she greets with a smile.

Batman has posed:
     "And here I thought you didn't know how to dress down," Bruce says softly knowing that his dressed down is probably most people's definition of wearing their finest. His blue eyes watching her as he watches her come to him. Flashing a smile, "Selina. Time has been kind to you. It hasn't been long, but you look years younger. You should tell me your secret," he says getting up, and pulling out a chair for her.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle finishes by shifting her position slightly, having taken the seat he was gentlemanly enough to get up to offer. She removes a pair of gloves as well, and that seems to be the last of her settling in. "I don't go out shopping in ball gowns. That would be illogical and silly," she points out, green eyes studying him the same way his blues do her. "If I told you I found the Fountain of Youth, would you believe me? No, some secrets must be kept, otherwise we'd end up having none left at some point."

She pauses for a sniff of the aromas closest to them, most of it coffee-related. "Something does smell good in here. You're not so bad, yourself. I trust you've been keeping yourself busy with the usual responsibilities of running a multi-billion dollar company?" When one of the proprietors of the shop seeks her order, she opts for a mocha with double chocolate, and a couple pastries they're known for.

Batman has posed:
     "Van Dyne makes plenty of outfits that make it easy to go around the town, but people will be stunned staring at you as if you were wearing a ball gown." Bruce smiles at her. Then he sips at his drink again." Shaking his head, "I just work out a lot to deal with tension. It helps," he gives a smile.

     "Yes, and what has kept you busy and out of trouble?" he asks knowing that Selina has a good reputation. There are rumors about her being a bit of a daredevil, but that is so very refreshing. Often those in the socialite circles would get a thrill over killing a large animal, doing their best Scrooge McDuck impression, pushing for some insane theory they don't understand, or something between any of those. A daredevil is original, and someone that has at least some sense of true adventure.

Catwoman has posed:
Some of Selina's past has been questionable, and she's worked to keep it from being too well-known. Still, some might have figured out she doesn't make the typical socialite, given her upbringing and time on the street some years ago. Others see it as inspirational, that someone can come from that, in a place like Gotham City, and still climb to the top - seemingly on her own, no less.

"Funny you should mention her. I met her just recently at a thing in New York City. She's working on something for me, as it happens," Selina smiles brightly in return, unintimidated by sitting across from /the/ Bruce Wayne, Gotham's Most Eligible Bachelor among many other things. "Keeping fit is important. Nobody's going to chase after you with a beer belly."

Once her drink is off being made, she leans a couple inches closer, as if to share a story. "I was looking to see if I could help you part with some of your money again. I came up with the idea of a masquerade ball to benefit a big cat rescue I learned about. I've visited them, they seem legit, and I like what they're trying to do with making wide open spaces for the tigers and lions and panthers and so on to live in. They want to buy some more land and add to their footprint. I thought some of Gotham's elite could pitch in and you know I love a good ball."

Batman has posed:
     "Yes they would. Lottery winners get chased after all the time, regardless of looks. It would be similar," Bruce sighs a little bit. He does hate that abouthis own image. Too manyq uestions of authenticity with people. A look is given to Selina as she gives him the pitch. "Seems legit?" Bruce asks trying not to sound too cautious. He's not saying "No," but she might need to sell him on the idea just a little more.

Catwoman has posed:
"Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I forget how fickle people are when money's involved," Selina replies. With her, she seems sincere and up front with him, but at times there may be an underlying question of just how much she's letting him in on when it comes to her personality and her own life. If nothing else, she's a good actor. "You could be bed-ridden and paralyzed, and you'd still have people beating down your door looking for your affection."

With the question of the place being legit, she explains, "I'll put it this way: they're not some roadside attraction keeping these beautiful animals in tiny cages, charging people five bucks for a look. They've got acres of land to stretch their legs on, to run around and play in, and they feed them well. These cats can never go back into the wild. Most of them never even knew life beyond a cramped cage. How could I not want to support that?"

If letting that hang there isn't enough, the Gothamite adds, "Are you saying you don't want to see me in a fancy dress and a mask?"

Batman has posed:
     "It's not the parting part, I would happily part with it. There's an advertising campaign about guarantees versus half-measures. You want someone that's the best, not 'okay ish.' The seems part of your statement makes me weary. How would you gaurantee my money goes to these animals? I want to donate to the animals, not poachers or similar," Bruce says looking to her for a moment. Then he leans back in his chair, "Would you trust them with your own money, a considerable amount? Would you work with them?" he asks. Then her last question comes out, and he gives a laugh with a smile. "What person wouldn't? I just want to be sure, that I help the cats."

Catwoman has posed:
"They've agreed to let me see their financials if I'm going to be giving them all this money. I'll let you see them, too," Selina offers. "Better yet, we could make a day of it and you could see the place with your own eyes and ask your own questions. I'm sure they'd be honored to have Bruce Wayne visit. They're out in Wyoming."

She reaches into a pocket to pull out her cell phone, pulling up a webpage before turning it around to show him the screen. "Look. Every animal they rescue, they talk about what the situation was before that, and they have links to news about the animals being pulled out of the hells they were being kept in. A lot of them have to be rehabilitated before they can even be allowed to interact with other big cats. Look over their site later if you need to."

She finishes by adding, "I'm giving them $10,000 of my own aside from whatever we might raise. We could do a charity auction, too, have the guy who created the place come up and say a few words about what they do, all that."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce nods, "I would say after our inspection, we should give the story to April O'Neil. It's a underhand pitch of a story, but it'll be easy money." A look is given to her, "How will the company get along without me on this trip? How will I get along without my company?" he asks those questions with overly dramatic tones. A grin touches his lips for a moment as he looks to the woman across from him before finishing off his coffee.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle's mocha and food are brought over, and she reaches to take the hand of one of the owners with both of hers as she thanks him for it. Glancing at her mug, she grins and shows Bruce the drink. "Look, he made a cat in the cream. He must have heard me talking about them." This seems to brighten her mood.

"April O'Neil? The reporter? Why not someone like Lois Lane? Or is O'Neil more popular?" She's not against some publicity to drum up more money, though. A free story can only help. She then squints. "Oh, I'm sure if you took a flight out there for a day or two, you'd come back to find Wayne Enterprises in ruins," she retorts with heavy sarcasm laid on thick. "I know, I know. It's in Wyoming, but when you see this place you'll know why it'd never work in this area. There just isn't enough room."

Batman has posed:
     "I presumed Lois would be on sight, but maybe another reporter will get more people." Bruce says softly. Chuckling at her amusement, "Why cats?" he manages to ask. "Well, yes, everything turns to ruin when I'm not there," he grins and just saysit seriously. Then he looks to her nodding, "At least it's not Delaware," he admits with some of his own amusement dancing across his words, and a brief smirk.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle mms. "She could be. I'll be finalizing my plans soon and I'll be sure to let the right people know." She gives the mocha a little time to cool before bringing the mug to her lips. Not quite ready yet, so she snacks on a pastry in the meantime and dips it into the drink, ruining the cat shape there.

"Why cats? They're majestic, beautiful, sleek, independent..but sometimes they still need a helping hand, it's true. Dogs always need your affection, but cats give it by choice. You'll know if a cat likes you or not," she tells him. "Why? What do you think of cats?"

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Bruce for a moment. Then he leans back listening to the answer. "Dogs can be good. So can cats," Bruce says softly. "I do like both. I don't own a cat because the poor thing could be lost in my home for days, but if one of my wards were to ask, I would happily find a good shelter cat in need of a home," he says and the words come out with earnestness. "The thing would be a little spoiled, unfortunately," he has to concede that point.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle blows at the top of the mug, then she tries a sip. Still a little too warm, but closer to tolerable. "Cats deserve to be spoiled," she notes, before going back to the main topic at hand. "Would you do a mask for this thing, or make sure everyone knew who you were? I'm having something made, but it's not going to hide a whole lot."

Batman has posed:
     "A little spoiled even by spoiled cat standards," Bruce actually thinkgs about that one. "I have an idea or two. People will know it's me," Bruce says and that's something he is firm with. "This isn't a 'Eyes Wide Shut' party, so there is no need to conceal myself," he pauses and looks at her. "Not that I've done this. I've heard of stories, but I have no interest. Those are a little goche in my view," he admits and hopes that covers it a little bit.

Catwoman has posed:
"Don't tell me. I want to see how good my observational skills are. But, once you see my mask, I think you'll love it," Selina practically purrs. "I enjoy the chance to get all dressed up and be the center of attention, and it's for a good cause. As long as none of those lowlife criminals come in to ruin it, of course."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from him. "I bet it will be cat related, possibly made out of leather," a nod goes to her attire. A look is given to her, "Well, this is your party. Let the spotlight shine down on you, Miss Kyle," he gives a smile to her. "Well. Who would be daring enough to wrong some of the guests in that room? Despite what we may think of people in that circle, they have long memories, and large amounts of resources. The targets may be Whales, but people forget Moby Dick was a whale, too. How long did he avoid the Captain?" he asks more rhetorically than anything else. "I want to see how the outfit works. Some people plan the entire outfit to match. Others just plan each part separately, and hope for the best. I want to see which you are."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle plays it close to the vest, or in this case, jacket. The mocha is finally to her satisfaction temperature-wise, so she takes a big sip of it and savors the taste. "Perfect," she says, dragging out the first syllable. "Parties should be safe spaces for people, away from the darker side of Gotham City. It's a chance to shine a light on something good. But, this won't work without your support, so if you want to see that..." She leaves him to draw his own conclusions, a leading little grin in place with a bit of cream at her upper lip, dabbed at with her tongue.

Batman has posed:
     "Seduction gets you nowhere, Miss Kyle. I have many try, but were I weaker man, I would be moved," Bruce grins. Then he starts to stand for a refill. Deep down, he knows Selina doesn't do that for just anyone. IT does make him want to see it again, but Bruce rationalizes it as a desire to see his money fund the project. Waiting at the counter, he orders the refill. A look is given to her, "Well, that means you need me in a way that you don't need others," he says looking at her. A slight smirk is on his face as he looks to see how the drink is coming.

Catwoman has posed:
"Are you saying I need to try harder?" Selina asks, raising a brow as she studies the man with a look of scrutiny. "Do I need to crack that tough outer shell to find the softer man within?" She's laying it on a little thick, but she's found herself attracted enough to him in the past that they've struck up a friendship that goes a little beyond just being two people seen in the same circles. The money is the cherry on top. While he's at the counter, she shakes her head at what he has to say. "That's where you're wrong. I don't need you in a way I don't need others. I want you in a way I don't want others."

Batman has posed:
     "Which is better?" Bruce says softly. With his drink in hand, he returns to the table. "Some people want a steak some nights. Other people -need- a steak other nights. That means need trumps want. So, you're putting me on a lower pedastel?" Bruce raises a brow, "And here I see I'm not special," he chuckles a little as hekeeps up with hispoint. Taking the first drink, he nods at it, despite the heat, it meets his tasting standards.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle answers, "Steak is a luxury. You might take it for granted, but I know what it's like to need something you can't have. Wanting something usually means you have the ability to get it." She savors more of her own drink, close to finishing it off, adding, "Wanting something is more of a choice. Needing something is not. Would you rather be wanted, or needed?"

Batman has posed:
     "Depends, is it your meaning or mine?" Bruce chuckles as he is listening to her. He enjoys the game that they're both hinting at what is truly desired. However, each word can mean the exact same thing, and the opposite, all depending on the perspective.

Catwoman has posed:
Whatever the game is, neither of them appear to be budging on their definitions or interpretations of the concept of want vs. need. "Does it matter, really?" Selina asks, sounding like she's only open to carrying on the verbal repartee for so long. "Look, Bruce. You seem like a good man with his heart in the right place. You don't see that a whole lot with people as rich as you, so try to remember that. Don't change. I do like the spotlight sometimes, but I didn't really come from anything. I like seeing you, but I'm not sure I'm in your league."

Batman has posed:
     "Selina. I planned on joining you in Wyoming, I just need you tot ell me when," Bruce says. This is not a yes, or no. The decision is meant to show he is serious about the considerations. That he is giving this an honest try. Blue eyes watch her for a moment.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle keeps her green eyes down on her drink, then her phone. "Hang on." She taps a few things on the screen then gives it a few moments to see if anything comes of it. "How impulsive are you feeling?" The reason she asks becomes clear in another moment. "We could get a private tour tomorrow."

Batman has posed:
     "Only if you give me more incentive, just because it's Wyoming," Bruce teases a littel bit. Then he looks to the woman and gives a challenging eyebrow raise. Oh, he is going to see how this woman ticks a little bit. Something about her is hard to ignore. She's very different, but not in a bad way.

Catwoman has posed:
"A private jet with you and me on it isn't enough for you?" Selina asks, raising a brow back at him in response. The reaction is less of a playful, teasing one, and more of a point-blank question. "And Wyoming has nice..plains. And rocks."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce gives a very stoic look, "The only place more boring than Wyoming is Kansas. Yes, I need more than that," he teases back in a similar tone. Blue eyes watch her, and he does smile a little bit. What Bruce doesn't realize is the line between genuine and act is starting to blur.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle appears to be running out of some patience, given the flat expression she shows. Has that line blurred so much that it's no longer obvious?

She reaches into her pocket and withdraws $20, setting it down on her empty plate. "Bruce, this isn't a boardroom presentation. I'm not trying to sell you on a new product or get you to buy a business. This is just a donation to a place that's special to me and I thought you'd like the idea of taking a spontaneous trip you'll be back from with more than enough time to prepare for whatever Monday morning meetings you have."

She does look a little annoyed now, rising to grab her motorcycle helmet. "Maybe I should go ask the Kanes or the Dumas." Two of Gotham's historical five families, mentioned. And, does she look a little hurt?

Batman has posed:
     Bruce sighs a little bit, "Forgive me. The reason why I said 'what man wouldn't want to see you in a dress' because you would be able to stop a room wearing anything. I would be hard pressed to deny this," he admits and shakes his head. "I'm leary of people. I'm the 'Prince of Gotham.' I know you're not the type to use me, you wouldn't put money down like that. You would try to sooth, but if I wasn't interest in being with you. I wouldn't be clearing my schedule to go to Wyoming," Bruce looks to her for a moment. Then he breathes out again, "I don't get out much. I can be playful to cut throuhg bullshit. You want me to go with you, you got it. Be honest with me, I'll be honest with you. Maybe playful. Maybe not. But always honest," Bruce says softly to her just laying it all out for her to see. "And by stopping the room, I'm including myself in that room. I can't speak to others. The stop wouldn't be brief."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle continues preparing to leave, regardless of what Bruce has to say. It may just be time for her to go. "I don't let too many people in close, either. Trusting people is not easy for me. I've been burned too many times before, but sometimes I just want to do something." While they have a budding friendship, it hasn't grown into anything beyond that. Not yet. Maybe they have more in common with the matter of trust than they realize.

"I just want you to see the place. If it's something you feel like contributing to whether it's for them, or me, or whatever, great. If not, that's the way it goes." She still sounds somewhat wounded when she adds, "I just didn't think you'd try to make me justify it this much. I'm going back to my place. We could fly out overnight if it works for you. Just let me know before it gets too late." They've swapped numbers before. Selina is, of course, very careful to ensure that number isn't connected to her alter ego in any way. She says nothing about her stopping rooms, or stopping Bruce. She doesn't have to say anything about that.

Batman has posed:
     Bruce stands up, and as she is trying to leave, he grabs her arm. The grip is firm, but not holding too tightly. Pulling her close, it's close enough they could hug or dance. "Selina. We've been friends. There's always been a pull. I wanted to be sure it was real," he admits softly as they are close, the words practically whispered. Blue eyes look into hers for a moment as he is waiting for a reaction. "It's the same pull that makes me know, my only dance at the party would be with you, bearing divine intervention."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle's eyes narrow ever so briefly at the grab of her arm. It's something possessive, something her alter ego might have lashed out against on instinct. Claws to the face, scratches down the side. Instead, she..waits. She tenses up, doesn't let it get close enough for more personal contact, but she waits. "And is it real?" she asks, bluntly. "Or am I chasing a fantasy? You can dance with whoever you want to. Do you /want/ to dance with me, or do you /need/ to dance with me?"

Batman has posed:
     "Both," Bruce says firmly letting her see thatit's both definitions, his and hers. Blue eyes look at her. "You're the only one worth dancing with, and that's why I want to. That's why I need to. You're worth the dance," he admits looking at her.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle slips free after that, tugging her motorcycle jacket back in place and drawing the zipper up. It's still cold out. That's a Gotham winter. "Then I'll save one for you, Bruce."

Turning her back on him so he can't see those green eyes, she fits the helmet back in place. "Three hours, and I'll meet you at the airport. Have your plane ready."