6633/Bubble and Squeak
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Bubble and Squeak | |
Date of Scene: | 23 February 2019 |
Location: | Flushing |
Synopsis: | All hail the hypno-toad? |
Cast of Characters: | Etrigan (Jason Blood), Zatanna Zatara, Morrigan MacIntyre, Doctor Strange, Traci 13, Raven
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
A quiet enough afternoon in Flushing, right on the weekend. Tourists and businessgoers alike travel here and there, for a variety of activities and events. An art gallery open. A bustling organic fruit cart market along a row of artisinally themed bakeries. In a couple of hours, people would start grabbing the train to head to the hockey game or out to the movies at one of the local theatres.
All of which is a little bit interrupted by the sudden arrival, at exactly 3:45, of a thirty foot high toad on the roof of the local Upright Citizens Brigade theatre. That's a hell of an improv.
Light shimmered in the air above it at first and then it plopped, with a jiggling intensity, right on top of the building, its green-grey mass quivering. But, since then, it had not moved, just sat, thoughtless and staring, drawing eyes and attention but making no move to be threatening.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There were a lot of things to do in New York. Visit this, visit that, go here, go there, eat this, eat that.. which is part of what Zatanna was doing this fine, and lovely day. Scouting out venues for an upcoming show, or just to admire architecture, Zatanna stopped to smell the roses that were right next to the hotdog cart that offered up unhealthy goodness for a small fee.
A Chicago style hotdog. Loaded with all the fixings and something extra hot that looked like a squashed piece of red bark but was a pepper. Hotdog man's special. And it was handed over, wrapped part way along with an ice cold fizzy bubbily that would burn the sinuses. Mmm!
Of course, she missed the shimmering lights, and yet.. when there's magic those senses go up. For her to turn around in that instance quick as a whip would allow her to spill the mustard. But no shannanigans were going to have her goodness on this day! But, turn she does (slow we might add), to glance up, up, all the way up towards the green.. grey.. massive.. toad.. ew..
One glance at her hotdog, and then to the toad, to the hotdog again and.. *CHOMP* Zatanna just starts eating.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was in need of something freshly baked and a cup of coffee. Because you can absolutely get those two things here in Flushing. There's just one problem. It's daylight and she hasn't had her meds. She's dressed in jeans, a crisp white dress shirt that fits loosely on her frame, over that is a long black coat and she's wearing a brown pair of boots. There's sunglasses to block whatever sunlight does manage to filter down from the heavens.
She's walking along and there's a sip of her coffee taken, her eyes catching sight of a huge toad. The makes her lower her coffee slowly and she looks to the cup, then sniffs it. Didn't smell like it had anything else in it. "Is that a toad up there?" she asks someone that's walking nearby. Probably sounding crazy.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
Out of the Sanctum for once, Stephen Strange has found is way out of the proper city and all the way to Flushing for some reason. The wizard had decided to let his feet do the walking and his eyes do the aiming and it just so happened he ended up quite far from his home in Greenwich. He wears his blue tunic with the spicey mustard colored sash keeping the shirt taught to his waist. From beneath is a pair of pressed older pants that have a fantastic crease down the front of both legs but they still look quite comfortable. The wizard also wears a pair of sensible shoes.
Stephen finds himself at a book store full of rich century old novels and signed copies of books that are being sold for way too much as well as an outstanding collection of sci-fi novels that the doctor used to read, before the crash. Now that he's able to live them, he finds many fictional books to be not as interesting as the reall thing.
With a copy of Dune in his hand and turned open to a random page Stephen turns to look up at the sudden appearance of an enormous toad, this gives the wizard pause and peaks his curiosity. Stephen closes the book and steps out onto the sidewalk and around to the front of the theatre.
- Traci 13 has posed:
Traci's in town to visit the art gallery. Though people might not think of it when guessing at Traci's interests, she is very much into surrealist art! In ways that others tend not to see, Traci finds a fascinating aspect of the arcane can be witnessed in an utterly unique fashion when surrealists give life to their demented concepts, drawing them from that which is ever whorling and swirling around in their fecund, creative mindscape.
Leroy, of course, is with her, though she's spun a bit of a light-glamour on him so that people's critical eyes slide over him without registering his presence. She is wrapped up in contemplation of a Brandi Milne piece () when the hairs on the back of her neck stand up -- her Fate Sense is telling her Something is Happening. She quietly makes her way outside and takes in the sight of the amphibian on top of a building. A huge amphibian. HUGE. "Hey, Leroy... Is that...?" she starts to ask. <<...a friend of mine? Hardy har har. No, you know I don't consort with amphibians. Disgusting,>> he replies, whipping her back with his tail in mild indignation. "Just thought I'd ask. Maybe, if you knew him, you'd know how to ask him to bugger off," she mutters, looking around with her magick-sight, seeking...any kind of helpful information that might add more to this puzzling picture.
- Raven has posed:
Raven has few ways to monitor the magical state of the world. None of those are strong enough to detect something just -arriving- on top of a building, much less does she have something to let her know of an incursion. All of the tools she is aware of are at the Sanctum- which she herself has not been to in quite a number of days.
As such, Raven is notified in the way a lot of people are- people hav eyes, and phones, and phones have their own eyes- which are now being used to record the frog's every nonhostile movement. There is a pause, as Rachel stops pouring herself a cup of coffee at the tower, and she offers a quiet sigh. "Yeah. That's my saturday. A frog."
There is a rush of temporary nothingness, and then, holding a rather mundane looking mug and standing on the street corner opposite the frog, Raven sips at her coffee, staring daggers at the frog for slights that it has not made against her.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Those with the senses to discern magick will notice a few things. There's a warping to the dimensional signature in the air above it, the remnant of an extradimensional portal that accounts for this thing. Threadlike filaments of magick connect it to the roof. With proper perspective (such as being on the roof itself), markings can be seen, chalked onto the slate, archaic magicks with a distinctly Egyptian flavor.
None of which is very comforting when the Great Toad suddenly starts to roil. Lights flash within its belly and the bloated throat of the beast. It's eyes throb and it lets out an enormous burp, smoke rising from the mouth of the thing as it shuffles fattened, oversized feet.
Seems it's having a bit of indigestion.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It didn't take long for the people around her to quietly, and quickly gather their things. Children were being packed up and dragged off, carts were soon abandoned and left behind, dog walkers and joggers all became runners for a grand prize in staying alive. It was almost uniform; and wonderful in a sense. There was no need for her to yell to get out and clear the area, and this allowed her to steal a few napkins from the cart to dab away at her lips.
"Alright then." She mutters to herself, that cool, slightly worn out Gotham behaviour kicking in as fingers were soon cracked and snapped. The only thing that gave her pause? The large burp that the toad emitted, her eyes going wide and nose immediately wrinkling, pretty much expecting a foul stench of magic to fill the perimeter. "Good lord that's terrible!"
"GROSS!" A man hollars as he runs away.
"I KNOW RIGHT?!" Zatanna calls at his back, then turns to keep marching.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks about and then back up to the giant amphibian, "Hope Mister Castle doesn't come around a corner guns ablazing." she mutters as she sips her coffee. She moves backwards, leaning against the building behind her so that she's got a more comfortable spot. She's most assuredly not climbing up there unless it starts getting sassy.
Then it burps and a laugh bubbles up from the woman, she raises her hand to cover her mouth quickly and try to go back to looking serious, "Wonder what it ate." she murmurs to herself. Gods that was gross.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
"Well, it's alive." Stephen says to himself as he blinks a few times and then wipes a tear from his eye with the sleeve of his tunic. Great day, good work feet. Stephen slowly begins to rise from the sidewalk he was walking along and moves to hover in front of the things large eyes. He is directly above the street and in front of the beast.
As he floats there, Stephen casts a second spell upon himself granting himself a basic universal translation spell he learned from his constant readings. So in 'toad' Stephen asks, "Do you have a prefered name?" Best to start with introductions.
- Raven has posed:
Sip. Sip. Quietly, Raven stares at the frog with unblinking eyes, practically daring it to make the first move- to justify her thoughts and idle misgivings about a giant amphibian that -shouldn't- be where it is, perhaps even simpler, that shouldn't -be.- Another sip, and then it haunches and begins to glow and, worse still, churn with something horrid within itself. The belch, of course, causes Raven's mood to visibly worsen, -somehow-, and she begins to approach what she is sure is a noxious, likely deadly, interdimensional frog that ate something that may not even be a -thing- conceivable in their dimension.
Raven stops walking towards it when Strange makes himself present, and begins to engage in diplomacy. Raven, for her part, sips from her coffee- and starts to scan the frog's emotions, to try and discern, currently, what it is feeling. Violent emotions take precedence, to a degree, but Raven will temporarily feel what it feels. That'll help her gauge what it's even here for.
- Traci 13 has posed:
Traci's eyes widen a bit as the lights flash inside the amphibian's belly and throat, her face a mask of slightly disgusted fascination as it belches, a large mouthful of smoke following behind it. "Wow. Now, that's what I call heartburn," she yuks passingly, focusing her attention on the warping above its body. She begins weaving an intricate spell of protection for herself, her fingers creating shapes that are impossible, at a speed that's improbable, as she keeps her eyes trained on the Great Toad. Wind begins to swirl around her, sweeping her hair up in it, as she begins rising into the air, flying in its direction to get closer, her protection spell still being crafted by her hands. As she gets nearer, she takes note of Doctor Strange doing his thing, and finds a slightly out-of-the-way spot to land on the roof, where she can watch and perhaps be of assistance without getting in the way. She listens quietly to hear what she can, if the toad replies.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
The toad stares at Strange, implacable and empty-eyed, then belches again rudely, another burst of smoke erupting from its mouth until the thing starts to wretch. It's a hacking, obscene undulation, throaty and loud, the sheer volume of the bellow from its monstrous throat cracking a few windows. It shakes its body as it spasms, opening wide and unleashing a massive gout of flame that barely misses Strange before depositing a lump of wet matter in front of it, covered with drool and...gunk.
That matter rises up slowly and shakes, revealing a cloaked form, yellow-skinned, with ears like a bat's wings and burning scarlet eyes. The Demon flicks its serpentine tongue against its fangs and regards the world, notably Strange and Traci immediately.
/Wizards always asking things of creatures great and small
Name yourself and give a care lest magick make ye fall
Apocalypse Toads have no names, they're dumb as dumb can be
Just a vessel for eating hellish creatures just like me
He's not yours, so step aside while I seek some death
The sorceror who sicced it on me deserves my Demon's breath.
No quarrel here, no need for war, just do the wiser thing.
Lest Etrigan rip all of your guts and bones to string
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna wasn't that far off, but once she sees a smaller figure rise up to approach the toad, she keeps that line of sight just right. Her eyes take to the skies then, scanning, darting from left and right, attempting to judge the size of the building and the weight of it all..
"Tel Em Raeh." She mutters aloud, the spell kicking off in a wide range of wind gusts to her ears, a horn honking in the distance, a sharp and piercing noice of a television providing feedback. Her eyes squint as she presses her fingers to her ears, attempting to focus.. and focus hard until the loud noise of the toad belching and barfing..
..just makes things worse! She gags, and is -so- glad she wasn't that close! She was also glad for the fact that by the time the belching and wretching was over.. and the demon itself is loose, she could ear the words from the floaty man and ..
"What in the ever loving.." And it rhymes. "..Why am I not surprised..."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's got a good idea, well...a bad one if anything sees her and wants to turn her into a snack. The Irish woman decides to take the fire escape to the roof of the building across the street. Much safer! She peers over the concrete ledge on the roof. Her eyes going to the demonic form that's risen from the belched up lump. "Interesting..." she murmurs to herself. Then she looks towards the others that are on the roof across from her. This is the most exciting part of Queens, you never know when large toads will be spitting demons out on rooftops!
- Raven has posed:
Staying out of toad-vomit range was absolutely number one on Raven's priority list. She was glad Strange had approached first, in that regard- it saved her from being anywhere near where it might lurch up a... Well, apparently a demon. It seems a little less immediately violent than most demons are, and so Raven focuses her attention elsewhere. She stretches out her soul-self, the visage of a Raven etched in shadow on the road- and then on the side of the building- as it seeks out the frog.
Engulfing it will take time- but the process is not painful, nor readily apparent. More, the shadow itself becomes an ever expanding pool of darkness below the frog, assuming it does not merely leap away from its rooftop perch now that its flaming meal has been hocked up. When it is large enough, the shadow will become inherently more akin to a portal- a hole in reality into which the frog can slip, and then be gone from this plane of existence.
Raven, though she remains where she stands, is trying to send it home.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen yelps as he has to put up a shield quickly to protect himself from the smoke and fire being errupted in his direction but still, it didn't seem like a direct attack to the wizard. Strange frowns as he dispells his spell, though he still floats in the air as he hovers closer towards the blob of black mass before it 'hatches' and starts to rhyme in his direction.
Stephen's black eyebrow rises up more and more and more as the self proclaimed demon continues his rant. "Rhyming aside, your name is Etrigan? Etrigan, really? You come to this place in this manner and demand you allow the denizens of this plan to allow you to rip them flesh from bone?" Stephen asks, his tone is almost amused as he slowly turns his stance while in the air and extends a lone hand before a semisphere of eldritch energy materializes off his finger tips and he holds it between himself and the demon. "To borrow from a deity, I say thee, nay."
- Traci 13 has posed:
Traci's protection spell fully in place, it'd take something pretty special to penetrate it, but she still steps backward instinctively as the Great Toad burps and upchucks its stomach's contents. She wrinkles her nose at the wad of demonflesh that splats on the ground at the Toad's feet. It takes her but a moment to recognize the demon as he stands and flings the gunk off of him, speaking in rhyme. She hears Strange respond with a question and she coughs loudly, "Ah... 'Scuse me, Doc, but I think he was sayin' he'd rip us up if we didn't let him deal with Mr. Toad," she clarifies. "Still, Etrigan, wouldn't it be better to do that where innocent bystanders won't get hurt? Let's send you two somewhere that's not here, huh?" she calls out.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Raven will find that the toad seems to seems to be planebound in some fashion, as it fell magicks lashed it to this particular world for this particular purpose. Tugging on those ties makes them more obvious to the eyes of the sorcerously skilled, a binding web of incantations that have been wound around the great creature to both enslave it and keep it focused on its primary purpose of devouring Etrigan.
Of course, it's not feeling very good at the moment, so it more gives an idle belch and a weak struggle as Etrigan turns to glare at it.
The source of the magicks is nearby and hidden. Perhaps someone might flush out our nefarious perpetrator?
As for Etrigan, he regards Strange with a wary eye. Etrigan's no fool, he knows Strange's reputation and the markings of power surrounding the others. This is a potent bunch, all in all.
"Some of you I know too well and some are strangers still
Devil's wicked tongue aside, I wish none of you ill
I hunt another hid nearby, his magicks linger near
No need to wet your wizard's robes with demon-tainted fear
Etrigan the Rhymer, yes, a Lord and Duke in Hell
Strange and Thirteen, Trigon's spawn, Zatarra's child as well
I'm not the threat you think I am, I'm not the one to oust
The fork-tongued fiend responsible, his name is Felix Faust."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It took a minute, due to her own magical affliction to even recognize what had happened. Etrigan was spat out. Hearing her name rang familiar bells that should be alarming but it wasn't just yet. "Ylf." She murmurs, drawing herself into the sky upon the surface of the wind, flying towards the toad but keeping a clear, clear distance away to avoid the vomit that may or may not spew in her direction.
"Felix Faust?" Zatanna calls out from that space, taking a glance towards Doctor Strange, her eyes seeking out others that were named in the area with a turn, and arms out that pretend to keep her balance. "Why would he do this?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan has no bloody clue what's going on with the people across the way, she can't make out anything. She's just watching the whole silent show unfold. But, she is on another roof and her head keeps popping up to check out things. Was there a sorceror hiding on her roof? She'd not be able to even pick it out. Because she was a newbie to all of this.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
"Then tell me what business draws you from your realm with this beast? Why have issue with this plane when your own will do?" Stephen asks though he is starting to feel like this is a waste of time. He should simply over power the magic that has invaded this area and return these two do to their battle from where they came.
"Where is this Felix Faust?" Strange demands as he turns his head to look at the approaching Zatanna and gives the magician a soft nod before he looks back to Etrigan and the toad. Then he sees it, and calls it out, "Can any of you sever the strands and free these creatures so that we might return them?" Stephen asks Zat as well as the other mages he knows are here.
- Traci 13 has posed:
Seeing the skeins of magick shifting and twanging as Raven attempts to open the portal back to the Toad's world, Traci traces the signs back to the young woman standing a way's away from the scene on the roof. Turning her attention back to Etrigan as he speaks, her ears prick at the name he mentions last. Felix Faust. She's familiar with the name. "Again, Etrigan, I'd like to keep this outta the city, if you don't mind. I can see that Faust's over there," she jerks a thumb in the direction of the magickal energy tied to the portal that was opened. "But, like, let's keep things contained. No civilians need to get hurt in the process, right?" she says, her mind zipping through the spells she has memorized, trying to select the best one for the scenario.
- Raven has posed:
Raven is an abnormally powerful teleporter- essentially an interdimensional nightmare in her own right. That the toad is bound to this plane in a way that she cannot effect is, inherently, troubling. Without a word, however, Raven shifts focus again. Retracting her soul-self back into her regular-self, Raven begins to scan the crowd- both with her eyes, and with her empathic abilities. Fear, anger- intent, in some ways. Not enough to pinpoint a name or a thought other than the kind that a wizard trying to escape, or to combat them, might have. There are specific emotions- and specific directions in which those emotions are being placed- that can give it away. She hopes, of course, to use it to pinpoint Faust from the crowd.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Etrigan gives a snarl, but, again, looks at the array of powers laid before him. Could he fight and win? Well, in his mind, probably, if not in truth. But is it worth it, when he can, instead, just turn them towards the real object of his ire in the first place?
"Bound I am to this world, though I love it not
Blame Merlin's spell and Jason Blood for my unfortunate lot
I see in truth you do not trust me, demon that I be
So I take another shape so thou might trust in me
Begone, Begone, O Etrigan
Take again the form of Man."
Magicks swirl around the Demon, catching in him in a momentary whirlwind as he sloughs off his yellow, scaly skin, breaking through them in a burst of hellfire to reveal the shape of Jason Blood, clad in an unlikely tweed suit and glaring in relatively poor temper.
Raven and Traci alike can trace those threadlings, emotional and magickal, back to the farmer's market below, from whence a cloaked and hooded figure suddenly darts and starts to run like holy hell for a way out, sandaled feet slapping on the ground. Felix Faust has and always will be a coward.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna shakes her head, grunting a little as the commotion picks up. She can't tell where Faust is, so her main point of focus is Etrigan. "He's fine." Zatanna says to Strange, not annoyed by the fact that Etrigan got spit out, but just annoyed by.. the timing. She was in the middle of enjoying her hotdog! In fact, her stomach was now turning and she felt it gurgle herself.
But once Traci picks out Faust, Zatanna raises her hands in a shrug. He's running, someone -may- as well go get him. Should it be her?
Zatanna was already turning once Jason casts away his 'other' skin, her nose wrinkling in the direction that Traci pointed, her chin lifting towards her in a 'hello' and 'what's up' sort of fashion. "We should probably go get him if we want to keep this contained." Cause, women NEVER cause any property value damage!
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan stands and slips her sunglasses off, her violet eyes just go wide when that demon turns into Jason Blood. It makes her brain hurt for just a moment. "Jason?" she states. But it's loud enough that it carries. Probably to where the man himself can hear it. That's a really neat trick and all...but she's just staring over there now.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen is left floating in the air and frowning as he looks down to watch a man run from a group of wizards and then he crosses his arms and leans back until he's in a reclined position, and far from that, he starts to float back down. He turns his attention back to Zatanna, "You, or the others can. I believe, this is out of my hands. It certainly is once the toad is taken care of, but the rhyming warlock seems to be focused on that so... I'm going to go back to shopping." Stephen says with a sigh before lowering fully away from the scene and ending up back on his two feet, no longer concerned as he probably should be.
- Raven has posed:
Raven pinpoints the source of the unsettling emotions and magickal disturbance, in the crowd- coming from the local farmer's market. Immediately, she begins sending out the shadowy form of her soul-self, clinging it to surfaces, and under structures. She doesn't pursue physically- instead closing her eyes and navigating by the feeling of the great black Raven that is her namesake.
It follows at speed- and a frightening one at that. Unbound by physics or laws on where it can go, it waits, until, she hopes, Faust attempts to duck into an alleway or look at the group of magicians- anything to take his attention off of where he is running for only a moment. If he does, that is when the shadow of a bird will swoop in under his sandaled feet, turning itself into a form of pit-trap so as to, well, teleport the sinister sorcerer.
Where, one might ask? Three feet to the right of Stephen and Jason... And twelve feet into the air. It's only a drop equivalent to the second story, and it is not at all on his head, so he should survive- but it also won't be pleasant.
- Traci 13 has posed:
Traci is of a similar mindset to Doctor Strange. There isn't much call for her with so many talented people about. However, instead of going back to shopping, she simply maintains her position and works to aid wherever she can, focused on keeping people from being harmed, keeping damage from being done. It's not glamorous, but it's responsible and that's p cool. She lets the other ladies do their thing to apprehend Felix, her eyes watching Jason Blood as he looks rather cross.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Jason Blood glances at Morrigan as the woman recognizes him and gives a rather weak handwave of greeting before focusing back on the situation at hand. He watches Raven scoop Faust up and bring him back. Frankly, he's relieved that Strange isn't taking more of a hand in the situation. Blood wasn't sure what would come of trying to cross swords with that particular sticky wicket, but it would be messy, regardless.
Raven deposits Faust right between Blood and Trci, now that Strange has made his exit. The man has a golden circlet holding a blue headdress in place and an Egyptian medallion on his neck.
"Jason, I swear to you, it was not personal, I didn't even know it was Etrigan they wanted, they just said a demon, I wouldn't have dreamed of crossing you, you have to know that..." the trickster mage blubbers, looking over at Traci, "You can see I'm telling the truth, can't you? Kind girl, sweet girl, pretty girl? Don't let him hurt me!"
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna starts to speak to Strange, stumbling in her words, attempting to form a 'wait' but he was already down. A turn back to Jason and she winces, yet right when she herself was about to float down to apprehend Faust, it was already done! Well, that was easy. But there was still a matter of the toad.
While magics were being performed, and begging was had, Zatanna was prety much going to wait it out. Waiting in the form of attempting to put things back together. "Hcus a ssem, ekam ti naelc, dnes ti raf, raf yawa morf ereh."
A portal opens over the heads of the few gathered in Arkham Asylum. It was lunch time for the various criminals housed there...
..until it was not.
A wave of vomit comes crashing down out of nowhere, leaving the putrid smell to stink the halls for days.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a wave back to Jason, a momentary look up to the sky and then back across to the scene over younder. She turns to go back to the fire escape and starts to climb down. She at least wasn't completely freaking out. It's just another day in New York. Or she was going to slowly build up to a freakout. She just climbs down calmly. Very calmly.
- Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange is unable to interfere further, as his oath prevents him from taking action in affairs unless outside forces are trying to act on the planet and it's people. He is here to keep the status quo to an extent, but he can not force evolution nor can he prevent it. So with those restrictions on his magics and his actions, Strange decided it was best to let what happens happen. With a sigh.
Back on the ground level, Strange walks down the sidewalk, passing Raven as she drops Faust on the ground from a floor up with a wince from the wizard. "That isn't good." Though he does move over to Faust, he still is a doctor and needs to make sure the man isn't injured.
- Etrigan (Jason Blood) has posed:
Faust seems to largely be in good physical health, even as he clings to Strange, Traci or anybody else he can for defense against Blood. Jason regards the creature warily, but waves a hand, "I wash my hands of him," he says. He'll pursue vengeance in his own time, without so many prying - and judgmental - eyes about.
He jumps down from the building himself, leaping easily and summoning a gust of wind to cushion his landing, his trenchcoat blowing up a bit around his legs as he lands in time to try and catch up with Morrigan, "I told you my life was complicated..." he calls out to her.