6509/Gun Talk

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Gun Talk
Date of Scene: 14 February 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Spoiler

Batman has posed:
     Batman is on the rooftops of Gotham, as usualy most nights. He's not moving much, a pair of binoculars in hand. Sometimes his lips move, like he's talking to soemeone, subtle movements of the lips. In reality he's making logs. Rumors about a gun running operation are starting to show up on the streets. Each time he talks, it's another time stamp. Another time where he thinks there is a pattern, he'll report it. Also, he gives partial and full plates to each vehicle. Their numbers would be run through a database later. IF necessary, Batman would talk to the others. Put suspects on everyone's radar.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler is patrolling tonight, herself. She's not looking for gun runners, just the lower end run of the mill purse snatchers, pick pockets or smash-and-grab sorts that like to lurk around small business and residential areas such as West Chelsea. Her bike is at a near idle as she coasts along between blocks, eyes alert for anything out of the ordinary - besides a costumed vigilante on a bike patrolling for anything out of the ordinary.

Batman has posed:
     Whether he sees the bike coming, or hears the engine, Batman chimes in on the headset. "Spoiler." Then he gives off where she can park and the building he's on. However, all of this is done without breaking his concentration.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler didn't expect to hear from anyone, least of all Batman. Just the same she responds. "Got it. Be there shortly."

Rolling into the alley, she parks her bike behind a row of dumpsters and proceeds to ascend the building with her grapple. Reaching the top, she makes her way toward the location Batman had given to her. She doesn't hesitate in walking up to stand a few feet to his right. She knows well enough that he knew where she was the whole way along. Looking out over the city, she comments aloud, "It's quiet. Too quiet."

Batman has posed:
     Batman keeps watching, before she even gets to him. Nothing changes even when she's close. "Spoiler." He says in a half-greeting. After her own reply, "There's a gunrunning operation rumored to be starting.If the rumors are true, it's growing. They have access to military grade hardware. They're not afraid using the docks." Right now, he's not saying what is going on currently. "You need to be aware. It might betrouble, and we're stillt rying to figure out how much has spilled on the streets."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler listens and nods. She might be one for a snappy comeback but not in the middle of a briefing she typically has not gotten from any one until recently when she's been taken seriously enough she was invited to join the Birds of Prey group's second tier. Or was it third tier? ((Dear Diary, remind me to sort how just how for down the totem pole I actually AM...))

She nods again to the intimidating figure, "I understand. If I happen to come across anyone or anything that seems related I'll make sure it gets to you."

Batman has posed:
     "Armor up to date?" Batman asks and he's still calling out times, that much is certain. Then an occasional license. Being close, Spoiler knows what he is doing. It's an easy jump to presume this is somehow connected. And yes, Batman is actually checking on her equipment. Maybe she's a little higher than second-tier?

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods. "Better than it was. Still trying to get the fit right, but that's less about protection than comfort. Unless they start shooting hand cannons at me, I should be good. Or so I'm told by Red Robin and Batgirl. Not looking to prove it though."

Batman has posed:
     "Military. Grade. Be sure." Batman actually looks at her this time. Even if his eyes are covered by lesnes, she can sense that stern look. Clearly, this is -not- a request. The attention goes back to the streets.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks at him, eyes narrowed, "Sure. Dad. Got a few million around I can use to make something that strong?" The tone isn't petulant but it is indignant. She may have some use of resources but unlimited access to funding and materials she does not.

Batman has posed:
     "Yes." Batman says, and it's hard to tell if he's joking or being serious. "Where do you think most of their equipment came from?" Again, he lets Spoiler connect the dots.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler replies instantly. "Vigilantes R Us, Gently Used Armor 'n More Discount Superstore." With that she turns, "I'll make sure the next revision can protect against military grade hardware. Thank you for the advice and warning. I'll keep an eye out as I said. Unless you want me to specifically look into something."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Batman as he is just used to sarcasm by now. Nightwing's fluent, and taught the others. "I don't want another one injured. This is my war, but you all will fight beside me. If that's how it is. I'm making sure the troops are supplied," and those words are pretty firm. "I'm figuring out the specifics. It's possible you, and others, will be called out. Keep coms close, right now, this is recon."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler smirks and mock salutes. "Sir, yes Sir. But, y'know, the rest of us live here, too, and take pride in what this city should be. Or we wouldn't be 'fighting beside you'" She shrugs. "I keep it with me," She taps her ear lightly. "Even in class, when I have the time to make it to one."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Batman, "I know but you don't see what I see," he looks to her and he is realizing there is some repetition or overlap. "I may need your mind specifically for a task." Those eyes watching her intently as he is waiting for her to get it out of her system.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks to the city then back. "Pretty sure you're right" of what he sees. "I'll do whatever I can. Just let me know what it is?" She turns to more directly face him and waits, expecting an assignment this very moment apparently.

Batman has posed:
     "There's a possible puzzle. Your mind is the most analytical," Batman looks to her. "More than Red Robin," Batman says. And honestly that is the best compliment he can give her in that particular category.

     "Status report." Batman waits to hear anything Spoiler has done lately. It's a way to learn what has happened in his city.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler isn't about to snark back on that. She's too shocked if she's totally honest. She looks out at the city, "Well, ran into one of your wayward boys at Big Belly Burger. Turned out we were both there for a late night snack when some not very bright guys rolled up in the classic white panel van and tried to rob everyone. Ended up working together pretty well on taking them down and leaving them all gift wrapped for GCPD to pick up." She then looks back. "Ran into another 'me' or Kestrel type if you will a the mall the other night. Some Yakuza were trying to rob a jewelery store but set off the silent alarm. I got there just after she did. She uses taser guns to stun targets. At least that time. She called herself Bluebird. I suspect she's not going to go away either."

Batman has posed:
     "Description of the other woman," Batman says firmly to Spoiler. He wants to know about that. Also, the Yakuza is another thing that bugs him. "Any followups on the Yakuza," he asks just trying to see if that is a one and done heiest, or if it is something bigger. It's never really over with someone like them, but the skulk back into teh shadows a fair share of the time, too. Makes them dangerous.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler gives a description of Bluebird's appearance. "She had a mask so I can't tell you much about her face. Though I don't think she's much older than I am. Electric blue hair, too. Like a mohawk." She then shakes her head, "No other leads or indications of this being more than four guys thinking they could score some gems quickly. But I've asked Oracle to keep a tab open for anything like this.."

Batman has posed:
     A nod comes from Batman, "Bluebird. She uses EMPs. Might give REd Robina run for his money with technology," those eyees are looking thorugh lenses as he is listening ot the descritpion. "She's new." He pauses, "Damian is training her how to move on a grappling hook. I want you to check in on her. Make sure she is okay. This is overwhelming, make sure she's okay," Batman says as he is thinking on it more. Sometimes he can be ruthelss. Other times, he does try to make sure the soldiers are stable, healthy in a relative sense.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods. "I will. I think that Oracle may be evalutating if she'd be a fit for Birds of Prey too. She'll get plenty of support if she wants it." She steps back, brushing her cape away from her hands. "Anything else? I've got a few burroughs to roll thorough still tonight."

Batman has posed:
     Batman is quiet for a very long time. Doing a lot of contrasting and comparing, "Make sure Oracle hears this." Then he'll wait for Spoiler to make any form of adjustment. "Blue Bird has potential. She is a tehcnological hacker. That's her storng suit. Her week spots will be hand to hand combat, and swinging, but that can be improved with training. She has the drive to do it. I've seen it first hand. If you had a rookie, or cadet status in your organization, she should be in it. Don't let her go solo until she's sharper," Batman is wathching Spoiler waiting for any commentary on it.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler shrugs, "I'm not the boss of anyone but me. And most of the time I'm not even sure of that. But I'll update Oracle." She offers a nod of affirmation. She offers a light hearted wave as she steps back. "I'll send anything about weapon trafficking your way if I find something."

Batman has posed:
     "I know, but I know Oracle is monitoring you somehow," Batman speaks firmly. His gaze going back to the vehciles, kneeling agian, the binoculars watching the vehicles again. "Good work," he says knowing she is trying. With his absence, Batman is trying to soften some wounds. Once everything is back int ehs wing, he is going to be asledge hammer to them.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler nods. "She and Batgirl asked me to be part of the Birds. My tech gear came from them so yeah.. Pretty much always monitored." She laughs some. "Goes with the territory." Another step. "And.. Thank you." For the comments. And the rest. "Safe hunting." And with that she'll drop off the edge of the building, cape billowing out around her as she descends out of sight.

Batman has posed:
     Batman looks to her departure, his attention returns to the matter at hand. More times being called out. This is going to take some time. It's not a needle in an endless barn filled with haystacks, but the barn is still pretty big. At least he knows it's contained within a single area.