6447/Alpha Flight: Interrogating Alien Visitor - Dark Elf Edition
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Alpha Flight: Interrogating Alien Visitor - Dark Elf Edition | |
Date of Scene: | 11 February 2019 |
Location: | Mansion Alpha |
Synopsis: | Carol interrogates the Dark Elf prisoner Alpha Flight got a hold on, determining she must speak to Thor before making a ruling. |
Cast of Characters: | Captain Marvel (Danvers), Arella Despana, Green Arrow
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Ollie has taken custody of Arella Despana on behalf of Alpha Flight, tasked with protection of Earth against potential alien threats. A crashed ship, with an alien pilot, falls under just that. The fact it crashed in Canadian soil, just makes it all the simpler.
Arella was taken to a holding cell to be held for interrogation, the cell proving very different than what she might expect to find on Midgard. The technology is entirely alien, apparently of Kree origins if she really is that familiar with alien engineering. She's held by a sheer translucent energy field, with all offered basic comforts needed for one's well being. Places to rest, wash, etc'.
She's not being held there long, as Captain Marvel is notified of what transpired, and soon steps before the cell.
If Arella is familiar with the Kree, she'll notice immediately that Captain Marvel bears the Star of Hala on her uniform. She carries herself with a rather officious air, and very much seems like she'd fit in the commanding ranks of any military force across the galaxy.
"Please forgive the wait," Marvel starts as she looks over Arella, "this is all done for the safety of the people of Earth, and has little to do with ill will towards yourself. I am Captain Marvel of Alpha Flight, would you please care to identify yourself?"
- Arella Despana has posed:
Arella was lying on her bed admiring the ceiling when Carol entered. This would be demeaning even constrictive to most sentients but Arella has spent the last five thousand years quite conscious in a broken stasis pod. The cell is in effect the same as a scenic garden by comparison to her previous accomodations. She is therefore disturbingly upbeat about being held prisoner by Alpha force. It is a considerable upgrade for her.
Arella's green eyes rest on Carol as she enters. Her kind the Dark Elves usually have white skin and red eyes looking like lab rats. Arella bucks this mould being an ashen blue with exceedingly rare and quite fetching emerald green eyes. And a supermodels build to boot. If only all Svartálfar looked like her. She stands up and bows. "Ahr'ela of house Despa'nah. I believe Arella is the acceptable corruption of that. May as well call me that. There are no other Svartálfar around to take offense."
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol waits patiently for Arella to pay attention to her when she finds her lying on the bed, her expression for the most part neutral, but her words do suggests she bears no ill will towards Arella. It was after all a holding cell, and she wasn't being judged or condemned for anything.
"Greetings, Ahr'ela of House Despa'nah," Carol speaks more formally after a proper introduction, her pronounciation quite perfect. Travel the galaxy long enough, meet enough alien species and you gain an ear for languages. "As you wish," Carol acknowledges the dark elf's wishes, "Arella then. I've seen the report stating you crashed on Earth. Were you accosted during your travel? Or were you looking to visit Earth? Or Midgard, if you will," Carol does work with Thor, she is not entirely unaware of Svartalfheim.
- Arella Despana has posed:
"I've been drifting in space for what I assume is millenia. My own people sought my death crippling my spaceship and forced me into a damaged stasis pod. I crashed here quite by accident. I am glad to be around other sentients again even if some of them want to kill me." Arella clenches her fists as she tells the story.
"I'm stuck here for the forseeable future unless another ship emerges," Arella shrugs and states. "I don't know how many Dark Elves are left around but I've heard that their numbers are pretty low so I am no longer worried about being pursued. I am not a refugee then but simpy an alien without a country".
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"That is quite some time to float around in space, was it a result of a battle, or were you cast out by your people?" Carol has to ask, because she has experience of both, and even more varied stories. At least it doesn't sound like Arella has anything to do with an imminent attack on Earth by the dark elves. A particularly touchy species after the events of Ragnarok orchestrated by one of their own, Malekith.
"So...cast out by your own people it is," Carol notes, looking somewhat inquisitive at that. "I must say, your people are known for often being successful when they seek someone's death. Could it be they wished to condemn you to an existance in stasis? What crime did you commit to earn that?"
- Green Arrow has posed:
It's been long enough that Green Arrow has managed to change out of his winter suit and gear and into his more urban style suit. The dark green armor is much less bulky, and his hood and white lensed domino mask are back.
It's around when Arella's status is being discussed the Emerald Archer walks in, his voice modulator in full effect, "Deep space radar didn't get enough of a ping to tell where in the galaxy she drifted in from, but she definitely did not have good navigation coming into orbit. The ship is literally across miles of tundra."
As he walks in, Green Arrow gives a look over Arella, "So are we giving her refugee status?"
- Arella Despana has posed:
"They were successsful at killing people but as Thor Odinson noted on my arrival I was the one designing their weapons. Plus I got lucky - lucky and unlucky at once I suppose." Arella sighs. "I had to go into stasis when my ship wass badly damaged. Alas the pod was as well so instead of sleep I was stuck awake but in statis for an unholy period of time."
As to her exile. "Malekith our king cast me out for opposing his idea of unleashing the Aether and returning the Universe to promordial darkness in which my kind supposedly thrived. I already knew this would lead to war with the Asgard and if I were a betting Elf I would have favored them as the victors. But I also feared that if Malekith succeeded every space faring sentient and the Asgard would be after us. I see I was vindicated on the Asgard defeating us at least in our first war with them."
Pausing, "So I spoke out and he set out to have me killed. Almost understandable as I was effectively siding with Bor son of Buri the king of the Asgard. Treason even if I was vindicated."
She looks at Green Arrow, "I'm pretty sure it's only the Asgard who want to kill me. What happened to them? They seemed less... numerous."
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol looks aside at Ollie when he joins them, nodding to acknowledge his presence, "glad you could join us, Green Arrow, so I understand is your take is that the ship had no navigation to speak off and the crash on Earth was mere happenstance?" She consults with a teammate, before looking over the dark elf again. "That remains to be seen, I wouldn't be quick to do that without consulting with someone first."
"That is an interesting tidbit, so Thor Odinson knows you personally?" Carol takes good note of that, now she'll definitely need to consult someone before granting Arella the refugee status.
"So Svartalfheim and Asgard have engaged in wars in the past, score being 1 all?" Carol tries to get a better perspective on that specific fued, she is well familiar with those from her time in Starforce.
"So you've actually been marked for death for choosing to perserve the galaxy over potential domination for your people, at the cost of life in the Universe?" Carol does take note of that claim, before looking surprise at Arella's lack of familiarity with the fate of Asgard.
"I see you are right in your claim of having been in stasis, as you're way behind...Svartalfheim, or at least a force under direct command of Malekith the Accursed, have brought about Ragnarok, the bane of Asgard, wiping it from existence." She drops the rebuilding of under New Asgard in Norway, because she is not interested in harboring more potential troubles on Earth itself. Best to keep Arella in this part of Earth for the time being. "I imagine you can better appreciate the wrath surviving Asgardians hold towards Svartalfheim, yes?"
- Green Arrow has posed:
"It's a probable theory, but one I can't confirm without our tech people finding some sort of black box." Green Arrow notes as he sits down in a chair nearby, "for what it's worth, Thor was at the crash site, and was very on guard and wary of her. Supergirl didn't find anything hidden in any of the wreckage, at least... so she was probably the lone occupant."
- Arella Despana has posed:
"Thor Odinson is familiar with my reputation as it was crafted by Malekith during my flight from Svartalfheim. He thinks me some form of living nightmare. Perhaps he was right some time ago but I have had a long time to reflect." Arella cants her head. "You are not fully human are you? Forgive me if the question is rude." Despana momentarily shifts her attention to Carol.
"And what happened to my kind? Is Malekith still around? Something tells me otherwise."
"I must confess I never sought to save the universe just my own species from a war against the whole universe as I believed we would come second."
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"We did retrieve the vessel," Carol notes to Green Arrow, "thank you for answering that call as quickly as you did." She turns to look at Arella, "are you able to offer assistance in finding your ship's blackbox? We need to ascertain you are no threat to Earth, before we can grant you a refugee status. It does sound like your decision to strike out against Malekith will very much be held in your favor." Carol turns to look intently at Arella, arching a brow slightly as she asks, "what brings about the question?" She doesn't quite answer in positive or negative, but she doesn't seem offended at the least.
"I have no complete knowledge as these are all events that took place on Asgard, and I am not charged with its safety. My charge is on Earth and its people. Thor Odinson might be able to offer you more information in that regard, Arella."
"I have no doubt that an existential threat to the Universe itself would have seen several Galactic Empire join forces against Svartalfheim, that much is certain."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"And quite a few non-Galactic Empires." Green Arrow notes from the chair. Helpfully.
- Arella Despana has posed:
"Blackbox?" Arella chafes at the Earth concept. As for Carol's Kree hheritage, "I was asking out of intellectual vanity I suppose. I think I can see something else in you."
"Whether Earth is safe depends a great deal on whether Malekith is in tact. His enemies are here and he will be along shortly if he isn't dead already. Somehow I doubt King Thor will want to speak with me. I am evil personified to him."
She doesn't elaborate on the speculative talk about people siding against the Dark Elves. She has made he position known.
- Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I will give you that much, Arella, I am more than just human, it's true." Carol offers that much, but not more, it wasn't imperative to this case. At least not at this junction. Captain Marvel doesn't look entirely pleased with Arella's depiction of Thor, as she offers, "I've known him to be a just and courageous warrior, and he has done a lot of maturing since being named the King of Asgard." Carol adds as an after thought, "you previously feigned having no clue about what happened to Asgard, knowing Thor was King should have given you a hint or two. I'm left to consider if you are trying to decieve me, or if it was an honest slip up."
"I promise you this much, Arella of Svartalfheim, my judgement will be based on Earth and its concerns, not of Asgard's. If you are found to have stated the truth, I see no reason why you will not be granted a refugee status."
Carol turns to look at Green Arrow, "do you have anything to add or suggest?" Before looking back at Arella, "I suggest you take the time to rest, anything you need will be given, use the communicator you were given."
- Green Arrow has posed:
"Nothing that hasn't already been said." Green Arrow offers in reply, before he stands up, "I have other matters to deal with as is, so I'll leave this is your hands. Good luck with this." Green Arrow offers cheerfully, before he walks out.