6434/No No Nan(ites)

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No No Nan(ites)
Date of Scene: 10 February 2019
Location: SHIELD Medical Wing - Secure Room
Synopsis: May, Skye, and Clint visit SHIELD's current 'guest' - Samanthe 'Nyx' Twining, and begin to piece together her story. In other news, Clint wants to visit the crater in the park!
Cast of Characters: Nyx, Quake, Melinda May, Hawkeye (Barton)

Nyx has posed:
There isn't a lot to do when you are restricted in a medical suite at SHIELD. A locked down medical sweet, no phones, no medical scanners, no live TV just close circuit replays, and electronically shielded walls sort of like a faraday cage.

Still the food is good enough. The place is clean. It isn't a dank hole in the ground or Rikers. Heck it isn't even those clear glass prison cells off in security. Samantha may or may not realize how nice her confinement actually is right now.

Sam has been watching a lot of TV and sleeping to pass the time, she is napping right now actually.

Nyx has been busy making fine tuned adjustments to the systems it has been developing in Samantha.

One thing though is clear to people who watched the video footage of how Vision found her practicing. The teenager could energy beam slice or kick a way out of here and she hasn't for whatever reason.

Quake has posed:
Skye had actually done the paperwork rather quickly on this one. That alone should tell Agent May all she needs to know. Mystery girl, infested? Infected? Riddled with? Visited upon? with nanites, set up in medical in as clean a unit at Skye knows how to make.

So far nothing says the girl is an overt threat, but she also doesn't seem totally aware of her use of the nanites either. Which is why she's in lockdown - to protect herself and the rest of us until we get to the bottom of this.

She's also forwarded some items from Tony Stark, with some footage.

Oddly, along with, in a personal jotted note Skye has added ~We need to talk about Bucky. Not just the recent attack on him, but somethig else. And left it at that, figuring May will want to visit their guest.

Skye awaits being summoned.

Melinda May has posed:
May has a moment to spare, so she's using it to observe Samantha Twining who is currently napping. At least she's not made any effort to leave the medical suite she's in, and that's a definite vote in her favor. Normally, the interim Deputy Director would already be in there chatting with the young woman, but she's waiting for backup.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint wasn't waiting to be summoned, he was settling down to some Bass Pro 16 when the call came for some backup. The SHIELD agent turned Avenger, turned SHIELD agent gets up off the couch, grabs his ICER and heads down to the recovery area, hanging his badge around his neck as he does.

Tracking down May he gives the agent a nod, saying, "You rang?"

Melinda May has posed:
May turns to look at Clint, her eyes flicking down to the ICER briefly. "Yes. Unknown quantity other than technopathic. I want to keep all electronics out of that room. Either go get your bow or have Skye bring it." She'll wait for whichever the archer chooses.

Nyx has posed:
The TV in the room, close circuit as it is and just reruns in its hard drive, is playing the Great British Baking Show softly. Lights half turned down as Samantha continues to nap. Unaware that she is being discussed outide the door. Backup being gathered. Bows being fetched. Honestly Sam would be confused as to why SHIELD is taking this so seriously. Though to be fair Domino did say if she went home that someone would lock her up post haste.

Quake has posed:
Skye waits in the break room. She's walked Lucky. Visited Bucky. Visited her father. Filed her report. And is curretly awaiting May's summons while she looks up one Arnim Zola in the anals of SHIELD history - now that she has a name, considering she already had a time frame to pin all of this on.

Regardless she'll visit the girl once she gets a little work done..

Which in Skye parlance could be ten minutes from now, or next week. Skye, it may be said, has a small habit of getting into her work.

Just a little.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint takes May's advice to heart. "Yeah? Even the ICERS?" he asks as he pulles the weapon and pulls the clip and pops the round out of the chamber, setting them down on the table next to him.

He pulls out his phone.

Clint >> May is talking to the new girl wants us there, can you get Reggie and my quivver for me? - C

Clint looks back to May, "If she's not here in ten I'll go looking for her," he says, he knows Skye's work habits.

Quake has posed:
Clint's text only gets noticed by virtue of the fact Skye hadn't gotten too far into her work yet, /and/ that she actually was expecting May's summons.

Skye >> Oooo, nice thought. Merida could use the practice. See you in tenish. ~S

Of course even as she types that, Skye remembers that she's been having targetting problems she hasn't ironed out yet. Which, at first leaves her frowning, because Clint will get to have all the fun... Until she remembers *why* she's having targetting issues. As it happens, she doesn't need Merida.

Still, when she collects Reggie and Clint's quiver - the good one, not the one they take to the local range when they want to gawk at new gear - she grabs up Merida and her own quiver as well. Mostly out of stubbornness.

Eleven or so minutes later, Skye shows up outside the quarters she had set up for Nyx to find the gang's all here.

"May. Hotshot. How's she doing? Also, Hotshot, we still have a dog. Why do we still have a dog?"

Melinda May has posed:
With a nod to Clint, May resumes watching the young woman while mentally reviewing the personal information she's collected on Samantha. There's not a whole lot, and what there is is... unimpressive. But then, she IS just a kid in May's eyes.

While they wait, she starts emptying the pockets of her jacket on to the table alongside the ICER Clint put there. And, well, it's a lot of stuff.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha does not have a very illustrious background. If she hadn't found whatever she found, well she clearly would probably have never come to anyone's notice. Yet here we are and in a matter of weeks the girl has encountered Wonder Woman, Tony Stark, and SHIELD. Also Domino but that part is mostly just confirmed from the ATM Theft footage.

Still she has napped and not tried to kick down doors and rabbit from the facility for whatever reason. Maybe it has to do that Mr. Stark knows where she lives and where would she go. Fair Bet that SHIELD knows as well.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint for his part watches Samantha too, and sees pretty much the same thing as May. "Poor kid," he remarks just before Skye arrives.

"Seems okay," Clint answers Skye. "And, Kate swears she's going to pick up the dog today, looks like her boss or someone gave her another case?" he wasn't sure on the details. Really if she hadn't answered back with a few of their private codes, and in jokes, he would have been sure someone else was punching text messages into her phone.

He turns to May. "So, what's the game plan?" he asks taking the bow and quivver from Skye with a hip check and a "Thanks Keyboard."

Melinda May has posed:
"Simple. We talk to her." May finishes emptying her pockets onto the table and steps over knock on the door. Yes, she knocks. And then she waits. Because she wants to make it clear to Samantha from moment one that she's not planning to treat the young woman like a prisoner, even if she is in a restricted suite.

While waiting for the kid to wake up and reply, she looks at the other two, then focuses on Skye. "Make sure to leave your phone out here."

Nyx has posed:
The kid in question stirs a the knock and peers at the TV before sitting up and fumbling with the lights to turn them on sleepily. "Dinner time?" she asks. The people bringing food have been knocking, which is a nice touch. "Uh.. right come in." still not totally awake.

Nyx is not fully paying attention either, focused on other matters and not caring about food right now. Well maybe if they bring in anything metal with dinner. So far compostable forks and knives and spoons have not been useful.

Quake has posed:
"We do not own a dog," Skye repeats, nodding to Clint. "If she doesn't pick him up by tomorrow, we're hunting her down." Though she had left him with her father on a whim. By all accounts the two were getting on famously.

May's instructions aren't necessary as Skye is already emptying pockets and setting aside her satchel. For someone carrying a satchel of electronics, Skye has an impressive number of extraneous devices she carries on her person. It's kind of like May with hidden knives.. only, the tech version. That, and she has quiver and bow - though even those she leaves outside. Honestly, is she going to need them? Not unless Clint misses, and when does Clint miss? Even if he did, there's May there. Really, Skye is eye candy unless she tries her new abilities out..

Once in the room, Skye gives Samantha a crooked grin. "Hey, remember us? Skye. Hawkeye.. and the serious looking lady is my boss, Agent May. We wanted to have a talk with you. See how we could help you. You feeling any better?"

As the girl had gone down with Minoke's blast - Skye's shield coming up only in time to block further attacks that never came.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Two dogs then?" Clint jokes as he puts his phone down outside as well. Other than that it's just him, his clothes, his bow and his arrows. "Lucky and then one for you."

He walks into the room and gives a little wave, "Hey, how's the food in here?" he asks as he takes a place by the wall. Once settled he draws a blunt arrow from his quivver then uses it to scratch just inside his boot. Not that he was itchy but he wanted an arrow in hand that didn't make it look like 'omg I'm going to shoot you with this'.

He lets the ladies take the lead here.

Melinda May has posed:
Once thay're all inside and Skye offers introductions, May nods to Samantha. "My apologies for waking you. We had some questions regarding the events of the other day, would you be willing to answer what you can for us?" She steps away from the two carrying bows, as if to illustrate that she's not planning on leading this interview with violence.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha sits up a little more proper now when she finds a distinct lack of food bearing nurses and rather Hawkeye and Skye and a very serious looking lady indeed. "The food is pretty good." it really is to, I mean Sam is used to fast food and tuna helper.

To Skye Sam shrugs "I feel fine, I really don't get why that weird girl with the heart problems tazered me but it doesn't seemed to have any bad side effects?"

There is a slow pause as she listens to May "And talking good.. I mean.. I know I haven't been here long but this is pretty intense and weird and yeah..." that gets her perked up. "That crazy chick told me if I went home you guys would throw me in prison .. but this doesn't quite seem to be a prison." one good question is who the crazy chick she is referencing might be. She looks between May and Skye anxious but not panicky or anything. "What do you guys... uh agents.. want to know?"

Quake has posed:
Skye just shakes her head at Samantha, and gives a chuckle. "I have no clue," she lies. Okay, it's a half lie. She has no clue how Minoke knew about the nanites. She knows that's why the other girl 'attacked'. It's why they shut things down so tightly here at SHIELD.

Forewarned is forearmed, and frankly, Skye had rebuilt the systems once already. Twice would be more than enough - and she still had to oust Zola. Three time? Not on her agenda.

Because Skye, she comes closer to the girl's bed, eyeballing the nearby chair, but not nabbing it up yet. "I wouldn't listen to crazy chick. She's not been arrested by us, and rumour is always worse than the real deal. Besides, you're not under arrest." Yet. "We're just worried you might accidentally hurt yourself. You didn't seem aware of what you were doing when we met. So we wanted to talk to you about that. Run some tests..."

Skye stops short of saying 'help you learn to control your abilities' because she doesn't know that they are abilities yet. Besides, that has to be rather scary to contemplate. It was for her.

"Maybe you can tell my boss what you remember from when things started being odd for you? Like before the thing in the park happened. The first time you remember things being odd."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint finishes 'scratching' and so he straightens but keeps the arrow spinning between his fingers like he's bored.

"Guys work, or dudes, we don't stand on ceremony," he chimes in oh-so-helpfully before letting May and Skye handle the real questions. "We can order you some food in the meantime," he offers trying to keep things light.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks to the other two then back to Nyx. "How long ago did your powers manifest, Ms. Twining? And have you had a chance to determine the full extent of them?"

There's one question she actually wants to ask, but she won't. Not because the question is in any way sensitive information, but teens don't usually like being asked about their parents. Tends to be a sore point, if Skye has been any indication.

Though to be fair, Skye is rather an extreme case.

Nyx has posed:
"I'm sure they will bring food when we are done talking, things are definitely on a pretty tight schedule around here." which surprises no one used to military operations or government agencies. Sam is surprised but she is definitely not someone who has any relevant experience right.

Skye's question though makes her shift and put her back to the wall at the head of the bed and pull her knees to her chest so she can loop her arms around them. "So you all saw the stuff in the park with Vision." she surmises and then frowns. "I.. same park actually a couple weeks ago." trying to formulate her thoughts.

The Dossier from Tony actually talks about her parents. They are pretty normal. Mundane jobs. Lower(er) Middle class. Let Sam live in the room unlaunched from the nest in the basement.

Sam's brow and some thinking, it has been a crazy couple weeks. "I was coming home from a....um.. Rave." they aren't going to bust her for going to a rave she decides, no poker face. "I was .. pretty high and there was a .. like explosion in Pelham park... I figured I could get a look and maybe some me-tube video of whatever it was you know. That was all pretty odd but I .. yah wasn't using maybe my best judgement." she was high.

"Anyways.. there totally was a crater in the ground like a bomb went off but there was no bomb, just a silvery looking egg and .. I .. touched it and that is when things got super weird. I mean everything has been weird since then. It went all liquid and coated my arms .. then vanished." it didn't vanish of course it is inside her. "But uh..yeah the next day I woke up really strong and .. also.. um lasers." particle beams to be precise. "I didn't steal it or anything." then furrows her brow, okay she tried to steal some things. That probably doesn't count. "I was trying to figure out what my powers do when Vision found me and then Ms. van Dyne.. and then Mr. Stark's office and now I am here. I haven't really figured much of anything out yet other than it keeps causing people to lose their shit." her eyes go wide "Uh.. sorry." not sure if cursing is allowed here.

Quake has posed:
"Food can happen whenever we want it," Skye says conspiratorilly. "We have takeout menus."

Of course someone would have to leave the room to do that...

It's the other, though, that has Skye pulling up the chair closer to the bed, and sitting in it, lowering her voice to sharing registers, lips pursing around remembered incidents of her own. "Yeah. We saw those things. It's kinda why we're worried about you. Stuff like that.." She nods, then informs, "Someone broke a crystal in a room I was in. Big explosion. AFter things settled, I was one of the only people not hurt left in the room. Turns out ever since then, I've been able to do things. I know how scary it can be."

"Folks here have been helping me learn what it is happened, and what it did to me so I can control it."

Then she grins widely. "Oh, you can fucking swear if you want. Though Cap'll hush you if he hears you. May there kinda hopes we'll tone it down around her, but nobody here has virgin ears" - except maybe Cap - "so don't worry about it too much. We want you feeling comfortable and safe. The rest is just bullshit."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint spins the arrow in his hand pointing, "Yep, you can absolutely swear here," he says.

"Though this crater? Where was it exactly?"

He glances to May, figuring a team ought to go out there and do some... science stuff? Whatever Fitz and Simmons did when there was an 084 in play.

Melinda May has posed:
Compared to Skye and Darcy, one little 'shit' doesn't even register to May anymore. And no, not even Rogers has innocent ears. For pete's sake, he was in the ARMY. In the 40s. Doesn't get much more coarse-language than that. So in the end, she just nods in agreement with the other two, turning to glance at Clint with another, smaller nod at his question. A sort of wordless approval to have this crater located and studied.

"Also, Stark mentioned to us that electronics seem to behave," she pauses her ever so slightly, "oddly around you. That is mostly why you're in these quarters, to spare you from having to deal with that. Were you aware of this?" Because if not, then that is something that SHIELD will very much want to help her work with. YOu know, in exchance for her helping SHIELD in return.

Nyx has posed:
Nyx is just listening and doing it's thing. There is nothing of very much interest technologically about this whole situation right now.

Samantha notes amused at the takeout. "I wouldn't say no, but seriously I wasn't lying about the food here being pretty good." oh poor girl. She probably things Fridays is fancy and expensive.

The dueling questions with Clint actually speaking has her off for a moment, and embarrassed. "uh... well I was pretty high and maybe had a drink. I know where the Rave was and I know where I live.. and so do you evidently. It had to be in the park where I could see it and I don't remember it being too deep into it." she blushes "When it .. jumped on me I spazzed out pretty bad and ran home." not her finest hour at all. It involved a lot of screaming and flailing. Spazzed out is an understatement.

She looks back to Skye. "That sounds crazy... uh.. what can you do?" she didn't really see it, she was tazed. "Also I don't think I could swear in front of Captain America. I'd probably not be able to talk at all if he was here."

The whole good cop question cops routine seems to be working. She seems to be relaxing, like hey maybe this will all be okay.

The teenager looks to May and shakes her head "I know that Vision and that weird girl really acted strangely. They said nanites but I.. um.. I don't really know what those are. To be honest. My electronics didn't seem to have any trouble though." that would be the smartphone that was confiscated. She genuinely seems to have no real clue what the talk of nanites or an AI means for her. Then again looking at the transcripts pulled she got a very poor grade in science.

Quake has posed:
Skye lets the other two deal with the questions of where and why and whatfor for the moment. "Me? Oh, I shake things. Vibrations. Turns out everything vibrates. Who knew. I.. well, I'm still learning all the ins and out of what I can, but so far I throw a mean dodgeball. I flattened a forest. Fractured my arms. That wasn't so much fun. Broke a lot of dishes and knick knacks."

She makes a face.

"So yeah. I kinda know the whole holy fuck what the hell happened to me and how am I doing this thing from firsthand experience. And how crazy it is." And scary. And how you expect everyone around you to turn away from you for being suddenly different, or be terrified of what you've become. Only Skye had been lucky and had people who not only cared about her, but could help her through it.

"S'how I know they're good people here, and that we can help you. Or find someone who can if we can't."

Hoping all the while she's not making a liar of herself by saying that, and that ultimately SHIELD can help the girl and not have to lock her up on a more permanent basis.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint offers a smiling reply, both bright and understanding. "We don't care about the drinks or the drugs, were more about the alien tech from beyond the stars," he says breezily. Though Sam's story had given them enough to go on to begin a search.

He glances to May again for authorization to send out a team and possibly head off any future alien infections.

Melinda May has posed:
So far Skye hasn't said anything that May will make her take back, so it's a good start. "Barton, put together a team to find that crater and make sure there's nothing else of concern there." The fact that she promptly returns her attention to Nyx should be clear to the archer that she's not expecting him to do so right now.

"Simply put, Ms. Twining, you have a large number of very tiny intelligent robots inside your body, and they are fully capable of remotely digging through any computer system you walk past. For the most part, that would seem harmless as most people's phones or personal computers don't really hold a lot of sensitive information. But if someone found out you had this ability, and for example forced you to walk into the White House... you can see how that might be a problem."

She nods toward Skye. "We want to help you learn to understand what you can do now, and learn when to turn that kind of ability off and on so you aren't walking into a room and affecting computers like a person entering an elevator after dunking themselves into perfume."

Maybe that analogy will help her understand.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha shifts and studies Skye when she talks about what she can do. "A whole forest??" okay she can't help it because of Janet she pictures Captain America out there chopping wood as a civil service. Damnit Janet.

"Well.. I definitely want to figure out what I can do and how to do it safely. I.. may have uh.. fucked up a bit but I don't want anyone to get hurt. ME included." she blinks at the thought. The thing about a lack of poker face, Sam isn't even considering that Skye may be lying to her, the girl has no guile at least o the expert espionage sorts in the room.

Clint gets a grateful look then blinks "Shit.. you think it might be an alien?" okay she figured it was like a bomb or some loose Stark Tech or something. Yup not a lot of science background in this one.

When May breaks it down. "That.. is messed up.. and scary." Samantha admits that finally and just stares at May for a very long moment. Honestly she has been walking around New York city past a ton of startups, phones, cars, city data trunks, free wifi networks. "I'm definitely not doing that on purpose though... and I mean." she thinks and blinks "Fuck" as something clicks and she forgets don't cuss despite all the assurances it is okay. "Is that how I new the weird girl that tased me is a Coluan Robot?" which is probably news to everyone involved. "Oh.. shit." as it really starts to sink in now. "Im not trying to steal anyones data or breach privacy and I definitely don't want someone to try to use me as a weapon.... heck I turned that crazy lady that wanted help killing Wonder Woman down."

Quake has posed:
Welp, there was news about Minoke Skye was willing to bet Tony might like to have.

"Not an entire forest," Skye admits wryly. "Just enough of one to drive home how important it was for me to get a grip. I'm slowly getting used to the fact."

It's not so much Skye is lying as ommitting the fact that if Nyx can't get control of herself, she can't be let loose on the public.

But then again, she was in the same boat herself: Get a grip, Skye, or you're here for life. Something something about destroying an entire Hydra base by accident.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Damn it. Clint's foot lives semi-permenantly in his mouth, so of course he drops the A-word.

No, not that one, alien.

"Or maybe it was Russian," he attempts to cover. "Either way, we'll find the crater and get this sorted out for you, Samantha," Clint promises before taking the nod from May. Picking the team in his head as he lingers in the room.

Melinda May has posed:
"The fact that you don't want to hurt anyone or steal their information is a very good first start, Ms Twining. We'll start looking into ways to help you learn to control your abilities so that you can feel safe walking around again. It might take us a bit to figure out the full extent of what the nanites in your system are capable of, but once we get that we can start helping you learn how to control them." She's already anticipating the number of decommissioned laptops that Skye is going to have to set up for Nyx to 'eat' in this process.

Quake has posed:
Skye gives Nyx a wan, understanding smile. "It's going to be okay. I promise. We'll figure this out one way or another. And.. I'll see what I can do about getting you some better video. Anything you like in music or movies or stuff like that?"

Nyx has posed:
Nyx is paying attention to be fair. These primitive monkeys can tell when it is filtering in information, which means they are less primitive than supposed. It will just have to be much more careful, probably touching only where it can more easily cover it's tracks from here on out.

Samantha is oblivious to all this though. She is listening to Clint and Skye. "I'm... not the fastest learner but I want to figure this out and I could definitely use help to do it safely. I really don't want to hurt anyone." she blinks a little bit and looks around. Yeah what May said was scary and well the White House business. She frowns a little. Maybe she is kind of getting the edges of the fact that if she can't get her shit under control this could go very bad like the crazy lady said.

"So what do I need to do?" yeah Samantha is more motivated by the minute it seems to be a team player on this one. Not that she has a damn clue what to do about it. She looks to the more adult Agents of SHIELD in the room with her. "Okay.. that sounds good. I mean I can show you how the lasers work but I probably need to stop doing whatever is happening with the the whole data thing first because you don't want me to do that in here."

Melinda May has posed:
May's suggestion of a VHS player and TV clearly didn't go over so well, so she doesn't bother to offer it again.

"Yes, we'll start with the data access so you aren't trapped in this room for any longer than absolutely necessary. Skye, I want you to help Ms. Twining get started with this. I'll make sure you have resources that will help." Aka, decommissioned laptops with wiped hard drives. Maybe if Samantha's control advances quickly enough, she can authorize Skye to set up a basic LAN in here. Just to see what happens, of course.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha looks between Skye and May and then over to Hawkeye and then back to May and nods. "I'm sure we can figure this out." she is definitely not sure but she is trying hard to front being sure. This is scary as all hell after all. She dos offer Skye a shy unsure smile.

Melinda May has posed:
"I'm sure we can too," May offers. "But for now, I think we've taken up enough of your time. Thank you for speaking with us, and don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you need." She steps over to the door, ready to leave even if she expects Skye to offer to stay a little longer.