6384/Walking On Broken Glass

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Walking On Broken Glass
Date of Scene: 06 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Quiet time and conversation are interrupted by a call for help from Tony.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Hawkeye (Barton)

Quake has posed:
It had taken a bit to get Cal settled in his new quarters, as per May's orders, but considering the fuss that could have been made, it was a smooth transition. With a promise to visit later, Skye heads back to her own quarters, ready to clean up the mess.

When May had said 'clean up that lamp' in the moment, Skye had thought she'd meant it literally; in the intervening time, Skye'd figured out May meant, 'you two talk about this and fix it' - which, all in all, wasn't bad advice. Though she and Clint had already started on the way to mending the fight.

"Hey Hotshot. Back. Do we still have a dog?"

She had hopes the dog would be gone, but she wasn't holding her breath.

"I was thinking.. take out for dinner?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint for his part, had cleaned up the lamp putting the pieces in the trash then calling Tom from facilities to get a new one.

Then he had to go walk Lucky, becuase, yes, they still had a dog.

Clint had just gotten back from the walk when Skye returned home and Lucky came over to Skye panting.

"Yeah, still do, not sure what's got Kate tied up so long," he says. "Hope you don't mind. We can get one of the handler guys from security take him for a bit if he's bugging you though." The Trisk's security folks had dogs, so he figured one of them should be able to take care of Lucky.

"And sure, sounds good. Chinese or pizza?" he asks citing their go-to's.

Quake has posed:
"Hey," she says, her features falling into a soft, wry smile. "You cleaned it up. I was going to help you with that. And you got us a new one!" That last was a surprise, given she and Clint weren't so domestic that remembering to replace the broken one was guaranteed to make it to the 'to do' list.

And.. of course they still had a dog. Mind you, Skye had expected that. She'd been hopeful she would be wrong - but she'd expected it. "Huh. We should have let my dad watch Lucky. And Kate didn't say?"

Skye gives Lucky a mock-stern look as she pats his head. "Don't you think this means you live here. Or that we like you all that much." Relenting. "Fine. It's not that we don't like you. We're just not good at taking care of ourselves, let alone someone else." Which, of course, is why they were now taking care of her Dad, even if he was staying in other quarters.

(May, as it happens, was probably right about that move, and not just on a security threat level, but on a Clint and Skye level).

she shoos Lucky off. "Maybe? Depends on if we want to take a walk later? It's mild out. Park might be nice." Skye makes her way over to Clint and tiptoes up to kiss his cheek. "Pizza /and/ Chinese?" Because why not.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods looking over at the lamp. "Yeah, figured you had your hands full with your dad, so I'd take care of this," he says knowing the point was for them to talk things out while they cleaned, but there were more fun things to do while they talked and Skye hit on the one that Clint was thinking of: dinner.

He smiles though as Skye talks to the dog and Lucky makes a quizical 'mroo' before panting and wagging his tail when his head is patted.

Shooed, Lucky makes his way to a spot where Clint had thrown a comforter down and he settles, resting his head on his paws.

"A walk? Yeah I'd be up for that." He kisses her cheek back. "And well tonight would be the night to binge, sure."

He gives her hand a squeeze and goes looking for their take out menus. "Anyhow, how'd it go with your dad?" he asks.

Quake has posed:
"Yeah. And it wasn't about the lamp," Skye confirms. As for her father, "He's settled. I'm not sure he's happy about it all, but he's trying his best to behave. I showed him he's not a prisoner, but explained he can be pretty scary to folks. I think his handler is Gromm? At least that's who showed up. Not sure who is trading off with him."

Natably, Skye expected any handlers assigned to her father were hand chosen to be immune to Skye's particular charms. Or at least as immune to them as one could be. Skye.. had a way about her.

"And it's not binging if we order enough for Lucky and my dad and they don't eat any."

Totally twisted logic, and she knows it, which leaves her grinning impishly. "Ooo, maybe get the chefs to send surprise bowls of ramen?"

Or at least hers. Clint had favourites. Skye's favourite was whatever they gave her, and the folks there had taken to creating elaborate off menu specials just for her, like she was one of the family.

Which is why Cal's handlers had been chosen so carefully. Because, Skye.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods. "Then we're all good," he says of the lamp situation as he shuffles through the menus. "Gorman, I think," he says of the handler. Then nods, "I bet he's not happy about it," the menus are lowered and Clint casts a look Skye's way, "How do you feel about it?"

Clint wasn't sure how he felt himself. On one hand Cal was the man who had him kidnapped and beaten, on the other he was Skye's father. It was hard to fathom how she could forgive the man so quickly, which was part of the problem. His own dad had been dead 26 years, and wasn't a murdering monster and Clint /still/ hadn't forigven him.

Though dark as his thoughts were, he snorts a laugh at Skye pointing with the menus "That's brilliant. The usuals at the Gino's and the Imperial Dragon, and ooh, yeah, the ramen too."

Honestly it was a wonder Clint had abs at all with the rate he packed in the food.

Quake has posed:
"How am I feeling? I have no clue." Skye has to admit all of it was still way over her head as far as what she's supposed to feel. Her shoulders rising and falling in a helpless shrug. "I'm not sure it matters how I feel. He knows what happened to me. He can help. He can help stop Karl.. Zola.. whatever he's calling himself.. from doing this to people who have no clue and won't have people like I did to help them."

Another shrug as she grabs them both a beer and makes her way to perch on the couch. "Add beer to the list."


"I kinda feel like I've been hit by a truck. I want to be angrier and hate him more. Honestly, when I went to talk to him I started out so angry and yelling at him and he looked at me with these big eyes like some big dumb kid who was utterly lost and.. and I don't know. It just changed things. He's spent his entire life trying to get me back. He didn't know who or what we are. I mean, sure, totally off the rails way to go about it, but be honest, if he'd asked for your help to talk to me, would you have given it? No."

She sips from her beer, then holds the can in both hands, leaning on her knees, her butt on the couch arm, and her feet on the seat where most people's butts would be. "You gotta kinda admit, as horrible as it was for you, it was kind of brilliant, too. I mean, he totally arranged for one of the few groups would could make that happen - against SHIELD - to make it happen so that he could maybe get a chance to talk to me."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"That's fair," Clint says of not being sure of how she felt, it was comforting to know he wasn't the only one lost here. "Of course it matters," Clint says. "I mean those other things have to be done, but it doesn't take what you're feeling off the table."

As Skye lays it out, Clint sets down the menus to listen. "Really, like a little kid?" Clint couldn't see it, but then he wasn't really looking he was stuck on monster and was only just beginning to see the man in their shared concern for Skye.

"Not outside of a holding cell," he agrees.

Too lazy to go get his own beer, Clint reaches for Skye's taking a sip and handing it back.

Clint sighs, wishing he'd taken a bigger sip as he tries to push past his own feeling to consider the whole kidnapping plot dispassionately. "Tactically, sure, it was good, even if the Dragons couldn't execute for crap, and it's a hell of a lot of effort just to talk to you, which has to feel good," he says, he knows nobody else in Skye's life but him and SHIELD had ever put that much effort into anything just for her, it had to feel good.

"Normally I'd throw in the part about how it was insane too, but you know that, right?"" he says. "And I'm betting it doesn't make a difference," he says and it wasn't a judgement. After all it was her dad.

Quake has posed:
Skye arches a brow as her beer is absconded with. "It's agood thing I love you." Slipping from the couch she returns to the fridge to get herself a new one. Let Clint have the one with several sips out of already. So there.

"Tactically, it was pretty brilliant. And totally fucking insane. I get it. I get what you're saying." And she does. But as she resituates herself on the couch arm, Skye sighs. "It was the look on his face. I wasn't actually trying to find him so much when I did. He kind of found me. I jsut had located an address where information was coming from. He kind of stumbled on me and scared the shit out of me."

Clint gets a wry look. "If it helps, I had my ICER trained on him. I would have shot, too."

She's willing to admit, though, that some of it was he's her dad. That psychopathic as he is, he's still her dad, and she'd wanted that for longer than she could remember.

"When I was kidnapped, Clint. It wasn't him who brought me home. It was you and SHIELD. He's not.. he's not family in the way you are. But he's still my father. And right now we need him. I need him. I need someone who knows what happened to me to help me. Even if everything you said were a reason to never forgive him, I still need him."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I'd say so," Clint says with a grin before Skye goes off and gets her own beer. "What no sharing?" he calls teasing after her.

He has a swig of his beer as he listens to Skye's story, hand wobbling at how much the ICER makes things better.

The rest is taken more seriously, and he slides across the couch to sit by her feet looking up at her, his hand reaching out for one of hers. "I get it, you need him, he's your dad, all of it. And yeah, I am a little pissed he's getting such good treatment after what he did to me and killing those agents before, but I get why it needed to happen."

He takes a breath. "Not worried you're going to throw us over for him, but I think we should work something out for when you go off the grid like you did with him. We both know it's going to happen, and I'm not going to get in the way of that, but it'd be good to be given a heads up so I can watch your back from here. Also, maybe trackers, ones we set up, I am sure between the two of us we can get the tech, something to trigger when we're in trouble, you have to admit, it would have come in handy in both our situations."

Quake has posed:
Skye's gaze drops at the hand wobble. "He tried to save me, Clint. Took I don't know how many rounds to try and buy me time to run. It almost worked, too. But I hear you. I wouldn't be happy in your shoes either."

He's looked up to and given a crooked little grin. "This wasn't how I wanted to introduce you to him. Things got way off the rails. And I shouldn't have yelled at you. A god isn't even close to the same thing as my dad. I was feeling defensive." Her beer is lifted and held out for a clink. "Truce?"

Of course, when he starts talking about the next time she goes off the grid - and pretty much links it up to the possibility of it being with her father - there's a coughing laugh. "Hey! You'd almost think I make a regular thing of this, escaping the Trisk." Full on grinning at him. "You gotta admit, it should be a whole lot harder for me to keep on doing this, considering who we work for."

He has a point, though. And one she'd not thought of - a point that's actually not so hard to stomach given it's not an accusation, or trying to convince her not to, or step in her way, but actually offering to be her partner and stand behind her as best her can.

"You'd do that? Like knowing I'm going to do this again, you'd put yourself out on a limb like that for me?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint offers a nod, "I get it," he says of the man taking rounds for her which was both impressive for the sacrifice and how many he could take without being taken out. That last Clint filed away in his 'just in case' file.

"Probably would be," he says of her being upset if it was his dad instead, "He was an asshole," he says in a wry joke. "Anyhow, your dad loves you at least, so, he and I have that in common. Just give me some time for all this to settle, okay? And, yeah, sorry for trying to throw a lamp at your dad..." he shakes his head and breaking into a laugh at how absurd that apology sounded. "Only us, right?" he asks her before clinking beers and echoing: "Truce."

"It really should, May's got to step up security around here," Clint says of Skye's escapes. "Or she'll put a tracker of her own on you."

He had his money on both. Even so, he was confident Skye would figure something out anyhow.

"Right? What would give me that idea?" Clint asks her about the impression that this was a regular thing.

That final question is met with a nod, easily given and serious, "Well, I'm not planning to tell Fury or May that we took percautions for you sneaking out again, but yeah, I'm down. I figure if you loop me in, then I can help cover your tracks, get you more time, but I'd also know where to look if things go sideways. We're partners, right?" in multiple senses of the term, "I've go your back."

Quake has posed:
Skye so goes where Clint's mind goes. "Yeah. We might want to work with Fitzsimmons to figure out a more effective way of stopping him if we need to." With the added hope that if they had something that worked, her father would be a lot less likely to take lethal damage.

And meeting his father wasn't quite what she'd meant by being in his shoes, but she lets that go. The point was her expressing she understood his being upset.

Her beer is clinked to his and a long swallow of truce taken. "And I do not escape that often. Besides, May should be proud." But she's also pretty sure her talk with the senior Agent was going to include a lot of why Skye wasn't going to do this again, was she? Even if Skye was also certain something would come up and she'd do it again.

A thought that Clint echoes, leaving her laughing. "You got me. And fine. What do we do about it, then, since we're both in agreement that the odds of my not going walkabout when I'm not supposed to are pretty slim." Adding, "And what about when you knowing might put you in danger, or you trying to stop me." Like wtih Cal. Because Skye was pretty certain Clint would have had none of that.

Her head tilts at him. "You wouldn't have let me go talk to him alone. I know you trust me and my instincts, but be honest, you wouldn't have let me." Here's where she admits, "I was really careful how I spoke to you when we set this up. I didn't lie to you Hotshot. I did everything I said I was going to do. But I'd planned on talking to him myself right from the start. Just, right off, the way you reacted.." She shakes her head unable to express the dissonance between him saying let me by your backup, and his biases because of who she was to him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gives the countermeasure plan a nod. "Yeah, thinking maybe a gas or something? Knock him out without having to penetrate the skin, but Fitzsimmons will figure something out." A thought occurs, "Do we know how he becomes Hulk-lite?" he asks her, because stopping that might be a good way to slow him down.

"What? Only like three times in the... two years you've been here," he teases before adding oh-so-helpfully. "With all of them happening in the last year or so... so the stats are deceptive."

"And she should," Clint agrees. "Probably is. I know I am."

"Not sure, we'll have to talk to our sources and see if we can lay our hands on some decent trackers," Clint says of the set up. Though her other question was harder to answer. "I don't know," he says. "Guess we use our judgement on when to tell the other person, but either way, we'll have the trackers we can trigger if things go off the rails so the other person can find us."

"No, I wouldn't have, you're right, and while yeah, you techincally didn't lie, that you set the whole thing up like that sort of gets me," Clint says with a grimace followed by beer. "But end of the day, we're SHIELD agents secrets and near-lies are part of the job. So, I guess we trust each other not to lie about the important stuff, the us stuff, and let the job be the job?"

Quake has posed:
Skye's lips purse as she nods. "People would have gotten hurt, Clint. And you wouldn't have let me go. If you came, you would have exploded just like you did here, and I'd never have been able to convince him to come work with us, and promise me he'd behave."

She fully believes that single promise maybe won't stop him from blowing up, but it would stop him from blowing up so soon, or so badly.

"We needed this. We need this more than I could trust you to trust me. You.. can't protect me from everything Clint. Remember when we first talked about our jobs? And you said never make you decide between me and being an Avenger? You keep skirting the line between making me have to decide between you and being a SHIELD agent. You don't mean to, but you treat me every now and then like you don't trust my instincts. Or maybe taht loving me means you feel you have to step in and save me."

She shakes her head, smiling wryly at him. "You can't do that. Just like I can't do that for you. It's not fair. You gotta trust me. You gotta trust I'm as good at this as you are. You gotta forget sometimes that you love me. Or remember that loving me means letting me do what I know how to do best."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint puts up his hands, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I reacted like I did because the man was in our /home/ Skye, with no warning," he says. "If things had followed the plan, it wouldn't have been an issue. You would have talked him out and we'd either fall back and let you bring him in solo, or we'd come and escort you both back to the Trisk, depending on your call."

He stands up and begins to pace. "First off, let's be clear, we're not talking about you being a SHIELD agent here, we're talking about you being Skye Johnson, you're a special case, I think we both know that by now, and two, I don't have a problem with you being either of those things."

He stops, and takes a spot on the wall to lean.

"And what you're saying, about letting you do the job? I think I just said that when I said we'd just have to be honest about the big stuff and let the work stuff sort it's self out," he takes a breath letting go of the tension. "So, help me out what am I missing here, because it sounds like there has to be something."

Quake has posed:
"And you don't think this was big stuff? You already admitted you wouldn't have let me. Are you saying if this happened tomorrow you'd change your mind?"

She's really not sure that's how it would work, but she's willing to listen.

"Waht do you mean you don't have a problem with me being either of those things? You're arguing my point - that you'd stop me because I'm Skye. Because you love me. That when it comes down to my.." She shakes her head. "Did you do this with your other partners, Clint? Any of it. Even the good bits. Because if I'd thought you'd have listend to Agent Johnson, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I could have trusted you to hear me out and know why I had to go in alone. Instead of seeing me as Skye who you lie next to in bed every night and nearly lost and are afraid you might still lose because of everything that's happened."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Clint says then as an aside adds, "Did I say that already? If so, still relevant. I think we're bounding down the wrong trail here Keyboard."

"When I said big stuff, I meant the /us/ stuff, like how we feel about each other, that sort of thing, I was saying we have to be honest with each other about that, but when we hit work stuff, then things get a bit more...flexible because we're spies, but also grown ups and we know the things we do for the job doesn't have anything to do with us." He hopes that's making sense, "Anyhow, what I mean by all of it, is you made the call to go meet your dad, and you kept me in the dark to protect me, I get that, and I'm not sweating it."

Man he'd made a mess of his words, none of it had come out like he'd intended. "Meant you were an exception in SHIELD, not with me, that you're not a typical field agent, you tend to do your own thing more than most, and what I'm saying is it doesn't matter to me, I've got your back as you the same way I'd get your back if you were a typical agent."

He frowns, "As for my former partners, yeah, I'd worry about them and argue like hell about whatever it was they planned to do. And yes, if I thought they were being dumb I'd have stepped in, trust me, it's happened before."

He looks over to her, "Skye, I don't see you any different than any of them."

Quake has posed:
To be honest, Skye couldn't remember if he'd 'woahed' her already in this conversation, and while he was right, they needed a woah, it didn't mean it sat all that well with her. But, she'd told herself she'd listen, and she'd meant it. Besides, groundrules they'd set up long ago dictated she listen before flying off the handle or requesting a time out to think about things.

There's a nod from the young woman, her lips still pursed in a frowning line when he clarifies about 'us' versus 'work'. "I never lied to you about us. Unless you mean a bit maybe that this has been brewing. Just with everything that's gone on lately I haven't had a chance to sit down and think about what bits I meant, and what bits have just been us trying to piece the mess that happened to me back together and go on from there."

In other words, she was willing to admit she'd contributed to where this talk had gone to by not speaking up sooner. Even if her reason was valid.

"And I'm sorry about my dad. I think some of my nervous about it all crept it. Mostly it was I coudl see it going so wrong. So many hurt people, and nobody trusting him. And him not trusting us.." Skye sighs. "Unfortunately I'm the biggest reason he flies off the handle."

Even if she was also the main reason he was willing to play nice. Such a double-edged sword.

When Clint describes Skye at SHIELD, she tries very, very hard not to be amused, but she can't help it. "Well, d'uh. Of course I do my own thing more than most. That's why Fury picked me." Her head tilts to one side ever so slightly, "Did I never tell you about that talk we had?"

Then he makes it better. Or at least better enough. "That's all I wanted. You to treat me like I could do this job. Like you would if you were still with Bobbi or Nat." Her grin broadens. "I'm surprised they didn't slug you if you treated them like this." Teasing. "I hope you didn't make up with them the same way we do." Even if she knows he has been with them.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Oh, I know you've never lied about us, that's our rock, kinda need it in our murky ass spy world, and as for your dad and all of that. You were figuring things out, can't imagine it was easy with everything else that happend. And as for going alone, that was a tactical decision, minimizing the chaos, that's work and I can respect the call, even if I disagreed at the time."

He gives her a shrug, then comes back to the couch dropping down by her feet and shifting over so ne was able to lean his head on her knees. ""Yeah, that's got to be rough, being your dad's crazy switch. Anything I can do to help with that?" he looks up with a wry smile. "You know other than not throwing lamps at him."

Clint does a poorer job of looking unamused by it all. "You're not fooling me," he grins, "You're so inwardly smug right now." He chuckles. "And maybe?" he says about the Fury talk. "Tell me anyhow, just in case."

"Trust me, I treat you the same and Nat and Bobbie, I was all up in their shit about plans too, and they were in mine as well, you know when I was more reckless and less domestic," he says with a wink. Though when she mentions being slugged, he snorts, looking up, "Who said they didn't?" he laughs, as to the other comment, he doesn't comment, just giving her a smile, "So are you saying you want to make up?"

Quake has posed:
And just like that, it's mostly fixed, and things are out there in the open and they're being themselves with one another, dealing with things the way they've.. well, they hadn't always dealt with them this way, but this is where their fights had led them to: a way to fight that wasn't so damaging and left them a space to meet one another and talk.

"Being my dad's rage switch is.." Skye sighs, and contemplates her beer. "I don't know if he was always like that, or what turned him into it, but it's a lot to handle. I feel guilty about things I don't have control over. And he's so big and helplessly earnest and terrifying to everyong - even me, other than if I can't make him stand down who will.."

Clint gets a weak smile, "Just don't make it harder for me? Be here? Remember I'm stuck being his kid, and trying to get what we need for SHIELD out of him?"

Skye kicks out with a toe to nudge him. "Wonder if Fitzsimmons might be able to find something to help him. You know he's going to come see me as long as he can get to me, and go crazy if he can't, right? That this is him in our lives for forever now, right? You gonna be okay with that? Or do we need to invest in lamps?"

"And fine. I'm smug. But you guys should be too. Remember when all I wanted was to leave this place and I was trying my hardest not to do anything at all to fit in?" She'd since found a way to both fit in and be herself. "But yeah, it hit me one day, before I got promoted this last time, that Fury wasn't sitting around waiting for me to screw up and kick me out. He was waiting for me to figure out this is why he dragged me into this mess of a place. He has all the agents he could want who know how to stay in their boxes. What he doesn't have enough of are the me's."

She sobers, then. "What I'm supposed to be learning now is when to do it, and when to use the box. I think.. Is it weird to think your boss wants you to someday take his job?"

That was something she'd not voiced to anyone before.

As for making up... "Maybe? Are we done arguing?" Not that she figured they were done talking.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint seems to be content with their progress, leaning against her like he is and listening to her talk about what it was like to be chained to a crazy rage beast. Figuratively speaking.

He nods, "Yeah, not sure what made him like that," he agrees. "But got to figure unless he was making it up about being a doctor it had to be something tfhat happened to him right? I'd hate to think they'd let someone that unstable graduate med school." That thought was going to fester the next time he went in for a physical.

"And yeah, I get it, you're the one who can calm him down without it turning into a whole big incident, and he's your dad, but I know you know it's pretty much your word keeping him out of being sent to a holding cell for the rest of his life, so, you have options if you can't take it any more." He offers. "But I get why you don't want to pull that trigger and I'll be here to help you through being his handler. Even if that help comes in the form of ramen."

The nudge is met with a smile. "They might," Clint says, wondering just how large pills of Valium got. As for him being in their lives forever, Clint frowns. "Maybe? I don't know? I'm not really geared to thinking about forever, Keyboard, but for now, yeah, I can deal with it." It was the honest answer. "Anyhow, who knows, maybe Fitzimmons will have an answer and things will be easier."

He listens to the story then and when it's done he grins and nods, "Yeah, sounds like Fury. And hey, I've said that already, mark my words, Director Johnson, I definitely think Fury's setting you up to take his job." There's a snort and an elbow to one of her legs, "I'll promise to be slightly less of a pain in your ass than I am in Fury's."

He holds his fingers a quarter inch apart. "Slightly."

Then with a laugh he says, "Yeah we're done arguing. At least, I think so?" he adds looking to Skye.

Quake has posed:
"I know I have taht option," Skye says quietly. "But does that sound even remotely like me?"

She still coultn't believe she'd be the one to ask for the initial kill order on her father. Even if she was also the one to ask for it to be rescinded..

She tucks her toes under his thigh, "I know you're not really a forever guy. But you weren't a moving in kinda guy either. I mean, do you ever think about it, Hotshot? Do you really see us parting ways? We keep saying we're not things, and then we are them. Maybe we are those people. Maybe what we aren't are the people who mess this up. Maybe we're the people who make this work. Who love one another, and keep our jobs, and respect what the other one does."

She leans over and kisses his cheek before sitting back up and sipping more beer. "Definitely done arguing, I think. But I seem to recall food was going to be ordered, unless we're done with that idea." A grin. "Director Johnson, huh? And only a slightly less pain in my ass?"

Totally smirking, and totally going there.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"No, not really, but figured one of us had to put it out there," Clint says. "You know there are going to be people in SHIELD that are going to be pissed if that doesn't happen right?" he says. "Lumley for one. Might be a good idea to suggest to May he gets promoted back to full agent then sent to a post that's not here."

Clint had obviously not lost a whole team and twenty years of his life to someone before, but he'd imagine it'd put him in a more or less killy mood.

"Anyhow not saying any of this to talk you out of it, because I know that's not going to happne, just putting it on our radar so we can deal with it."

"I know, and maybe I'll be okay with your dad being part of our forever, but that's not going to be today. It's too soon, I still kinda hate the guy and he creeps me out. But I promise to work on it, I know he's important to you and I know we're going to be forever, so I'll need to get over it eventually."

He sighs and gives her legs a nudge. "I am so tracking down my dumb crook brother and making him live with us, just to be fair.," he teases before taking a swallow of his nearly forgotten beer.

Smiling fondly at the kiss on his cheek, Clint says. "Right, the food. I could go either way," he says. "Maybe later?" he suggests looking her way. Then about Director Johnson, and being slightly less of a pain in her as than he was with Fury. "Obviously, I mean I'm not /sleeping/ with Fury."

Quake has posed:
"I know," Skye answers of 'on their radar', her brow furrowing. "I appreciate you bringing it up. You know, in case I was being miss head in the sand or something. I get it might be our only answer sometime. Just.. day by day there?" Laughing when he suggests his brother moving in. "So. Mean. You'd think my dad was an unreasonable rage monster or something by your reaction and that threat."

Again, she leans in for a kiss. "I like the sound of that, Hotshot. Our forever. Never thought I'd think of myself as one of those people who had a forever partner."

More laughing about Fury. "I can't picture him in bed with anyone. Like what sorts of things would he say or faces would he make and why are we having this discussion?"

Skye finishes her beer and declares, "Right. Food after. And we'll talk about your bedroom privleges when I'm Director."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yeah, I know, obvious, but wanted to put it out there so we can say we've said it," Clint says as if the simple act of checking that box would help them out in the long term. Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. Time would tell. "Totally, day by day."

There's a smirk for the idea of letting Barney move in. "Right?" he says before shaking his head. "And trust me that'd be as much a punishment for me than you," he says rolling his eyes. "Barney's not a rage monster, but he's a handful in entirely different ways."

Clint turns to catch that kiss on his lips, brief and sweet. "Yeah, well I'd say I never thought about it, but that's a lie, but with you, it feels doable you know? Like it's not going to be some struggle for the rest of our lives, we fit."

There's a sweet smile on his lips as he thinsk about them as a couple which quickly sours when Skye brings up Fury in bed...he has a full body shudder. Even so, he can't help but joke, "Would probably say, 'everything you're about to see is classified' before he dropped his pants." Clint says his horrified face cracking into a smile. "And yes," he elbows Skye. "Why are we having this discussion?" though Clint totally started it.

Clint knocks his beer back then frowns at the empty can. "After," he agrees as he gets up off the chair. "Grabbing another beer though, this one didn't wash that Fury image out of my head. Want one. I do bedromm deliveries," he promises as he heads to the kitchen.

"And sure thing," Clint says of discussing terms under her thoretical directorship. "Ma'am."

He ducks around the doorway of the kitchen out of the range of retaliation.

Quake has posed:
As if she followed his thoughts, Skye makes a checkmark in the air. "Warned partner her lunatic dad might have to be put away for everyone's safety so she doesn't shoot me in the kneecaps with a real gun somewhere down the line for suggesting it. Check."

Totally grinning. "Make you a deal. No Barney, and no Cal."

"I never thought about it before you. Not even when I asked you to move in." The remains of her beer are had. "It just made sense then. Like when we moved into the house. Or I don't know. Everything we do. It just seems to fit. Like you were meant to be there with me. However we make it happen."

She gives him a soft smile. "Ever regret we didn't manage to have our fake wedding? You know, the one the got interrupted by yet another crisis here? Geez, maybe that's why folks here don't get married. How could you hold one? Everything gets interupted."

She watches that smile on his lips fade, worried, but it's explained. "Oh, Clint Barton, that was horrible." She's laughing though, telling him, "Yes please on the bedroom beer delivery. Meet you there?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles and says, "Glad that's done," he says of the warning.

Grinning back, he nods. "Done and done," he says before he teases. "Though we do have so many extra bedrooms in the townhouse..."

So not going there. Nope! But he couldn't help but tease.

Clint nods. "Yeah, they were both things we did, and we really didn't think too much about it and they worked out. Like you said, it feels like it's meant to be." Which even saying something like that for Clint was a big step, a little more than a year ago he'd have considered that a major sign everything was about ready to burn down around them. Now though? He didn't have those worries. She was right, they had a way of making what they wanted happen.

"Sometimes, why do you ask?" Clint says of the whole fake marriage thing. "And yeah. with the wedding thing you really have to jump into it quick around here," he says speaking from experience. He'd known Bobbi for twelve days when they tied the knot. Probably a speed record anywhere in the world but Vegas. "Could still do it sometime... well if there isn't a crisis."

Though when she teases him about his joke, he laughs saying, "It was awesome and you know it!" he calls as he retreats into the kitchen pausing by the door. "Sounds good, see you in a second."

Quake has posed:
"If by awesome you mean terrible! And I don't care how many empty rooms there are in our townhouse. Merida and Julio might want privacy." Skye calls out as she breezes past him to their bedroom, discarding clothing along the way - purposefully, as things end up dropping in very familiar places if he remembers..

When he's joined her, she's already under the covers, propped up by pillows. "I don't know. It just popped into my head. How there was this whole joke thing and wouldn't it just be like us if something happened and it were real. You know? Made me think about the looks on people's faces if we'd done it. Still wonder who would have won the bet."

She pauses, "Actually, do you think that betting pool is still up and running? Who do you think is left in it anyway?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint fetches the beer and follows the trail of clothing to the bedroom grinning at where they're dropped. Stopping at the door he looks back to a sleeping Lucky: "Stay." Then pushes through the door and kicks it closed behind him.

"That'd be typically us," Clint admits of them signing up for a joke wedding and ending up doing the real thing. Clint sits down on the bed, and passes Skye a beer. "Probably Darcy..." he says before thinking about it. "No, May. Definitely May." He could see May quietly putting a bet on the right day leaving everyone wondering just when the heck she placed it.

"And maybe a real die hard or two, but, I dunno," he cracks his beer. "That whole thing feels like ages ago."

Quake has posed:
"Everything feels like ages ago," Skye says shifting to cuddle into Clint when he joins her, quickly cracking open her own beer and sipping. "They probably don't have a fake wedding chapel anyway."

She has to chuckle at the thought of May winning. "Or Fury. He just knows things."

"Think the dog is going to be okay out there? And when is your friend coming and picking him up. Or is this going to be another of those things that happens to us accidentally?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Phew, no kidding," Clint says before holding out a hand and saying, "Hold that thought," when Skye moves to cuddle. He sets his beer down, rises, and sheds his clothing, before crawling in under the covers and grabbing his beer. "Anyhow, as you were," he teases, shifting to let her cuddle up against him.

"Nah, you just go to a real one and just get the pictures, no real ceremony." He'd thought the thing through and did a bit of digging.

"Should be fine, he's got food and water, though he may still eat some of your clothing, I hope you're alright with that," he says in deadpan. "And what? Kate? Nah, she'll want him back, she's probably just busy working. She does that a lot."

Clint smiles then, leaning over to kiss Skye, "Don't worry, no Cals, Barneys or Luckys, just us."

Quake has posed:
"Much better," Skye declares with an impish grin when she's join in bed by naked Barton. "And you actually looked it up, didn't you?" Which makes her laugh. "Shame we didn't get to do it then. It would have been a great gag. Now would lose some of the shiny."

She's all comfy and settling when he remarks of Lucky. "What? You just left my stuff out there? Clint!" Laughing. "Clothes are fine. The gloves are in here. Worried about my gear though - he okay with that stuff?" Skye considers, "Kate's never asked you to watch the dog before. You sure she's alright?"

She's about to say more when her cell rudely interrupts, and a quick peek tells her it's important.

"Gotta get this."

From Stark: I have a teenage human girl infected by a nanotech something-or-other that's overly powerful. You guys want to deal with it? Strssed out teenage girls aren't my bag, this is some 084 for you guys.

Skye shoots back:

'Skye >> I *was* enjoying a beer. In bed. Timing, Stark. Timing. Sure thing though. You need us to pickup? If so say where and when. ~S

Stark >> Yep. I've got detailed scans. She's at the tower; swing by anytime. Whether she'll go with you? Hard to tell, but she was willing to get in a limo to come here. I'm ordering Thai.

Skye returns:

Skye >> Order enough for two more. Barton and I will be by to collect her. ~S

"Hey, Hotshot? Hold that thought. We've got work."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I like to think so," Clint says as he pulls the covers up around them. "And yeah, even gave a couple of them a call to make sure what I read online was right. Totally legit, happens more than most folks think," he smiles as he gives things some thought. "Nah, just have to wait just awhile longer then drop it on them when they've forgotten all about the joke. Won't be the same as it was when there was a pool, but it'd definitely sell the 'it's real' angle," he promises before adding wiht a smile. "Besides maybe we could score a proper vacation in Vegas, one that doesn't get interupted by..." he makes a face. "Damn it, I just cursed it didn't I?"

Clint nods, "Oh sure, Kate's got gear all over her place, so, he'll know not to touch it." As for Kate being okay, he frowns glancing at his pants on the floor, his phone was in the pocket. "Let me check," he got up to get his phone and check fire off a text.

Clint >> Still good?

He finishes his beer as he stands, tossing the can into the trash before heading back to bed, only to be stopped by Skye's request: "What? Now? What sort of work?"

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs, "Bet we could get a proper vacation out of Fury if we told him we were getting hitched..."

That conversation semi-interrupted by the texts, which she explains to him, holding her cell for Clint to see should he ask. "Another 084. Who isn't me."

Peering over his shoulder to see if there's a reply from Kate. "You know, if she's in a tight spot, she won't be sending you an answer back. But I thought you said she did small time stakeouts for a PI firm?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snorts, "We could, but just remember all of our vacations..." he stops for a moment. Actually out of their three 'vacations' only one of them didn't have some mystery or work related thing behind it. "Okay one of our vacations were real and it still got interupted by the Rising Tide," he leans in for a kiss. "Face it Keyboard, we're cursed."

Shown the phone Clint takes a look. "Damn it. That's not skipabble." He ducks back down to grab his pants and start pulling them on. "Tony really needs to learn about timing."

He glances back at Skye, "You want me to grab you some clothes?" he asks her, as most of what she'd been wearing was on the other side of the door.

"And yeah, she does, must have gotten a longer one or something," he frowns. "Think I should call her?" Knowing his luck Kate would be sneaking up on the target of her stakeout just when he rang.

Quake has posed:
"I still say we tell Fury we're getting hitched and take a real vacation. He's liable to try and stop interruptions from reaching us if we say that's what we're doing."

But Clint is right. Pants time it is.. Oh, and they're cursed. They are most definitely cursed.

"Clothes yes. Unless we're letting Tony see me naked. But it's cold out there.. actually, wonder if I could do anything about that?" While she's pondering, she grabs her phone, and her gloves.

"Do you think Kate is in danger? If so, call her. If not, one crisis at a time?"