6336/Something about Life

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Something about Life
Date of Scene: 01 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Ravager

Superboy has posed:
All in all Conner has to admit Rose and Cait got a really nice apartment. Given the costs of living space in New York he has to wonder if they had to threaten with murder someone to get something this sweet.

Much better than his student studio near ESU. And he got that because he is a college student.

So he is spending more time here than he probably should. But after checking the pendrive Caitlin gave him, he has a lot to say and no good way to start. Besides the redhead should be here for the chat. And right now it is just Rose and him.

"So," he starts, sprawled on one of the couches and type-typing furiously on his cellphone. "How goes the job search, Rosie?"

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson walks from the hallway back to join Conner, "Fine," she mutters, "So I only got one offer so far," she says to him as she stands at the end of the couch. She peers down at him and crosses her arms.

"So these assholes want to take pictures of my hands. In this f**** gloves," Rose explains to him and then models a stupid slow motion hand move, "And some other shit," she explains. "Or...well I don't know really..." she mutters.

Superboy has posed:
Conner arches an eyebrow, vocalizing a 'what' of amused disbelief. "Well, it is a start. You have savings, so no hurry. I uh... still two and a half more years of college. And Red Robin wants to form a new team. We used to be close friends, y'know? Just after I escaped the place where I was made. We had a small team, but this time it is serious. We are not kids anymore."

Or so he says. No, he is twenty. He should ditch the -boy of his Super.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson is looking at her hands as Superboy rants about his team, "Uh huh," she comments, "I don't know what the f*** those guys see in my hands," she tells him, then looks down at him again.

"What? What's the matter? You should start your own group and do whatever the f*** you wanna do, not what those assholes want you to do," she explains.

Superboy has posed:
"Woah," Conner looks away from the cell. "Robin is a good guy. Oh, bit bossy and know-it-all sometimes, but a good friend. I trust him." And since he is looking at her, he reaches for her hand and hrms. "Actually... it is a nice hand. I thought you would have the calluses other expert fighters I know have on their hands. But you don't. I guess you heal too well for those." He grins, giving her a light squeeze before releasing her hand. "Relax, you'll do fine. And if you get bored, you have me."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson rolls her eyes as she looks down at her hand again and shrugs, "Maybe they're take pictures of my feet next," she says skeptically, "Yeah, maybe I should investigate these people. I could go to the street near The Tunnel, I know some Mexican guys with some contacts," she suggests, "What do you think?" she wonders.

Superboy has posed:
"I think you will explode if you don't get some fighting soon," confirms Conner with a smirk. "Which is why I will talk to Robin about you. I have met some of the others and I think you would fit well. Most are our age. I think only Black Canary is older, and I bet she could teach you some things about hand to hand fighting. She is pretty famous for her skills."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson doesn't look phased by his comments, "Nightwing wanted me to train someone. His new student. He wanted me to give lessons like a damn drill instructor. Well I don't do that shit. I don't do instructing. I got my instructing a while ago and that's all I need."

Superboy has posed:
"Yeah, I know what you mean," since Conner tends to be equally stubborn about getting 'training' but then again, Rose said Nightwing taught her. Conner himself didn't knew that until a couple weeks ago. Looks like there is still a lot he doesn't know about Rose Wilson.

"I thought you would like to meet other people with similar skills, though," he offers, more conciliatorily. Maybe not for training, maybe just for sparring.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson tilts her head and hmms, "Stop nagging. I doubt they'd want to slum with me," she comments, "But if they want to down one, bring em' over I guess," she suggests, and shrugs, "Okay I'm going out," she tells him.

Superboy has posed:
"What slumming?" Conner frowns, straightening from the couch. "You are my girlfriend, you are a meta, you kick ass. There is no slumming, you can be one of us, Rosie. It will be good for everyone. You can make more friends and you can put your skills to good use."

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson waves off the Superboy, "I said bring them over! But I don't need a bunch of idiots glomping on me," she mutters, "I'm going out I said!" she yells.