6250/Jericho's Debrief
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Jericho's Debrief | |
Date of Scene: | 22 January 2019 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Eobard prepares for Jericho's memory alteration, and gets an unexpected visitor from his 'partner'. |
Cast of Characters: | Professor Zoom, Jericho
- Professor Zoom has posed:
For a Speedster, going anywhere in the world was only a few minutes away, so when he decided to go far away.... he could have put up an outpost in the arctic within hours for this work. Instead, Eobard decided to get a makeshift surgical table setup in a rented warehouse in Detroit. In this era, it was known for being a chaotic mess... a fact Eobard took full advantage of.
The warehouse itself is fairly well kept, and was rented for a full week on one of Eobards false identities. Jericho was inside a sensory deprivation tank, asleep, while Eobard setup the equipment necessary to handle Jericho's reconditioning.
It has been an attempt at using personality alteration technology from his era using the primitive microcircuits of modern times. Normally, the design required quantum based foundations... but Eobard had tried to substitute circuit boards for the impulse control transmitters.
The attempt had failed, and Jericho would be scrambled eggs mentally by the end of the month if the chip implant wasn't removed.
It would be another five minutes before the nano-surgery kit was charged enough to handle the job, but Eobard was waiting in his Professor Zoom suit in front of the chamber holding Jericho, monitoring the brain waves of his sedated subject. The only indication of the Speedster using the Speed Force tonight was the occasional superspeed typing to adjust the chambers control console.
- Jericho has posed:
The criminal syndicate Eobard has been working with, ironically enough, likes to call itself the Justicars...because they have distinguished themselves as a group of professional 'distributors' of justice wherever the law can't or won't. And it so happens that this time, their goals align with Dr. Thawne's. The Wilson kid is quite the perfect specimen, for both of their purposes. His abilities are subtle, yet powerful and dangerous, and best of all he is such a soft-hearted do-gooder that he is very easily manipulated. Well, to them, anyway.
This first experiment had held a lot of promise, so of course the fact that it had failed was met with a lot of disappointment, and dissatisfaction. So much so that as Eobard is typing at lightning speeds at his various terminals, the woman who has represented them to him, a Sam Baird, makes an unexpected appearance at the warehouse. Though, she doesn't try to sneak up on him or anything, instead makes her presence known. "Professor Zoom."
- Professor Zoom has posed:
The moment he hears the newcomer, the red, glowing eyes are put into effect, and he starts to vibrate his body to blur his visage. When he has his guard down, it can be easy to sneak up on the Reverse-Flash -can't anticipate what you don't see after all- so when Sam makes her presence known, there's a red lightning trail as suddenly Zoom is right in front of her by a few feet. Red lightning arcs around his body visibly as the Negative Speed Force is channeled. He isn't attacking her outright yet, at least.
A few moments later, and that monstrous distorted voice can be heard, "The subject is not available, and I'm preparing for extraction. What do you want?" He hadn't given a status report confirming success or failure of recovery yet, so this was a surprise.
- Jericho has posed:
Plain humans can be quite resourceful sometimes. Especially with technology. After all, that's what Batman does, right? And that's how Baird and her cohorts have managed to evade and confound law enforcement for all this time. Zoom is a different story, sure. But that just means she needs to be careful.
"You haven't updated us since you began your little experiment." she replies calmly, despite the terrifying visage. "But by the sound of it, things aren't going quite as planned. Unless by 'extraction', you mean something else entirely."
- Professor Zoom has posed:
"I haven't updated anyone because there was nothing to update about yet." Professor Zoom replies, "the chip redesign failed, and now I need to clean up the mess so they don't get my technology from him." He starts to walk back to the chamber where Jericho is suspended in a solution. The sensory deprivation. Looking up to it, "I'm going to do some memory alteration conditioning after I get the chip out of him. The surgery itself should take about an hour."
- Jericho has posed:
Baird arches a brow at him, as if trying to feign surprise or something. "Failed?" she repeats. "Listen, Zoom. I don't know who you are exactly, nor do I care to thrust myself into your business and find out, but we have a job to do. We expended -our- resources to break into the University and find you the perfect subject. Our client is expecting -results-. We anticipated that you would have delivered by now..." She examines her nails idly for a moment then looks back up at Zoom. "But maybe we've overestimated your capabilities."
- Professor Zoom has posed:
Eobard doesn't respond for a moment. Then, he turns his head to regard Baird, "I told you from the start that there was a chance this would fail. The technology I had to substitute had a good chance of not being up to the task it was designed for, and I was right. It worked for a couple weeks, and then he managed to start to override the impulse control circuits, which means they degrade at far too high a rate to be effective without the original controllers." He turns to regard Baird, "I have no way of manufacturing more without access to time travel to go back home... so I'm going back to the drawing board and redesigning it again." He shrugs, "I'm going to need to find some very rare components to make it work, so it'll be a while.'
- Jericho has posed:
"Hmph." Baird sighs as she listens to his explanation. Time travel, hah. As if. She doesn't like this, it doesn't appear there's much she can do about that part. "Fine." she says finally, folding her arms. "What components do you need? I know you're fast, but you're still only one man. Our client is growing...impatient. And what will you do in the meantime? You're not planning on letting your subject disappear are you?"
- Professor Zoom has posed:
"I'm the fastest man alive." Well, fastest maniac anyway, "but I recognize my limitations in resources. My intention was to alter his memory, then report to your organization and decide what to do him with while we found acceptable replacements." Then, he looks to the control console, "I'm going to need access to as many technology firm databases as you can find. The baseline tools I need to start working on building my own tools for this work will probably be with LexCorp or WayneTech. They were the cutting edge of this time period."
- Jericho has posed:
"Noted. We'll begin planning to infiltrate." Baird replies, but she doesn't seem to like it when he mentions a replacement. "Make no mistake, finding you the perfect subject was no easy task. Wilson's abilities are rare if not unique, and he is exactly what we need. We aren't ready to give up on him just yet. If you won't keep tabs on him, then we will. But for someone of your caliber, that shouldn't be difficult." She turns, appearing to prepare to take her leave, though she pauses briefly. "Good night, doctor."
- Professor Zoom has posed:
"Good. Now leave. I'm going to need to concentrate so I don't ruin his spine for this surgery. Nano-scalpels are very delicate to work with." Eobard states with a finality, before he heads for the console, starting the process of draining the tank and putting Jericho onto the surgery platform, "This will be around an hour. I'll let you know how it goes."