6185/Outsiders Meeting Up

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Outsiders Meeting Up
Date of Scene: 15 January 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Superboy, Arsenal

Kid has posed:
The Outsiders were a fairly new group having just properly formed a month prior, taking in various different folks. Some have met and some have not...and one particular person decided it time to rectify that problem.
    And so with that, somehow, someway one of the members (name not given) passes this along to other Outsiders to meet up at an abandon Warehouse on Long Island, both to get to know one another...and see each other capabilities. If they were going to work togeather, they needed to know what each other can do.
    And so leaning agaist the old Warehouse seeming rather out of place was a massive human...assummedly mutant judging by his beastly build. That alone wasn't unsual, except he seemed to be dressed in a very formal suit, looking more like a mobster than anything else. The man seemed to perhaps be waiting to see if others would show up.

Superboy has posed:
Conner has not heard anything about the Outsiders since Tim (Excel!) introduced him to Spoiler just before Christmas. He was starting to worry when he received the call. Yet it is not from Tim, odd.

He almost decided to skip it. But curiosity got the best of him. Besides, Long Island is just around the corner from where he lives right now and there was nothing interesting to do a Monday evening. So he grabbed a black T-shirt with the big red S, and his trademarked leather jacket and flew to Long Island at high speed. He arrives a couple minutes after the appointed time, flying low and landing on the warehouse's roof. From there he can watch Kid, which definitely is not a normal human, given his size.

Arsenal has posed:
Well, A summon is a summon. Roy Harper was expecting to find Tim or even scarier, Batman.

but, Roy is in his black and red battle gear that he wears as Arsenal. Bow in hand, quiver on his back. Hood ovsr his head, he sees Kid.

".....Is that a gorilla?" Roy didn't mind...but it was a little out of the ordinary. He descends from his perch, landing solidly. "So...where's everyone else?"

Kid has posed:
The large man looks first at Roy with a piecing gaze, he clearly didn't recognize him, but than again he has never even SEEN Roy before. He pushes the door aside with one hand, the large door opening with a creaking sound.
    He sends off a short range telepathic message, weather or not it is recieved is another matter. o O ("Either hiding or somewhere they can't be seen. Any outsiders around, get your asses in here already") it was a fairly large empty lot so he wasn't worried about non-outsiders getting the message. And with that he heads right on in.

Superboy has posed:
Superboy knows Roy from sight, at least. But not that large man... person. Tim should have given him a list (also, he should have asked). All he knew was there was a robot girl involved, besides Spoiler and Red Robin. Oh well... that telepathic message was surprising and confirming he is in the right place.

So he jumps down and lands with a loud thud just behind Kid. "I am here," he says with a smirk. "And I think it is just we three. I expected Excel and Spoiler, but at least I know the archer, too? What about you, big guy?"

Arsenal has posed:
Roy scoffs. "I already don't like this guy." He looks to Superboy as he arrives. "well, Mini Boy Scout is here. Good to see you around." He looks around, as if curious to what this is about. "I don't like the secrecy. But...eh." He looks at Kid, and he crosses his arms. "You're not the guy who recruited us. What's this about."

Kid has posed:
    The mafia man walks into the warehouse proper. It didn't have much in it....old cars, barrels, a second floor made from various catwalks, stacked boxes. The typical things one would expect in a decrepid place. o O ("Did I hurt your little feelings? You asked a question, I answered it. Don't like it, don't ask")
    He turns and does looks to Superboy o O ("Did not expect anyone. Know Exceland Arc I think she calls herself....the speedster. And well you. Last time we met, I was robbing a music store.") and yes, Roy could 'hear' all this. Properly inside, he drops the illusion and was just well, a gorilla, in jeans and a sweat shirt, no shoes. o O ("Anyways, if were going to work togeather, we may as well know what each of us can do....and who the heck each other is for THAT matter!")

Superboy has posed:
Conner follows inside and blinks slowly when the gorilla drops the illusion. "From robbing stores to Excel inviting you to his team?" He narrows his eyes skeptically. "I don't know. I will trust you if Rob... Excel says so. But he is not here, uh? I only knew Spoiler and him from this team thing."

Arsenal has posed:
Roy chuckles. "And I thought I was hot under the collar. You sound more angry about that than I could ever be." He walks with Superboy, looking the cloned Kryptonian. "Sounds like we were recruited by the same person." He looks then to Kid.

"Name's Arsenal. Now who the hell are you?"

Kid has posed:
    o O ("Well evidently, part of it is to keep help those with more...dangerous abilities keep a handle on them. Of which I evidently qualified.") he shrugs o O ("sides...things change, people change.") is his response.
    He looks more directly at Arsenal when he asks. He clearly didn't mind the demineer "Jua...though folks normally just call me Kid." he climbs up one of the stacks of crates o O ("Well, I know what Supes there does...a bit too well") he notable shivers remember being wrapped in a metal light post ("But what do you do Arse?")

Superboy has posed:
Superboy looks at man and gorilla during the exchange and shakes his head. "I don't know, guys. Looks like Excel was the one that knew everyone... he should be here." He pulls his cellphone to message Tim through the more mundane channels, but he has not responded in a week and still nothing. "Hrm. Oh well. How did he got in touch with you, Kid? Is that your codename, by the way? Not even Kid Gorilla? Or... something?"

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal looks at Kid with his arms still crossed, his bow having long been slung over a shoulder. "Jua...AKA Kid. Well, nice to meet you." he looks to Superboy, tilting his head. "Looks like. I've heard about you though. Anyone that sees that S on your chest knows who you are. Probably related to big boy blue."

He looks back to Kid. "I probably wouldn't push the Gorilla thing Supes." he teases very softly.

Kid has posed:
Kid raises an eyebrow o O ("The hell I need a code name for? At most I have a civilian name - Malcolm Ironwood. But Kid was my name before I knew I even had a 'real name'. Only learned about the Jua Madala thing a few months back.") he scratches his belly ("Perks of being an escaped science experiment")
    He hops back down o O ("Sides, Kid Gorilla sounds stupid. At least Arsanel and Superboy sound like folks you don't want to mess with. Anyways, see yea got a bow ...let see how good a shot with it you are eh?") he picks up some discard tire plates.
    Though he does glance at Superboy a long moment. o O ("But to answer your question, we met during one of my hunts...he wasn't sure weather he was saving me or the thugs that fell into my trap.")

Superboy has posed:
Hey, 'Kid Gorilla' sounds maybe stupid. But he calls himself Superboy and he is... well, he looks 20. It is not the smartest name, heroes keep codenames simple. Arsenal used to be Speedy, if he remembers correctly.

"I suppose with my name my powers are quite obvious," he smirks again. Well, he has a couple tricks in his sleeve, but in the other hand he doesn't have a tenth of the raw power of Superman. "And what do you do, Jua? Besides the mental speech, I mean. Oh, and I suppose you are as strong as you look?"

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal knocked that bow off of his shoulder and already had an arrow knocked in before Kid pulled up the tire plates. "Only difference is I won't miss." he slowly lowers his bow, before he looks to Superboy. "That IS a very good question. Considering he's picking up tire plates....I assume he can throw them accurately discus style. But my question is..."

he looks around. "Wher ethe hell is the boss?" He looks to Kid "You hear anything from him?" he looks to Superboy. ".....I want to take a guess and say you're hearing and general senses are better than both of ours."

Kid has posed:
o O ("Illusions. And not just visual either, though it tends to be the most helpful since alot of folks are visual. I am more of a jack of all trades - planting thoughts, sensing emotions, understanding languages. But there not as strong as a specialist normally") he explains ("Otherwise pretty good at tech and sneaking abouts")
     Kid tosses the car tin into the air. But as it fires, depending on if he able to effect both other with this illusion - the tire will split into five indeticle disks...question is can Roy hit the real one?
    While the disks where tossed he sends out ("No, have not...maybe we should set up a base or something")

Superboy has posed:
Superboy nods, watching the tires and the illusion tricks. He knows Arsenal is supposed to be good with the bow. Or it is will all distance weapons? He needs to read those files more carefully. But in his defense, he was a hyperactive kid back then, when Robin and him were young(er) and in a team of young teens.

"I got some enhanced senses, yeah. Hear heartbeats; see in the dark, read a newspaper at a hundred yards. Not x-rays, by the way. I always get asked about the x-rays," because they are the fun thing to have, probably.

Arsenal has posed:
"Oh shit, he was serious." Roy lifts up his bow, and when he sees five discs? Well, time to be simple. He seems to hesitate for one single second before he draws five arrows and fires them all at the target. Regardless of which one was real, he's GOING to hit something. But the difference?

He drew his arrows in less than a second. Very fast. ALMOST superhuman. Nah, that's just skill. "Bingo."

He looks to Superboy. "Better than I can, by about a mile." since, you know, Roy has no superpowers.

Kid has posed:
Which discs where fake and which where real didn't matter at all! Of course 4 arrows go fling off and embedde themselves in various objects, by one car tin calls to the grin spinning and clattering with an arrow in it. o O ("Alright, that was just awesome. So gotta give that a try!") screw powers, being able to shoot that fast and with that much accuracy was awesome.
    Jua glances to Superboy o O ("X-ray visions DO sound fun to have that.") his lips curl as he let out a laugh.

Superboy has posed:
Kryptonian have fun powers, yes. He still didn't get which of the five discs was real until Roy hit one with an arrow. He has to admit shooting five that quickly was... alright, he could do it too. But hitting all five disks? Not a chance. "Yeah, not bad," he says quietly.

"Hey, you know. Excel had a warehouse for us, I can take you there and we can grab some pizzas along the way." Tim had mentioned they had a high-tech gym for superhumans ready, too. So if they can figure it out how to make it work they can do this the right way. In either case, he heads out.

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal gives Kid a little two finger salute as he puts his bow-hand in rest. His eyes look to Superboy. "I imagine you could get into a shiiit ton of trouble with X-ray vision." he teases Superboy before the offer is made to not only deliver them to a warehouse AND get pizza.

"Well, hell. I'll take you up on that." he smiles, walking over to Superboy like he's getting ready to get flown off wherever. "guess I'll justm ake like Legolas and hang on."