6161/Caitlin's Worse/Best day
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Caitlin's Worse/Best day | |
Date of Scene: | 11 January 2019 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Fairchild, Superman
- Fairchild has posed:
It was supposed to be an easy day for her.. Get her Life finally started again, no more running she thought. A divot forms into the rooftop as she Launches herself upwards using her incredible strength to propel herself at extreme speed forward " Just got out get a magic amulet that gives you the hebee jeebe's and maybe some art for the new apartment.. Nope " . The Girl lands only to twist and go flying most of her top ripping as a Chopper suddenly swings up and Lets rip a missile that sends her flying! But Strangely She not only lands she leaps again trying to get away.. Trying to move towards less populated Area! Because below are also several black cars driving at high speeds to keep up!
- Superman has posed:
When you're Superman, the strangest things wake you in the middle of the night. An explosion, for instance. This is New York, mind you. There are loads of heroes. He yawned. Super hearing tuning into the ounds of.. a thud.. speeding cars.. a helicopter? With a yawn and a glance to Lois, he slipped out of the bed and into his native attire. He'd been gone a solid month. A little heroing felt like just the thing. Quietly, he floats up to a distance where he won't disturb the neighbors then rockets off at just under the speed of sound. No need to wake anyone, after all. His eyes squint as he looks into the distance to take in just who is doing what...
- Fairchild has posed:
What he will spot is barely covered caitlin.. funny how her clothes are totally shredded thanks to bullets and missiles etc all sent to slow her down still holds together to keep it pg. but he spots her actually jumping to take a missle that clearly would have missed to keep it from hitting an apartment building .. Of course, it sends her flying only to bounce right off a Lamppost and to Crunch HARD into a car. that girl's got weight! Of course she quickly gracefully as if the missiles are annoying more than anything flips upwards and Leaps just before the Vans arrive... a Blast of some sort of electrical Gun is shot from a Window of the van.. hitting the car and lighting it up as she continues to flee.. anybody looking can see she's clearly leading them towards the docks where there are fewer people. Strangely Superman might here the police raido <this is a military matter all police stand down > yep those vans and chopper have no markings at all.
- Superman has posed:
Closing the distance on the fight, Superman comes to float next to the helicopter. "Gentlemen, you're endangering the public and I'm afraid I can't allow that." And so he focuses his breath at the base of those spinning rotors, quickly gathering ice there and slowing the rotations to the point that if they don't land soon.. option b is to outright crash. "We'll just be right back everyone." When in doubt, take the fight away from the civilians. So Superman turns his attention to the woman who just lept away from the electrical blast. Moving faster than the eye can follow, he takes her by the waist and rockets off towards the Atlantic. There are plenty of barrier islands that are uninhabited in the area. It takes seconds to reach one and there he lands. "So. The government will be working hard to figure out where we landed. I imagine you've got about five minutes to give me the short version." A beat. "Or we can fight." There's a mild shrug at that. Like. It's her call.
- Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild yelps as she's grabbed she's fast nowhere near that fast.. thankfully she's tough so she doesn't throw up. But she lands blinks a few times " Oh my god your him! " she says before she suddenly looks down and quickly turns PINK and tries to tug the tattered bits of her clothes to cover herself " oh.. godess I'm nearly naked in front of Superman ". But thankfully she's smart really really smart Looking up she does the only thing she can think of.. she switches to speaking Kryptonian << They are not the government they are a secret group with ties to the government they use that to cover their nefarious goals and deeds.. I speak only truth >>
- Superman has posed:
There's a mild arch of his brow. "Why don't we stick to English for now until I figure out just what project we're talking about. I've been living on this planet thirty years and could make any lawyer's field day defending against paternity suits from people I've never met." His lips purse and then he tilts his head as if listening towards the sky. "I suppose the proof of it will be in the next five minutes. If they really are some shadow organization, we won't hear anything from them because they don't want me asking awkward questions like.. where did you get my dna and why did you try to clone me without my permission." He's a bit nonplussed by this. Call it his personal pet peeve. "Do you have a name?"
- Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Nods her head " Yeah that works my Kryptonian isn't the best and mostly what I could piece together to teach himmm " She bites her lip " yeah your not my dad don't worry, I'm part Kryptonian but " . She sighs " It's a long story but my name is Caitlin Fairchild I worked for a group called Nowhere, I thought I was working for the government and I kinda was but I thought was doing good.. except they weren't they used my inventions and science along with others to do bad things. " She sighs " it's a long story? " She rubs the back of her head..though she keeps blushing when she looks over at him.
- Superman has posed:
Superman's forehead knits the more she talks. "Alright, Miss Fairchild.. you were just chased by well armed, highly trained, men with a serious eye towards grabbing you up. Do you have friends? A safe place to go? And.. not to put too fine a point on it.. how old are you?" It would seem he's used to long stories. They always seem to have the same punchline. Nefarious group dupes good intentioned person then gets mad when said person excercises their conscience.
- Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Sighs " I've been on the run for a few years already trying to get away from them.. I dunno where my friends are right now.. I got invited to the titan tower cause I was looking for Con-EL ". She remembers what she's saying and tries to change the subject " I got an apartment hopefully it's okay but honestly I have no idea I don't want my roommate mixed up in this these guys will murder if they even think you know their name." She sighs and knows she has to admit it " We kinda cloned you and other stuff "
- Superman has posed:
"Alright, then it sounds to me like we're heading to the tower to get you a change of clothes." Superman acknowledges with a nod. "Then we work on figuring out how they found you. I hate to say it but you're rather recognizable. So you'll need to do something to disguise yourself." He seems thoughtful on that point. "We'll address your research later. And we will." He takes a deep breath then gives the sky another glance. "Ready to travel?"
- Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild nods her head and can't help but wrap her arms around him and press herself close to him.. yes maybe she pushes more of her body on him than she needs to but she's also trying to keep her body hidden " thanks .. flying is one of the powers I didn't get " .