6111/Sabrina talks to....a shadow

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Sabrina talks to....a shadow
Date of Scene: 04 January 2019
Location: Riverdale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Shadow

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Like any other weekend, Sabrina seems to be in Pop's Diner enjoying one of his famous burgers and a few fries. However, this time...she seems to be expecting someone....at least...for the moment. "At least Pop's burgers can put someone in a good mood for a meeting. Wonder what it's about. My Aunt's sounded a little....worried, when they called."

Shadow has posed:
    It's a quiet evening in a quiet little diner in a quiet little town. There's a bit of snow outside, just enough to glitter and sparkle in the headlights of the few cars that ply the roads; inside is nice and warm, and the smell of Pop's burgers has lured more than one resident here this evening. Everything's nice, quiet and normal... Until suddenly it isn't.

    The first suggestion to Sabrina that something is off is when she hears the ring of the door opening, but Pop doesn't look up to see who's come in. In fact, neither does anyone else -- and there doesn't seem to be anyone standing in the doorway as it falls closed. Just a sliver of shadow cast by the ceiling lights...

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina, however, looks up. She does turn her eyes when no one else glances at the noise and takes a breath. "Hmmm..." She says as she goes back to her burger. She does, after taking her bite, place a book at the edge of the table, and keeps her hand flat upon it for a second longer than necessary before lifting her hand. "That should keep anyone from disturbing us for the moment." She says quietly as she looks back up towards the direction of the mystery....

Shadow has posed:
    The sliver of shadow flits across the floor as if cast by a living person - even stepping around an oblivious guest that's just leaving - before flowing into the booth opposite from her, at which point it coalesces, thickens and /extrudes/ like a bad special effect, going from two dimensional to three, changing into a dark-clad figure whose face is concealed behind a slouch hat and crimson scarf. "Your aunts spoke highly of your abilities, miss Spellman," the figure speaks as piercing sapphire eyes meet the young woman's gaze. "I require... Consultation, and they implied you might be able to help."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "It's more likely you scared the hell out of them." Sabrina says after taking a deep breath. "Which you nearly did to me." She says as she looks towards those blue eyes....and takes her hand off of the book, which has a writing upon it...where it was blank before. "PLease don't disturb the book, and we shall not be disturbed, or heard, or seen." She then rubs her face. "SO what can I help you with? If I can help you, that is."

Shadow has posed:
    "Your aunts seemed to think so," the figure replies, steepling their fingers. "I presume you're familiar with the 'Black Sleep' phenomenon. Recently, one of my agents contracted it, and so far my own efforts to recover them have been unsuccessful. My network has access to a great deal of mundane information, but is somewhat more limited when it comes to mystical expertise. I initially contacted your aunts to address this, and they referred me to you..."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Mmmm...Black Sheep. Where everyone is falling asleep and not waking up. No one in Riverdale has caught it yet, thankfully. And I hope to keep it that way." Sabrina then rolls her eyes. "Even if some of them deserve it." She then sighs. "I may need to go see this myself." She then looks to her bag and.....digs into it before tugging out a book. "Black Sheep. Black Sheep...." She says flipping pages. "Did your Agent say anything before he or she went to sleep?"

Shadow has posed:
    The figure shakes their head. "According to her partner, she went to sleep normally last Wednesday evening, and then didn't wake up the next morning. That seems to be the overall pattern as far as I've been able to determine: people going to sleep at normal hours and then simply failing to wake up."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina sighs. "Allll right." She says before she flips a couple more pages. "Blast it. I may need to go myself and take a look." She then looks to the person. "Have you seen yourr agent in person?"

Shadow has posed:
    The figure nods. "She was taken to a hospital initially; however, once it turned out that the condition wasn't conventionally contagious and its victims do not require any additional care she was taken back home where her partner takes care of her."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina keeps looking through her book. "Well...I think I'll need to see this person myself. See if I can detect any magical energy myself." She then closes the book and puts it back into her bag. "This sounds like a really nasty curse of some sort." She says as she starts to pick up her bag. "I'll have to meet you at my house in a bit....cuz I'll need to take some time off from school."

Shadow has posed:
    "That can be arranged," the figure replies, placing a blank business card on the table as they rise. "If you need anything, or find information you wish to share, call this number." - and shadows flicker across the card, forming a phone number. "My resources are not infinite, but they /are/ substantial - and if you believe they can help, they are at your disposal for the duration."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina takes the card and puts it in her bag. "Definitely. Just meet me at my house and we'll head to your agent later on today."

Shadow has posed:
    "She lives in New York," the figure points out. "Will that prove an inconvenience?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina laughs. "Only if a broom isn't to your liking." She then tilts her head. "Yes...I'm a witch. I ride a broom."

Shadow has posed:
    That draws a snort of amusement from the figure. "I suppose that makes as much sense as anything involving magic tends to do. I'll meet you there, then."

    With that, the figure turns, already fading back into a two-dimensional shadow the flits away, the door opening and closing as if on its own...

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina picks up her book and puts it back in her bag. "I have to agree with you." She says as she marches her way out of the restaurant and back home...to pack.