6019/It's Lunchtime Somewhere

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It's Lunchtime Somewhere
Date of Scene: 18 December 2018
Location: Riverdale
Synopsis: For the price of a burger, Sabrina extracts a promise from Jughead... Now he has two friends to worry about.
Cast of Characters: Jughead Jones, Sabrina Spellman

Jughead Jones has posed:
The thing about being poor is that you usually end up having a lot more week to your buck than you have buck to your week. Still, Jughead managed to keep himself afloat with the occassional odd job that threw a few bucks his way and kept him in fries. And while it wasn't rightly dinnertime, it was always a good time to enjoy a shake and fries at Pop's.

Especially given the day was fairly dull and dreary out there - fairly typical for December in Starling. That's what you get for living on the West Coast of Canada.

Juggie has a basket of fries, with a grand dollop of ketchup at the side, and is currently scribbling away into a bedraggled journal.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sliding on into the booth, Sabrina smiles to Jughead and sighs. "Need a burger, Jughead?" She says as she orders two and a drink for them both. "How're ya doing? Still dealing with Betty's curiosity?"

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead peers up from his writing, "Hey. And is that need a burger I'll buy you one?" A lopside grin settles on his features. "I could go for a burger. Want some fries?"

He gentlemanly like pushes the fry basket a little more to the center of the table, offering them. Though if she doesn't like ketchup, Sabrina might want to avoid that side of the basket.

"And mmm? Betty? Oh, yeah. Though this isn't that." He closes up his journal, and slides his pen onto the cover for safekeeping. "Just writing some thoughts down."

Thoughts, he says, as though the book weren't crammed full of his inner contemplations, and story ideas he's tossing around against some distant future writing.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Good, cuz I'm getting you one." Sabrina did have her own job already, but it wasn't what her classmates thought, nor does she elaborate on it, ever. "That's good. Betty seems a little too driven by this wolf thing." She then sighs a bit.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead can't argue that point. Betty was like a bulldog once she got an idea into her head.

Jughead leans idly on the table, one arm crooked over it, and the other elbow resting so that he can grab at his food. He reaches for a fry and dips it in the ketchup, pointing with the thing as he speaks, "You know, if we just solve this mystery.." Only it occurs to him, "Actually, she'd just find something new to obsess over."

her really appreciated her journalistic spirit, but it did drag the rest of them into things right along with her.

"She say anything new to you about it?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Sadly, yeah." She says as the burgers arrive. "Ah...I've been dying for one. My aunt makes some good food, but for some reason, cooking beef is beyond her." She then shakes her head before she looks to Jughead. 'Is there any way you can talk her out of it?"

Jughead Jones has posed:
That grin is back again as Jughead reaches for a burger, taking a large bite and talking around it. "Pop's has a way with burgers," he agrees. And fries. And shakes. There was a reason Pop's was still around in the age of fast food franchises.

"Still on board with helping her?" Because Betty would just go at it on her own, without backup, if they didn't. Not that Jughead expected others to follow his lead, but he was curious. After all, this thing was getting weirder as time and investigation went on.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Yeah...I'm still on board. I'm worried that she'll get hurt." She then sighs. "I just.....want you to promise me something, Jughead....."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead thoughtfully finishes his mouthful of burger and sets it down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Sure. Shoot. What's got you worried?"

Other than the fact they both knew their friend needed a keeper or three.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "You have no idea, Jughead." Sabrina says as she bites down and chews on her food. When she swallows her bite, it's....somewhat loud. "I'm very worried....and this is just between you and me." She then sighs a bit. "If we find it, and it's what I think it is.....I will be telling you and Betty to run. This is a 'run for your life, leave me behind, and don't look back' Run away. If I tell you to run....do exactly that. Do not double back to watch. Do not run a short distance and hide. Don't run two steps and snap pictures. You run back to Riverdale....get inside of a house and pray it didn't follow you. Understand?"

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead continues his lean on the table, but now his arms are crossed and he's much closer to Sabrina, because what she's saying really doesn't sound like conversation for the general public.

"You're not fooling around here, huh." It isn't a question. "Say, I know I was joking about that whole werewolf thing, but .." He makes a face. "Right. So I read the news. I know there are things out there that are strange. But you think that's what it is?" Because if so, for one, Betty *really* couldn't be going after that sort of thing on her own, and for another, just how was he going to leave Sabrina to deal with it?

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "What I think it is, and what it actually is are two different things, Jughead." Sabrina says softly. "Promise me....that if I yell for you to run. Do so. Leave me behind, and if you must, drag Betty away as well. Do not look back." She then touches Jughead's chest with her finger. "Promise me, Jughead Jones."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead gives Sabrina a serious look. "I really want to, but you know I can't promise you that, Sabrina Spellman." He takes a page from her book, and a fry. The fry is for good measure, to punctuate his next point - and because he's hungry. "For the same reason I can't just let Betty head out there on her own."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I'm asking you to make this promise because you'll be protecting Betty if you do what I ask." Sabrina takes a deep breath. "I know you want to protect all of us, but your only duty would be to protect Betty, and that's all I want." She then sighs. "I can't tell you everything Jughead. But I don't need as much protecting as Betty will."

Jughead Jones has posed:
That serious look migrates to a scowl. "I don't know, Sabrina. You're asking me to take a lot on faith. Plus, what makes you think I care more about Betty's safety than yours?"

She serious enough that he's beginning to think she at least believes she can handle whatever it is, which suggests there's more to her than there seems. But then again, Betty would be just as likely to make such bold statements, and Jughead was pretty sure that there wasn't anythig more to Betty than what he knew - unless you counted a stubborn streak, and the possibility she might give whatever it was an extreme tongue lashing.

Somehow Jughead didn't think Sabrina was suggesting they all run so that she could give whatever it was a tongue lashing.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "because you would more harm than good if you tried to protect me." Sabrina levels her eyes to Jughead's. "I agree, it's a lot on faith, Jughead, but there are some that have done more...just on faith alone. So I'm asking you to trust me....and make the promise."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead isnt' pleased. He really isn't. She's basically asking him to take on faith an act he wouldn't with Betty. Which is leaving him all sorts of conflicted.

"You know how bad I'm going to feel if I agree and something happens to you, right?"

The concern in his voice is clear.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina's voice is a bit more forceful now, but still quiet. "Jughead...if something happens to me, and you and Betty are still around? You will die...or worse." What is worse than death? "My only concern is your safety, and while I hope I don't need to defend you, a few things Betty said just.....has me worried. So either promise me you'll protect Betty, or I'm going to tell someone that will prevent you from going at all...."

Jughead Jones has posed:
While he's very, very curious as to who Sabrina would tell - and how they'd keep them from going at all - Jughead is sold enough that he sits up, hands raised in supplication. "Fine, fine. I promise. You say run, we run. But I gotta tell you, Betty has a mind of her own and that might not be as simple as you're making it out to be."

He guesses what the next response from Sabrina might be and grins. "I know. Grab her hand and drag her with me. Shall do. You know, for the price of a burger, you drive a hard bargain, Sabrina Spellman."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina smiles softly, and actually steps around the table, to place a kiss on Jughead's forehead. It's a simple gesture of 'thank you' from Sabrina.....so it seems.

Sabrina actually placed a subtle protection spell on Jughead. If he does exactly as she orders, he's going to find he's going to be very well protected, as will Betty, but they must run away for the spell to remain active. It's pretty much ultimate protection in luck from Sabrina, but will only trigger if Sabrina yells for them to run, and Jughead does.

Sabrina smiles and slides back into her seat. "You have no idea what it means to me, Jughead."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead grins again, and gives a shrug. The kiss setting a faint flush of pink along his cheeks. "Ah, gee. Just trying to be a friend. Nothing more than I'd do for anyone I liked." Which is nothing more than true.

It's likely just as well he's not aware of the protection spell.

"Besides," he points out rightly, and with that grin and a twinkle in his blue-green eyes, "You did buy me a burger. I figure fair is only fair."

Because if you can't change the outcome to suit what you want in your heart of hearts (because he is worried about Sabrina as much as he is about Betty.. which is as much as he'd worry about Archie or any other of the gang), you make light of it and carry on.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Yeah, but I'd like to think I didn't buy your friendship." Sabrina says with a grin. "We did go to rival schools for a while. but....you and your friends have always treated me.....normal."

Jughead Jones has posed:
That impish grin remains. "Nah. You never had to buy my friendship. It's a nice perk, but I'd have done it all for free."

He does sober, then. "You really don't think that, though, do you? That - well, you know, that the whole rival thing still exists. Or that you have to buy my friendship."

Because if she does, or is worried about that, then he's been doing something wrong.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "That I bought your friendship? Nah. I know better. I'm just glad we're friends." Sabrina says as she finally finishes her burger.

Jughead Jones has posed:
"Me too," Jughead agrees, lifting the remains of his burger to salute her with. "But you're going to be careful, right? Not make me regret my promise?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "As careful as I can be, Jughead. I won't take any unnecessary risks, I promise." She then winks. "Find out what you can about this....BEFORE betty." She says as she gets up. "It'll help me."

Jughead Jones has posed:
"Aye aye, Captain." Jughead's words come with a salute of his offhand (because nobody wants a burger to the brow). "Will see what I can do. And thanks for the burger. I owe you one."