60/Panic! At the Disco-unt Store!

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Panic! At the Disco-unt Store!
Date of Scene: 16 April 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: A bug problem at a store results in a big fight.
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Starr, Ghost Spider, Hawkeye (Bishop), Batman

Star Shimmer has posed:
Riding busses around Gotham can be a long and tedius prospect. It's even more problematic when you realize that today is Easter and the busses aren't running! Cab Time! So that is what Autumn did.

It's leaning toward the evening now as the Cab rolls up to the Walget. Autumn steps out and enters into the grand store. It was time for her to stop being a chicken and start dressing to match who she was. It was time to get some nice clothes that didn't hide her. So to the Womens' section she goes and begins looking around through the various articles of clothing. She's tried this before. Tried to get her own clothing. Every time it felt like every eye in the store was on her. It freaked her out. Today though, Today she was going to get some stuff!

Her gaze goes around the area. She sees a mother and her daughter shopping. Another family looking around at electronics and countless others. It makes the girl's heart flutter, especially as she moves into Lingerie area to gather herself a few things.

Starr has posed:
    Already in Walget, Elycia was looking through the electronics area, looking for an upgrade to her phone. Mostly one of those mini chips to upgrade the memory on it. She finds one and hangs onto it as she looks at the video games nearby. Of course, she's a gamer. Isn't everyone? Well, the fact that her shirt has 'N7' on it might give people a small clue.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen doesn't normally do stuff like this...but she's got a day off from the store...no gig...and it's not TOO far away...so why not see what the hub-bub is all about over there in Gotham. So she slung her backpack on, hopped on a train, and here she is! Walking the hustling, bustling streets of Gotham. It's different...a little more Gothic than she's used to...but pretty cool. She sees a Walget and while she's technically on a mini vacation...she could use a few things. So she makes her way inside the building, headphones in her ears, jamming out to something as she wanders the women's section too for a moment before going to the music.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate really has all the clothes she needs, closets full of them, but mostly those things are pantsuits and dresses and things meant for cello recitals or chartity balls or even riding horse... not so much things that normal people wear. So, having bribed the driver her father has assigned to her, she arrived at the Walget some time ago. She happens to be in the Womens' section as well, looking at hooded sweatshirts at the moment. She has a cart, inside already are several pairs of jeans and various sorts of snacks. Of course she's come sans outfit or even weapons. There are plenty of improvised weapons around the store if need be. She's come dressed in a pair of purple athletic shorts, open-toed sandals, and a white t-shirt printed with "I am not Daredevil" on the front. She has a baseball cap too, this read "Gotham Knights".

Batman has posed:
Suddenly, the front windows of the Walget explode inward with a deafening roar, the glass shattering as a quartet of masked criminals in all-white outfits swing in from rappelling lines, submachine guns slung across their chests.

"EVERYBODY DOWN!" a voice shouts from behind the crooks. It's a figure in a ludicrously colored outfit of orange, purple, and green--flying in with the aid of a set of orange wings.

"Do this right and you all walk away unscathed! But try to act out...well, they don't call me KILLER MOTH for nothing!" the figure shouts with the verbal equivalent of a sneer.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn did her measurements before she left home. That helps a lot. Quickly she gathers a pair of training bras, and of course other underwear. She quickly gets out of the area and promptly covers those items up with a few tops and a couple pairs of pants, not to mention skirts and a dress or two!

"Almost done." The girl's heart is racing but She's almost through this. Quickly she starts moving towards the checkout, Just in time for people to come crashing in!

Fear rushes through the girl's body. In the past she'd avoided most of the real trouble in Gotham. Sure she caused a little herself but really, She's avoided it. So she quickly drops to the ground when the man dressed in colors that would make every effeminate man on the Eastern Seaboard facepalm clear off the their seats. She just takes cover for now.

Sadly things don't shake out. The little girl who was with her mother is now on her own. Her mom has taken cover and in a moment without thought, left her little girl. Autumn sees this. Looking to the inbound threat... She winces and jumps up, taking off toward the little girl and attempting to pull her to safety.

Starr has posed:
    The sound of exploding glass makes Elycia seek cover, immediately, despite the fact that she's a little ways away from the glass. When the voices, and threats, stop, ELycia peeks above the counter to look at the quarter of bad guys, and the leader who makes five. "Killer Moth, huh?" She says mostly to herself. "Well. It's about time to set up, I think."

She makes her way towards the dressing rooms, and uses her amulet to change forms......

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen is in the music section checking out some drumsticks, nodding her head a little as she looks them over. She blinks a little, looking side to side, then tenses when she feels a tingle at back of her head. She's part excited, because she's going to see one of the crazy Gotham villains!! They were always so FUN on tv! But...she's mad that she has to do work on her vacation day. She ducks just a moment before the windows explode into the store, grabbing at her backpack and scrambling into a bathroom thankfully nearby the department she was in.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Jesus Christ..." Kate swears as the windows burst in and she immediately looks up. "Sorry. Especially today." There's a cackling supervillian ultimatum and all that, so it's time to do something. The sporting goods section is too far away, so instead she detaches an aluminum bar from a rack display of blouses and sets that in her cart as she moves towards the front. She does her best to seem clueless. "Wha'?"

Batman has posed:
One of the white-clad criminals begins collecting purses, while another threatens the cashiers. "Come on, come on! You know this drill. Don't be a hero. Don't be stupid," Killer Moth says, leaping onto the jewelry counter for a better view.

When a girl makes a run for--well, something--Killer Moth turns and begins firing a strange gun at her. PFFT PFFT PFFT sounds the weapon, which fires clumps of sticky web-like material just a bit too slowly to catch their target.

One of the henchmen steps toward the clueless woman with the bar in her cart. "Hey, lady, get down already! How stupid are you?" He raises his weapon threateningly, finger on its trigger.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater Narrowly avoids the weapon's fire but sadly tackles the little kid who starts crying right away. "shh Shh Shh!!!" She starts whispering, "You need to be quiet. I'm sorry. There are really bad guys out there. Just hold quiet for a few minutes and stay down." She smiles to the little girl who does at least listen.

Quickly Autumn begins looking around. Where is she? Great she's back in the Lingerie section. "Okay. Think Autumn Think!" Her attention goes to the articles of clothing and smirks. "Well Mom did call those double barrel sling shots." She quickly grabs one of the larger undergarments and starts working with it to make a makeshift slingshot. She is staying down and doing her best to not be seen doing this.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen, in the relative safety of the bathroom moves into one of the stalls and quick changes into her costume, stuffing her normal clothes in her bag, locking the stall and sliding underneath the gap. Four guys...easy. Submachine guns...amps the difficulty up, yeah...but she /is/ a little worried about the guy with the wings. Never know with these gotham villains. Sometimes they're jokes...sometimes they'll blow up buildings because it casts a shadow they don't like. She cricks her neck a little and does a little shimmy. She smiles a little behind the mask, opening the door and peeking out before she walks out, her smile evident in the strangely emotive mask under her hoodie. "Ohhh coool! A genuine Gotham villain!! Are you one of the cool ones? Or like...a /lame/ one like Calendar man?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Luckily, Kate has worn her armor under her clothes, well... what part of it she can conceal. "What's going on?" she gasps and stops her cart. "Clowns!" she squeals, looking at Killer Moth. "Can I have a balloon animal? Please, please, pleeeeeease?" she begs. Stalling for time, maybe the police will get here and giv her an opening to deal with some of these criminals?

Starr has posed:
    This is when the larger Elycia steps out of the dressing room....promptly bumps her head and she rolls her eyes. "I'll never get used to that." And she walks her way over towards Autumn and the little girl, who're keeping as low as possible. She kneels down and smiles to them both. Stay here. I'll try and protect you." And she opens her hand. "Defensor plus." A Shimmering done appears over Autumn and the girl. "Stay there. It'll protect you."

She stands up straighter, just as Spider-Gwen arrives....and chuckles at her quip. "I'd pick lame, I think. Called himself Killer Moth. I guess that makes the rest of them the 'Ticks', I think. Well......" She starts to wave her hand and red orbs appear around her. "Let's see how agile they are." And she points a finger at the 'moths'.

The orbs are very small and fast, so they look a lot more threatening than they actually are. Sot's a significant distraction, for whomever needs it. Whoever gets hit, has a limb bound like with cuffs. Being hit four times means they can't move.

Batman has posed:
"Are you friggin' KIDDING me?" Killer Moth scoffs to Kate Bishop. "You got a deathwish, girl. Lemmy, show her what happens when 'the Moth' gets lip."

"Sure thing, boss," the henchman near Kate replies, cocking his gun. "You'll wish we were clowns," the man says as he kicks the cart out of the way. "Now get on the floor or I'll /put/ you there."

The henchman nearest Spider-Woman does a double-take. "What the hell--?! Hey, boss!" he shouts. "We got a competitor or something over here!" Turning back to Spider-Woman, the mook tilts his head a bit. "You never worked Gotham before, did you? It won't help to start talkin' smack about any of the others. These people are crazy, and the paydays won't come if you don't play along..."

The two other henchmen, their attention toward collecting cash and goods from the store and put-upon customers, fail to notice Elycia's orbs until it's too late, and they're both stuck with paralyzed hands and arms. "Wha?!" cries one. "Help!" shouts the other.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater finally gets her 'slingshot' ready and loads it up with several articles of clothing, Gets ready to fire and.... SHIELDED! She looks around and sighs. "Well I guess we're safe." She gets comfy in the shield. Quietly she pulls the little girl close to her. "Its okay. You're safe. Don't worry. You will be back with your mom soon." She smiles to her and just starts singing. "Don't worry, About a thing. Cause every little thing, is gonna be alright..."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman glances over at the large woman and smiles a little, raising an eyebrow and watching the shield appear over the two on the ground. "Killer moth? Snnrrkkk...Okay." She says with a grin, pulling a phone out and taking a picture. "Heyyyy Mothman." She's interrupted by the henchman giving her advice. She laughs a little and walks over to him. "You know that's a good idea. I'll have to be more careful. Say. How's the medical coverage for a henchman here in Gotham? Seems like you're gonna need it. Are you ready for this?" She ends that by talking a little louder, as if she's not just talking to the henchman near her. There's a quick thwip, the man's gun barrel and most of the gun covered in a sticky web substance, and another one aimed at grabbing the man's head.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I want my balloon animal! A poodle, please, or a dragon." Kate grumbles loudly. To the Moth she looks then. "Do you do birthday parties? My niece has one coming up and she'd love to have a silly clown like you mob." She points into her cart. "I have the coolest thing here. You should check it out." she offers to whatever henchman cares to get suckered in.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia smirks a little at the two that're hit. "I suggest you stay down, or else that pain is going to get a lot worse." She says pointing two fingers at one of them.
    But then she hears Autumn. "You're not her mother?" Four yellow bolts of energy head for one of them henchmen from her fingers....and if THOSE hit, it'll be like binders holding his wrists and ankles, but off the ground and extended spread eagle. A binding spell.

"Anything that calls themselves 'Killer' are usually compensating for something. In this case....probably a lack of power. Hey...good shot spider-girl...."

Batman has posed:
The henchman near Spider-Woman instinctively pulls the trigger on his gun, but the misfire caused by webbing over the barrel causes the gun to burst in his hand. He begins to scream in pain, but another glob of webbing encases his head.

At the same time, one of the moth men suddenly floats, bound by Elycia's sorcery. "Ahhhh! I--can't--move--!" he gasps.

Killer Moth begins firing his own weapon at the defensive shield. "You can't stay protected forever, whoever you are!" He retrieves a grenade from his belt and tosses it toward the far side of the bubble.

Meanwhile, the henchman near Kate, seemingly oblivious to his comrades, looks at her skeptically but moves toward the cart, one hand out to fish for whatever she's referring to. "Ok, ok. We'll just see about that. Take it easy, now..."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater winces as several shots come flying toward the bubble. She winces. "Okay. Here is what we are going to do. On the count of three We're going to run toward the dressing rooms. Okay?"

The little girl nods... Just in time for the grenade to be tossed. "Oh crap..." Quickly she takes her hand. "ONE TWO THREE!" She states in rapid succession and takes off running.

The girl keeps running, picking up the little girl. She slides to safety into the room where... Oh Look, The little girl's mom is there! "You stay with your mom!"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-woman yanks the man down by the head, her knee coming up and crashing into the side of the man's head. "Told you you'd need medical!" She says, both her hands grabbing onto the string of webbing stick to the side of his head, spinning her body around, easily taking the guy for a ride in a circle as she hammer tosses the man into a nearby wall. She gets that tingle at the base of her skull again, continuing her spin, not worrying about anything else as she webs the grenade away from the running pair, sticking it to the dressing room wall. "Steeeerike!"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate smiles and smiles vacantly at the henchman until he's slightly bent over, reaching for something in the cart. She moves quickly, shoving the cart as hard as she can into the man, intending to knock him off-balance enough to then relieve him of his firearm with an appopriate strike or kick.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia's hand moves to move the shield over the grenade. "Contain." And the sigils changes from without, to within to keep the grenade from exploding, whether it's dangerous or not. She looks over towards where Autumn and the girl ran, but then turns back to Killer Moth. "You do realize there's consequences....." Her staff tip turns, loudly, as if fortelling doom.......and a red scythe, made purely of magical force hisses forth from the opened place.

She goes after Moth and actually swings the scythe at the villain. If it hits, it'll actually paralyze what it hits. if she actually hits him in the back, or chest, then it'll paralyze his whole body....in rather dramatic fashion.

Batman has posed:
The henchman being swung around by Spider-Woman drops, limp, from the wall to the floor. He's definitely out cold.

Kate's dance partner groans as the air is expelled from his lungs by the cart's sudden impact with his gut. His gun goes clattering across the Walget floor after the woman strikes his wrist, and he falls to his knees in pain.

Seeing that he's without backup, Killer Moth shrugs. "Good help is hard to find. Clearly I've underestimated how popular this franchise is for ... you-types." He leaps backward from the jewelry counter, his wings allowing him to glide in the air.

Just then, of course, Elycia's scythe slices through the spot he'd just inhabited. Making a noise in surprise or terror, Killer Moth tosses his weapon torward the woman's feet. "Tell you what--call it a draw?" he asks as he picks up his floating pace back toward the store's front windows.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman looks up at the Moth and smirks. "See you had a better gimmick, you might nod need these bargain basement chumps. And didn't you know? It's Spandex and comfy shoes half off today." She says, clearly not quite intent of calling it a 'draw' as she starts to run towards him. She webs the ceiling, the girl swinging in an arch towards the flying man.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate flips the cart over to contain the (hopefully) subdued henchman and starts to head for the door to make her own getaway. "Guess I'll have to shop some other time." she complains. "Toodles." she offers the criminal in his new aluminum cage. "Happy Easter." The others seem to have things well in hand. Besides, store security and the police will be there momentarily, no doubt.

Starr has posed:
    Elycia looks up as Moth decides to take flight and the blade retracts. She smirks a little bit. "How about....no." Her staff then materializes another headpiece and she levels it at Moth.

Just as she sees Spider-Woman's web hit the ceiling, and she smiles.

That's when the transmutation circle spins into existence underneath of her.....waiting for Spider-Woman to make her move before she hits Killer Moth....if she needs to.

Star Shimmer has posed:
As soon as the little girl is safely returned to her mother, Autumn pulls a vanishing act that would make the Dark Knight proud. She is simply gone. Moving silently, she slips out of the dressing rooms and begins circling around. Her heart is pounding and her mind racing. She mutters softly to herself, "What are you doing girl?"

Seeing the Killer Moth starting to move towards the shattered glass, she makes her move. Using every bit of Athleticism that she had pounded into her from her dad wanting a boy and forcing it on her, She takes off running. Sprinting fast towards the guy. Using well placed step stool she pushes off, launching herself into the air.

The girl's full weight which, not terribly much but enough, collides with the Killer Moth. He is taken down to the floor and onto... lots of shattered glass. Autumn takes a bit of a beating but not near as much as the felled moth. With a quick action she winds up and punches him in the face. "Thats for threatening a little girl!"

Batman has posed:
As he retreats, airborne, to his exit, Killer Moth narrows his eyes in anticipation of the enemies coming his way. He reaches for something at his belt...

...and then Autumn tackles him to the ground. When he impacts the floor, his head bounces off it and he emits a sad groan before losing consciousness.

His goons are not in any better position, having been knocked out or otherwise incapacitated themselves.

The employees of Walget and the other customers remain down and hidden as best they can, although there are visible signs of relief when the sounds of approaching police sirens can be heard over the regular din of activity in Gotham.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman's eyes get wide when she sees the other girl suddenly leap through the air and slam into the villain. She yelps a little, suddenly yanking her arch short to send her against the ceiling, but she looks just fine up there, feet sticking to the ceiling, standing upside down and looking up/down to the floor. The costumed girl lowers herself down on a strand of webbing and crouches next to the knocked out villain. "Hey! Nice work there! But you really oughtta leave this kind of stuff to people like us!" She says, helping Autumn up to her feet if she's allowed. She smiles a little in the strangely emotive mask, but then oooh's. "Oh! I almost forgot." She says, scampering off, then coming back with a backpack slung over her shoulder and a few drumsticks in her hand. "I need a cashier please!" She says as she stands infront of one of the registers.

Starr has posed:
    And when Autumn tackles Moth, Elycia raises her staff and sighs as the circle under her feet spins out of existence. "She's got guts, I'll say that much." She says before she heads for the dressing room that holds the mother and her little girl. "It's safe now. Come on out." She then rises her eyebrows at Spider Woman....and Autumn. "You should be more careful, hun." She says starting to 'rack up' the rest of the villains, including moth. "You have guts, hun. Glad to see some people giving others hope." She says placing a memory card chip at a register. "She's not the only one...."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn Stillwater accepts the help to her feet. She looks at Spider-Woman and then Elycia, "I umm. Yeah. I know. I just... He tried to kill a little girl. I just seen the girl and her mom... I thought about my own mom and how upset she is that I'm not at home any more and it hurt. I guess I just love people." She makes a little shrug.

Quietly she steps away and grabs her cart. "I need to check out please?" She asks as she stands there. She doesn't ask for any rewards or anything. She just wants to head out.

Batman has posed:
Rattled employees begin getting back to their feet, looking for supervisors. "Umm...just a second?" one cashier offers, her face pale.

Officers arrive to take control of the scene, cuffing the subdued henchmen. Someone calls for a special straitjacket to restrain Killer Moth.

Over the intercom, the following message is broadcast: "Thank you for being valued Walget shoppers. Please cooperate with the police fully! We will be offering discounts on your purchases for your inconvenience today."