5967/Out of Order

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Out of Order
Date of Scene: 10 December 2018
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Skye and Ward discover Wade washing his outfit in the breakroom sink. After he scampers off, they're joined by Clint and May. Ward makes a date to chat with May on the morrow. Skye doesn't get to drink her coffee. Wheels are up in 15.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Grant Ward, Deadpool, Hawkeye (Barton), Melinda May

Quake has posed:
The breakroom is quiet at this hour - the bulk of folks have gone home. Night shift is always quieter, requiring significantly less admin staff on site to run the place while the rest of the world sleeps. It doesn't mean /everyone/ is gone. But it does mean that getting the vending machines fixed at the drop of a hat is significantly more difficult.

Wait, back to the things are quiet..

Skye has dragged herself out of the quarters she shares with Clint, reasonably certain she won't be running into too many strange faces, if any at all, by hanging out in the break room. That way, when May asks, later, 'Did you leave your rooms today at all?' Skye can say, without a word of a lie, that Yes, yes she had. Even if it were only a technicality, and May really meant: did you socialize with other human beings today.

Skye. Laptop. Breakroom.

Broken vending machines. *gasp*

Oh the humanity!

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward for his part really wanted a Milky way. NAturally that would mean the vending machines are broken in the one place in this complex that stocks them. He sighs eyeballing Skye and nodding to her. He hadn't seen her since their impromtu game night a few weeks prior. "Doing alright?" he asks in a conversational, but easily dismissed tone. The kind that says "If you wanna talk, I can talk. If you want left alone, I can respect that." He's been there himself after all.

Deadpool has posed:
    There's sound. It isn't quiet. There's the rush of the water in the sink, and some erratic humming. Upon entrance to the break room, eyes will be scandalized by a partially bouncing red and black leather-covered butt, because Wade is partially bent into the sink, up to his elbows in sudsy water, and is humming along to himself. He has some light pink kitty-eared headphones on, which carry a mild pop music to float along as well. It isn't on super loud, though, so there isn't much to be heard over the water.

    There is a metallic section of shiny coffeemaker and toaster to one side, and so the reflection is easily used to grant Wade awareness of arrivals. He doesn't turn, just lifts a white-sudded glove to wave cheerfully without turning to look at the arrivals. Shiny microwave is sufficing. He has kitchen gloves on over his costume: bright yellow ones. "Hiiiiiyo," Wade singsongs, probably in tune with his music.

Quake has posed:
"Machine's broken," she tells Ward unecessarily. "I'd go back to my quarters and use the coffeemaker and make real stuff, but I'm supposed to go out in public every day and pretend I'm human." She gives him a wry grin as he mentions 'if she needs to talk'. "I guess you heard, huh?"

She's about to tell him she knows there's some really nasty dirty sneaker tasting instant in the kitchen when Wade's singsong is heard. "Or we can see whatever it is he's up to. It could be making coffee. It could be building a bomb."

It's Wade. One never knows.

"Actually, have you met him yet?" Almost, but not quite in the tones of 'run while you still can'. Totally mitigated by her grin, because while Wade is a lot to handle, he still is Clint and Skye's friend, and she does kinda like the guy.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward looks extremely skeptical... though he doesn't go all T-1000 so there is at least that, right. He doesn't even unlatch his weapon. Yet. "Is he running a cat through a blender in there?" he asks skeptically as he moves to follow Skye...

Deadpool has posed:
    There is probably little that can be said to actually prepare someone for the heavily armed mercenary in normal context, let alone while doing dishes and singing with his silly headphones. He pivots, leaning over to a towel hung over the oven to sort of loosely rub one of the yellow gloves on it, and then pulls the headphones to rest around his neck instead of on his ears. The music is much more audible in that position.

    " In this situationnnnnn, baby you just got one choiceeeee," sings Deadpool cheerfully, gesturing dramatically at those arriving.

    Closer look reveals he's washing something in the sink that has turned it reddish brown. Let's pretend it's coffee.

    "SKYE. You know the words?" Wade asks encouragingly.

Quake has posed:
"I have no clue," Skye tells Ward with a laugh. "He's singing? I think?"

Wade's voice drifts out, asking her if she knows the words.

"Yep. He's singing."

"No comprende, Wade. Not sure I know that song. Did you find the coffee?" She kind of hopes he has, saving her from having to locate it and put on the kettle. She's not sure the coffeemaker in there still even works. The possibility exists it doesn't, given May fed her instant.

"Wade," she explains to Ward, "is a bit of an aquired taste. He and Nat are.. uh.. well.. they dated?" Yeah. She never got that either, but it worked for them.

Grant Ward has posed:
"I...see," Grant says in a tone that says that he frankly does not see at all. He tilts his head a little bit, and has suprisingly little difficulty picturing NAt with Wade... but then, Nat. "Nice to meet you." He offers, trying to make out the music coming from those headphones...

Deadpool has posed:
    "Well your part, which you have now sadly missed, was 'Kiss me'," Wade relates to Skye with a disappointed overdramatic sigh, and a look towards Agent Ward as if expecting support with how sad it is that she didn't know what she was supposed to sing. "It's just the biggest new Alex Valentine single. It's fine. Pop culture eludes many," Wade laments. He flips the volume to zero on the control on the headset cord, and starts to empty the sink of water, to rinse his little project. "I don't get paid enough to do coffee," Wade scoffs, as well. He doesn't get paid at all, really, currently. "Also, wow. Is that really how you introduce me? By who I used to date? Seriously, is that first up? Not the rest of it? I'm an ex of someone else? Wow. Cut to the bone. I thought we were pals," Wade chatters at Skye.

    "Hello, Agent Guy. Unless you'd prefer something else?" A yellow gloved hand is offered to shake. Dripping. But clearly 'polite' if a little enthusiastic. "I'm usually Deadpool. There's a folder on me. You can read it. I put new headshots in there recently, so it is super up-to-date."

Quake has posed:
Skye chuckles. "I know a lot of songs with Kiss Me in the lyrics, but not that one." For all she knew it was one she knew - only with the distinct stylings of Wade.

"Wade, this here's Grant Ward. One of our finer Agents. Grant, Wade. There. If May asks, I was polite and introduced you." His complaint leaving her shaking her head, lips bowed over a smirk. "It was nicer than he's a pain, and if he likes you, he has a tendancy to pop in without advance warning, and keep your guns locked up around him?" Skye laughs adding, "He does do a nice cross stitch, though."

"You don't get paid here at all if you're not consulting," she reminds. Then considers. "I have a nickel? If I gave you that, would you put the kettle on at least?"

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward doesn't shake Wade's dripping wet gloved hand... because eww. Still he nods slightly as Skye introduces him. "Nice to meet you, and it's Agent Ward." He says to the other man. At Skye's suggestion that Wade make coffee, Grant almost pales... "Why don't I make the coffee. I mean I know it's a bit strong for some people's tastes but still.."

Deadpool has posed:
    "I'm not here for work. I'm here to meet my---" Deadpool does a very long, very anticipatory pause, "GOOD BUDDY, Captain America. We work out together," Deadpool says, in an extremely obvious and heavy name-drop. The casualness of it is far overblown over what it should be. "Well, he worked out. I was a weight. And that's what matters."

    With that, Deadpool turns back to his sink of rinsing, and lifts the cloth out of it to wring it out harshly. It looks like some extra piece of Deadpool-gear, and the blood doesn't show on it, but did show in the sink. "Dere we go. Holy but still good." He pulls about twenty paper towels off the roll and begins to pat his item dry on the counter.

    "Also I am here in the room. I feel like I'm being summarized like a quick paragraph in an old TV guide. When have I /ever/ stolen your weapons? Never. I am self-sufficiently armed," Wade says, mock-upset. Or maybe upset. He tilts quickly moodwise.

    "I'm good on coffee. I have had SO MUCH caffiene," Wade says emphatically. He probably has.

Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't quite catch the 'oh god' that escapes her lips at the mention of, and thought of, Wade and Steve working out together. "Voluntarily," she squeaks, the sound disbelieving, and chased with something of a laugh. "Like you. And him?" Choking further when it becomes clear that Wade was a 'weight'.

"Uh.. and you spoke in front of him?" Because Wade. And that mouth. And Captain America. Skye has experienced first hand, more than once, that disproving 'language' of his. She could only imagine Wade had sent him into fits.

"I'm not so good on coffee," Skye points out to Ward, lips quirking at the correction to 'Agent Ward'. She's pretty sure it's for Wade's benefit and not hers, but you never know. Ward was a bigger stickler than Skye was, and he wouldn't be the first to point the young Agent at protocol. "You do the coffee. As long as it's not me, I'm good."

Though now she's presented with the slight problem that there is no way to open her laptop and boot it up /and/ remain somewhat politely social. Which means she's now obligated to be politely social.

"Didn't say you stole my weapon. I said a person should lock their guns up around you. Remember who found you in R&D with the you know whatsit there? I'm just saying, it's a wise thing to do."

Grant Ward has posed:
IT was indeed for Wade's benifit, and not Skye's but Grant's own mind hits a series of rapid fire speedbumps when he realizes just what Deadpool is doing. "Wait, how did that thing get all bloody, firstly...and second why are you doing your laundry in the breakroom sink?" he asks in a tone of disbelief that really only someone like the Merc with the mouth can produce..

Deadpool has posed:
    "The Laundry area is not included in my security clearance," Wade answers Agent Ward helpfully. He does not mind at all explaining the why. That's the why. It isn't cheeky, it is entirely informational. He wrings it out more. "I wanted to wash it so I could wear it. I'm technically a little naked right now, so just don't tell anyone," Deadpool adds, in the way only a crazy person can actually say it and still entirely mean it. Somehow it's truth to Deadpool. Or he's wearing in illusion for their benefit.

    Deadpool removes the gloves one finger-at-a-time, and puts them near the sink. "I forgot that weapon! That's true. Well, maybe you guys should not build things with legs and my name clearly stenciled on them," Wade smiles. He shakes out the piece of gear some wetly; water flies around. "Let's go find a clothesline. Oh! I have a garrote. That should work...." Wade announces, and immediately just starts to trot out. One Wade, loose in the Triskelion!

Quake has posed:
Skye makes a face as she, too, realizes what Wade is doing. She's wise enough in all the ways Wade to know enough not to ask why his clothes were bloody in the first place. And rather inwardly glad she wasn't the one who'd walked in on him in the kitchen, though, eww... gross. That sink is going to need some bleach.

"Uh.." Skye watches Wade flash on by (literally), singing to herself in a monotone, "Oh yes, they call him the streak, boogety boogety..."

When Ward has had time to both make coffee (wut? she has priorities), and return to the breakroom proper, she shakes her head.

Quake has posed:
Skye hasn't got a great answer for Grant, because.. well, because Wade? And she's not sure either. "Uh.. I think he just did his laundry in our breakroom sink? And while that seems completely out to lunch, it almost makes sense the longer I know him."

Scary, huh?

"Want help with that coffee?" And by help, Skye means she'll watch, and not get in the road, and maybe helpfully point out what cupboards have the mugs in and that sort of thing. Skye is barely SHIELD-broken, let alone domestic.

Grant Ward has posed:
It takes Ward's brain a few momments to completely reboot. Finally he says in a completely baffled voice "Skye...what the hell just happened." he says and moves to the coffee maker because...well because that is a normal thing to do..

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward nods slightly as he takes the decanter out of the coffee pot...looks at the sink for a moment... and then looks for /any/ other source of water to fill it with. "I can say, without hesitation or reservation I hope I never get so accustomed to someone that that seems normal." He says simply...

Quake has posed:
There's a snicker from Skye. "Trust me, it wasn't on my list either. It's mostly self-preseveration." That comes with a shrug. "He likes us."

Which kind of suggests one might consider what he's like if he doesn't like you.

"Anyway, we didn't really get a great chance to meet last time. I'm Skye. You already know that. Not sure what you've heard, but in my defense, I was left unsupervised." She means it like a joke, but honestly, it could actually be true. And, it would seem, Fury likes her.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward smiles an almost schoolboy like smile and shakes Skye's hand. "Grant. Nice to meet you." he fills the coffee maker and then takes out two packets of premeasured coffee, one silver and the other orange. "Leaded or unleaded?" he asks with a smirk, though judging from the man's body language it looks like he's ready to put the orange one back already... or throw it in the garbage where such things belong.

Quake has posed:
Okay, now while Skye has never *looked* at the state of her coffee fixings, and could very easily be being fed decaf instead of regular on a, well, regular basis, she still has very firm opinions on the matter.

"What kind of question is that? We don't even give Hydra unleaded. And we don't like them." Silly Grant, decaf isn't even for kids. You use it to clean the pipes. D'uh.

"And we actually have a choice here? Sounds like May had them stock the place up since my last visit." Last night. "Because all we had then was sneaker water instant. And if you knew me better you'd know how bad it had to be for me to say that."

Grinning, she shakes his hand. "I hear you're probably one of the best Agents we have. And one of the few who climbed through the ranks faster than I have." Another grin. "I'm not done yet, though. I should really warn you."

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward smirks at her comment and says, "Look foreward to it. Not many better incentives then to see someone behind you, nipping at your heels." he opens the silver foil pack into the filter, looks at the amout of grounds skeptically, opens a second and pours about half of it into the filter as well... then the other half too, and turns the pot on. "The trick is to push yourself. Push yourself to your very limit. Then push yourself one more step. You o that, well you can do anything."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"It's true," Clint says off Skye's 'warning' as he strolls into the break room. He's decked out in wilderness gear, with the jacket unbuttoned.

"And decaf is a sin against nature," he remarks with a grin.

As to Ward's remarks, he says, "That's true too, the pushing," he says giving the other agent a nod. "And any chance of a cup?" he asks about the coffee as he heads over to join Skye.

Quake has posed:
"Totally a crime against nature," Skye agrees as Clint joins them. She helpfully points Clint at the mug bearing cupboard. It's how she's helping: by not getting in the road.

"Not sure about nipping," Skye grins. "In fact, up until some months ago, I wouldn't even have put myself in the field." There's a shrug for Ward. "Funny how things happen."

Clint's getup earns a commentary, though. "Uh.. did I miss an agreed upon departure time?" Clint didn't seem distressed enough about things to suggest she wasn't somewhere she was supposed to be. "Or are we doing a fashion show for the ladies in accounting?"

Grant Ward has posed:
"My Training officer always drank decaf. Maybe he's an evil spy or something," Grant Quips, nodding to Barton and saying "I'm not paying for it, I'm just making it. Far as I am concerned it's community coffee." Comunity coffe he used twice the recomended amout of crounds to make of course. Then he adds, "Your reputation proceeds you sir, pleasure to finally make your aquaintance. I'm Grant Ward."

Melinda May has posed:
How does May know Clint and Skye would be in here? She probably asked Ops to track their movements. But really, that doesn't matter in the long run. What matters is she enters the break room carrying a squared-off duffel bag in one hand, and a largeish thermos in the other. She sees the couple chatting with Agent Ward and stops, setting both items on a nearby table.

Then, she stands there wordlessly and waits.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint diverts to the cupboard, but not before rolling his eyes at Skye mouthing ~So helpful~ with a smile and a shake of his head.

"And no, we're still good, just doing making sure the gear fit," he says.

Clint gives Ward a nod, extending his hand. "Likewise, but wish my reputation would come along with the note not to call me sir," he grins. "I'm a little informal." Which may just be the understatement of the year. "And really, your SO fed you decaf? Yeah, he must be evil. Mine wasn't so specific about the grounds as long as it was made in a vintage Howling Commandos press," he offers grinning.

Feeling May's arrival more than hearing it, Clint turns, "Or you could draw May and get no coffee at all." He gives the deputy director a wave.

Quake has posed:
Clint's 'so helpful' to Skye earns him a hand flap in a mouth gesture, while she over exagerates a mouthing of 'What's that? Can't hear you' back at him. She helps even more by hopping up and sitting on the counter.

"My SO made me play nice with others. Oh, and go out in the fresh air. Do I look pasty to you? Do I?" Clint gets a look that says he really shouldn't answer that. "And pretty sure I've never sir'd you Hotshot." The impish look on her face says, oohhh, she is so considering it later, though.

It should be noted Skye had yet to Sir anyone. Even Fury was, at best, Boss. Wait, natch that. He got sir'd once. As a gesture of respect. But that wasn't on any official recordings anywhere, and to be fair, he'd just lain down a very heavy piece of the foundation of their relationship between them. It had touched her deeply, and 'Sir' was the best way she knew to let him know he had.

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward however, is a pretty much a "sir & Ma'am" kind of guy. So when when CLint asks not to be called sir, his immediate responce is a completely unironic, "Yes, of course sir." It is then followed by a visible wince and a slap to his own forehead. He sighs a bit shaking his head, "Yeah, Garrett was anti smoking, anti-drinking, anti caffine... bit of a hard ass actully. But he was also what I needed back then." He shrugs a bit and adds, "And since I was smoking close to a pack a day when I met him, I can forgive him for getting me off those disgusting things."

Melinda May has posed:
"I have no thing against other people drinking coffee," is May's only reply to Clint's comment. Well, that and a nod hello in reply to the wave. "But I would have to agree with Garrett on the anti-smoking part. Reduces your lung capacity." And anyone who's been though May's caslithenics training knows that oxygen -- and the ability to intake it -- becomes a very precious thing.

She then glances at a clock on the wall. "Wheels up in fifteen," she says, mostly to Skye. "I brought you the training manuals for the quinjet piloting certification tests. I expect you to be ready to pass them and move on to the practicals when you get back."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs at Skye and when she hops up on the counter he leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

There's a smirk, from Clint when she asks if she looks pasty, "That's classified," he remarks reaching past her then to grab a mug. "And hey, you go outside now, even eat real food too."

Mug in hand, Clint steps back from the counter nodding to Ward. "Before SHIELD the guy who trained me told me pretty much the same thing, plus had me doing eight hour practices," he flexes his free hand instinctively. "But I guess, we've all got our challenges, right?"

There's a nod for May even if the notice wasn't for him.

Grant Ward has posed:
There is a flash in Grant's eyes. A memmory crossing his features for just a second and then gone. He nods slightly and then turns to the Assistant Director saying, "Speaking of Garret ma'am, he contacted me recently about a possible...opertunity. I'd like to talk it over with you. It's of a rather sensitive nature though so, when you have a free bit of time, I'd appreciate if you could schedual me in for it?" That said the coffee pot gurgles and finishes, and Ward, having actully made the coffee, pourse himself the first cup.

Quake has posed:
"You are so mean," Skye laughs. "And I am not pasty. Maybe a little sun deprived, but not pasty." In truth, she wasn't even so much sun deprived anymore either. Though right recently, it had been limited visits to outdoors, as someone *cough*SKYE*cough* had a very bad habit of disappearing when they let her out on her own while under.. well, it probably was house arrest at this point, after her little trick with the Shadow. after getting permission to visit Matt, but who was counting, right?

May, however, and her duffel bag, get both a nod and a small frown. Because wow, that was a lot of manuals. "Got it boss. Time enough to finish my coffee?"

Skye knew May well enough to know 'in fifteen' likely meant in fifteen, but May also knew Skye well enough to know that she had to ask.

Melinda May has posed:
"Yes, you have time to finish your coffee." Or at least soak in the coffee-warmth and maybe take three sips then pitch the rest. Yes, May knows Skye's habits. And?

Even though the others are all claiming beverages, she doesn't step over toward the tea-making corner of the counter space. Maybe it's because they're about to head out somewhere, or maybe she's already had her tea for this hour. Difficult to say.

At Grant's request to schedule a meeting, she nods to him. "I'll let you know when I have a free slot and we can talk. Likely won't be until tomorrow at the earliest."

Grant Ward has posed:
Grant Ward at least isn't about to fly out anywhere, so he can enjoy his wonderful, hot, delisious, coffee. He nods to May and says simply, "It's not extremely time sensitive, tomorrow should be fine but the sooner the better ma'am." He then looks at his watch, "I have to get moving. I'm doing a test run with a couple of rookies to see if we might be able to use 'keep talking and nobody explodes' as a training exercise."

Quake has posed:
Yes, May knows Skye's habits. Skye hasn't met a cup of coffee she's finished. Then again, when you can only afford a cup or two - and all night cafes are the only warm spot you've got to sit your butt down in in the middle of winter (because we are remembering she lived out of a van, and semi on the streets here), you learned to nurse those suckers. That, and Skye got into her work. Really into her work at times.

"Right. So, me and my mug are going back to my suite and making sure I'm packed and putting my winter coat and boots on. Gotcha."

Clint gets a kiss on the cheek and she hops off the counter, "Mind bringing my homework back with you?"

Because wheels up in 15, and Skye had a lot of tech to make certain was secure. He got to stay behind and enjoy his coffee.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint quickly pours himself some coffee, nodding to Skye. "Yeah, got your homework, go grab your stuff," he says, kissing her cheek too.

Then before a sip he nods a goodbye, "Later Ward. Have fun with the rookies."

Then to Skye again. "And still classified, not even touching this subject."

He snorts then bracing himself swallows down his cup of coffee. Yeah, everything will taste like styrofoam for a bit, but he'll live.

"So I guess you know where we're headed now?" he asks May.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to Clint. "I'm piloting as the location has been set at least level seven. So, yes." She hefts the duffel and the thermos again, expecting him to be heading after Skye any moment now, if the way he downed the rest of that coffee is any indication.

"Make sure you unpack this bag promptly when you arrive," she lets him know, lifting the duffel slightly to indicate it. She very pointedly doesn't explain WHY, though.