5887/A Night Out in Riverdale

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A Night Out in Riverdale
Date of Scene: 01 December 2018
Location: Riverdale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Betty Cooper, Sabrina Spellman, Yin, Jughead Jones

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper is at her usual both, her usual strawberry milkshake sitting before her in all its' pink glory. She both glancing down at a newspaper and typing away at her laptop. She is clearly very focused and does not notice much else going on. If one were to look at the paper, they would notice more reports of animal attacks. People have been found split open by claws.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina made her way into the shoppe and sighs. She'd been tapping at her phone, but she just wanted something to eat. So she hefts her bag onto her shoulder and sighs before she finds Betty. She waves to her and just casually walks over. 'hey Betty! Mind if I join you?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke is in a back corner, casually making sure to keep the room in her line of sight. She has a drink in front of her, plain carbonated water; she also nibbles on a plain bread stick. She tilts her head a little as Sabrina approaches Betty, possibly having wanted to get her attention herself, but less willing to interrupt her in the middle of her flow of typing. Her ears seemed to perk, nonetheless.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles at Sabrina, "Oh! Hey! I haven't seen you at school in a while! How are you? I'm just.. trying to get his school paper article together. Animal attacks outside of Riverdale, sightings of giant wolves walking on two legs, and sub par explanations by local authorities. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I've passed you in the halls, Betty, you've been a little preoccupied." Sabrina says sliding into the booth, but when Betty mentioned giant wolves on two legs, Sabrina takes in a slow breath. "Hmm. Sounds a little hokie to me. And local authorities are probably trying to figure out what they saw. Likely a dog chasing a cat in the mist, and when the cat went into a tree, they only saw the dog, and not the tree." Yeah, Sabrina's trying to steer her away from that.

Yin has posed:
Brooke raises an eyebrow slightly. She relaxes a bit, and closes her eyes briefly, taking a look at Sabrina in the sense of her qi. After a few moments, she opens her eyes again and nibbles casually on her bread stick. She debates on walking up to say hello, but this new person is still little bit too much of an unknown for her.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles again at Sabrina, "Right.. but bears don't howl and wolves don't walk around on two legs. Something is definitely going on in Riverdale and I'm going to figure it out. People are also dying.. Sabrina how would you like to help the school paper? My mom and the town paper aren't covering this like they should..."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "How do you mean 'dying'?" Sabrina's heard a couple of things about people falling asleep and not waking up, but not dying. Of course, Sabrina doesn't want to draw attention to herself either. "And...What do you want me to do?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke stretches a bit, taking a long sip from her cop before taking her remaining bread stick between her fingers, pushing away from the table gently and making her way a bit closer to Betty's table. All nonchalance and relaxed, gliding smoothness.

She politely waits her turn, not wanting to interrupt.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper looks down at the paper, "Haven't you been seeing the news? Campers and hikers attacked, deaths seem to be by bear claws, but people have been hearing howls and giant wolves running around on two legs. I know it sounds crazy but something doesn't add up. All this at the same time? Something is going on." She looks at Sabrina, "I don't know really how you can help but.. maybe ask around? Help interview? If you see anything you can tell me.."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina's hands go in front of her face as she adopts a thoughtful pose. "Maybe it's a killer with a rather sick sense of humor." She says as she looks at the waitress and orders a burger and a shake. "A lot of things don't add up, Betty. This is like something out of a fantasy novel."

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs faintly. "I know I haven't really heard anything about animals in the past few days. Gang activity, yes, but not animals. I'm keeping my eyes open, though." She casually takes another sip from her drink, very relaxed, albeit very alive. "Anyway, a crazy killer would be very newsworthy even without the weird element."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper looks at the other two, smiling at Brooke when she approaches, "Whatver it is, we need to find out what's going on. I just don't feel like enough is being done to stop it. I just want people to stop dying so that our little town can go back to the way it was. If it's a normal person who happens to be a killer I can accept that. But if it's something with powers like Superman? Guys this might be a huge deal.. like a really dangerous thing.. I know Superman is the hero of Metropolis but what if there's more like him? But... not so nice?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Well, Superman's gotta have weaknesses too, right?" Sabrina says before she looks to Brooke. "Unless someone is doing their best to keep their identities hidden. I mean...Fursuits have gotta count for something." She's really trying to deflect betty off of this one it seems.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Always late to the party.. okay, it's not a party. And, he's not always late. But he often is. tonight? Definitely late. Late enough that his arrival at Pop's finds the booth full and if he cares to join in on the fun, he'll have to squish someone over into someone else, or..

Or do exactly what he does, which is grab a chair from a nearby table and scoot it over to the booth, turning it around to toss a leg easily over the seat and join in, leaning his arms on the back of the chair and peering at the gathering of girls. Thankfully, it's enough out of the way that he's not asked to move as he's not impeding anyone moving around Pop's.

"So," he says, snagging a fry off of someone's plate, "What are we talking about tonight? Still on that werewolf kick, Betty?" His words a light tease for the blonde. "Actually, I was poking about asking after that, you know. You might actually be onto something."

Yin has posed:
Brooke blinks once, faintly, and makes a gesture in the direction of one of the walls. "Well, Alpha flight is just a few kilometers that way. I'm not too worried, if it comes to something like that. Really, I feel little bit more worried about the big gang shake down that went a bit crazy the other night."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles at Jughead as he enters but continues her speech, "I am not saying it is one thing or the other.. but something is killing people and it feels like not enough is being done to find out what this is. I am just saying that if the authorities are not going to look deeper then we should. Is it a werewolf? And evil Superman? A serial killer? Whatever it is I think we should be the ones picking up the slack. Clearly the sheriff is willing to write this off as mere bear attacks when it seems to be much more."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Nobody protests the stealing of fries, s Jughead continues. And if the plate of them just happens to be scooted closer to himself, a boy can't be blamed for scarfing the things down, now, can he? Besides, he's got enough pocket change to buy a fresh plate and share them in return.

"Wait, what's this about people dying? I was just going to say that there are some folks who support your story, Betty. About seeing things. Lots just complaining about the animals rooting through the trash, but I found a couple said they thought they saw something furry, upright like a man. And not the saquatch way, either."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "There was a gang shakedown?" Sabrina asks brooke, who has successfully interjected herself into the conversation. Maybe if she talks about something else, betty won't be so keen on werewolves. It's not that Sabrina doesn't believe in werewolves...she just doesn't want betty getting bitten.

Yin has posed:
Brooke frowns and looks around the table, leaning a bit against a wall. "Yeah. Some sort of ninja craziness. A bunch of people got kidnapped. A couple of the local heroes broke it up, but it was a mess. I'm not sure what kind of effects that's going to have on the gang landscape around here, and I don't know what else might be happening." Her eyes flick toward Jughead for a moment. "I was hoping someone else might have heard something."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper nods at Brooke while pushing the newspaper towards Jughead. Someone else has been killed this week, same as two weeks ago. The cause of death? Animal attack, clawed to death, gruesomly. Other reports claim wolf howling and sightings of upright walking wolves, "This isn't normal news. My mom helps control what is being written and it's all just 'as is' reporting. No attempts to find out what this is or why it's happening. My mom refuses to talk about it with me. Yeah it could be a werewolf! If Superman can exist, why not a werewolf? I am just trying to find out why these people are dying." She glances at Brooke, "And believe me the gang violence is important, people hurting other people is unacceptable for Riverdale. There's never JUST one story happening.."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead reads the paper Betty has shoved his way, carefully lifting it out of the road of the fries he's still scarfing one by one, reading the article with a thoughtfullness that has him actually forgetting to pick up a new fry when the current one is done.

"Wow. That's really weird. I mean, I'm not sure if I believe your wolf person theory, but people are showing up dead? And nobody really knows why? I was just joking about the werewolf thing." He'd say that they don't exist, but there were any number of things that one could say 'didn't exist' that they knew just wasn't true.

He puts the paper down. "But this is Riverdale. Stuff like this doesn't happen here." Until it does. And the paper totally said it did. "What are we going to do about it?"

His gaze falling first upon Betty with a seriousness that says he thinks they've got something to do, and then moving to include the other two girls.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "yeah, what are we going to do about it? What CAN we do about it?" Sabrina says. "I mean, the most we can do is take a picture, hope it doesn't spot us, if it's a real werewolf, and report it to the police? then what? Hoard silver bullets into a minigun and make sure the Werewolf goes down?" She doesn't seem to like the path this thought process is taking.

Yin has posed:
Brooke sighs a bit. "Okay, okay. Is there something you want me to look into in particular on this animal thing? I mean, sure, the stories are kind of.. Interesting. In the Chinese curse sense. But if I haven't heard anything so far, I doubt I will any time soon. And, yes, it doesn't seem like something people should be just walking up to and poking." She glances at Sabrina for a moment, since she seems like the other person giving off "Tiger in a tabby suit" vibes, debating whether a conference of some sort is called for.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper thinks for a moment, "I want to walk around the woods at night.. yes it's dangerous. But no one else is doing it! Who else than us! It's risky but if I can catch this thing or person on camera then we will have our answer. There is no other way to do this! I mean who is going to just admit to being a serial killer or a werewolf?"

Jughead Jones has posed:
Betty's words elicit a frown from Jughead. Not only because of the danger inherent in walking around alone at night in and of itself, but if she was right, and there were creatures out there, he didn't want her out there alone. Not to mention, some of those creatures were Serpents, and yeah.. well..

"Say, that's an idea," he says brightening up, knowing full well that trying to dissuade her won't work. "I could be up for that. You know, be your sidekick? Take pictures, or something?" Okay, he's not your photographer, but he's trying.

He follows Brooke's look to Sabrina, "Something wrong?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "And walking around the woods at night puts you right in the lion's den, Betty. If they spot you, what are you going to use to defend yourself? A frying pan? Are you going to smile cutely and try to use your newspaper knowledge against a -FERAL ANIMAL-!?" Sabrina is very very worried now, and it shows in her whispers across to Betty. "Betty, you are proposing that we go with you to find a KILLER. Someone that has no problems mauling someone with claws for no other purpose than it CAN. IN. THE. DARK. I'm assuming you want to bring flashlights to see in the dark. Have you NOT SEEN horror movies at all? I don't think you OR Jughead would be able to defend yourselves against something of that nature." "
    Sabrina takes a smaller breath to calm herself. "Betty....I've tried to deflect this conversation off of this, but now I'm going to ask you NOT to go looking for this thing. All right? I don't care if it'd make a lovely article for the school newspaper. Don't. Please."

Yin has posed:
Brooke raises her hand to her temple and rubs it, covering her eyes for a couple seconds. After a few seconds, she carefully offers, "Well... That does sound a bit dangerous, yes." Suddenly, she feels guilty for being so distracted by major crime rings and other world shaking weird problems that she has neglected her patrols in Riverdale. When Sabrina starts talking, she turns to face her, nodding emphatically. "What she said. I don't even think that you and Jones could defend yourself against something like that in the dark. Please, just, is there something a little less suicidal that we can do?"

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper sighs, "It's not just about the paper you guys.. it's about the town! Who is going to look into this with any seriousness? The sheriff thinks it's a bear, the wolf howls are brushed off, the numerous sightings of upright walking wolves are laughed at. I can't accept that this is something that can be ignored or resolved by the police. Someone has to prove that this is something worth investigating further than it already has! I would never forgive myself if I didn't at least try.." There is already a flashlight next to her.. she picks it up and places it on the table next to her laptop.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead is torn. On the one hand, the other girls had a point. This coudl be dangerous. Like really dangerous. Like dead dangerous. But on the other hand, Betty had a point, too. This was their home. Where they all lived, and if nobody else was looking into the mysterious deaths, then somebody had to do something - why not them?

Okay, that danger thing was a pretty good argument on its own, but still...

"No, I think she's got a point. Why isn't anyone looking into this. This is Riverdale," he repeats. "Nothing like this happens here. And now it is and it's being ignored? Even if she's wrong about the wolf men part, why are the deaths being shoved under a rug? Why aren't people talking more about it."

He leans further over the back of his chair. "The people I talked to, even the ones who were saying it was just animals, they were scared. Like scared to say anything scared. I'm not saying someone told them to shut up, but it is kind of interesting that nobody wants to talk about it. Except crazy old Leeman. He said he had pictures." Jughead almost rolls his eyes, then catches himself. "You know, he's just crazy enough that someone might not bother trying to shut him up, figuring we'd all think him just to be talking crazy talk."

He looks back to Better, "You can't go alone," he says with finality. "And what's a friend for if not to be mauled by some mysterious wolf person haunting the woods." He grins impishly at her, his blue green eyes full of mirth, despite the seriousness of the topic at hand.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "And What happens when you don't return, Betty?" Sabrina is not liking the fact that Betty is ignoring her concern, but now she's got Jughead in it too. "Wouldn't you be scared or panicked if there were reports of a killer on the loose? No one would leave their homes, or people would be moving out of Riverdale if they were true. Plus, if word got out, all sorts of people would move to Riverdale, only to give it more victims. Plus, it really really sounds kinda hokie." She looks to Brooke. "If you're gonna go Betty...I'm going with you. You're just going to have to let me get a few things first."

Yin has posed:
Brooke sighs. "Yeah, I guess I can come along too." She glances back at Sabrina, then casually comments, "Oh, hey, would you like a hand with any of that?" Because that seems like a less contrived idea than the previous one of disappearing to the bathroom, in hopes Sabrina would would catch the hint in order to figure out what to do. Secret-ish identities suck in cases like this.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles, "Thank you, you guys seriously.. I know you think this is all either incredibly dangerous or all for nothing but I need to do this. I was going to go by myself if I had to.." She finishes her milkshake and closes her laptop, "We are the only ones who care about figuring this out now. If it's really a werewolf or a serial killer then we'll figure it out. I know it sounds like some suicide mission but.. this is how you find things out. You investigate.."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead smiles a very pleased smile, the gesture quirking at the edges of his lips as the other two women fall into line and offer to help out without coercion. Sure, it's still plenty dangerous, but with a group of them, they'll be safety in numbers, not to mention a whole darn sight harder to fool or scare into being quiet.

"Great!" he announces. "That calls for an order of fries. And what, tonight, or are we going to grab the rest of the gang, too. Make it a party."

That easy smile of his falls into place again, and he orders those fries. Because, well, celebration! And he's finished the others (sorry whoever they belonged to).

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "it IS a suicide mission, Betty. but don't say I didn't warn you." Sabrina says as she starts to scoot out of the booth. "Don't go anywhere until I get back, okay?" She says softly and pleadingly and starts to leave. She also assumes Brooke wants to talk on the way out. "Sure, you can help me pack a few things." She says as she starts out of the shoppe.....with a VEry exasperated look on her face.

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods, "Sure..." and follows Sabrina out, all grace and softness.

As soon as the door clicks closed behind us, she turns her head to look at Sabrina. "So.." and pauses to glance around the street briefly.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper tries to smile but she knows that Sabrina and Brooke are wary and reluctant, "It won't be for nothing.. just let me know when you are ready you two.." She looks at Jughead, "We'll go when they are ready. I'll see if Archie wants to come.. I already know he's going to beg me not to do this. Poor Archie.. poor poor Archie.. he'll come even though he'll be terrified.."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina is definitely walking down the street. It's not as much walking as it is a forced march. Once down the street and.....into an alleyway.... "AAAAAAAARGH! BETTY COOPER, YOU HARD-HEADED WOMAN! I SWEAR, IF I THREW A BRICK AT YOU, THE BRICK WOULD SHATTER FROM YOUR SHEER STUBBORNNESS!!!!" yes....this is Sabrina screaming in frustration. After a couple of minutes of this, Sabrina finally calms down and leans against the wall. "Well......I'm going to assume you're with Alpha Flight...right?" She says to Brooke. "And don't pretend you're not. it was no coincidence that you mentioned them out of the blue like that."

Jughead Jones has posed:
"I could go with you to talk with Archie," Jughead offers helpfully. Of the pair, he'd been most known to drag the other boy into more shenanigans and trouble than Betty, who had to be said to be the more goody two shoes of the pair of them. "I bet I can convince him."

Not that he thinks this is a good idea at all, but then again, that's the angle he'll use if he has to - that this *isn't* a good idea, but if they're all together, they're less likely to get into trouble. And if there is trouble, well, more people to help out?

His fries come too late to share with anyone other than Betty. "Say, mind if I ditch the chair and sit in the booth? Kinda lonely out here. And a bit breezy too."

Yin has posed:
Brooke's idea of a casual walk puts the strain on track teams, and she keeps pace easily, then serenely waits for Sabrina to finish venting her frustration. "Gamma Flight. Yin. I busted up the ninjas with Arrow. I'm.. Somewhat competent with gong fu and qigong. And you? There's /something/ there."

She smiles, relaxed and serene, and offers her hand in a friendly sort of way. Full of qi. So alive. Peaceful.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles at Jughead, "Yeah you might want to come. He'll try to talk me out of it.. I mean it won't work but he'll try. He'll also cave if it's both of us. I don't want to put him in danger but he'll worry himself sick if he doesn't come." To Jughead's question of changing seats she replies, "Yeah! Hope over! I am sure Brooke and Sabrina won't need their spots anymore."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead smiles at his friend, the gesture a lot more casual now that the others are gone. He slips off the chair the way he'd taken it, swinging a leg over it, and twisting the thing around and back to the table he'd taken it from. He takes up a seat in the booth across from Betty, pushing the fries to the middle of the table.

"Of course he'll try. It's Archie. He's not really one for getting into trouble. And you're our friend. He'll worry."

He adds, quietly, and seriously, "I worry."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Sabrina. I'm also with Gamma Flight, but in an 'off the books' capacity. Namely because I'm still in school." Sabrina takes a couple more breaths, and she doesn't take Brooke's hand. She doesn't want to be calm at the moment. "I tried to get them off of this because there IS a werewolf up there. We're close enough to Bludhaven and Sunnydale that they occasionally leak out to here. That's what I'm trying to keep them away from. One werewolf is pretty nice, but he locks himself away when the full moon is coming...just in case." She then takes another breath. "keep an eye on them and make sure they don't leave. I need to get my bag." And she actually takes off in a run for her house.

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmmhs, frowning at the dubious geography, and turns to wander back to Pop's, looking through the windows briefly.

Opening the door, she announces, "She forgot something, she'll be here in a minute." She smiles softly and slips over, finding a spot that doesn't make anybody move, and sliding into it quietly, making herself comfortable.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper smiles at Brooke as she returns while taking a fry from the plate, "Archie will come because he's a good friend. All of the attacks seem to have been lone hikers or joggers, basically people who were alone. I think that the werewolf.. or whatever this is.. has the same mentality as any predator. They go after loners, the sick, the wounded, the elderly. I mean two of the attacks were on old men. In a group it might run from us! And if it attacks? Well.. I guess we will deal with it if it happens. It won't hurt to bring something silver with us.."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina walks her way back, and she's carrying a backpack, but it's a different one from the one she had before. Also, on a pouch hanging off of the bag...is a black cat. She gets into the shoppe and trots her way over to the booth. "You guys coming?" MEOW! says the black cat. Apparently the cat insisted on coming along.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead dutifully scoots over to provide room beside himself. Even if Brooke chooses to sit beside Betty. Snagging a fry as he does so. "Say, did you ever think that maybe a group of us might scare whoever or whatever it is away?"

Which, as he says it, occurs to him to be the wrong thing to be saying, because it's totally true, and Betty totally wants to find out what's at the bottom of this thing. He's not sure she won't just go off on her own if she thinks the group of them will hinder things.

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs some and tags along agreeably. This mess is already turning out pretty ridiculously, after all. "I can be sneaky." She rises to follow, quiet, almost noiseless in her gracefulness. "But whatever you think is best."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper thinks, "Yes we can go now.. maybe we can grab Archie later?" She looks down at her phone.. no response from Archie yet. She picks up her flashlight and puts her laptop back into her large carry bag, "Let's do this.."