5788/50-50 Wayne

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50-50 Wayne
Date of Scene: 15 November 2018
Location: Fifty-Fifty Club, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Two-Face, Batman

Two-Face has posed:
    The Fifty-Fifty Club was one of the best casinos in Gotham. Not because the people tended to win. No, it was because there was a quite a few flavors of entertainment, always in the measure of two though. Tonight however, there was a party. Not only was the first few games free, but the club had singing entertainment as well. And the management spared no expense in the party.

The problem was....what was the party for?

Batman has posed:
    The Bat has played close attention to Two Face. He's gone from laying low to surprisingly active and that always means trouble. But when the unmarred half of Harvey Dent is in charge, he is unwilling to spur things to a violent conclusion. So instead he watches, monitoring the party via a number of surveillance devices feeding direct to his cowl.

Two-Face has posed:
    The party was a great success, to be sure. Lots of gambling, and most people were way past the first game. Whoever wasn't gambling was eating the food, which was quite fresh. But it was then that a sound, calling for attention, and a gravelly voice came over the intercoms.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...." And an audible gasp could be heard as everyone looked at the stage. It was Two Face. "....Now Now. No need to have that reaction. I had my girls set up this party to celebrate my release from Arkham." He then holds up his right hand. "Legitimate release. No, I didn't break out." His left hand is in his pocket. "So, stick around....enjoy yourselves.....and realize the Fifty Fifty Club is back!"

Batman has posed:
    Legitimate business? The Dark Knight has trouble believing that. There's always some gimmick. Always some angle. These psychopaths never change.
    Except when they do.
    Ivy changed. Or has professed to and stuck to it so far. Maybe this is a trend? Still, he will believe it when he sees it. The Bat remains nearby, listening intently to the former crime lord's words.

Two-Face has posed:
    It's then that Two Face leaves the stage, and walks up to one of the themed bodyguards. And it's near a microphone. "Strange that wayne hasn't shown up yet. Usually he's at one of these parties." Two Face says. 'Maybe he's late, boss.' "Maybe. Well...keep an eye open for him. he's supposed to be a VIP at the club. I did send him and Vale an invite." 'We'll keep looking, Boss.'

Batman has posed:
    A costume change. Not something he usually attempts - at least not in this order - but it seems whatever stunt is in order requires Bruce Wayne. Batman plans for all such eventualities, and before long he is concealed in a utility closet changing into a drone-delivered tuxedo. The drone dutifully spirits his Batsuit skyward. A moment later, Bruce Wayne arrives fashionably late to the party.

Two-Face has posed:
    When Bruce shows up, it's then that Vicky Vale shows up in a two toned limo. Appaarently, two face really did want them both to be here. Once Bruce and Vicky run into each other, they're met at the door by a bodyguard, who then raises a walkie talkie to his mouth. "Boss, Wayne and Vale are here." And Bruce can hear 'Show them in. Now the party can start!'. The bodyguard then opens the door and shows them in. "You both have a seat near the stage that is reserved.

Should Bruce head for the table indicated, which could very well scream in all of his senses that it's a trap....he'll find it isn't.

then the lights dim again, and Two Face is on the stage....left hadn in his pocket, still.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I had been waiting for a certain person to arrive to start the real entertainment tonight. I sent an invite to Bruce Wayne to show up here to help celebrate my release from Arkham, but I hired someone to help show how much I appreciate him trying to help my rehabilitation. I'd sing myself, but my voice is kind of....shot." He then looks down from the stage. "thanks Bruce. Hope you enjoy." and he leaves the stage.

So begins the performance of a sultry singer and a piano......